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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8735078 No.8735078 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw getting tax returns this week

Who /buying the dip/ here?

>> No.8735104

/newfag/ anyone who got here before november owes a fuckload of taxes from all those gains you missed

>> No.8735114


If youre getting a return your doing it wrong wagecuck

>> No.8735211

Nice try but everyone knows that last year's trading was not considered a taxable event unless you converted to fiat. Can't say the same this year though.

>> No.8735260
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I bought the dip

>> No.8735307
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>He isn't reporting all of his taxable events

>> No.8735536
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comfy as fuck

>> No.8735547

it already dipped, we bullrun now

>> No.8735576

>getting money back from your tax return
I had to pay 8k this year.

>> No.8735638

From trading?

>> No.8735658

Yeah, 50k profits.

>> No.8736063

uh, you're gonna be in for a rude awakening.

I'm paying almost 28k state and federal, pretty much entirely from crypto. Still have to calculate my Q1 estimated taxes, but it won't be much thanks to this blessed dip. worked a bit in january and got some grants for school (total is definitely over the 3k i can write off from capital loss), so i'll probably owe something, but just a couple hundred bucks.

This isn't the sort of thing to fuck around with. Call me a taxcuck all you like.

>> No.8736074
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Actually kill yourself

>> No.8736169

see, that's the thing . . . i'll never have to face fear. I can work for the feds or the state, I can still get good security clearances for those highly paid defense engineering contracts, I can still work on the cutting edge of science and technology and make bank doing it. I'll never have to worry about going to prison, or having to pay 2-3x the tax i just paid in penalties and interest.

I'll never come close to wanting to kill myself! It sucks to have to financially support some of the things I'm supporting by paying my taxes, but you can't put a price on freedom.

>> No.8736177


>> No.8736197

You literally sound like a tax dodger roleplaying on a tax-evasion discussion board.

>> No.8736199
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>> No.8736259

you might have some paranoid tendencies m8.
the 70 pages of paperwork in front of me tell a different story.

If they counted the basis of my trades as 0 . . . . they would claim I owed taxes on over a million dollars. I'm not taking that chance.

>> No.8736272
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we believe you fren

>> No.8736287
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I'm still at a loss
>mfw paying nothing at least

>> No.8736477

I had to pay about $300 (first time not getting a return since owing taxes) due to trading BTC for altcoins in December.

Also, FIFO is the fucking worst.

>> No.8736505
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get a load of this fucking loser paying 300 like a good fucking goy

>> No.8736528

>do taxes on line
>send them in the first day they're accepted
>get federal refund on time
>still haven't gotten state refund
>a week ago my state treasury department sends me a letter asking for a picture of my W-2 and that they'll get back to me within 90 days

>> No.8736725

you're frustrated over a couple hundred bucks?

i guess ive grown out of /biz/ . . . bunch of kids and circle jerking wannabe miscreants

>> No.8736806

Yea, but stacked against the 100k in unrealized gains I still have sitting in my accounts, it seemed like a easy pill to swallow.

>> No.8736846
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>I am paying, therefore everyone else has to too

>> No.8736935

not once did i say what ANYONE "should" do. Actions do have consequences, and like-kind exchanges definitely do not and have not ever applied to crypto trades. but i'm nobody's mother.

>> No.8737220

First year I had to PAY TAXES. Fucking poorfags in here.

>> No.8737229


>lending the government money for zero interest

you're not gonna make it

>> No.8737336

U wot m8? This is bull bait.