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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8648144 No.8648144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any non-white anons in here? How has your experience here @ /biz/ been? There is a lot of racism around.

>> No.8648174

Brownie here
It's not really racist, if you get offended by 4chan you're a newfag and deserve to die

>> No.8648217

yeah jamaican here. at first i was a little shocked, not too much because i know its satire mixed with closet racism. but if you look around 4chan its like that in a lot of boards.

>> No.8648218
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Anons love to larp about being racist, but I've noticed that they really aren't it's kind of like the big bro little bro tease that happens growing up. Regardless of their background there is a very subtle anon brotherhoodly love that lies behind the curtains, almost humane because anons realize that everyone on earth is flawed even themselves so they don't take themselves or anyone seriously.

>> No.8648234


>> No.8648236

being edgy while losing money

>> No.8648238

It's not larping.

>> No.8648246

I might be down 99% from ATH but at least I'm not a nigger.

>> No.8648248

It's been great nigger. Been working like a spic to get my fuckin shekels, know what I mean? Now I'm sand nigga rich and living like a rich camel jockey in the desert with some slave white bitches.

>> No.8648258


it is more straight up racism (or reality) than satire. More anti-kike than anything though

>> No.8648263

I am chinese but I think like white folks.

>> No.8648264

short blacks, long jews

>> No.8648285
File: 85 KB, 841x607, 1521331647391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti-semitic poster coming through
gas the kikes anon

>> No.8648293

Darkie reporting here. Experience has been great. I got rich thanks to this sub, racism doesn't bother me at all.

>> No.8648302

white folk don't go around all day thinking ching chong ching chong

>> No.8648308

White anon reporting in. I can get along with any person if they're smart and we share interests. That said, I prefer to be in the company of my own people.

I guess that means I'm racist - I don't care. Deal with it my dude.

>> No.8648321

Yeah it's usually pretty funny but sometimes it gets to you. Personally I miss 4chan from before all the /pol/ shit started, but it's still 4chan and I'll still be here forever

>> No.8648324

Mexican-American here, its whatever I'm a lil racist too myself at least we can all agree here kikes can suck a big fat cock

>> No.8648328

I'm so white i glow under the blacklight

>> No.8648388

I always wonder what it's like to to ge a black guy browsing a racist shithole for investing tips

>> No.8648408

Actually you’re a bigot and so am I

>> No.8648411

There are a lot of unironic racists here anon.
Not saying it's the majority

>> No.8648446

if it was reality, i wouldve been called nigger several times. which i havent, ever. thats why i said closet racism

>> No.8648448


good places for whity-bashing, keks cucks betas are all whites. normies are mediocre liberal whiteness in all its inbred pale pureness.

>> No.8648481

1/4 jewfag here i really hate everyone jews included

>> No.8648488

t.cia nigger

>> No.8648523

I am the trifecta of biz shilling

Russian/German/Mexican anon here

I love all the racism this board brings. Its fucking delicious. Im shitskinned so i dont fit in with whities. But i talk too intelligent to fit in with mexicans

I also slang speak like a shit tier gangster fag since i had some exposure to bullshit 1990’s gang drama

Fuck all of you.

>> No.8648569

Thanks for participating in this thread, subhumans. We'll let mods now ban everyone, who confirmed to be non-white.

Sorry for the kike trickery, but it was necessary to clear the board. Content here has been rather bad lately and the reason is soon to be fixed.

jk, all well to you, colored anons. May your gains be as huge as your dongs.

>> No.8648592

It’s been awesome

I shilled this Ponzi scheme Called bitconnect and made mad money. Hopefully I don’t go to prison now

>> No.8648608

I also live in shithole california and dont mind the wall being built. California politicians dont care except getting more voter numbers.

The real reason we need this wall is to bottle neck human trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapon smuggling to reduce border induced crime rates.

Fuck what all the mexicans say. If you are too stupid to not know this, then welcome to 4chan. Faggot

>> No.8648610

Obama loving gangsta rap faggot niggers are Normie's too. A normie is anyone who eats up the degenerate kike culture which is about 95 percent of blacks.

>> No.8648614

I think it's made me more racist too. Im black and have lived in SA, the US and china and honestly stereotypes are very often correct. If you deny that niggers like me are more likely to commit crime you lose all credibility when saying something good about them.

>> No.8648616

I larp as a pajeet linkie

>> No.8648623

biz lowkey loves blacks, where the fuck have you been, you faggot reddit larper

go back
go kill yourself
hopefully both

>> No.8648667

It's mostly pajeets that are mocked here.

>> No.8648682


>> No.8648683

All niggers and Jews need to seriously die

>> No.8648702

I love you anon

>> No.8648709


>> No.8648743

Blue boards are the coexist of 4chan

>> No.8648754


Sadly I know what you mean

>> No.8648843

>If you deny that niggers like me are more likely to commit crime you lose all credibility when saying something good about them.
Nothing more pathetic than a man who hates himself

>> No.8648856
File: 15 KB, 483x291, 0C2E8C02-0D6B-4C6D-87D6-029BA4063D91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to r3ddit dumb nigger. You actually think its satire? Are you that dumb? You know /pol/ has a "white supremacy" option in the dropsown menu for geographic location right? You think that's another witty joke too? Christ you nigs are dumber than I thought

>> No.8648874

So niggers arent allowed to say or know the truth now?

>> No.8648888

Yet if he said that niggers aren't more likely to commit crime you'd be posting crime statistics. kys my man

>> No.8648897
File: 111 KB, 797x625, 509EF329-4ABB-4725-A22D-A32E4C424E9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is larping. Continue with your cognitive dissonance attempt to tell yourself no one here is really racist when the opposite is true- all of us hate niggers.. All of us are white supremacists. The only ones who aren't are newfags and casualols new to 4chan with their culture Shock. Go take your cultural appropriation and Iiberal bs back to r3ddit and twitter

You dont belong here

>> No.8648945


Mixed gook here. Some peeps here are legit racist, others think it's funny, some both.

i think it's entertaining for the most part, but i don't get ass mad about it. just some anon trying to get a rise out of you. sometimes you just gotta troll, i get that.

but /biz/ is extremely valuable if you ask me. it's basically a sentiment indicator. plus every once in a blue moon you get someone who legit knows what they're talking about.

the most valuable thing /biz/ did to me was expose me to the shill faggots that are trying to take your money. its like this everywhere in traditional markets, but i gotta say, lots of these guys are FOMO/FUD masters. really taught me how to question everything people are saying.

>> No.8648954

I've been on here for over a decade. A good amount of us are shit skins anyways. Nazi larping has always been around. It's only until recently it's been unironic.

>> No.8648968

You reek of reddit

>> No.8648976

Brownie reporting in

>> No.8648979

no one likes brown people

>> No.8648990

This. People used to only pretend that they were retarded.

>> No.8649010

whitie here, kill yourself you larping snow nigger

>> No.8649013
File: 87 KB, 1299x731, DQ_kQYkVAAEbnUf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Asian here. I visit this board and fall asleep knowing that im
>high iq
>my birthplace japan is safe, clean as fuck, rich, high tech and has no niggers
>not a mutt

>> No.8649024
File: 227 KB, 555x1783, 3AE83D59-A7B7-453A-A910-94CF96616041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it really is racist. You must have ignored that "white supremacy" option in /pol/ cuz you're too stupid to realize its real

>> No.8649038

>There is a lot of racism around
Think of it as a litmus test.
It's how /biz/ hazes you. If you can't take the heat, you don't deserve the /gains/
I genuinely think that /biz/ is not actually racist - think of how much money the "racists"1 poured into cryptos that have tons of Indian developers (and then turn around and call them pajeets)

>> No.8649064

that lady has a shit stain on the chin

>> No.8649071

brown people have the same color as the shit coming out of my ass.

for me both are the same.

>> No.8649085
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I want you out my country

>> No.8649088
File: 109 KB, 500x500, CC0BFFB4-978A-4069-BE1E-8F1424A432AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are racist

You're wrong

>> No.8649131
File: 237 KB, 500x357, 57756481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that societies are more harmonious when there's separation. This isn't how I would wish things were but it's the result from my observations. I could be making wrong assumptions but this has never come from revulsion. I can connect with people from other races and enjoy their company but instead of no borders and everyone going everywhere, I want freedom in choosing my neighbors. We all come with different backgrounds and some differences between cultures can't be reconciled, trying to amalgamate them leads to clashes. In homogeneous groups it's easier to achieve something closer to happiness because common goals are shared more often and it's easier to enjoy working on a common goal. If half of Japan moved to Congo and half of Congo to Japan I think both countries would be worse. I'm racist because I want all humans to try to achieve happiness in what I consider the most efficient way possible.

>> No.8649133

Non-white nocoiner here, feeling pretty superior right now.

>> No.8649172
File: 59 KB, 737x486, 1489A12E-690F-4130-AD24-8D9F8B40FA93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>They think we're joking or sarcastic about being racist

>> No.8649185

Again, in all seriousness, all Jews and niggers should die, this is not a joke

>> No.8649200

I only hate jews, like anyone sane. Sure i prefer to hang out with whites but if i get the choice between a real negro or a bluepilled white id rather hang out with the negro. Atleast we can shoot the shit but with the white what can i even talk about? Video games? Movies? Fuck that shit i want to talk about real shit with real people.

>> No.8649220

what does the blue mean in that electoral map

>> No.8649232

Pretty much.... even though under your scenario Congo would still be better off just because niggers are so fkin retarded they wouldn't even know it's good for them.

>> No.8649285

i guess it depends on whether you think intelligent people are superior to non intelligent people. if you say they're fundmentally equal then you probably aren't going to be a racist.

>> No.8649309

Brown guy reporting in. Yeah 4chan in general is pretty racist, but it's not too bad outside of /pol/. I've always liked the unfiltered nature of this place. It's an honest look at how people really think with no sugar coating. Yeah it's delusional as fuck sometimes, but after a while you realize that they have no idea what they're talking about and it becomes entertainment. Anyways I'm off to go rob a liquor store and find some white women to rape. Just remember that this is just a taiwanese dildo collecting forum.

>> No.8649332

Same as being on YouTube looking for basketball tips.

>> No.8649360

Brownie reporting in.

A lot of minorities have self hatred and hate against whites or the “establishment”. This is heightened at all minority schools where leftist professors force this stereotype thinking.

These same people never do shit to fix their existence or alleviate their poverty stricken status. They’d rather just point the finger.

Thankfully we’re all not that stupid. My family taught me to look at the other person and see if they’re good or bad instead of their race.

Hence 4chan has been nice for people to come together and critique each other over their intelligence first. Then if you’re an idiot, your race just gets clowned on more.

Pretty amazing as fuck. A safe space to say whatever you feel. And not take it too serious.

>> No.8649383

Jews first and you will see most the problems fix themselves.

>> No.8649421

I agree.

Too many nasty attitudes from the Japs/Koreans.

>> No.8649428
File: 57 KB, 720x720, DYD9iz1WAAAT7OS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get good

>> No.8649460

I don't hate you as long you're not in a western country.

>> No.8649563

I'm white, always thought it was just a joke, and still do even though there's some legitimate racists. If anyone here is really racist they'll grow up soon enough. But that's just like everywhere. Racism is a real problem everywhere. 4chan isn't special

>> No.8649620

t. jew

How about you make the case that sexism is really bad too huh? Because treating women like men will get you laid.

How about agism huh? Such a problem. Obviously kids should have the same rights as adults because that's a great idea.

Get cancer and die.

>> No.8649623

And niggers are stupid animals fuck Jews and Mexicans are lazy pajeets are scammers fuck the weird ass chinks and white people are boring fuck them all and fuck native Pacific Islanders / native Americans too

>> No.8649649

Did you invest in Bitfonnect?

>> No.8649768

Ah I see I've spotted a beta male. You have fun figuring out how to treat women to get laid lol

>> No.8649776

Brown guy reporting in.
I'm a former white fanboy here, it's alot of fun watching whites crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let them have all the gains.

>> No.8649826

>yo whitey stop bein racist
why? you have nothing to do with me and I certainly don't want anything to do with you

>> No.8649874

We're all friends as long as you stop trying to shit up everyone else's country. Nothing worse than purposely moving in and never leaving while also claiming you're oppressed.

>> No.8649878

I know you're just joking buddy.
You wouldn't say that to me irl or you'd get sued.