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8783919 No.8783919 [Reply] [Original]

>anon lets go on a double date!
>anon lets go to the ball together
>anon stop playing play video games and lets go do something
>anon why do spend so much time in front of the computer
>anon my parents are visiting and we are goign to dinner together

holy fucking shit I never asked for this, this is fucking terrible I want to go back to doing whatever I want

>> No.8783940

do you at least get sex?

>> No.8783947

You're going to do nothing about it and cry when you break up. Either that or she'll cheat on you and keep getting away with it until you can't handle the nightmares anymore. It'll be over in about a years time.

>> No.8783995

Women require constant attention to feel accomplished
Men need to actually do something to feel accomplished.
Men and woman are different.
Welcome to the real world.

>> No.8784013
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sounds like you dont love her. you should probably just treat her like a slut then, bud.

>> No.8784041

Np more free time for you fren. Girls love to go places, adventure and stay busy. If you are a larper that stares at charts all day and plays games shell think you're boring and leave. That is unless she is a disgusting larper her self in that case no one wants her so she'll stay.

>> No.8784083

>I want to go back to doing whatever I want
what's stopping you

>> No.8784099

the point is to date a girl you actually have things in common with. you are dating a vapid thot

>> No.8784110

>see gf only once a week because "school"
>after 3 years I'm moving in with her


>> No.8784131
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>> No.8784169

Say goodbye to your free time.

>> No.8784213


Sounds like thottery.

>> No.8784237

Been doing this shit for 6 years, it doesn't get any easier anon

>wake up Sunday morning, no wagecucking today, feels good
>lay there thinking this is all I have to do today
>gf walks in, "what we doing today"
>think to myself, bitch I'm already doing it
>she wants to go visit parents or some gay shit that will take up my only free day in the week

Feels bad man

>> No.8784274

Yes anon because their are so many women who love to share at charts all day and shit post, the absolute state. Cunt get real, no man has nothing in common with no women, that is all just bullshit

>> No.8784288


Are you a negro?

>> No.8784311

P true. Unless they are complete beta cucks and like going shopping with them and spending their hard earned money.
I mean I don't mind nature so I'd go on a hike or to the beach with a bitch.
But all that extra shit, no.

>> No.8784343
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>tfw a girl i thought completely out of my league and a total stacy gave me plenty of attentions today and actually impressed me with her insight
>tfw haven't felt like this since high school
>tfw the graypill made my life so dull for so long i didn't even remember it was possible to feel such feels
>tfw i'm currently with a super sweet girl i could never cheat on

at least i feel something guys

>> No.8784365


>> No.8784374

Get a neet gf I have one. They play games or watch anime with you all day

>> No.8784386

Go out and be social you queer, video games and shitposting is for by anywhere fast

>> No.8784390

>Cunt get real, no man has nothing in common with no women
Lol sucks for you if you believe that. I've met plenty of similarly-nerdy girls. you sound like a self-defeating bitch. I'm not surprised your reactions with women are unfulfilling

>> No.8784392


>> No.8784400

*isn't going anywhere

>> No.8784425


Then why do you write like one?

>> No.8784443

too bad "nerdy girls" are mind broken daddy problem wrecks with stinky hairy pussies and are usually either moderately overweight or overweight

t. chad who's seen it all

>> No.8784450

problem is those girls are fat and/or ugly. i have standards.

>> No.8784495

Being this delusional frenz. Cunt just because you are a nerd and she is nerd you think you have shit in common, clearly you have never been in a long relationship kiddo. Women have nothing is common with men, at first it may seem that way but it's all an act. Men get with a women thinking she is cool and will always be that cool girl that won't change, which they do. Women get with men seeing their faults but think it's ok because they will change in time, which we won't. Wake up anon, it's all based on lies and bullshit

>> No.8784505
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>> No.8784513

anon wash the dishes i'm so tired

>> No.8784554

No gf feels good as fuck right now from a financial standpoint

>> No.8784556


both of you think your blind cynicism makes you insightful but really it's just sad to see. you are the 4chan equivalent of tumblr girls who post about how all evil men are. really just seems like these wide generalizations are a self defense mechanism to automatically push away every girl before they can hurt you.

>> No.8784594
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>MFW I basically do whatever the fuck I want and my GF still worships the ground I walk on.

...It must suck to be you anon.

>> No.8784612

Daing women is gay.

Could you imagine tribal warriors from thousands of years ago dating and being romantic.

Only faggy soys do that.

>> No.8784614

Yeah, the thing I've learned is girls cost LOTS of money, and that's money you should be investing at a young age.

I'm 27 and in no financial place to settle down.

>> No.8784637


Get an asian gf. You can basically do whatever you want.

>> No.8784644

Who was the Stacy. How'd you meet

>> No.8784675

You are clueless, I fucking lover women, but am not blinded by all the bullshit, if you read my first post you would see I said I was in a relationship and have been for over 6 years. But goodluck anon worshipping that pussy, it's going to get you no where. I live in reality boy, not some candy filled happy go lucky made up world ok. Your grandmother was the last of the real women anon, your grandfather had the marriage you should envy.

>> No.8784676
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>> No.8785080

>fell for the gf meme

>> No.8785109

>investing in a depreciating asset.

>> No.8785201

I love my gf so much, no amount of money can buy real, fruitful love without corrupting the individual

t. Poorfag who only made 11k from ETH

>> No.8785228

>men actually have to do something
all we have to do is play video games or trade crypto (at a loss) to feel accomplished

>> No.8785299


Lmao. Wait till you get bored of the sex haha. If she’s cool and attractive, at least you’ll get to delve into kinkier stuff before you guys either end it, one person cheats, or you stay together as happy, partnered perverts.

>> No.8785309

>dying alone with no family in a nursing home full of indifferent nurses most likely immigrants who don't speak english, having no legacy, no family
wow anon you really redpilled me today thanks so much

>> No.8785401

> muh children
> muh loneliness
> muh legacy

This type of fags is particularly self-delusional.

>> No.8785462

Girls are emotional beings, they are far from being rational.

When you talk to them, they don't apply logic to your words, they only listen to the intonation of your voice.

They think life is all about happiness and romance, they always project that in their minds.

But when they achieve all that happiness and romance, they still feel empty inside. It's because subconsciously, what they want is drama.

A man's purpose in life is his work, bitches are just secondary.

Women think a man should dedicate his life for her, but deep inside she needs a man dedicated in his work, a man who is a master of his own life.

>> No.8785474

my all 4 of my grandparents each had multiple kids and over a dozen grandkids. each one died alone in a nursing home anyway. they saw their kids infrequently in their final decade or two (most only a few times per year at best). even a very large family won't stop you from dying alone because your kids all have their own lives to live while yours winds down, and they'd rather do their own stuff than deal with dying old people.

>> No.8785556

This. People will have to realize that you're going to be dying alone no matter what, no one is going to feel how it is to be you at your last hours, even surrounded by all the people you love at your deathbed. Make peace with your death and solitude, and everything else will be a fine bonus.

>> No.8785585
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>1 post by this ID

Holy shit we are officially /pol/ now

>> No.8785593

lmao let em waste his life on a family and end up alone, lonely, and ...brace yourself... no fucking legacy

>> No.8785616

this but dgaf because we will be in a new world by the time i'm shitting the bed

feels good being 25 man

>> No.8785640

keep watching happy movies

>> No.8785652
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gas the (((chocos)))

>> No.8785683

wow guys really do only want one thing

>> No.8785685

>implying your children won't send you to a nursing home like you will or already have with your own parents.

>> No.8785765
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Literally stole away a girl like that. She had her bf come over once a week, convinced her he didn't love her and then proceeded to have a fling with her for about 6 months and dumped her.

>> No.8785788

well, go and fucking do it
this is what u signed up for

>> No.8785812
File: 503 KB, 832x616, peterkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy in the pic isn't wrong, even if it's for possibly the wrong reasons. Partaking in the anti-SJW war is merely procrastination. The Stefan Molyneux's and, on a lighter not, Jordan Petersons of this world recruit enough aimless people for that battle, so you're best off not reading the news or pol and just work on your own goals.

Regarding OP, he fell for the "gf as pipeline for sex" meme. I'd rather go sexless for 3 months and get /fit/ than doing a thot you get bored of after 3 weeks anyway. Protip, a man gets bored of fucking one girl after 3 weeks anyway, even if she's hot. Honeymoon is short and if you have a pretty busty redhead, soon you want a pretty sporty blone. Yes there are interesting girls too, e.g. girls who read books you don't. Get yourself a philosphy student if you're into that, for example. Don't bang the hairdresser who watches sex and the city each week.

>> No.8785883

She wants to spend time with you. Take advantage, bitch ass bitch!! You will miss it!!

t. Permavirgin

>> No.8785894

Face it at least one side of the relationship expects the other side to be their entertainment.

>> No.8785911

>What are we doing today???
>I'm already doing it

I relate to this so much

>> No.8785915

just amerimutt :)

>> No.8785925

You cuffed a vapid cunt who doesn't even share/know your lifestyle what do you expect.

If she's tight and a good cocksleeve then put up with it otherwise stop wasting your time

>> No.8785934

What did you expect?
Once you get a gf your freedom ends.
Multiple it 100000x getting a wife and kids.

>> No.8785961
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>never had a gf and don't know any of that

feels good man

>> No.8786265


A good relationship is like a drug, you kinda feel like you are on a small dose of opiates or xanax.

You feel a little sedated and mildly euphoric, a sense of contentedness. You sleep better.

Then when the relationship ends, you go into drug withdrawal.

You feel like total shit, you stop eating, barely get out of bed, feel like life is not worth living.

Then eventually you get over it and return to normal, buy normal doesn't feel quite right, like your drug is missing.

>> No.8786318
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>I never asked for this
>tfw no gf
Sounds like you actually did in fact ask for it

>> No.8786371

sounds like something a faggot would feel

>> No.8786401

>tfw no LARPer gf

>> No.8786406

Dude that’s the definition of vapid isn’t it?
>needing to be constantly “doing something” (aka going out)
>no (free) hobbies to occupy herself with other than Netflix
>constantly need attention from others
>feels the need to post pictures on social media of her “going out”

>> No.8786423


Yes, it's best not to take drugs, you're never the same after the first hit and you can't go back to they way you used to be.

>> No.8786428

just get a different gf what are you doing with your life. literally just keep ghosting them hoes until one gives up the puss puss, then never let her go.

>> No.8786525

Nothing is making you, stop bitching and man up instead of just acting like a passive bystander in your own life.

>> No.8786602


Even worse, being bed-ridden and dying slowly alone from a debilitating disease like cancer as you ponder over the mistakes and regrets in your life.

>> No.8786617

Say "no", don't be a beta cuck
Fuck her if that annoys her.

>> No.8786805

My nigga.

>> No.8786857

Also thanks guys, after reading this earlier today I was like fuck it what ever she wants to drag me to today I ain't going. She was going to her mother's house because her idiot sister with her kids are in town (had to put up with them last night at my house).
Well long story short, have the fucking house to myself for the day, woooohooooooo I won boys, be happy for me. She wasn't happy but aye sometimes you just have to do that yeah..

>> No.8786859

Sounds like crypto.

>> No.8787168

good thread

>> No.8787211

yes this is because the endorphins when you have feelings for a girl kick in when youre with here. when you kick her out of your life then your body literally goes through withdrawal because those endorphins are void.

>> No.8787409

Same anon, same.

Women have no respect for individuality and personal space.

>> No.8787430

there's no way someone that can't even post to the correct board has anything but a disgusting landwhale gf
take this to /r9k/