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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 1423x1281, 1522620007515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786507 No.8786507 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Went to a concert to support friend
>Felt that I won't have a good time since I'm going alone
>Went anyways since I am loyal
>Saw friend besides the entrance
>She happily said hi to me
>One other girl was with her
>Turns out she came to support too
>The other girl is a Asian Loli qyutie
>Friend goes to backstage to get ready
>Me and the girl is left with each other
>We introduced to each other
>Girl say "you have to sit with me since I have no friends here haha, just kidding haha"
>Me walked with the girl to seat
>Like an autist, I sat the row behind her close to her proximity
>No it's not gonna go like this again.jpg
>Walk and sit next to girl "ok I'm probably gonna sit with you hahaha"
>Girl laughs

>> No.8786515

>We talked more about about ourselves before show starts and in between
>We have same interest in music and childhood idols
>Found out she studies business at uni also
>Haven't felt an connection like this for a while now.png
>Girl smiles and twirls her hair during the show yada yada roastie shit
>Girl touched me on my arm one time
>Saw our friend perform together
>Feeling happy in the moment
>Show finishes
>Girl rushed to the friend
>I went after them
>Congratzed friend
>Bout to leave area
>Girl says "it's really nice to meet you Anon"
>Her face seemed sad
>She was walking off with my friend, walking off out of my sight (since I drove myself there)
>No.its not gonna slip like this.img
>"Wait hol' up"
>Gurl turns arround (seemed exiced and anticipation?..)
>"Y-you got an LinkedIn?"
>"Yeah! I do it's..."
>Gives me her LinkedIn
>Say good bye one last time
>Me went back home
>Thinking about adding her later
>Next day I got a message from her "Hey, we are already connected!"
>I then wrote a whole paragraph saying how much of a good time I had, and asked her for a lunch date over the weekend basically professing my love to her on LinkedIn (kek)
>Gets no response
>It's been 3 days...
>At this point I'm in a state of as good as being rejected

There is my short-lived story /biz/bros
L-link $1000 eoy r-right?...

>> No.8786571

You got too eager, anon. Dont worry tho, when the singularity hits it will hit hard and every link marine will be fucking whores in thailand everyday living a carefree life

>> No.8786601

:( you are probably right... But it was the first time ive ever felt anything in quite a longgg time in that last 2 and half hours...

>> No.8786662
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>> No.8786720
File: 49 KB, 1024x576, fc9776f4bd31119af1d14c476abcee413815e60f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you dont understand... I genuinely had fun in the first time for years while expecting it to be trash at first... :,(

She was kinda pic related, expect Asian and loli

>> No.8786777

thats what you get for having friends you dumb normalfag
but yes LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.8786786
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>>I then wrote a whole paragraph
theres your problem kiddo. don't worry marine there will be more asian qt3.14 to fuck after the singularity stay strong fren

>> No.8786800

also check'd

>> No.8786827

T-thanks Link bros...

>> No.8786842

Link always get sick digits

>> No.8786844

>Girl touched me on my arm one time
Did she ask for your consent? I think you may have been raped bro.

>> No.8786845


>> No.8786882
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>> No.8786883

autists own the digits

and $1000 EOY

>> No.8786884

You fucked it up.
You sounded too desperate and eager. You just met her and already felt like that. She could feel your loneliness and virginity leaking out, and right from the get go.

How old are you?

>> No.8786899

That first move was pretty funny lol. Sorry to hear about the paragraph. Should have just said something briefly funny and then ended it with Shame it ended so early. Either she ignores you and if it comes up from your other friend you can just say you were talking about the concert. More than likely she would have replied asking why.

Onwards and upwards anon. $1000 EOY

>> No.8786905

she did not, she probably felt the Sergey and the power of the oracles aura from me

>> No.8786922

tw-twenty one autist desu...

>> No.8786925

You need coach corey wayne my nigga. Always ask for phone number. Never any social media.

>> No.8786950

>Haven't felt an connection like this for a while now.png
>No.its not gonna slip like this.img

Found the problem bro, it's cause you've got legit autism. What is the point of adding those file extensions at the end? I'm pretty sure those don't correspond to any well known reaction images so what is the fucking point?

>> No.8786960
File: 193 KB, 756x1118, 1F844E03-6E26-4A0C-BFF7-93E3A7969F6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8786964

You were doing good in the beginning. You had initiative, and sounded like a chill guy. If it weren’t for the paragraph you sent, things could have gone really well.
But shit happens. Learn from it and try again with someone else if you want to. I only lost my virginity when I was already twenty, and wasted a shitton of chances before that.

>> No.8786972

>I then wrote a whole paragraph saying how much of a good time I had, and asked her for a lunch date over the weekend basically professing my love to her on LinkedIn (kek)

>> No.8787005
File: 82 KB, 1280x974, 1494976811891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I then wrote a whole paragraph saying how much of a good time I had, and asked her for a lunch date over the weekend basically professing my love to her on LinkedIn (kek)


>> No.8787025

I guess my autism atleast helped me find link...

Thanks Link bro, also checked.

Thanks Link bro... we will make it...

>> No.8787036

Treat it as a game anon. You sperged out and revealed your entire hand and lost. You need to make it seem like it doesn't matter to you one bit whether she's in your life or not.

>> No.8787078

Learn, move on. Be glad you had the experience. Next time don't be so keen, be chill. There will be more.

>> No.8787095

T-thanks, will take the advice

>> No.8787118

You fucked up retard you were supposed to ask her out in person and get her number god damn what the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.8787217

You dun goofed. I unironically did this when my phone was broken and gave the Chipotle girl my Facebook. She's a single mom now so whatever.

>> No.8787223

With that paragraph you could not pass first shit test. Now your chances are like 1%. If you message here again, that will be zero. Learn how to distance yourself from girls in the beginning and playing cool guy.

>> No.8787240

Should have asked her out for coffee that night and sealed the deal. You fucked it up already and it's irreparable as you already outed yourself as a beta faggot.

>> No.8787268

nice id fren, it makes me wanna cry... :,(

>> No.8787280

should have just gotten the number close my man. but its all good, we've all been there at some point. points for following through

>> No.8787302
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>> No.8787310
File: 155 KB, 1080x1086, 1516988359387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first time i tried to ask a grille out was when i was 24. some sexy cupcake vagina from work biked to work, so did i, while most had cars. we lived pritty close by too... too autistic to bike with her or how to initiate untill one day just happened, talked & biked at the same time, was mildy raining, nearing home, ask her to "chill" like a faggot highschooler, say typical your so fucking gay cuck kys in female tone. kinda happy even though i failed, i know it wasnt the rain that deterred her, but i can atleast die knowing i asked a grille out. i really hope all the turbo autists here can moon with link. i really do feel a deep emotional attachment with many anons on this thai ladyboy image forum. alot of us are losers in one way or the other, some can hide it, some cant... some just suck in life or are just completely alone in the walk of life, hardly noticed by any other human being in the real world. its cold, but atleast feeling the coldness can make you feel alive, knowing that your heart can still feel somehow despite being so void and dull. i really do hope that you and we all make it, may it take us eoy, or 3 with linky. we love you sergey...

>> No.8787323 [DELETED] 
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Bitch I'm 16

>> No.8787335


it is progress. That is what matters.

>> No.8787344
File: 853 KB, 609x870, 1523037175587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the LINK charm flow through your veins. Next time ask yourself...what would Sergay do?

>> No.8787353

that brings a tears to my eyes anon... i hope all the best for you, and I hope we all make it and Kek keeps lord Sergey safe, for he will bring us to the promise land...

>> No.8787362

also is the pic related the qyutie you were talking about?

>> No.8787373

holy shit this sums up 2018 biz right here

>> No.8787392

Don't say anything else

>> No.8787398
File: 164 KB, 1073x1200, 1517364421967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be stopped

>> No.8787488

Remeber me /biz/ add me to the Link lore, and maybe someday... I may be able to look back and laugh at my stupid self...

May Kek bless us with eternal gains, love you all bros hope that we all make it.


>> No.8787490
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 1501828633355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you too op. im honestly sorry for my parents, they lived a frugal life being turbo jews, just so me and my sister won't starve or worry about being too poor... my mom and dad gave up on my academic future during elementary school being a D/C student constantly getting in shit, one day for drawing swastika in a school full of jews... just stuff like that, that would make you go to jail in today's world. they were shocked i graduated highschool on time, went to college, and worked various jobs and became a normal looking person. i do have learning disability which makes grasping shit 2-3 times longer than normies with low-mid IQ, but i have patience, and i even worked an office job out lasting 3 grilles with uni backgrounds because i put in the extra effort coming 30 minute early, going alot further for the clients we had and what not. now im in blue collar job, which is meh, but its hard trying to be the backbone on my family with this wage in canada where housing and job market is fucked. they're content, but they're actully getting worried i'll probably be a kissless and sightless virgin, but they only joke around and imply "future wife" & "future kids" here and there... i know they're somewhat getting desperate once more, & feeling abit sad for me that im actully probably too autistic for a romantic type of interaction. i really wish i knew how to make small talks, just with strangers, esp with women. i really am too weak for this world, but i cant foresake my parents, and i really dont want to make them sad. they're a little autistic themselves, but they're pritty warm hearted folks, and i atleast want to be able to look after them financially, and be there for them in their old age. i really hope that god exists, and helps us turbo autists out desu.

>> No.8787516
File: 279 KB, 1280x1705, 1509310427751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm imagine her being half italian, with abit smaller tits & brunette. if this grille in pic is rated 8/10 (9.5/10 for my taste buds), the grille i asked out would be 6.5/10 conservatively to 7.5ish. very heavy on make up tho

>> No.8787543

its okay bro, its all going to okay... I guess love comes when you are least expected, so i am sure you will be able to find someone. its funny how one man like Sergey might be able to save most of us autists who are currently suffering, the universe sure work in strangest ways...

>> No.8787559

holy fuck anon, she look VERY similar to the gurl in the pic

>> No.8787598

also, found this /x/ tier vid on link

>> No.8787603
File: 82 KB, 579x523, 1522383002652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon listen to me my child. After we make it with our linkies. We are going to meet and we're going to fucking thailand and fucking bitches 24/7 do not lose hope. We will make it. You just gotta believe

>> No.8787613

This. We will make it. Just make sure you have the patience to not lose hope or make some sort of fatal mistake involving your tokens

>> No.8787624

Literally how do linkies ALWAYS get digits?

You are a MANIAC

>> No.8787629
File: 400 KB, 1080x1329, 1517587317601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believes, thanks anon. i really wish the best for all anons here & sergey

>> No.8787674
File: 285 KB, 634x457, 73848B7A-C73E-46F3-AA41-EBD9BFB66DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I love this. The visionaries of our age. Also, checked.
Pic related for OP, laugh it off and next time don’t spill your heart out.

>> No.8787729
File: 382 KB, 875x1010, 90A5BE55-E424-4934-9E31-FC726618A002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8787730

Ok faggot, I have a similar situation to yours

>be me
>call up fat escort girl who sucks my dick sort of regularly
>she has no hotel room, so I need to pick her up and do it in the car
>she says she really needs the money too, so being the nice guy I am I went ahead and picked her up
>pick her up from a wendy's parking lot where shes chilling with her friends
>drive around, she starts sucking my dick
>start thinking
>ask her if her friend would be down, offer them both $100
>friend is not fat, cute, pierced nipples
>friend agrees but fat escort girl warns me she will probably back out
>drive 15 mins to go pick her up
>her tire is flat on her car and she needs to do some other bullshit
>trying to feel her titties later so I drive her some place she needs to go, then drive her back to her car with the flat tire
>start changing her tire so I can move the process along
>tire is rusted on to axle of her car and it wont come off, so they need to call AAA
>shes drives off to a gas station with a flat to pump with air
>fat escort girl has been using my phone to text her so I have her number
>call up escort girl's friend
>"Hey I need to know if were doing this soon because I have work early tomorrow"
>she says some bullshit
>Tell her I got her $100 and she hangs up cuz she says shes on speaker
>guess the other friend shes with didnt know I was gonna whore her out for $100. I thought they all knew
>she probably wasn't on speaker and just needed an exit because she wanted to chicken out
>mfw I wasted 2 hours waiting for her, driving her around, and changing her tire and she doesn't even say thanks
>mfw I didn't even care because I'm a literal loser and I never hang out with anyone
>text her saying some shit like
>"hey sorry tonight never worked out, but you got my number in case you're ever bored and want someone to talk to"
>didn't expect a response or really care if I got one. Didn't think I'd ever see her again so I didn't give a fuck what she thought

>> No.8787732

kek, thanks fren

>> No.8787743

I would have to see the the paragraph you wrote her to tell you what’s next but you wanted it too badly. Don’t fucking message her again unless you already have. Do nothing and if she messages again, for the love of god play it slow.

>> No.8787770

damn fren, thanks for sharing. love those feelz and mistake stories ever since I joined 4 chan. but why fat escort though?

>> No.8787828

>bitch texts me the next morning while I'm at work
>introduces herself to me
>take the initiative and ask if she wants to hang out
>she says yes and I suggest we go hiking or some shit
>she never texts me back on the day we were supposed to hang out
>feel like shit
>she texts me out of the blue randomly throughout the next couple weeks
>never able to set anything up, she always backs out the day of but keeps starting up texts
>feel like shit every time she blows me off but shes actually interested because I never text her first and she told me I was hot the night I met her
>tell her to fuck off and stop wasting my time next time she texts me
>she gets mad, tell her I'm sorry
>she continues to text me out of the blue for the next couple weeks
>start breaking out in acne and look like a faggot so I dont even want to chill with her anyways
>mfw I'm 25 and thats the furthest I've ever been with a non escort girl and the girl is a semi scumbag.

>> No.8787860

Cuz she doesn't charge much, is pretty good, easy to set up, lets me jizz wherever I want, and is actually pretty chill.

>> No.8787888

thats interesting desu ne, whats a good process to get an escort? I may need it in the future if things keeps going like this...

>> No.8787900

backpage is your friend. nice trip fren

>> No.8787942

>start breaking out in acne and look like a faggot so I dont even want to chill with her anyways
PROTIP: cycstic acne is due to fungal overgrowth. you need to:
1. stop eating processed sugar (feeds candida)
2. take oregano oil (antifungal) for a month
3. eat carrots everyday with a fish oil capsule (500% RDA vitamin A, accutane is literally synthetic vitamin A)

Do this along with finding a salicylic acid face wash and and AHA peel and you'll have clear skin guaranteed.

>> No.8787953

I think backpage is now outlawed in burgerland or where i live atleast, oh well thanks anyways i guess

>> No.8787972

Chalk it up as experience. Take it easy next time. Women fall in love when you give them space to feel.

You could probably salvage it but its going to take alot of breathing space. Like maybe a couple of years, but by then youre probably with other people.

Next time get het numbet and actually call her and organise something. Women these days really appreciate that you have the balls to call.

>> No.8787996
File: 1.79 MB, 1242x1209, 1F2033AD-D789-4A4E-ACEB-A5548464A44A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga a loli asian girl is the zigzagoon of asian girls, stop pedastalizing her. Besides do you want to wife a girl who squeals and acts desu 24/7?
Get yourself a mature asian wife like pic related

>> No.8788000
File: 70 KB, 1030x952, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also ugh... the top 2 fits all 4 match... what does this mean???

>> No.8788016
File: 82 KB, 800x803, 8092E3A4-9FBE-498C-93CC-9BAAF2A0ABB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t feel bad anon. I’ve been on 3 “dates” with girls and I never got another call/text back after I dropped them off at their house.

>> No.8788054

damn.. , atleast you went of 3 dates, thats prity good stuff. your like a OG in a sense to some people.

>> No.8788105

Ok bro, let me tell you then.

First off, there are two websites you need. The first is 'LiveEscortReviews', and the other is 'TheEroticReview (TER)' Now, the problem with TER is you need to pay like $30 a month for the service, which isn't so bad especially if you can remember to cancel your membership after you're done using it. The other problem with TER is you can't see ads posted by the escorts, so there might be some recent reviews that look good, but the escort isn't really looking to work. Thats where Live Escort Reviews comes in handy. On Live Escort Reviews you actually see the latest ads by the escorts in your area, so you know they are looking to work. Then there is a feature on Live Escort Reviews where you can filter out all the ads that have been reviewed on TER and it will link to their page on TER where you can read reviews of people who have used them and give you a rating. If you are a TER member, then you will be able to read the full review, if not then you will be able to read the intro to the review and the reviewer will usually drop a line like, "don't waste your time", or "really tries her best, she is a gem"

I never do unreviewed ads anymore, not only to not run into law enforcement, but because the ads that don't have reviews tend to be scammy, or the girl won't really put out. Trust me, you might get lucky, but theres a good chance you'll get robbed, or end up with some other bullshit like paying $200 for a handjob from an fat, ugly bitch who looks nothing like the girl in the ad. If you want to take a chance, if she is willing to do an outcall (she comes to your place) then 99.99% chance shes not a cop, since a cop would never travel to you.

You ideally want to look for GFE (girlfriend-experience) escorts as they are usually the ones who don't hate their job and will give you best time. Most of them will let you make out, do any position...much better than an awkward, stiff girl who just drops to her knees.

>> No.8788119

Someone needs to create a site where girls can anonymously post constructive criticism of their dates and reasons for ghosting.

>> No.8788134

You still wouldn't get honesty in that site.

>> No.8788157
File: 9 KB, 313x161, 1514852444582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is kill. No more pajeets, just R9K fags and leftypol fags

>> No.8788191

/biz/ was always dead to begin with desu. remember when eth was shilled 3-4 years back? i remember refreshing every minute or so, then giving up because there was hardly any traffic other than the eth shilling fud threads against it. few drop shipping threads, robinhood threads, but it was very dead. wonder who visited biz prior to that?

>> No.8788223

Message her again tomorrow.
May seem desparate, but it will let her know you are genuinely interested and won't let her get away that easy.

>> No.8788227

Oh look another candida paleo faggot.

I've tried it all. I was taking fish oil every day for years and it obviously never did anything.
Vitamin A (retinol) supplement and/or low dose accutane is what does it for me.

I'm extremely allergic to almost all inhalant allergies (confirmed by allergy testing): pollen, mold, dust, weeds. I'm also highly allergic to soy. I've been getting allergy shots and its never been so easy to have clear skin. I literally ate 1000 grams of carbs today with plenty of sugar (not processed though, even though they are essentially the same thing on the molecular level) and it literally made me skin nicer. Also I feel great because of all the carbs and I actually look leaner than the beginning of the day since I gained about 5 lbs in muscle glycogen. Don't give me that new age bullshit about how bad carbs are for you.

>> No.8788228
File: 20 KB, 225x528, B45A5402-3392-4641-85A7-596656861DCD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love finding some /x/ in my /biz/.
mfw watched the whole thing

>> No.8788251
File: 7 KB, 235x214, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying that carbs are bad you dumbfuck, I'm saying they feed the fungal overgrowth until you get it under control. I also forgot to mention adding probiotics.

Good job getting cucked by big pharma with (((accutane)))

>> No.8788266

Also the fish oil is to absorb the fat-soluble vitamin A. How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.8788323

yooo thats some awesome info thanks fren

>> No.8788339

Accutane was designed to be able to do what high dose vitamin A does, but at a much lower dose with less crazy side effects. Its really not that dangerous and almost all of the accutane side effects are people having anxiety over being on the medication.

Also, low carb = lower thyroid function. Lower thyroid function = easier for candida to overgrow. So, yeah, you're right sugar does feed candida, but eliminating it doesn't get rid of the problem which is probably your thyroid in the first place. They have antibiotics that get rid of candida much better than some hippie bullshit oregano oil btw.

I don't have candida, confirmed by blood tests.

>> No.8788364

>implying I ever said I ate a zero fat diet. .5 grams of fat from fish oil...that will help a lot faggot

You're welcome bro!!!! Good luck!!

>> No.8788374

Dw anon, link 1000 eoy roasties will be toastie across the gralobe. You are gonna make it.

>> No.8788384

Thanks Anon, We shall all make it

>> No.8788398

wouldn't it be more creepy? I-I dont know anon, im scared..

>> No.8788402

>pic related
So she was 2d and non-existant?

>> No.8788428

no, she was very much real... thats why i am sad... :(

>> No.8788483

dont do it
forget about her and move on
if she msg u first tho, then u can make another move

>> No.8788498

I went on yikyak when it still worked and found some girls talking about the size of their vibrators. I told them the size of my dick and they didn't believe me. One of the girls volunteered to pm me on kik and relay back to the gurls on yikyak if i was a lying faggot. I showed her a pic and she was so impressed with it that she sent me a vudeo of her touching herself. Wanted to see me cum. Now shes my qtpi asian gf. Shes afraid to break up because she thinks she wont find another guy like me.

>> No.8788551

okie thanks for the advice senpai

wish something like that happened to me too anon

>> No.8788554

Blessed image

>> No.8788586


>> No.8788616

her ex probably had a 3 inch asian pecker

>> No.8788625

Message her one more time, but keep it simple this time faggot. If she don't respond then move on.

>> No.8788765

Listen to me anon. DO NOT MESSAGE HER AGAIN. She already got the feels you are a needy loser. If she wants to hang let her contact you. If she doesn't well, u done fucked up and it's over. No messaging or begging cause she won't change her mind. Learn from this and move on to the next. Don't be a beggar. Next time you meet a qt gook just play it off and send her a one liner like "Let's hang tomorrow" or something casual like that. And don't be such a donkey, learn to have fun. Girls wanna have fun with guys.

>> No.8788796
File: 13 KB, 206x250, 7B1984CC-F5D7-4168-B229-A42266F5E465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of dating in the 21st century

>> No.8788807

at least the asian guy gets fresh asian pussy while you are spending your friday night on a mongloain basketweavinng forum kek

>> No.8788838

tyrone is fucking her at this very moment with his bbc

>> No.8789023

Thank you for the advice anon

>> No.8789262


Agreed with anon you quoted.
The more you seem like you want it, the less likely it is to work for you.

You had it in the bag and fucked up by being overzealous. Next time, ask for her number and wait a little bit to text her. Say something super casual like, "hey it's anon - had fun the other night. any interest in meeting up and grabbing a drink sometime?" and then leave it like that.

>> No.8789698

When she said you were already connected you should have taken that as an opportunity to start a dialogue and get to know her. You should never open with a paragraph ever unless you are giving them your class essay to look at or use for an assignment. The worst thing you can do is seem desperate or needy

>> No.8789851

Failed normies are the most pathetic lifeforms in existence.

>> No.8789932
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180407-023007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... how thought provoking

>> No.8789942

I can't stop laughing at OP's pic

Who actually makes this stuff Jesus Christ

>> No.8790169

pathetic and depressing desu, especially the grils

>> No.8790179

>Who actually makes this stuff
FUN baghodlers

>> No.8790198

nice blog faggot

>> No.8790262

See you on the moon space cowboys

>> No.8790290

holy fuck y'allre so socially inept.

>> No.8790299

Women don't like the weak mommies boy.

>> No.8790651

You asked her out on LinkedIn


>> No.8790822

or you know, you could stop being a pussy faggot and let your hormonal balance fix itself with years instead of throwing more crap at it
the same instant gratification mindset that causes you to do that shit is why you're not a crypto multi-millionaire

>> No.8790826

this is new and spicy

>> No.8790954


Seduction means to get the girl invested. You broke the rule by overinvesting yourself. You are doing that because you live in a scarcity. You grave for a girl and you think they are special. Change that by action. Accept your current shitty state and weaknesses. You are still good enough. Then improve and get your shit together.
>Not biz related so sage

>> No.8791816
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feels bad man