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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 616x456, 462274-shopify-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8736613 No.8736613 [Reply] [Original]

I was making a decent 5-10k a month dropshipping on Shopify since I started around October 2017

2018 rolls by, not sure what happened but I haven't made shit, None of my ads are converting like they used to, my CPP is at a breakeven point. I don't wanna give up on ecommerce, I've learned so much I feel like it would be a waste but facebook doesnt seem to be working for me anymore. Maybe I need to change it up..

Anyone here making money doing eCommerce with POD or dropshipping?

Getting just'd this year and it's ruining my plans to quit my wagecuck job

>> No.8736643

I've been getting much lower ROI from facebook ads the past year, to the point where they aren't really worth doing anymore. Not sure what to do.

I got unique products people want, but the low price point ($10) makes pay per conversion type advertising nearly impossible.

>> No.8736659

up-GRADE niggers
move into selling drugs for bitcoins

>> No.8736663

Similar boat, I was getting very easy 3-4X margins in 2017, now getting 2x is a struggle, can't turn a real profit anymore.

Trying anything new? I was looking at snapchat but it seems like utter shit

>> No.8736680

I would unironically do this but I'm afraid of getting ass raped in prison.

I just wanna quit my wagecuck job man, i was so close.

>> No.8736688

Would you recommend any non-scam resources to learn about drop shipping? (And what's POD, print on demand?)

>> No.8736697

I donno whatimgonnado

I've had some luck with the shitty flash deal sites, but only netted a couple grand per event, and get diminishing returns from each event.

Seems like people hucking $100+ products are killing the effective use of advertising for folks trying to sell cheap shit.

>> No.8736758

Seems like unless you strike gold, drop shipping is dead. I sell literally unique products that people want and I'm still struggling.

>> No.8736790

99% of people teaching dropshipping are retarded newbies who make money teaching other retarded newbies.

Just use free resources and never pay for information. I used a few youtubers, Sebastian Gomez and Kingpinning are good starting points, they sell courses but have a lot of free content. Just don't buy anything and you can figure it out.

>> No.8736808

Don't puss out.
you can't get go to prison if you're not even handling drugs, and you can't get busted unless you're acting like a nigger talking shit all the time till you give leads on your high profile ass. My point was do what you're doing now but on the deepweb you're still middlemanning, but you're not actually ordering shit

>> No.8736834

>Sebastian Gomez and Kingpinning
Thanks, I'll look at those to start with. Some other projects fell through recently, so even if returns are likely to be low, drop shipping might be something to try for a while.

>> No.8736861
File: 71 KB, 313x286, 1490428862915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't get go to prison if you're not even handling drugs
Have fun in jail. Hope your lawyer's smarter than you are.

>> No.8736876

Lemme fucking coach you stupid niggers how to dropship drugs while you pay me 2 grand per month for a biweekly session
NSF that shit and I will send anthrax to your dumbass
prison rules, no homo dawg
hit up that dropshipping shit for 3 years
get rich from /biz/
then move straight right on to day trading penny stocks

>> No.8736893

Dropshipping is done.

We need a new biz we can run from our computers at home while NEETing

>> No.8736974
File: 96 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git good
5x roi
What's this 2013

>> No.8736992

even the dumbest cuck on this site with the slightest clue about opsec and crypto can do it, pretty sure these guys who've been shopifying know what they're doing so they should be pretty fine off
their only escape route is to send all their shit to their trading account, and turn that shit into monero and live off pizza and backpage hookers for the rest of their life

>> No.8737067

>not march

someone got JUST'd in march

What are you even selling?

>> No.8737099

Looks like he got justed in February a lot more than March anon; as far as I can see his graph shows both.

>> No.8737144

Wasn't really pushing this store in feb
Designer kippahs, it's all about the targeting

>> No.8737147
File: 147 KB, 750x1334, 573CA654-FD86-482F-997C-1DC8DE5CB53A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was dropshipping for a while but I’ve found a LOT more success doing digital arbitrage.

Essentially, you’re selling digital marketing services(a website, social media management, SOE, etc), and outsourcing the projects to fiverr fags and pocketing the difference. You can sell a site for $1500 and hire someone on fiverr to make a really good WordPress site for $150 tops.

What do you guys think? I’m basically just apdating the dropshipping model for a service business.

>> No.8737166

I been thinking about doing this with Apps and software, just outsource to FIVERR or find some Pajeets to do it.

How do you market your services?

>> No.8737176 [DELETED] 

Pretty courageous to post that cheque there with your banking information.

>> No.8737189

Paying for lead generation, also from fiverr.

I also did digital marketing previously and only sell things I know how to do myself - except I’m just outsourcing it to save time since I’m just a college freshman.

I try to communicate over email as much as possible. As soon as they hear my super high voice I’m fucked.

>> No.8737200

How much are you making per month?

>> No.8737204

Its funny reading things like this. I did this back in '05 where id approach businesses offering logo/layout services. Theyd hire me, Id use one of those sites where you say you got xxx money for a logo/layout and ppl submit proposals. Then id send the proposals to the companys pretending that I made them all, let them pick, pay the pajeets, send the logo to the business, done.

>> No.8737237

Pic related is what I made in March and February.

Most of my clients are independent realtors and apartment complexes overseas. It’s a lot harder to sell in America and those Asians love working with westerners - especially if I can offer them a better website in English, because they want white tenants more than they want Asians.

>> No.8737251

shut the fuck up already

>> No.8737273

basically doing 0 work except for talking to a couple of people, i see

>> No.8737274

stay poor

>> No.8737284

makes sense

>> No.8737301


>> No.8737339

Are you optimizing?

Remarketing? Email campaigns? Content marketing?

>> No.8737355

how do you find the people looking for websites? I mean they dont have one... so how do you even know they exist?

>> No.8738203

I don't think cops care if you're making a small amount, you're not going to have an FBI squadron assigned to your case for selling $200 dollars worth of weed. That said, if you make any serious money (like everyone on here wants) enjoy your pounding. If it's escobar money it's worth throwing away your life for, but youll be making thousands not millions and I'd rather keep my freedom and my ass free from Requis's dick.

>> No.8738296

do people care about shit like return policy, privacy policy and similar shit?

>> No.8738298


what products are you selling?
gotta keep up with the trends

>> No.8738306

also are you selling from aliexpress or are you using some other supplier?

>> No.8738342

You sound like a robot that only talks in corporate buzzwords

>> No.8738382

When I order something online I always look at the shipping fees. So I would at least add a page containing those.

>> No.8738427

>e not going to have an FBI squadron assigned to your case for selling $200 dollars worth of weed. That said, if you make any serious money (like everyone on here wants) enjoy your pounding. If it's escobar money it's worth throwing away your life for, but youll be making thousands not millions and I'd rather keep my freedom and my ass free from Requis's dick.

So you just sell the the wordpress website design to the customer. They all do the hosting by themselves ? Did you ever get complications about getting paid ?

>> No.8738467

talking to people is still work. this guy is basically in sales and HR