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File: 908 KB, 1242x2208, DAABB474-7EFF-4063-AAED-99B68868530E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752977 No.8752977 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, it’s me, the guy who told you to buy powm at 700 eth about 7 hours ago. Those who listened are very happy people. Don’t worry though, we aren’t going to stop mooning anytime soon.

>you had all the opportunities before 1000 eth
>now at 1300+ eth
>5000 is around the corner

Don’t worry, you early fudders can fomo in without us knowing, thank god for anonyminity amirite?

>> No.8752992

lucky 77 dubs bring powm to 3keth

>> No.8752998
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>> No.8753000
File: 435 KB, 634x440, chalmers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOMOd in at 300 ETH and took my ETH out from powh3d and put it into this. Don't regret it for a second. Considering the hourly volume, there is no way we haven't been graced by whales.

>> No.8753006
File: 384 KB, 1242x2208, 3D2CF1E2-5FF1-41B8-8D7A-C63CC18BBB49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking trips. You’re going to make it. Look at this moon.

>> No.8753021

Nice scam.

You're gonna get justed when the people at the bottom all simultaneously exit

>> No.8753026
File: 53 KB, 1632x673, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought in with 15 ETH about 12 hrs ago. This is one of my accounts. Just reinvested.


>> No.8753042



Balance of contract is nice, only mooning


saw you on this

i like this pic better dimensions

>> No.8753065


you fucking tard look at the token distribution

>> No.8753066

Going to have to disagree with you on that one. Everybody knows what these pyramids can do. 18k in POWH and it’s only 10% divs. Wait til more and more people start finding out about 20% in powm. Some already are

Holy. Fucking. Shit>>8753026

>> No.8753078



>> No.8753086
File: 527 KB, 750x1049, 827A7239-33B1-4A7B-A4CB-E09B3DC1C7D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindly poo in loo sirs.

>> No.8753090

wish i put more innnnnnn

>> No.8753109


>> No.8753110

Someone explain the masternode thing...no documentation. 6% what is that?

>> No.8753117

Sorry, I think you are mistaking powm.io with POWA (proof of weak anus) Coin

>> No.8753124

Bitconeeeeeeeect v2.0.
Feel bad for anyone that buys this shit. Remember the golden rule, if it's too good to be true it probably is.

>> No.8753132

ITT: shills shilling shills shilling shills

>> No.8753164


You get 33% of the divs the referall provides. The div here is 20% so you get 33% of 20% which is 6.66% of what your ref puts in.

at POWH you only get 3.33% so reffering here is much more useful

literally everyone is getting their inputs back in dividends so they are not losing. you can either make money or stay as stable as you now are, nobrainer

>> No.8753174

now I feel like a poorfag with only 1000 tokens JUST

>> No.8753196

Can you show me where I can watch this pls? I tried the site in pic and couldn't find it.
Help a brainlet out anon.

>> No.8753222

Feel bad for anyone who is this close-minded. We are stacking eth and it’s compounding. You’d be a fool not to get in.

Powm.io >>8753196

>> No.8753227

basically join them when its cheap!
contract at 10! here is your chance


>> No.8753255
File: 756 KB, 1126x1091, 88E36152-610D-4F06-9944-979A5CB0799C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DO NOT JOIN THIS DEAD CONTRACT. What’s the matter anon?? Bags too heavy?

>> No.8753258

Got in this. But also diversifying in pohd and powh33

>> No.8753278

I feel really bad for anyone that thinks like this. Doesn't matter how much you compound if one day you wake up and is at zero.
>but muh 30% dividends!!
Yeah but you just like 90%, dumb fuck. Hope you make profit and don't lose it all (hint: one day you will)

>> No.8753300
File: 55 KB, 645x773, 03EB8AB1-1826-4A7E-BBEA-7A18300ECFE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao sorry man, don’t know what you’re talking about. Already 4x’d and this is still the floor. Took my nice divs and bought some more alts in this dip. Open your mind

>> No.8753302

Have you seen the http://www.po50.surge.sh faggots? Only fifty eth in the contract what a bunch of losers. Powm will easily hit 3000 eth before those fags hit 100. I bet my entire life savings on it.

Fucking pajeets

>> No.8753304

>tfw I bought in at 2hrs

>> No.8753320

Powm is legit the only one that can give POWH a run for its money. The team is too stacked. I’ll be back tomorrow to let you guys know that we’re almost hitting 2000 eth

>> No.8753354

I'll be waiting.

>> No.8753378
File: 218 KB, 640x512, 1522322873706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ill be watching :^)

>> No.8753409

Waiting for what? Kek
Contract is audited and verified. I think you’re one of the Retards who heard about shadowpyr getting drained and you think that’s remotely possible. Please fucking educate yourself more on this shit before opening your mouth about it. It’d do us all a favor.

In the past 45 min since I posted this, over a 100 eth has been added to powm.io

>> No.8753435

You da man anon. I get it now.

>> No.8753478
File: 99 KB, 500x478, 7C40DF9D-E671-4FB8-AD1D-A709D0EBA919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you silly streetshitters.

>> No.8753527

It's about to be dumped you idiots, lmao. The top token holder is a double agent for P3D, he got in on the ground level to utterly discredit all clones

>> No.8753548

Get out of here with your shill, worthless Pajeets!

>> No.8753550

Hahahaha powm is a literal scam fork from POWH3D. Norsefire, stop trying to scam people. How many people have you dumped on from your previous clones? Wheres youre source code? Go away Norsefire.

>> No.8753566

This has better divs at 25% and you're still at the ground floor

>> No.8753579

>being this mad that you didn't buy in early
I bet one of you are the guy who told me that It wouldn't reach 1k

>> No.8753580

its over 1500 now

>> No.8753714

Lmao please bring be fud I need the 20% on sells too. Check the token spread, it’s not whalish.

>> No.8753772

This is not norsefire you dumbass. Come join the server and you’ll know who this is. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. This shit is going past the moon. And it’s not a scam. New UI and 20% divs rather than 10% in POWH. Go away ponzibot

>> No.8753921

who are you? well this one is easy money
going for that long game

>> No.8754018

go fuck yourself, no one is buying into that, we just hit 1600, and what are you at? 50 ETH? kek

>> No.8754149

This is insane. Powm already has 1/10th the market cap of POWH in only a day. 20% divs are beautiful

>> No.8755337
File: 367 KB, 810x774, Goldenjeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, it's me - the guy telling you to buy POWH33 right now. There are 100 ETH in the contract right freaking now guys.

> Get in here for the ground floor: link appreciated -


>> No.8756251

this one no da wae http://powc.surge.sh/?masternode=0x238361f646681118c3DC9dF3197fD82D3324856e

>> No.8756440

>Diversifying into several ponzi schemes