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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8647288 No.8647288 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a hotel where I work for at LEAST 16 hours a day, I often work 20, usually I work 26 days a month (though I am off for a week from today)

I do this because without this job I would have literally nothing and because the manager is blackmailing me. Long story short is that I accidentally injured a baby (I found that someone left it in the hotel restaurant, tried to carry it to the kitchen on top of the serving tray with a bunch of glasses because I didn't want to make 2 trips, dropped it and the baby got cut up by all the glass). The manager agreed to pretend they just found the baby in the kitchen when the parents came looking but I have to work forever whenever I am told - they have CCTV footage of it too.

What do I do biz? I don't want to do this anymore.

>> No.8647313

Quit? If they expose you for being a baby injurer then they simultaneously expose themselves for braking the law

>> No.8647357
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Blackmail isn't legal, if you can give evidence of them doing it to you find a lawyer and sue them

>> No.8647361

lol, this

>> No.8647484

This. Also, you're not culpable for injuring the baby. It was extremely dumb and reckless, but you were technically just doing your job. E.g. you never had training "what to do when there's a baby on the table," so this shouldn't be considered negligent.

The difference with a daycare worker or babysitter is that there's a implied contract they have training and expertise on how to care for a child. That's why those people get big prison terms when they shake a baby to death.

If this case were to go to trial (which I highly doubt it would), the jury would see the parents as tremendous losers for leaving their baby alone. The restaurant would look like scumbags for covering it up. As long as you play dumb, you'll seem like the patsy.

>> No.8647507


>> No.8647530

What the fuck kind of a LARP is this?

>> No.8647543

nice larp op, if it did happen so it was an accident, but your manager is guilty for not reporting plus blackmail

>> No.8647549

the situation has become more complicated though because they have forced me to do other things that might be illegal (such as videotaping guests masturbating and stealing chickens from another hotel with its own farm)

>> No.8647552

What the hell? The parents aren't going to sue you. They're going to sue the hotel.

>> No.8647553

This is the LARPiest LARP I have ever read. You people are retarded if you believe this. You think he put a fucking BABY on a serving tray with GLASSES? Figure your life out.

>> No.8647561

find another job on ur downtime. then leave. you hurt the baby on their time meaning they will be sued.

>> No.8647579

the manager will probably go to prison if you tell the police he agreed to it and blackmailed you, so you can just quit. you should tell the parents tho, the manager belongs to prison.

>> No.8647596

He's posting on /biz/ of course he's stupid enough to do that.

>> No.8647619

Kidnap the manager and a bunch of babies, knock him out and let him wake up without his shoes in a room full of trays with the babies on them. Broken glass covers the floor. Each tray is on top of a large custom built Jack in the box with timers that go off every 10 seconds, dumping the babies to the ground. You have your instructions.

>> No.8647704
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>> No.8647705

This is too funny

>> No.8647740

also I don't know the parents or where they live

>> No.8647745

so record them doing the same shit. They can get fucked harder then you will.

>> No.8647758

Blackmail,extortion,and obstruction of justice are all crimes. Even if your boss did bring that footage to the police they'd be in far more trouble than you. Plus, I'm like 50% sure good Samaritan laws would protect you.

Worst case, lawyer up

>> No.8647814

This. Dumbest larp ever, they're complicit if this would ever be considered a crime

>> No.8648594

oh and to make matters worse half my savings are in bitcoin, lmao

>> No.8648685



This fucking guy.

First you are full of shit

Second if you are not lying then welcome to the dumbfuck club you retarded piece of shit

>> No.8648710

They’re in it as bad as you for not reporting your mess. Fuck your managers.

>> No.8648736
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> I found that someone left it in the hotel restaurant, tried to carry it to the kitchen on top of the serving tray with a bunch of glasses because I didn't want to make 2 trips

anon wtf are you doing

>> No.8648816

KEK. You're part of a criminal organization now, OP. Hope you like smuggling a balloon of heroin across the US border in your ass.

>> No.8648931


This is hilarious, please tell me you're in Pakistan or India

>> No.8648949

Nice larp

I actually pursuaded a small company to let me go with a shining reference and 3 months pay because they hired me book keep and it was pretty obvious they were defrauding the state.
Total idiots

>> No.8648991

I am Indian but live in the UK

>> No.8649090
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explains how putting an infant on a bus rack full of glass dishes made sense to you

>> No.8649140

this is one of the best posts i've seen.
IMO you should be able to quit, but first you should probably try to get some evidence supporting the claim they were blackmailing you. After that ur good to go.
Also it is of course an extremely unfortunate situation, but in the end we all make mistakes, right. i don't think you'll be a convicted child torturer and i bet the tapes also show it being an accident.

Kudos to your boss for being a capitalist in it's purest form

>> No.8649166

you're an idiot. if he told anyone he would be liable, not you.

>> No.8649236

Yeah, don't believe a single fucking word of this beyond lame fucking larp.

This is /biz for the rest of the year - NEETs writing shit larps because their get rich quick daydreams are burning down like a log cabin in a wildfire.

>> No.8649288

Lol this is why my firm doesn't hire indians. Curry niggers.

>> No.8649293

Kill the manager, 2 wrongs make a right.