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8748463 No.8748463 [Reply] [Original]

Is REQ the most undervalued crypto out there right now?

>> No.8748486
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Do not believe his lies brothers !

>> No.8748528

this fud will be the end of me...

>> No.8748531

I just emailed ledger about possibly partnering up with REQ so they can enable burn guard

lets hope for the best

>> No.8748596

Wtf does it DO ?
And it burns.
And the fucking mcap is $100 fucking millions.
Are you that far away gone !!??
Cut it the fuck out with this threads.
Remember: IT DOESN'T DO SHIT !

>> No.8748637
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Is genesis vision better than REQ?

please dont tell me I invested in the wrong distributed ledger

>> No.8748647

Yeah it does shit.
An its the only coin that burns.

>> No.8748659

Was thinking about buying $1000 worth yesterday. I hesitated but now today that buys 6.7k req instead of yesterday's 5.8k with same amount

I'm just tired of this market tanking

>> No.8748669

It's one of the only coins out there that actually does anything you nignog

>> No.8748684


>> No.8748685

I hold both

>> No.8748703
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whats the other 4? OMG VEN LINK RLC?

>> No.8748727
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Wait until $6k BTC at least my bro. Be patient. True capitulation has not set in yet.

>> No.8748728

For me: XMR, BTC, ETH... basically that's it for me atm

>> No.8748739

Thanks, i appreciate it

>> No.8748761

It is completely ridiculous it is down in the 90s on CMC. It's fine it allows smart people to buy it cheaply and be literal millionaires when it inevitably takes off. Y Combinator involvement alone should make you buy. A few calls and suddenly pay by request is on all your favorite websites.

>> No.8748792

It's close. But 5,700 will be it.

>> No.8748806

nope. universa is

>> No.8748813

This is exactly my reasoning...partnering with Governments, Y Combinator, PwC the auditing and account I mean how in the name of fuck is this so low... The volume on Binance is non existant even in this hellish pit just cannot see why I'm the only one accumulating... feel like I must be missing something

>> No.8748842

>it doesn't do shit

It is pretty much a more advanced, more decentralized version of OmiseGO you spaz.

>> No.8748853

request is seasonal coin.
they are mostly being sold in winter when people buy them to heat their homes. now, not that much maybe for some bbq here and there. it might spike for 4th of july but that's it

>> No.8748874

ripple is the most undervalued crypto. req costs exactly wha it should

>> No.8748876

but none of those do anything...

>> No.8748904
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Its a pajeet bro, no one wants pajeet shit

>> No.8748915

Ripple has a 20 billion dollar marketcap... It's still number 3 on CMC, I agree that it's probably undervalued but not as much as REQ

>> No.8748919


You're missing nothing. You're just early to the party.
You'll have to sir around awkwardly for a while with people you have no interest in and it'll be boring.
But once the party gets going, you'll be getting your dick sucked by a different 10/10 every half hour.

>> No.8748950


I dunno if I should wait some more to dump it more or just accumulate like a madman now

>> No.8748952


no Request is an interesting project no doubt, but the REQ token is garbage and has no reason to exist. Article helps to explain

>> No.8749001

Look at it in the positive.

If you're so show this is something massive in a few years (I also believe) then you literally have so much time to pick up an insane amount of REQ and shitpost on /biz/ in 4/5 years about how you quit your job and get to dump your bags on late comers during the next bubble

>> No.8749018

To take fees, for funding and governance? It does totally have reason to exist...

>> No.8749069


Damn dude hahahahahahaha

>> No.8749084

Next level

>> No.8749150

one of the dumbest and most unnecessary crypto projects out there, that only /biz/ autist and redditors baghold

>> No.8749161

to take fees is not a reason to exist. they can take fees in ETH or even USD. Governance? lmao thats gold

>> No.8749186

>they can take fees in USD
then what happens if somebody makes a Dapp on the request platform that becomes the most used app, and they charge ETH fees instead of REQ. The foundation makes nothing
Use your brain retard

>> No.8749188

They do take fees in USD and ETH pajeet. DYOR ffs.

>> No.8749213

so wtf is the token for then lol?

>> No.8749223

The token is bought with the fees and burnt to drive the price up

>> No.8749235

that makes no sense. The foundation can take a cut of the fees regardless of what its denominated in. Fuckin retard

>> No.8749253

made up use case. thanks for proving my point. REQ was a fundraiser token nothing more. Does paypal have a token?

>> No.8749277

no wonder this thing hasn't mooned most people are too dumb to understand what it even is. research some more brainlet

>> No.8749309

no it hasnt mooned because non-retards realize that theres no reason for the token to exist. they needed fundraising to kickstart their project that needs no token whatsoever. why the fuck are tokens bought and then burned with fees? its just to keep u retarded bagholders happy

>> No.8749311

How is he wrong though? The only use case of the Req token is to be burnt as fee.
They could just take ETH as fee, but they need to reward their investors for now.

>> No.8749336

175K REQ - comfy as fuck.

>> No.8749341
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That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.8749395

holy shit thats nice.
thats my goal. 55k so far

>> No.8749400

'While it is built on the blockchain ledger of Ethereum, Request aims to be independent from other currencies,
monetary policies, or technological choices so that we build the most robust system possible.'

>> No.8749415

Hurr why is BNB bought and burned? Hurr what reason does BNB have to exist.
Oh wait I bet you don't have any BNB either. Stay poor nigger. The token is representation of network success, it price increases the more the network is used. Burning is built into the contract, it's not done by the developers. It automatically buys peoples bags itself and drives the price up with its profits. It's as if when you own REQ you metaphorically own the network, wide adoption leading to high priced REQ automatically. That's as far as I am going to spoonfeed you brainlets.

>> No.8749431

Request will have to remain flexible and scalable, this being one of the major challenges of
decentralized systems (as we can see with Bitcoin16 Segwit, or the Ethereum management of Ice age ...). We
wish to separate the governance of our community from the one of Ethereum and avoid a sub-governance
that would allow every Ethereum token holders to decide on the future of this community

Request is agnostic in terms of currency. We are creating a system that should not be dependent on the
monetary policy of another currency. Request should be as independent as possible from ETH inflation or

>> No.8749432


>> No.8749434

wow so convincing

>> No.8749441

>metaphorically own the network

So what happens when people realize that they dont actually own any part of the network and that it's all metaphorical?

>> No.8749443


>> No.8749458

thats bullshit. theyll be taking a flat fee thats based on USD. Inflation of ETH wouldnt matter since they'd be paying the USD equivalent anyways

>> No.8749468

90 req have been burned sofar, much progress.....

>> No.8749482

My understanding of 'governance' is that if REQ wants to move/upgrade blockcahins it needs it's own tokens. REQ says it wants to be around for hundreds of years and this is only possible with it's own token. The token will rise in price because of token burn and because of expectation of token burn + confidence in the company. It combines speculation and working product hence why I see it as severely undervalued

>> No.8749494

wish to separate the governance of our community from the one of Ethereum and avoid a sub-governance
that would allow every Ethereum token holders to decide on the future of this community

In the process of scaling the Request network, there is a strong probability that we will use a solution such
as the Plasma Chains. In these solutions, a specific token help to incentivize the avoidance of Byzantine18
states and maximize security. The token is used as a POS (Proof of Stake) and stakers are disincentivized
against Byzantine behaviors or faults as that would cause a loss in value of the token.
Using a token is the most flexible and independent way to conceptualize a system that will need consensus
and security to evolve in the long term

>> No.8749539

do you really not question this at all? Theyre jumping through all kinds of hoops to try and convince you that theres a need for a token. How does the Request Network needs governing? Also need I remind you that governance aka voting rights is a feature of a security?

>> No.8749541

It's like BNB, you metaphorically own Binance, in the sense that Binance's success and profits are linked to BNB. If Binance stays alive and profiting then BNB keeps going up. If Binance exit scams you are left with bags. But overall it should go up due to mass burning as long as it stays alive. Both go up at a faster rate depending on usage. More usage = more fees used to purchase the token.

Unlike Binance the project isn't finished yet but will be totally revolutionary in the crypto space. It has the PwC partnership, the best partnership in crypto. People are just too fucking stupid to see what is in front of them. I've been around since 2014 and I've never been so bullish on a coin.

>> No.8749560
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I bought on the way down at 65cents and at fucking 22 cents last week
My average overall entry is still at 12cents so the pain isnt too bad

>> No.8749653

You didn't hold any eth by any chance did you? I've been researching and reading about crypto since 2014 also but only invested in November of last year. My only worry is that NO alts will see any traction until they become uncoupled from BTC.

>> No.8749724

REQ fixes this problem. Although I suspect Binance might support fiat before REQ sees widespread adoption. REQ will definitely help though. Someone will set up a REQ buying network where you can just buy alts for fiat using Request Network. It's so easy even I could do it.

>> No.8749758

I know people have been saying that but i've not quite seen it although it does seem plausible. I'm also into GVT for that exact reason.

>> No.8749903
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Ask yourself a question. What will REQ be worth in 5 years? $25 - $100 at least. 50K REQ will give you a return of 1.25 to 5 million. Thats the real moon shot - adoption! So invest $7,500 in your retirement and relax.

>> No.8749908

>retirement fund
Pick one.
Then kys.

>> No.8749947

why is nobody seeing that?

>> No.8749956

look man I get that BNB has appreciated nicely, but it's flawed as well. I'm not interested in metaphorical ownership. Youre making a decent argument for REQ as a security, but they sure as hell didn't register with the SEC. REQ token doesn't have real utility. Only reason anyone would want to own any is for speculative purposes. If I need to use the network and theyre making me use REQ to do so, I'll just buy some on the spot and use it immediately

>> No.8749971

Because we're not all deluded like you.

>> No.8750012

genuinely I just want to make money if you can help me see my delusion I'd be very appreciative but as far as I can see this is a pretty solid investment

>> No.8750025

So what does it do then? And don't post the Pay With Request meme images, give me a real fucking use case that solves an actual problem that would be brought on by mass adoption. I'll save you time, because the answer is you can't. You missed the moon. nothin personnel kid.

>> No.8750026
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>> No.8750027
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>> No.8750036
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Also PWC is trying to push developpers and companies to use blockchain technologies. It's not
"okay, we are partners, let's see what we will do together"
translation : prize for creating a blockchain app to authentify meds against counterfeit.

>> No.8750084

That is a use case nigger.

-Cheaper than paypal
-Allows people to receive in fiat from a payment in crypto and vice versa
-Decentralized meme

Can you take your currency shitcoin and actually spend it? REQ will allow you to actually buy shit in ANY crypto, properly, not some purse.io proxy shit. There are also more projects besides the payment one.

>> No.8750106

>What is interledger protocol
Ripple labs already has this area covered.

>> No.8750110

https://ethereumworldnews.com/6-use-cases-request-network-req/ I think explains it better than I could

>> No.8750122

That's basically it for the token. The profit for the devs comes from speculation of the token. Because that's where the profit is, the network itself can have fees which are extraordinarily low compared to non block chain competitors, giving it a competitive edge.

>> No.8750212

yes like I said earlier, I like the project but not the token (especially as an American). There's a reason it hasnt been listed on any US exchanges yet even thought their mainnet is live. REQ would have a really hard time passing the Howey Test

>> No.8750254

The day Ripple labs takes over crypto payments, everyone has lost already.

>> No.8750353

Req hodler here. Not even mad lol.

>> No.8750493

I must have tried 3 times in this thread to tell you that success of the network = increased token price and you still don't get it.
>I like Binance and think it could go for years but I hate BNB! It's not needed for transaction fees so why buy it? It's just driven on speculation.
If you like the network accumulate the fucking token. Brainlets these days.

>> No.8750546

>If you like the network accumulate the fucking token
thats not good enough dude. It's not like I own stock in the company and am entitled to a kickback of profits. No real utility = fundraiser shitcoin. No thanks

>> No.8750553

literally stay poor then you fucking retard

>> No.8750558

The token powers the network assclown, if you like the network and think it will be used, buy the fucking token.

>> No.8750603

you dont get it man. they added an unnecessary layer to the network just as a means to raise funds. this is going to turn into a problem somehwere down the line. if the network couldn't exist without REQ, I'd fucking buy it...but thats not the case

>> No.8750634

If REQ didn't exist then the ETH token holders would be decide the future of the request platform. Request needs to be independent from any currency, blockchain or community if it wants to last.

>> No.8750655

Why would the devs just add an unnecessary layer that could potentially compromise the future of the network if they could just charge fees in ETH? They obviously believe it's necessary for the future of the platform.

>> No.8750660
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>Thinks you need to own req to use the network.
You might be the dumbest person here, respectfully sir.

>> No.8750673

no they wouldnt, thats retarded. There is no future to decide for token holders. you have no stake in the project. If they want to make changes to the protocol theyll just do it. Theyre not gonna fucking consult you retards

>> No.8750690

>Why own eth? You don't actually get any dividends and it's not really needed, people can use traditional funding methods to raise money. It's not like dapps will be built atop req or anything or the pay by req button will fuel demand. Heh. Stay poor

>> No.8750701

Then answer this >>8750655

And how come you have managed to spot this fundamental flaw in the project, but Ycombinator have somehow missed it?

>> No.8750702

>being this dumb
they added the layer so they could raise 30m with an ICO

>> No.8750730

Wait so you mean to say it's the equivalent of a company going public?
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But shares give their holders no right of possession and no right of use. If shareholders go to the company premises, they will more likely than not be turned away.

They have no more right than other customers to the services of the business they “own”. The company’s actions are not their responsibility, and corporate assets cannot be used to satisfy their debts.

Shareholders do not have the right to manage the company in which they hold an interest, and even their right to appoint the people who do is largely theoretical. They are entitled only to such part of the income as the directors declare as dividends, and have no right to the proceeds of the sale of corporate assets — except in the event of the liquidation of the entire company, in which case they will get what is left; not much, as a rule.'

>> No.8750817

You think a button is a use case?

The biggest problem with REQ is that it's only useful if many of the cryptos that exist today will be around in the future and guess what, 99% of them are shitcoins and won't be around. What happens to REQ when there's only a handful of cryptos that are even being used in the future? Merchants will just decide they don't need the middleman and will accept these cryptos directly.

>> No.8750835

Yes, PwC partnered with request for the cryptocurrency payments use case. You are so smart. Do you know nothing about request?

>> No.8750851

>Wait so you mean to say it's the equivalent of a company going public?

ding ding. yea it is basically the equivalent....except for one problem, theyre not fucking registered with the SEC.

>> No.8750899

Binance coin exists to clean up dust. Very straightforward and useful.

>> No.8750907

The general consensus from regulators is to be very cautious (regulation wise) as to not stifle innovation of new technology. They don't care about legit projects with real partnerships and products, they care about scam ICOs. That is the green light for you my friend.

>> No.8751056

No they won't. It's way easier to implement Request than to try and set up a website to receive even 3 different currencies. Just imagine you had an online store yourself. Most websites today only accept Paypal or Credit Card. No website wants separate payment options for every crypto. They will just pick the all in one that takes less of a cut than Paypal.

>> No.8751098

I appreciate this reply and think youre mostly right, but here's my problem with that still: REQ basically was a scam ico. The network could fully exist on its own with no token (nobody has given me a compelling argument against this). The team could simply ask for fees in ETH and then cash the ETH out instead of using it to buy REQ to then burn. That layer was only put in place in order to justify a $30m token sale. The governance aspect is a joke (there's nothing to govern)

>> No.8751150

Because the team needs money you retard? Yeah, lets just revolutionize commerce by working for free and let Request transaction fees pump ETH instead. Fucking hell you are brainlet.

>> No.8751155


>> No.8751185

you are a fucking retard. they can make money off their network using any currency for fees. That shit is arbitrary. What they needed money for was to build their network (hence REQ being a fundraiser token).

>> No.8751202

You are actually fucking retarded. It's like trying to explain to a shrimp what a whale is, completely incapable of understanding.

>> No.8751224

The fact that I can see the price remains low because of the serious brainlets in the thread that can’t understand why it’ll be valuable as long as the network gets used more and more brings me joy and confidence that for once, I made the right choice and got in early.

>> No.8751246
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Poorfag here, I only need another 1500 to be at 10k. This is my first and last chance at 'making it'

How much will it be worth in a year?

>> No.8751265

so many here are obsessed with spreading FUD about regulators,SEC,use cases, and token utility while I'm just sitting here worried that my tokens will get randomly burned

I sense s/GmMpci works for a rival imo

>> No.8751270

no dude you literally proved my point. REQ is a pure fundraiser token. It has no other reason to exist. Believe it or not, there are true utility tokens that are essential to their respective networks. Most of these are rewards-based. If you exhibit behavior that is beneficial to the network, you get rewarded for it with said token. REQ has no such feature. It's a glorified chuck e cheese token

>> No.8751312

You're being smart unlike most of the guys here and I've asked myself the same questions you have. Thing is, the tokensale allowed the team to hire new people, pay themselves for their work and gave massive incentive for outside developers to make dapps on the network through the fund. The project wouldn't be possible without some sort of funding. Non-profit foundation has so many advantages that angel investors were not an option.

Not to mention how many people own REQ tokens and so have incentive to spread the word and help request become adopted. That on its own is enough to justify the use of a token, and those other benefits I believe (such as governance, helping with being blockchain agnostic among other things) ARE real. Without the token this whole project would be so much more difficult.

>> No.8751361
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How does a 'useless' coin become 'undervalued'?

>> No.8751375

A lot in a year, fiat support will be out by then. In a sense it's not really finished yet as current mainnet is more for show than use. I'm accumulating fiat for now and buying up in a few more months rather than purchasing it now. I heard they will advertise it after fiat support. It hasn't even begun until Q3 at least. It won't stay under $1 forever though so I still hold a bit just in case normies catch on. Looking at the brainlets in this thread, there's probably not much to worry about there, accumulate in the short term.

>> No.8751385

1M eoy brother. im about to buy 10k as well, heres to being rich

>> No.8751402

go to 14:35. Multi billion VCs saying ICOs will be a legit form of fundraising and.
Jim Breyer: 'I do think ICOs, a couple years from now, will be an alternative financing vehicle'

>> No.8751435

What I'm getting at is just because it's not TECHNICALLY necessary, it is fundamentally necessary

>> No.8751464

You can't have dirt cheap transaction fees without some other profit method. Thats enough reason to go with this business model.

>> No.8751471
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When will most of you stupid req white knighters realize that fighting the FUD is what makes you stupid. The smart req owners are promoting the FUD (until at least 35% of req has been burned, Req can easily reach $100 in 1 year if 35% gets burned)

Keep the price low diptards!

>> No.8751497

People who bought REQ because of it being fudded are utterly BTFO.

>> No.8751512

You mean sold?

>> No.8751516

this is a relatively convincing reply that I can appreciate. It's too much mental gymnastics to justify the token (for me at least anyway). I'm just going to stick with the coins that make technical sense to me for now. Good luck with REQ. I will respecfully exit this thread now lol

>> No.8751525

You're right. Didn't need to type all that shit out, I am a brainlet.

>> No.8751572


If you spread enough fud people will choose OMG instead. Be careful.

>> No.8751587


WTC is, not even joking

>> No.8751599

There is no realistic way to keep burning high by fudding. As soon as it gets adopted it won't be underground anymore and the redditors will come in to FOMO it up to $10 like they bought shit like TRON. People will realize it is actually being used long before adoption is high enough to burn significant amounts under their noses. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8751734

This kind of argument always makes me fear that there are really teenage autistic whales out there that do not realize that fud sticks.
The average investor, the one that you want to fomo later and buy your bags, is not going to change his mind once is convinced that a project is not worth it, expecially with the amount of coins, token and info to process lately. He will simply buy something else.
The shill/fud cicle is potentially deadly, kids.

>> No.8751746
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Are we in the despair phase of the hype cycle? Because I want off this ride.

REQ was supposed to make me a millionaire by June.. Now it looks like we won't even have fiat-fiat capability in Q2.

>> No.8751767


i would like this pajeeta to bear my seed

>> No.8751829

this is why I'm mostly in OMG
it's impossible to FUD

>> No.8751849

This. Well said

See what you're doing faggot?

>> No.8751884

It's just fud man

>> No.8751997

Except in REQ’s case they don’t need to be convinced to buy the token. All that matters is people see it as a good app to pay people with or crowdfund or audit, etc.

It’s completely unrequired for anyone to give a fuck about speculating on it. If the project gets used and is valuable, it will naturally go up due to the fees and market buying REQ for burning.

PwC is interested in it and sees the potential. You think a group of people on /biz/ are going to sway the minds of businesses that want to use it?

This is why brainlets don’t understand how as long as they release a good product, it’s a G U A R A N T E E D moon mission, unlike other tokens where the price depends on people actually going out of their way to buy it.

>> No.8752213

>he doesn’t know about triple entry accounting.
>he doesn’t know about all the req use cases.
Stay poor faggot the req/pwc partnership was the biggest announcement in crypto so far this year.

>> No.8752245


Except, you know, the part where it's over-valued by at least $9.50 and vaporware.