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8657480 No.8657480 [Reply] [Original]

What do we do now?

Wait until next week for more confirmation or believe blindly jBonds will bring money to UAE like crazy no matter what happens.

>> No.8657504
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>> No.8657572

Balls deep in this shitcoin and it's not looking too good tbqh.. im not gonna sell but this project changed drastically over night

>> No.8657916

Luckily I was waiting for eth to dump further before investing more. Good call

>> No.8658000

JNT is my favorite coin now I am thinking of taking short terms gains (if it ever gains somehow) or selling at loss. If it was big, normies on reddit would have mentionned it.

>> No.8658012

what even are supposed to be those jbonds? as I understand a regular bond is basicly a loan with certain interest rate, who is gonna create those jbonds, what are they gonna be backed by? how will it work? are they gonna be stable as fiat? or at least close to it?

>> No.8658054


Why would you sell in the middle of this shit bear market anyways, i thought anyone invested in this was in it for the long term.

>> No.8658089

also how are jbonds less regulatory problematic than jfiat? I would think it wold the opposite

>> No.8658431

It will be a maker dao clone. Nothing more. Useless pos since jnt is not necessary anymore

>> No.8658457

Jcash=real money
Jbonds= value soft pegged to real money. Will vary few percent like tether thus not reasl money

>> No.8658501

my expectations were never pegged to what happened in the short term, get out if you can't handle it brainlet

>> No.8658522

so it won't be backed by anything off chain?

>> No.8658542

im in too deep with this coin at this point. gonna wait for the seed article next week to decide. fuck my life

>> No.8658614

Its 3 cents below ico price.Coins come in to the market at 7x ico with way WAY less going for it than jibrel has.95% of these coins will die a death.99% of them couldnt get 250 million of backing, get cz, hongfei to speak at their conference.or get don tapscott to advise for them,Whatever your thoughts are on todays news, its still insanely undervalued and a way safer bet than most of the other shitcoins out there.

>> No.8658679

I'm really alarmed that they just change the nature and function of JNT out of the blue.

>> No.8658689

theyre starting to talk about it now that the cnbc fag talked about crypto/traditional asset coins

>> No.8658718

Yes as far as I understand. No idea how it is supposed to work then.

>> No.8658731

Or be. Smart and do not invest in any of the coins during bear unless you are already balls deep .

>> No.8658733

yes we should all be thrilled though because jnt will be burned to vote on wallet default settings.

>> No.8658754

Agree. Haven’t bought yet though.

>> No.8658771

What happened?

>> No.8658803

lol then it's another ponzi with a speculative shitcoin attached.
Id rather use tether which even during a crash doesn't go higher than 1.02 or something like that

>> No.8658806

Remember me fags??? I’m the idiot who sold my bags for a total profit of about $100. I was mocked and laughed at. Guess whose laughing now fucking loosers

>> No.8658818

that was straight up shameful from them to come up with such BS

>> No.8658839

how long did it take you to sell your bags anyway the volume is nonexistent. i thought about selling mine but it would take forever, just going to chalk it up as 10k spent on lottery scratch tickets.

>> No.8658868

You idiots really don't get it do you. All of you Jiblets are suffering from "sunk cost fallacy." You've invested your money into this scamelcoin so you have a hard time realizing how obvious of a scam Talallah is leading you into. The latest medium post was the most effective FUD I've ever seen. So effective in fact, that I market sold my entire 100k stack. JNT won't even be pumped up by tokenized assets anymore, its now as useless as LINK. Furthermore, the mechanics and "stability" of the token means that the price of 1 JNT will never exceed a dollar. Jesus i'm sick to my fucking stomach just thinking about this.

>> No.8658893

I'm kind of amazed you managed to fit BAT FUD into that.

>> No.8658906

You're either fudding intentionally or misinformed yourself.

Why do you say that 1 JNT will never exceed a dollar? JNT hold the value of jBonds on the network.

>> No.8658907


your guess is as good as mine lil jiblet. i'm fucking pissed off and worried. a couple of my guys still in it believe that it's a good thing the Jihad Network decided to drop jCash because of regulatory hurdles.

But with all these bullshit delays, that abysmal medium article, and shit ass damage control in the telegram, I don't even know if I believe they're tokenizing anything. And what's the deal with that 250M? Where the fuck is that going?

Trading volume is low as fuck, can't even sell my shit off without dropping price by 10%, and Talal Bin Laden is backing out of the solvency function he's been shilling since he started.

I don't know what to do.

>> No.8658911

I only bought in about 800ish usd

I bought in around low 40s cent and sold around 46 or 48. Can’t remember exactly. I was happy as a pig in mud to get rid of my bags. I’m not a genus by any means, but I’m far from an idiot. The more I thought about jnt the more I didn’t believe in their idea

>> No.8658945

>and Talal Bin Laden is backing out of the solvency function he's been shilling since he started.
>I don't know what to do.
I wonder if people will start contacting some regulatory agencies to crack down on this scam for such obvious deceiving

>> No.8658947


was wondering that myself. if we follow the original narrative, the jBonds will be debt from outside corporations, municipals, and federals tokenized using CryDRs. But as we now know, the original narrative is BTFO and I wouldn't be surprised if those bonds were issued from the Jihad Network themselves. I'm not gonna own a solvency coin for camel issued debt, fuck that shit.

>> No.8658952

Their idea is literally the future. However their implementation, goals , team and progress means they won't be the ones making it a reality.

>> No.8658960

For what?

Jesus Christ.... dyor!!!

You guys need baby sitters for your investments. Stop reading the shill shit on these forums

There are coins like icx, prl, and gvt which I am in very heavily and have been rewarding me very much..... besides icx which I need to reach 3.2x usd before I start to profit.

>> No.8658963

What changed?

>> No.8658990

This will never work coming from the Middle East. They will never get the regulatory boards to back then

Besides that, nobody wants to tokenize shit. Sit down and think why anybody would want to. I can’t think of any real reason.

>> No.8658999

JCash is asset-backed ala Tether. jBonds whatever the fuck they are are the ones that are JNT backed.

>> No.8659013

well they did an ico and took a lot of money from people deceiving them into thinking that the token will be used differently and are now backtracking.

and what is jnt backed by then?
2 ponzis backing eachother.
This shit looks more shady by the minute I swear

>> No.8659019

Tokenizing assets is the future. I can understand not thinking Jibrel can accomplish that because I don't either anymore. However if you think that tokenizing assets is stupid then you are a total brainlet.

>> No.8659038

Didn’t most governments come out and say.... be careful with icos most are scams

This is the risk you take trying to get rich. Sorry for you brother. I honestly wish you guys the best.

>> No.8659039

old value proposition: DAO smart contract buys JNT to provide on-chain proof of solvency for assets, focus of project = tokenizing real world assets

new value proposition: JNT burned when voting for default currency in jwallet, dev team building more shit to power jwallet better

>> No.8659051

While your waiting for the future, ill hold my gvt icx prl and eng bags and watch money roll in every time I refresh my delta app

>> No.8659057

nah I'm fine with it and I don't even like the regulations, I'm just saying some people who bought the top will be desperate enough to do it imo, although they are not based in the US so it's gonna be less likely
well thought out scamel

>> No.8659104

Jnt backed by speculation like literally every other shitcoin

>> No.8659126

Can I not tokenize my assets with true usd... which is audited by the kikes and transparent?

>> No.8659174

Ponziception, literally

>> No.8659355
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god dammit why didn't I just buy eth years ago

this shitcoin roulette is not for me

>> No.8659379

I’ll be honest. Most the stuff shilled in here is shit

Amb is the only coin I’m holding that is usually shilled on here

Ya..... \biz did call eth, they did call neo, but remember, this place was full of actual smart people at the time

Now it’s a bunch of sheep Lambo fags who follow whatever biz tells them to do. It’s comical to watch.

>> No.8659391

Sell now while you still can. I bailed earlier today. Glad I did. Will not be buying back in. All the shilling behind this coin is bunk once you actually read the whitepaper. JNT is a gas coin, nothing more.

>> No.8659408

Like, this is literally a coin that could go to near 0 in a week. Nobody wants to touch it, and it only takes a couple desperate bagholders to collapse prices. Holding this thing is like holding a time bomb.

>> No.8659516

I invested $4000 at 40 cents so I'm down by $2000 at the moment. I'm still going to hold for another year or two and hope for the best. If this does end up going to 0, well I guess I'll just have to claim capital loses for my tax return to get some of that money back. Must feel bad having 100k+ stack at the moment though.

>> No.8659607

Too early buddy, it’s a marathon not a sprint. Steel hands here I don’t understand the FUD nothing changed really

>> No.8659641

except for JNT is officially a shitcoin

>> No.8659785

We’ll see. I don’t plan to sell for a long time this doesn’t mean shit, Poly is a scam and it mooned. This has real people behind it, real people with real reputations and I like what they’re doing, hope I can catch the bottom.

>> No.8659810

Who on this team has a reputation besides their "advisor" Dan Tapscott?

>> No.8659907

Dan is huge and lives between Dubai, Canada, England and he’s a big deal. The Shiekh is a huge deal and the Seed is a monster deal. You guys are crazy

>> No.8659937

so, their team is shit besides one advisor with an undefined role?

The SEED deal likely won't even involve JNT. Talal/Yaz or whoever is lying. Why would they want the excess volatility of "jBonds"?

>> No.8659959

You anons are insane. I think this will moon we’ll see

>> No.8660065

i can't tell if that one anon really dumped his bags in the other thread. he completely 180'd by saying all the fudders were just fags with buy orders and then an hour later he says he's just dumped.

>> No.8660112

Check etherdcan and it doesn’t matter, store the coins and forget about them. In a bull run this is going to do great the price today means nothing to me

>> No.8660138

i'm not touching my stack until 2019 earliest. i'll gladly watch this go to 0 before i sell and miss the biggest moon mission i'd ever get, fuck that

>> No.8660148

why exactly will this piece of shit moon?

>> No.8660171

If jCash doesn't work with JNT backing it, why would jAssets or jBonds work at all?

They lost 20% of their tokenized FIAT in a small pilot over a few weeks. There is no way any institution would touch that to tokenize anything, KEK

Go ahead shill me why jBonds will work if jCash can't work.

>> No.8660186

People were under the false impression that JNT would be required in order back tokenized assets, but that is not true. It is a gas token and is worth pennies.

>> No.8660198

you have such good fud angles now and this is the one you are rolling with ffs

>> No.8660202

Dam I knew this was a shitcoin but I figured that if I bought in at 25 cents the Devs were going to release news that pumped it and I'd be able to sell for a nice profit. Now they decided to be real honest and came out and said lol guys we can't really do what we said we were going to do and we'll never be listed on Binance. The fuck

>> No.8660244

I don't even care. I dumped this afternoon and have no intention of re-buying. I do think that people should be warned though because a lot of the shilling on this board has been dishonest.

>> No.8660256

The changed the project in a way that JNT is obsolete. Fuck this

>> No.8660278

they just hooked us up, dubai is basically a fucking lock now.

>> No.8660306


I understand the team know better than us but can someone explain to me? Why jBonds+JNT will work I'm not seeing it?

>> No.8660310
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>can't do this with jCash? ok fuck you we'll create something else that btfo your regulations and can be adopted fucking everywhere and here are a shitload of monetary incentives to choose the jnt-backed approach, but if you don't want to you can use asset-backed shit which still pumps the value of jnt

>> No.8660412

where's that retard that made that JNT flowchart when you need him

>> No.8660421

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:49:15 PM]:
TL;DR on why we need to increase JNT utility (through jGas, Jibrel products, etc.)

Effectively, in our simulation, we ended up with a shortfall of JNT, so we went to market and balanced.

But in a constantly bear market (the entire period tested was downward), we will either constantly need to liquidate cash for JNT, or ensure enough JNT is being circulated back to the Jibrel DAO to back the CryDRs.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:49:25 PM]:
This is done through jWallet, Jibrel Search, jNode, etc.

>tristan, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:50:23 PM]:
He means why would someone make a CryDr vs sending $50 to your bank account and receiving $50 jcash if that is an option

>tristan, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:50:43 PM]:
*use JNT to make a crydr

Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:50:50 PM]:
The compliance levels for jCash are really high, both on the tokenizer and the purchaser.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:51:07 PM]:
The accessibility of jBonds (purely onchain solution) is very lucrative for the tokenizer, and much more convenient for the purchaser.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:51:30 PM]:
So while both will be offered, we expect it to be predominantly JNT backed.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:51:47 PM]:
Which will also allow us to wind-down the asset backed tokens in the medium/longer term and achieve full decentralization

>> No.8660435

> monetary incentives
please do explain

>> No.8660477

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:46:23 PM]:
Will you incentivize the usage of JNT in the process or will it simply be an option besides regular fiat?

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:46:47 PM]:
Price is discounted in JNT, USD prices are pretty inflated. Ensuring people will prefer JNT.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:47:00 PM]:
We will also make it very easy to settle using JNT without having to source it manually.

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:47:35 PM]:
That's great! What do you mean by discounted exactly? What is the discount applied to?

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:48:05 PM]:
For example, if a basic jNode subscription costs 500 USD

If settled in JNT, it will be the equivalent of 400 (20% reduced)

>> No.8660478

a lot of typing that literally explains nothing

>> No.8660501

so no monetary incentive unless you want to use these new "services"?. got it.

>> No.8660510

And now the walkoff homerun:

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:03 PM]:
So will the liquidity provided by SEED be only for jCash or also for jBonds?

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:25 PM]:
Both, with a strong focus on jBonds (JNT backed), because the goal there is a decentralization play.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:32 PM]:
And there is much more favorable regulation in the UAE.

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:38 PM]:
That's amazing news.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:45 PM]:
For example, futher evidence of jCash not cannabilizing jBonds (JNT backed tokens) - offering this compliantly to Swiss residents requires an in-person interview.

>Yazan admin, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:56:57 PM (3/30/18, 4:57:11 PM)]:
So we are confident most users will prefer jBonds rather than going through the obstacles of jCash.

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:57:36 PM]:
Thank you. This shows that JNT investors will clearly still benefit heavily, because jBonds will be backed by JNT.

>Phil, [Mar 30, 2018, 4:57:49 PM]:
This was what I was looking for!

>> No.8660537

ico bags here. wanted to hold longtherm but this fud is getting me. will prop sell my bags. damn u sand niggers

>> No.8660539

> a lot of typing, doesn't explain how jBonds actually work

>> No.8660567

don't forget this would also apply to jBonds since they are backed by JNT:

> Key Issues: Insufficient market liquidity / activity for Proof of Solvency to be completely decentralized.
> Under current market conditions (+70% correction), the system would’ve remained balanced, but would have lost funds in excess of AED 2,000,000 (US$ 544,520) to provide only AED 10,000,000 (US$ 2,722,600) worth of CryDRs (20% deterioration).

>> No.8660580

The problem is jCash was being liquidated, won't jBonds be liquidated in a bear market. They lost the hedge amount (150% in) + 20% on top because they ended up with a shortfall of JNT.

"Effectively, in our simulation, we ended up with a shortfall of JNT, so we went to market and balanced."

How will changing to bonds stop this shortfall/loss mechanism at all? That is the primary problem with jCash+JNT not the regulation BS.

>> No.8660602

Nothing. All the team does is lying pretending that ppl will use it.

>> No.8660630

you know what really sucks, we couldn't even get a short term pump out of this

I always thought there's a chance it could fail but I figured at least it would pump at some point, even a literal ponzi like bitconnect pumped and you could make money out of that before it all came crashing down
not this though

>> No.8660650

Because they don't work. Just like the previous concept.

They made everything confusing as fuck, so nobody even understood it, and then said 'yeah JNT is Proof of Solvency, so it'll go up guaranteed!' to get you to buy. You bought, but the token failed to moon. So they said fuck it and now they are trying the exact same thing again with jBonds. This confusing and convoluted way of explaining it is done deliberately, so they can always go back on what they sai by going 'that's not what we meant, you misunderstood'!

There is no easy way to explain jBonds, because it's basically nothing. They are just beating around the bush, because there's no actual implementation behind this project.

>> No.8660692

ye m2. i thought it could do at least one fucking pump. fuck that.

>> No.8660712

It's a scam. Just market sold

>> No.8660743
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why not desu you gotta keep the faith in allah's apostles

>> No.8660773

>The Shiekh is a huge deal and the Seed is a monster deal

The guy we care about has, basically, Ahmed as his first name and Saeed as his next name.
He has a nine-year-old estranged son who has Saeed as his first name and Ahmed as his next name.
Seed Group is owned by the nine-year-old.

You seem to be thinking of the wrong Sheikh:

I thought this was dumb FUD before buying 470k jibbies, but reading it again...

The "Sheikh" we care about is named Ahmed. Ahmed Saeed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_bin_Saeed_Al_Maktoum

The Seed Group is owned by his son, whose name is Saeed. Saeed Ahmed. Go to http://seedgroup.com/ and see the link that says "A Company of The Private Office of Sheikh Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Maktoum"?

1. That link clearly says Saeed Ahmed. That's nine-year-old Saeed Ahmed, not the old man, Ahmed Saeed.

2. Look up the nine-year-old's name here:

Yeah, the Seed Group self-describes themselves as being the private office for this Saeed Ahmed individual, and then you search for a company with the same name and see the director of the company is the kid's mother, ELGAMAL, Nivin Saad Eldin Mohamed, Duchess.

Seed Group is just some company with money. Unclear how much money it has, but its chairman is a child who is estranged from his father and its director is that child's mother, who is apparently not on good terms with the father.

It seems like the Seed Group has an email contact link, we could probably ask them directly who the chairman is or what level of involvement the mother has.

>> No.8660781


As for Don Tapscott, I still don't know what makes him a big deal, but he says he's an advisor of Jibrel and implies that he thinks highly of it. Watch from 26:20 to about 27:20 of Tapscott's presentation here:

Also, I can't remember but I think he mentions right around / shortly before that, that Jibrel has some big South Korean play cooked up. I wonder what it is.

The problem is, I think the Jibrel project seems really cool, but that doesn't mean anything to me as a holder of JNT if they leave JNT behind. And I wonder if that applies here: even if Don Tapscott is some big name, and even if he believes in the Jibrel project, that only means he thinks Jibrel is going to do well. It doesn't necessarily mean he thinks that JNT will moon, but I do think there's a very good chance for recovery - not just in a bull market, but because virtually any usage of jBonds should make this moon 10x. And this doesn't seem to be a scam project, just startup being brought back down from heaven to earth.

>> No.8660800


Maybe /biz/ should compile a list of questions, so we can be ready to ask when they show up in Telegram in a couple of weeks to deliver next week's medium post.

>> No.8660881

This is insane. Talal/Yaz are deceitful at best. This shitcoin is done.

>> No.8660896

I just market sold

>> No.8660897

any kind of reasonable question gets shouted down by uninformed telegram bagholders suffering from severe cognitive dissonance

>> No.8660986
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Sheik Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum


>> No.8661010

Why would anyone still be interested in this project? The USP, the SEED group partnership, has basically no effect in the bagholders of JNT since it will be used for jCash. jBonds which was created in panic mode to satisfy the bagholders will have no benefit over other stablecoins.

Good luck to everyone who still believes in the project or more likely holds because of dreams and greed

>> No.8661039
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Still holding 450k JNT, but desu...not so comfy anymore after changing the whole nature of the project.

I will discuss this change in a deeper conversation with yazan and talal, but this is quiet fucked up

>> No.8661076

How do you discuss with him? Are you some kind of vip holder?

>> No.8661094

PM him and you will get answers if you ask srs questions and raise your concerns.

>> No.8661117

How do you even plan to sell such a big stack with non existent volume?

>> No.8661151


"not cannabilizing jBonds (JNT backed tokens)"

so jBonds are token backed tokens? WTF?

>> No.8661160

Yes it will. Ffs has anyone here actually read anything? Stop talking out of your ass and dyor

>> No.8661202

Cause people will pay a shitton to use jibrelsearch or jibrel node with jnt

>> No.8661224

So what JNT-backed means is what? The Jibrel DAO will ensure jBonds are the stable token, backed by JNT?

But how does money get into the system to buy it? A customer says "we want to tokenize $100" and Jibrel DAO buys $100 worth of JNT off the market, takes the customer's $100, and gives them $100 worth of jUSB?

And later, the customer wants to cash out, how do they do that?

In the white paper, this is where those complicated asset portals seemed to come in... But those existed for regulatory/KYC/AML reasons. If jBonds avoid those, then how is cashing out done? Does the jDAO destroy the customer's $100 worth of jUSB and give them $100 worth of JNT when what they really want is $100 of USD?

>> No.8661227


I was pointing out what you wrote in the green in the beginning in two reddit threads and the telegram. They said they would respond multiple times and Talal just ghosted me. They have fucking known about this problem for a while. They are fucking brainlets and the idea of using their own JNT token instead of ETH or BTC like MAKER was just an attempt to bring some utility to their token.

check out these two threads. My posts are under XRBaller. Please excuse my use of reddit; only way I had to attempt to contact these cameljockeys.



both of these are over a month old and messaged straight to talal multiple times. I got cucked buying at .65-.7 before I did proper research and back when I actually listened to people on BIZ. I suppose somewhat fortunately I was able to get out at .5

>> No.8661228

i'm curious what you decide, jnt marine. keep us informed will you?

>> No.8661269

He's not going to tell you austists he's about to sell 450k JNT so you all front run/undercut him

>> No.8661296

How much did you loose?

>> No.8661302

What I honestly believe now is that they always knew of this problem but like all the others wanted to have an ICO and raise money.

This project works so much better without JNT at all. Instead of this on chain solvency crap just use some sort of super credible 3rd party auditing system like DigixDAO is doing. Boom problem solved. People can tokenize whatever assets they want without ever having to touch any contrived JNT mechanism. Likely it was their plan to go this route all along at some point but this crash pushed them there sooner than hoped for. They will continue basically as planned just without JNT (which was never truly necessary - on chain solvency was a novel idea but fundamentally flawed as implemented) and anything from here such as jBonds (trash) is just throwing bagholders a bone.

>> No.8661315


not as much as many people but I lost several Gs

>> No.8661322

'bout tree fiddy

>> No.8661324

Irony is he can't even sell it, since no one would be stupid enough to buy into an ending scam.

You would surely lose less money buying BCC than JNT currently.

>> No.8661325

you fuckin idiots selling now are gonna look like retards when this skyrockets soon

>> No.8661332
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For the record this is just dumb fud. On the very seed website linked if you click it links to the private office website which lists the old guy as the main person.

The project has a lot of problems but this isn't one of them.

>> No.8661339
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>> No.8661374

good thing you sold your 1k stack. you must feel so relieved you can buy lunch next week.

>> No.8661382

Hoo boy. I hope this is just next level fud.
Dont want my biz bros btfo by sandy scammers

>> No.8661397

They weren't scamming. They just happened to actually be working on a viable financial product that they shoehorned tokens into. Now they are trying to slowly disentangle tokens from everything without freaking people out which is the bigger problem here. I fully believe they will achieve their goals within certain areas. I do not believe that it will make anyone here money though.

>> No.8661405

It was 25k and I was lucky to have even had enough liquidity to get out. This coin is a game of musical chairs, and the music stopped this afternoon.

>> No.8661430

this is my perspective as well anon. the token might be worth about as much as chainlink at some point.

>> No.8661436

It clearly wont since nobody needs JNT anymore.

>> No.8661510

So obvious thinking about it looking back. In the white paper the section on the JNT token itself is basically a footnote. And using JNT for on-chain proof of solvency is actually much more volatile than using a token like ETH with a much larger economy/cap. As planned one whale dumping a large amount of JNT was always going to fuck up their on-chain solvency and cost the DAO a ton of money. If they had chosen eth for on-chain solvency at least buying and selling of the collateral to back assets wouldn't have a massive affect beyond however trivially it moved the overall ETH price. It would be more stable for sure and either way a huge market crash costs the DAO $. Their Idea with JNT was a straight up Ponzi that only works if people keep tokenizing shit but never redeem for the underlying asset. If Sheik 1 sends 100 million Jcash to Sheik 2 and Sheik 2 redeems for the underlying fiat he then gets his 100million worth of JNT back (the DAO wouldn't be covering the on chain solvency in cases like this as they wouldn't even have the money to buy that JNT in the first place- which makes you question if sheik 1 would have even tokenized anything in the first place if he had to take the risk of supplying all that JNT to the DAO) That JNT gets sold dropping the price and boom chain reaction knocks down the whole thing as the on chain assets no longer cover CRYdrs. This means either more CRYdrs have to be immediately redeemed for underlying assets to reduce liability (freeing up more JNT to be market sold dumping the price and causing even more "liquidations") or someone has to come up with more JNT (potentially a fucking huge amount) to put on chain to compensate for the drop in value of the existing on chain JNT. Who is gonna step up to do this. The DAO itself only has so much liquidity. The only thing the white paper says about JNT is a literal falsehood. This was doomed to fail.

>> No.8661516

Nobody fucking cares if a company succeeds if you can't profit off of it. I couldn't give less of a shit about Jibrel, I just want JNT to go up. Nobody cares about any cryptocurrency, people just want money.

>> No.8661559



but by maliciously "shoehorning" JNT into this, Which they knew was intrinsically flawed, in order to have an ICO and raise money for themselves at the expense of future bagholders that are to be made when the token is revealed to be a useless failure is pretty much scamming by definition.

>> No.8661622

While I advise waiting for the medium post next week I think it's going to be a bloodbath once that comes out and it is just as underwhelming as this post. I can't imagine a reason for them needing a full post for the details other than trying to let people down gently over time.

What I will say the most intelligent thing they have done though is have Yazan in chat answering questions. It would already be at 10 Sats if Talal was trying to answer questions he didn't understand in chat.

>> No.8661634

The worst part is that people still defend this. In the telegram some seriously believe nothing about the project has changed. It's ridiculous how deluded these bagholders have become.

They literally said that everything that was supposed to give JNT value doesn't give it value anymore. And they STILL defend it. Why?

>> No.8661686

RIP, holders. I never bought into this because it sounded like redundant overly ambitious bullshit but I will pray for your souls.

>> No.8661691

That's a scam bro :(

>> No.8661734

That's not what they said at all. Nice FUD attempt though I'll give you that, it seems to be quite successful.

>> No.8661745
File: 70 KB, 1242x1120, 1520842641011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please disprove it. Give me hope desu

>> No.8661755



>> No.8661758

Pray that they reveal some positive news and it isn't as dire as it seems. But this is a huge change to the value proposition and it says a lot about what they are willing to change.

>> No.8661762

I have better things to do sorry anon. Do your own research and invest in things you understand.

>> No.8661776


Read the fucking name word for word you dumb pajeet.

>> No.8661968

I'll tell you this though. Sharks are tring to eat you, don't let them.

>> No.8662049


http://the-private-office.com/ <----- Read the name word for word
http://seedgroup.com/ <--- Read the name word for word.

Not this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_bin_Saeed_Al_Maktoum


>> No.8662124


So who the fuck is sheikh saeed bin ahmed al maktoum ?

I actually started believing the Seed Group doesn't even exist.

>> No.8662138 [DELETED] 

This is your

Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum



>> No.8662160



>> No.8662180

This can't be...

You know the very majority of people living in Dubai are indians. We need to dig deeper.