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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.30 MB, 3264x2448, 1521416109000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8765909 No.8765909 [Reply] [Original]

Is the whole ad industry just bullshit? I can't remember the last time I bought something because of a commercial.

>> No.8766009


I dunno, I think it brands things pretty decently. It depends on what you're talking about, certain brands are probably so big and popular that they can coast for a couple of years. Other big brands could really use a change in their image, the legacy of their brand has become a burden in the changing business landscape. Take McDonalds, who (talking out of my ass because I just read shit in passing about McDonalds and don't know their real financial or market position) have been losing marketshare among millenials. Presumably this is because millenials don't like their shitty food and their restaurants, but how are millenials who stop going to McDonalds to even know if the business changes to something they do want to eat? Advertising.

>> No.8766028
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dat ass. if there was an add for that ass and i could buy it, i would

>> No.8766032

It depends on the target demographic, certain segments of the population are simply ignored

>> No.8766047


>> No.8766053


You have. You just dont realize it.

>> No.8766106
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I absolutely hate ads in every shape and form. "Buy this" "elect me" "watch this" .
Something about the fact that everything is designed to catch my attention, make me sick.
There must be a better and more ethical way for the world to function.

>> No.8766115


Just as an aside to this you can also see why businesses would want to throw huge dollars at advertising. Even if they have one of the biggest brands on the planet, they don't want the market to turn on them. Plenty of mega businesses have shrank and been bought out in the past. Walmart is a monster, but now they have to compete with Amazon for low price goods, and Amazon has the perk of not having a bunch of filthy shit warehouses that are associated with low class people. The fear of irrelevancy can drive companies to want to continue shoving themselves in your face, making sure you know of the perks of coming to them, or that they've changed this aspect of their image, or now they offer these seasonal products that you might have been thinking of buying, or whatever.

>> No.8766136

My marketing professor always said 40% of commercials don't do anything for sales, 30% increase sale, and 30% make you lose sales

>> No.8766142

I think there should be an indexes of stuff with ratings. You want a lawnmower? Here's a list of brands with reviews.

>> No.8766188
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don't assume that every "ad" you see is on a billboard or pop up

for example, 90% of 4chan's ad outlays are directed towards BLACKED.com, but you'd never know it

>> No.8766194
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Platform tokens = future


Dollar cost average in.

Get rich slowly

>> No.8766205

not bullshit exactly IMO at least when it comes to the amount of money advertisers spend to learn human animal psychology.

in a 30 second ad they can create an issue out of thin air that you've never had, make you feel anxiety and depression about that issue that you've literally never experienced before in your life, then give you a reassuring peace of mind fix/antidote/widget cure all that will alleviate all of those issues that you've never experienced before for real but for some reason are panic stricken over at that moment. and 9/10 people rush out to buy the instant fix just for the pacification of the anxiety that (((they))) induce over an issue that you've never ever had before in your life.

Naw these fuckers got us by our short hairs.

>> No.8766288

I can't remember I bought something because of a commericial.

>> No.8766330

pretty much 99% of the industry is bullshit. clothing, jewelry, perfumes, home decoration overpriced food. why anyone would buy any of those things is beyond me. hell "competitive gaming" is actually a thing nowadays. imagine slaving away 60 hours a week to develop some useless video game like terraria or whatever the kids nowadays are playing

that's why I always laugh when peeps say "shitcoins have no utility" as if the rest of the industry does.

>> No.8766385


>clothing, jewelry, perfumes, home decoration overpriced food

Bruh what else are you supposed to spend your money on? That is the advanced economy. You buy frivolous consumer shit. We don't have enough needs to justify working this much, but we have taste for new experiences and new material goods that might give us some kind of ephemeral value.

>> No.8766392

I think product placement and celebrity endorsements works pretty well with normies. Commercials, not sure. I think most people zone out, change channels, do something else or have adblock. The only time they're willing to watch is during the Super Bowl.

>> No.8766419

majority of ads are to brainwash children - they're not aimed at you anymore. Look how many ads feature kids

>> No.8766442

I bought a computer chair I didn't necessarily need cuz of ads. My current chair fucking sucks though.

Ads can sway people if they shill to the right people often enough.

>> No.8766444

>seen a ton of mcdonalds ads as a kid
>only occasionally seen some burger king ads
>never seen a whataburger ad
and now I go to whataburger to get burgers because they are 75% the cost of a Big Mac, and they don't pad out the sandwich with extra bread, and now I go to burger king because their nuggets cost a third as much as much, and the texture and seasoning are better
ads can't possibly make up for a shitter product

>> No.8766472

>"competitive gaming"
This shit always makes me cringe. Maybe only less than 100 people "make it" into the scene for each game, even fewer become rich, but probably hundreds of thousands of kids total wasting their time on a game that will get dumped ~5 years later. Then they hop around to whatever game is popular or try to become streamers which is equally worthless. Successful or not, the whole industry is trash.

>> No.8766496
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Kek you probably
>detached yourself from public and commercial tv
>don't listen to the radio
>don't read magazines
>don't watch youtube/instagram vlogs

Then you spot easily advertisement.

>> No.8766516

>computer chair
If you bought one of those racing gamer chairs, kys.

>> No.8766520

>Bruh what else are you supposed to spend your money on?
shitcoins so I have a change to make it out of wage slavery, pretty much the only worthy expenditure
don't forget most of human activity is based on peer pressure which ads mean to trigger.

>> No.8766752

i bet the dude who took this pic was so fucking happy and has fapped to it hundreds of times.

it's an absolute crime that i came up a decade too soon to take hd pics of teenage ass at school or work

>> No.8766765

Ad fag here.

Its because the basic bitches and chads dont care anymore about what they sell to the clients. They don't want to make good advertising, they want to make money and not be bothered to push risky ideas.

>> No.8766797

Ads are for brand recognition. So if you have a choice between two products you go with the one you're familiar with.

>> No.8767212

I'm very familiar with Iphones but I would never buy one.

>> No.8767242

Everything is advertising

>> No.8767338

Maybe, but then it's arguable if the whole effort that's being put into it is worth the bothering. Like pumping millions into putting lipstick on a pig. A good product advertises itself.

>> No.8767339

Whatever you buy you buy because of advertising because every product is targeted towards a certain person.

>> No.8767443
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>he bought the pewdiepie chair


>> No.8767459
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buy Clearcoin
on hitbtc
gonna be the premier ad fraud stopping coin

>> No.8767463


>> No.8767538

If it didn't work you think corporations would be spending millions on it, of course it works op, you just don't realise it

>> No.8767643

>too smart to buy things advertised on commercials
>too stupid to realize that there are dumber people that actually do
buhh duhh

>> No.8767669

go back

>> No.8767702

They spent millions on managers as well and those don't really work. But then those are the cunts who are in charge of hiring and firing so you'll have to deal with a growing corportate bureaucracy.

>> No.8767801

This. Everyone thinks that ads don't influence them but that it does influence others. Ads don't really work as you think they work, it's more about mass psychology. Would companies continue to spend millions on ads if they knew they don't work? There's a good chapter in Elephant in the brain about advertisements that explains it all. There are probably better books about it though.

>> No.8767811

fuck you i take spelling mistakes seriously faggot

>> No.8767930

they just need to keep their name out there

>> No.8767953
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>40 replies
>not a single brap
what did everyone mean by this

>> No.8768004

The mere fact that you can string together a remotely coherent sentence puts you ahead of about 30% of the population already.

>> No.8768020


>> No.8768098

these kind of smartass statements that look cool but don't really reflect reality are why he's a professor and not a multi-millionaire

>> No.8768116

Dated a girl who worked in advertising for a major firm that did coke, tim hortons, air canada, walmart, and other major brands

I had arguments all the time over the ethics of what she was doing. It's not as scheming as Alex Jones or other conspiracy theorists would like you to believe, but it's still gross to learn about.

Not only that, but they work their employees to death and generally give really shit pay but the idea is you get "perks" from clients giving you sweet shit, or the fact that they let you drink in the office on a friday. Wow, what a deal when they're paying you only 35-50k to work on the biggest brands in the industry.

>> No.8768138

It's not bullshit, depending on what level you're talking about. Ad campaigns can track and show demonstrable results, if done right. That's why marketing departments exist - because they get shit done. Spam ads, and shit like the "to current occupant" like you get in your mailbox have an incredibly low success rate, but it's cheap and easy to do. The most effective ads - TV, billboards, product placement in movies and "featured product" segments on news shows have a HUGE engagement factor, and can drive a company, which is why the pinnacle, the Superbowl ads, are so expensive.
I worked in marketing for years - there's a lot of sleazy shit, but some of it is legit. It's really no different than a door to door salesman making a pitch in person, you're just hitting more people more effectively and cheaper with advertising. The lower you go, the sleazier it gets, like the email marketing spamhouses, that shit is bottom of the barrel, hit and run scammers and people who just milk companies with fake results.
The entire thing is based on a single premise: nobody will buy your product, if they don't know you exist. There's a lot of success with it, and a LOT of abuse.

>> No.8768225

Yep. It's one of the reasons why I got rid of cable, I got tired of being yelled at every 5 minutes about shit I don't need, and won't ever buy. Irony is I worked in marketing for years, and understand the power and necessity of advertising, but also see the ugliness of it from the consumer side. I'm not the only one in the industry who feels that way, but hey, paycheck - and working in departments that generate ads can pay pretty well.
Your eyes get opened pretty fast working in ad agencies. The bigger ones pay top dollar for psychology and techniques to do exactly what you're talking about, and can even ballpark their gains in sales before the product is even on the market. They can pinpoint any demo they want, with ease.
Occasionally they fuck up, like Pepsi did with the protest marches, but their success to failure ratio is pretty fucking good.
I've never worked in the pharma segment, I don't know how people who put drug ads together sleep at night.

>> No.8768243

Celebs work really well in Japan. US customers respond better to lifestyle appeal - ie. "Drink our beer, and your backyard will be full of women in bikinis", or really effective "This product is healthier".

>> No.8768267

You blame the industry, when it's humans are the ones who make the whole thing work.

Monkey see, monkey do is something that is REQUIRED for any of it to work. Changing it means changing human nature, and good luck with that.

>> No.8768343

why not buy VTSAX like the responsible adults? it's pretty nice.

>> No.8768371

>I can't remember the last time I bought something because of a commercial.
Oh but your mom, sister, female cousins and female acquaintances, female co-workers etc do... you get the idea.

>> No.8768428

I was about to do it but I decided to first end my 6 hour nofap streak because that ass was just too good, then I lost the motivation to brap post.

>> No.8768525

Bullshit, i bet you bought a shitcoin because it was mentioned here through viral marketing

>> No.8768801
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>> No.8769051

>Is the whole ad industry just bullshit?

Yes. It only works on poor or stupid people who are the least likely to have money.

>> No.8769724

I've been told the people who consider themselves least susceptible to advertising are in fact most susceptible to it. Not sure I buy that though.

>> No.8769989
File: 405 KB, 188x174, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl at my office bends over the desk to look out the window sometimes at my work similar to OPs pic. She's petite so her ass isn't as big but boy would i love to rest my dick on it. Its just me and her in our office; do you guys think she does it to tease me? Or is that just a relaxing pose (she has a bf of 5 yrs)

>> No.8770013

Reported for suggestive sexual behavior. Tomorrow at work, I'm telling our boss you want to rape me. Also, buy mobius. Good coin sir.

>> No.8770084

Not if she isn't giving you any other signals.

>> No.8770099


I've been saying that since 2010, and I have yet to buy something that these ads are showing me to buy.

>> No.8770181

>Tfw have gf of 5 years

Where are you anon? Thinking lewd thoughts about my gf like that? I'm gonna kick your ass

>> No.8770190

As long as you understand videogames are entirely relaxation/cheap entertainment then you're good, at least you know it doesnt go beyond a time killer

Just dont get addicted

>> No.8770213

Y u need to h8. Boxing Day deals bud.

>> No.8770233

Why does every single new shitcoin have that interconnected dot design in the background

>> No.8770294

This. I thought normans were more aware since south park made an arc about it but I guess they were too brainlet to understand anything other than the ha-ha funny fart jokes.

>> No.8770304

Is "marketing" just a fancy word for "advertising"?

>> No.8770330

How is marketing a fancier word than advertising?

>> No.8770373

Why not spend money on power tools, 3d printers, excavation equipment and gardening materials?
>muh (((designer))) necktie
>muy volatile scented parfuums
>muh limbic cerebral brain tinglies
Fucking wasted lives and time on Jewish tricks is why this world needs to get glassed by any lmaos. We can't go back. We need to be reset.

>> No.8770406

Compare the success of companies who invest in advertising vs those who don't and you have your answer

It plays a limited role in success but a role nonetheless, and controlling your company's image is actually very valuable and largely driven by marketing, which also involves advertising

>> No.8770416

Their fries suck, but 10/10 sandwiches. They make suffering in Texas slightly more tolerable
McDonalds still has the best fries, as much as I fucking hate them, I still get a bucket of fries to wash down my beer on Fridays

>> No.8770420

It doesn't matter if you don't buy the product, its already priced in.
Take Apple for example. Their products are so expensive because they advertise everywhere all around the world, in some of the most expensive places. The buyer pays for all that advertising when they buy the product.
Thats why the chinks can sell a very similar product for a fraction of the cost, they don't advertise at all

>> No.8770425

The fuck is an ad outlay?

>> No.8770552

Go shoot a fully automatic weapon and tell me you're not happy

>> No.8770817

>t. brainlet norman
go browse /gif/

>> No.8770845

Sauce please?

>> No.8770856

i actually noticed this exact shit

>> No.8770945

>tfw I was in the thread that picture was original posted in
remember you can never leave this place

>> No.8770988

Goddamn do I love kissing girls necks, they taste like fucking rainbows and smell divine. When it's your girlfriend it is the most intimate thing you can do, it's so great to just sit down with her at a park and just kiss her neck, suck on her nape and lick her from her cheeks down to her shoulders. My fucking god am I getting an erection.

>> No.8771056

This and this
I think the only way capitalism can go forward from this is to have some kind of robust index and rating system with independent raters and list keepers
This would likely make all aspects of capitalism smoother and easier and help shut out monopolies but the hurdle would be in setting up such an undertaking

>> No.8771174

Sure people won't buy your product if they don't know you exist, but most of advertising is shoving shit in people's faces that only works a pitiful amount of the time
If 50% of the ads you see don't really make you buy a certain thing (which is almost certainly true) then on a broad scale they're basically working worse than chance and can be eliminated.

Even regardless of that, ads are not really a mechanism for just spreading the word about one's business/product/solution, they are in fact a way ALSO trying to present a misleading or needlessly idealized idea of the thing being sold.
This is what is unethical about advertising and what a great big objective curated list could be even better at, as I said here >>8771056
We're slowly reaching levels of technology where this might be possible, but not yet, since such a list would need a vast deal if curating and targeting to the individual to be rendered useful

>> No.8771853

I'm an engineer at a DSP ad tech company. We can track when you buy an item, we (of course) track when we show you an ad. Those 2 things together mean we can track when you buy an item after we have shown you an ad. We call this an "action" or "conversion" in the industry and based on total number of actions and advertising dollars spent we can directly calculate ROI for our customers.

>> No.8772371

The point isn't to see the ad and immediately want to buy the thing.

The point of ads is to infiltrate your subconsciousness, making you remember certain brands and associate them with something familiar to you and a product of high quality.

When you go to the store to pick up something, your brain is most likely going to assume that the brand you see the most is the most quality brand.

Also, they get your interest about something going, even if you never had any interest in the subject in the first place, you will start to subconciously consider that thing.

Nobody sees a coca cola ad and goes out to buy one because they suddenly crave it, but when you are in the soda section in the store, which brand do you think is the most quality one whereas the rest are "fakes"?. Exactly.

>> No.8772401
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>> No.8772577

>They make suffering in Texas slightly more tolerable
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8772703

>implying biz is any better than gif

>> No.8772791

this reasoning has been given multiple times in this thread, and it sound more and more bullshit everytime i read it.
i constantly see ads for shit like mcds and only go there when i need free wifi and reasonably clean toilets while traveling. i would never go there while at home and i would never associate them with quality. same shit with apple products.
your argument is retarded.

>> No.8772792

I tend to actively avoid thing I see advertised, usually in proportion to how heavily its advertised. The more desperately its pushed the harder I avoid it.

>> No.8773080

Traditional commercials are for baby boomers.

>> No.8773108

studies show that an increase in money spent on advertising causes an increase in sales proportionate to the amount you spend. so no. tha ad industry is not bullshit

>> No.8773165

Try to think a bit before posting, holy shit.
You don't buy apple products cause you know that they're overpriced. The guy that doesn't know anything about computers might not know that.
But if you ever need a hammer and you have to idea where to buy one, you're probably going to google something like "<company_that_has_stores_everywhere> <_my_city>" and you'll go there, cause you don't know any better.

>> No.8773177

I've literally never bought one thing because I saw it in a commercial or advertisement somewhere

Sometimes I will check something out because somebody posted about it on social media though.

>> No.8773398

Try doing some TA on her brapper

>> No.8773474
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>> No.8773549

That's the sign of a scam

>> No.8773610

Obviously not, otherwise no one would pay for ads. What kind of a retarded question is this?

>> No.8773648


Shit I gotta get a smellescope.

>> No.8773659

*Fuck you, I take spelling mistakes seriously, faggot.


>> No.8774064

well companies dont know how ads work. they just know they sometimes work.

>> No.8774074

its mostly women who respond, thats true

>> No.8774363

>pic related
>mcjob in zoo / national park
>fookin priceless lads

>> No.8774374
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>"there is no better way to make the world func..."
>memes bruh

>> No.8774447


It’s a dick-measuring contest in mature, red-ocean market landscapes.

>> No.8774484

>I can't remember the last time I bought something because of a commercial.
That's not what ads are made for. Ads are made to make you buy stuff (which you surely did), not for making you remember that you bought it because of the ad. Anyone who unironically says they are immune to ads have absolutely no idea about human behaviour and psyche whatsoever.

>> No.8774882

>Anyone who unironically says they are immune to ads have absolutely no idea about human behaviour and psyche whatsoever.
if you count ads as "shilling on /biz/", maybe.
I havent bought anything except food in years.

>> No.8774908

Same, though I'm pretty sure I'm beyond normie humans psyche.

>> No.8774927
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bought an electric toothbrush because of an ad
it's nice
that's about it

>> No.8775234

can't buy anything if you don't have any money

>> No.8775576

Because those gamer chairs are shit. For the same price you could've gotten a decent ergonomic office chair with more adjustments for your posture and it's actually designed for long periods of sitting.

>> No.8775818

she's too overweight though, try moving out of clapistan
fucking burgers man

>> No.8775825


>> No.8775910
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I literally would avoid speaking to such a subhuman. Probably a fat nigger too.

>> No.8775933
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cryptoshit in a nutshell

90% hot air and scams
10% not directly to scams related

>> No.8775968

I don't go to the movies anymore. I went about 2 years ago and had to endure 30 minutes of ads before the trailers even started. Ads for all sorts of fucking shit, not even movie related, blasted in your face on a big screen.

>> No.8775979

google i-hole, adblockplus, ublock origin, noscript

>> No.8776018

>When your country is so shit you think about the ruling empire all day
Also, you guys are fucking fags.

>> No.8776086

Why wouldn't shilling be considered advertising?

>> No.8776110

>ctrl-f prl

you niggers

>> No.8776168

genuinely interesting topic for once

>> No.8776174

>tfw dick too small to fuck a brapper like that

>> No.8776197
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it has to work: if it was bs they wouldn't be able to get people to hire ad agencies. actually if it was bs and they'd get customers that'd be even better proof of it not being bs.

>> No.8776225


I don't know, it seems like she's just-


>> No.8776275
File: 31 KB, 485x443, 1518323788097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you for a fact that ads and consumer-retention absolutely work, much better than you expect.

Companies(like the one I work for) have millions of "user-profiles" in their database, each unique for a specific person, and they know exactly what type of ad(youtube, email, popup, phone notification) to serve you that you'll most likely notice/click, and they also know who is more likely to respond and who is more likely to ignore it.

The reason a lot of these data-focused ad companies can guarantee a return on clients investment is because it 100%, absolutely works. The more you spend on advertising, the more customers you get. You just need to pick good companies to run your ads.

ps: email lists and apps are an absolute GOLDMINE

>> No.8776340

this guy gets it

>> No.8776428

this but unironically

>> No.8776675

just because you're such a special genius doesnt mean all the other retards in the world arent