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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 191 KB, 1275x2000, powm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8739277 No.8739277 [Reply] [Original]

So this is where we got to. A ponzi coin that is more trustworthy than virtually all ICOs and shitcoins. 10 hours old, fat 20% dividends to encourage hodling, and a contract that cannot be altered or emptied by devs. Contract currently around 400, nearest competitor is at 15,000 after a month. This is going to blow that out of the water once Asia, reddt, youtube starts shilling. New interface upgrades and foreign language translations coming. Asia will blow this up. I'll come back and remind you guys in 1000 ETH increments. Good luck anons.

>> No.8739300
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 1519765615472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Site being updated, go here:

>> No.8739315
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dscord = jvpXgZD

Site re-release in 10 mins

>> No.8739389
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>> No.8739417
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>> No.8739434

>sites down already
If you put money in now you will need 8x eth to break even.
For it to 2x you will need another 8x.
for it yo 2x after that it will need another 8x.
400x512 is 204800 eth in contract.
For PoWH to 2x right now it only needs another 60k and is a pretty safe bet.
For PoWD to 2x it 600 eth and is a much safer bet than 204800 eth.
You need 100 powm tokens that are now worth 1 eth to get masternode to be able to get real divs.
You only need 5 for both powh and powd to get masternodes and get money from shilling.
Do your math before putting money into clones.
All PoWM newcomers are welcome.

>> No.8739548
File: 41 KB, 621x414, 1522745850459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet, that is absolute gibberish, all the OG ponzi people who know what they are talking about are in POWM, they actually have real devs behind them. POHD is a scam, has no devs and will be dead soon. the maths above is fucking rubbish, if you get into powm now, you will make it, simple as that, its hour 10.

>> No.8739597

Please btfo my math by presenting an argument, I can't fucking wait for it. All you cryptogaming pajeets are delusional if you think anyone but your discord will buy into this, especially with website down.

>> No.8739645
File: 85 KB, 634x450, 1522138476071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet, this hasnt even hit Dapp radar yet. Wait and see what happens. POWM has devs. It has huge divs as well. POWM.IO is going to make it, check the discord its obvious. If you dont think this takes off, look at bitconnect and how big that became.

>> No.8739661

fucking magnets

>> No.8739669

Nothing will happen. Sorry to dissapoint you. Whats the next step of your master plan for powm? Copypaste powh frontend? Newsflash you need sustainable model first and vision for future. And there are only 2 projects right now that can offer that.

>> No.8739670

This has more divs at 25%

>> No.8739678

I'll take "What is money laundering " for $600, Alex.

>> No.8739696
File: 200 KB, 550x778, 1522143577563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha says the guy from the POHD scam site. Translations are coming pajeet and so will the ether.

>> No.8739722

>translations meme
Holy shit you guys are actually retarded, everyone in crypto speaks english already otherwise they wouldn't be in it.

>> No.8739730

>Hot body
>'fuck me' position
>retarded as fuck expression on her face

Boner killer.

>> No.8739738

Did they exit scam already? Site is down reeeeeeeee

>> No.8739769
File: 29 KB, 540x419, 1522829734480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updates on site.

>> No.8739782

Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia love this shit and dont all speak english idiot, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about pajeet. look at the powm discord, the shilling hasnt even started.

>> No.8739843

you can't even shill you shitty hot potatoes lmao

>> No.8740508
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 1518111289364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet pajeet, this isnt a hot potato, its a ponzi in a contract. There are hundreds of us and its only 12 hours old. This will just grow and grow. Day 1, you dont get a lot of opportunities like this. Make up your own mind.

>> No.8740550

>a website without a DNS is trustworthy
fuck the google drive logo was made by pedos??