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8642219 No.8642219 [Reply] [Original]

The are two reasons why I am EXTREMELY bearish on Clif High.

All his predictions are VERY subjective interpretations of the data that he is SUPPOSEDLY collecting (1) through his Web Bot project, that he has never ever, let me reiterate, NEVER shown any proof actually exists (2).

People are actually paying for a monthly report, where they don't actually have a way of telling whether or not Clif is actually just sitting around making shit up.

The ONE reason why I still have some hope in Clif High, is that the man is insanely articulate. When you listen to his interviews, he does NOT, AT ALL, give you the impression that he making up what he is saying.

The only conclusion I can make is, that this guy either invented (and is maintaining) one of the MOST IMPORTANT data collection projects today, or conversely, that this man is one of THE MOST on-the-fly, well-articulated con-artists to have ever lived.

How do we make money off of this?

>> No.8642242

do you even trade?

>> No.8642255

He called the bitcoin boom before anyone when it was sub 400 dollars so I'm almost certain he has some program running.

>> No.8642265

>How do we make money off of this?
buy what he shills, berfore it starts moving

>> No.8642282

13888 didnt happen, and he keeps shifting the goal posts. Fuck this guy seriously

>> No.8642311

He's also been saying silver is going to boom every year for the last however many years now too. Throw enough shit at the wall, some will stick.

>> No.8642335
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>> No.8642382
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Well Anon, that was because of the Mt.Gox dump. Clif can't account for market manipulation, duh.

>> No.8642434

After having listened to him for months I have also come to this same conclusion. They way to manage this is to invest only what you can lose in the coins he suggests. This way you minimize risk but at the same time, given the reality that his web bots could actually be prescient, you have a hedge against them going to the moon as well. At the moment, I’m all in on LTC and will seek to diversify after the next bull run.

>> No.8642452
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>> No.8642538

cliff cant account for anything. Ive followed him since late 2015, hes always vague or wrong.

>> No.8642562

Why the fuck does he think OMG will rise up so much? Is he fucking high?

>> No.8642620
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hes legit, only brainlets/normies that live in the matrix think he must be some kind of scammer

>> No.8642623

silvers market cycle is older than you

>> No.8642637


>> No.8642889

You don’t know about them, Anon. But that conflict has been going on for literally decades.

>> No.8643116

Aight I'll defend my homie and why I'm very bullish on him.

This was his old disclaimer.
> This forecast is real. A person would still be an idiot to make decisions based solely on my interpretation of my interpretation of strange data patterns. Universe rewards thinking. Everyone should try it for themselves at least once. Now would be a good time.

Once this is understood, anything found on his reports should be taken with extreme skepticism by anyone over 10 years old. From the start, the best case scenario isn't much better than him making things up. Being optimistic he is translating something from a language he doesn't speak. But still, it could be a fun thing to pay some attention to. And once I did that, I started paying to things I wouldn't have otherwise and I found interesting things, not necessarily what he predicted, the braver the prediction tried to be the less accurate it became but I was rarely disappointed for spending some time investigating one of his leads.

If it's really "one of the MOST IMPORTANT data collection projects today", I hope it survives him because if it's as good as I consider it to be, it's impossible to make it reach its full potential on this generation or the next and anything Clif High does with it to what it could complete after being fully developed is like comparing a wheel with a plane.

>> No.8643267

You managed to defend Clif High, the person, with this post - based on how YOU as an individual feel about him.

But tell me,

Can you show me just the absolutely lightest shred of evidence that the Web Bot people project actually exists?

Let’s assume for a second that it does, let’s humor that sentiment.

Instead of trying to add more legitimacy to the entire project, and make the world seriously talk about Web Bot, Clif High has chosen to monetize his reports, and sell them to a fringe community of people, who will pay 100 (ONE-HUNDRED) USD for a report, where you have to just simply take his word, that these algorithms actually exist.

Now, read that again - and ask yourself, is that something that an intellectual would do, or is it something con-man would do?

>> No.8643485

The fact that this topic is even posted here and we're having a debate shows that his web bot is successful. People are just frustrated with the market and want to take their frustration out on someone. When BTC was surging no one questioned Clif High.

Now all of a sudden he's a scammer. Lol. But believe what you want guys. Gotta shake out all the weak hands.

>> No.8643581


Clif only came in to my searchlight recently, I am not “blaming” him for anything crypto related - but I AM calling the existence of “Web Bot” into question.

>> No.8643821

This. Once the market drops the Fudders come out of the woodwork. Once the market comes back they will scurry off like rats

>> No.8643935
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I don't have proof about anythign I have never seen. I think George Ure exists because making him up is a lot of unnecesary effort but that's not proof. A scam is a scam when it's made by one scammer or 2 or 40. If it's all lies then it's a scam and I have nothing to argue against that.

I still think it's the wrong angle. You see a greentext story, you can decide if it's worth reading or not, but rarely will you be able to know if it's true or made up. If you decide to read it it's up to you what to do with that information. This is similar, at worst he's a liar, at best pic related.

I remember him saying recently (I don't remember where) that he's working on ways in which he can make others run something similar with their own parameters. If he's been working on this for as long as he says, he should be the first interested in making sure it continues. But I can understand why he may have other priorities than making it accessible right now. Improving the machine,making it run and deciphering it sounds pretty time consuming.

>> No.8644528

to all you doubters


skip to 28mins in
who else was talking about thousand dollar price swings in 2013 before btc grew legs?

there's been plenty of webbot hits over the years that could not possibly be guessed, it would be like winning multiple lotteries, there's something there, and it could be refined into something reliable

however clif has been wrong on the interpretation of a bunch of other things, there's been some stuff that's appeared a year or two late but otherwise as described, sometimes things are on time but with a few details wrong or mixed up, and others inbetween

everyone likes to give him crap about his silver predictions, it's hard to tell how far a mountain is without anything to measure against, perhaps it's a reaaaally big mountain really far away

>> No.8644701

skepticism is fine
ive been following his stuff since 2007, he nailed the peak of the gfc, bot or no bot, I don't give a fuck if it works
however it's not always accurate, but there's been enough there to indicate he's not randomly making stuff up

he's been saying that harbors would be mysteriously drained of water in his so called global coastal process and not due to tides, it didn't show up when it was supposed to, but when has this ever happened before?

there's been many things like this over the years

he's been talking about atmospheric rivers showing up in his 2010 or 2011 reports
and since then, that's happened exactly, with the articles about it using the same exact language

do you think he made the atmospheric rivers?
or managed to pick up on them ahead of time?

similar things happened with the oil spill and fukushima

yes, he should totally tell you specifics of the algos so people can flood it with babble to ruin the predictions
he's already described how they work in great detail, it basically collects little freudian slips on the internet which he thinks hints at the future

he should not charge people money because electricity is free and reports write themselves
and he should not be benefiting from other people making money off the data he finds

grow up

data says so, its not like its his favorite project
I remember him even describing bitconnect in a report early last year as being commonly associated with scam, this was waaaaaay before people kept piling onto it

mate, bitcoin was hovering at 13.5k for weeks in january, he made that prediction a year ago, close enough for me
what was your prediction?

ive followed him long enough to know his time estimates can vary widely, but if he says the data says cryptos are going to the moon, then I'm quite confident they are

>> No.8644711

hah, that audioblog was recorded like right before the cyprus bailouts

>> No.8644720

>hear that he has a web bot that trawls shitposts and analyses trends

hm okay that doesn't sound too unreasonable that there might be some predictive uses for that in markets

>he also uses this data to predict hurricanes


>> No.8644754

if a bunch of people in an area suddenly start using words relating to hurricane damage or surging waters, high winds when describing regular stuff, it may indicate a hurricane is on the way

thats how it works
it's not what people are actually hyped about or speaking about, its the vocabulary they use
it's like collecting subconcious freudian slips and then seeing what sticks out

>> No.8644794

>might be some predictive uses for that in markets
thats originally what he made it for
to try and predict stock prices

but then he realised it was describing non market stuff before it happened as well, like 911, except he thought it was a military aircraft accident because he didn't finish assigning values for words to pick out what it was

all he knew was it was an event in mid/late 2001 that would change lots of stuff and a few keyword clues

>> No.8644950
File: 130 KB, 452x272, EOYMADNESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skepticism is fine[...]

I cannot dispute that some things Clif have said or talked about in the past COULD (and I use that word sparingly) be interpreted to be associated with real-world, non-crypto related events. But then again, there is an abundance (And I use that word sparingly) of things that he has talked about that N E V E R happened, or even bore resemblance to any thing that would look like events, that he has been describing would happen.

An example: I distinctly remember listening to a podcast from '14 where Clif talks about the discovery of a new revolutionary energy source being available within the next three years FOR SURE, and it would be invented by to university students in america.

Before you seriously, unironically choose to believe in Clif High, you have to admit that the man throws SO MANY predicitions out there, that all ones that never come true are simply forgotten, and then the ones that (kind of (and I use that phrase sparingly)) come true, are the ones that people absolutely CLING to.

Doesen't believing in this, sound like voluntary delusion to you?

>> No.8644978
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>yes, he should totally tell you specifics of the algos so people can flood it with babble to ruin the predictions
he's already described how they work in great detail, it basically collects little freudian slips on the internet which he thinks hints at the future

>he should not charge people money because electricity is free and reports write themselves
and he should not be benefiting from other people making money off the data he finds

>grow up

>> No.8644998

Dafuq is an 'atmospheric river''?

>> No.8645018

Look at this dirty nigger still going in about clif high. He clearly bought high and is now salty about the drop so he rags on clif. Emotional traders are the worst. So much effort in posting garbage into cyberspace

>> No.8645044

Clif's into "alternative physics" and other raging crackpotisms. You fuckers are so god damn stupid.


>> No.8645067

I did too and I don't have a program running...

>> No.8645173

I don't take his time estimates seriously
after mtgox, he said btc will go to 2k after dipping, but he didn't know there would be a 2 year bear market inbetween, it's more like trying to guess what the future is based on newspaper headlines that have been cut up, it's not a precise science, though it could be refined into one

he nailed bitcoin reaching 1k though leading to mtgox

yes there's been a bunch of stuff that hasn't happened, there is noise in the data, or perhaps it has not happened yet, he was describing elements of fukushima 2011 during the oil spill 2010, both two manmade disasters that ended up polluting the ocean with hazardous material in a way, so it makes sense for the data to get clumped together because of filtering or just the way people used language mashed them together instead of as separate events

I remember the new electrics, he says that stuff is still growing in the data, now seems to bloom in 2020s, so its on the way

he did get the italian free energy device right, but it didn't amount to much attention, some labs say it's legit, others dispute it

as for the two students, I remember him saying it was two russians, not americans
who knows, maybe he picked up on an obscure movie plot that we never heard about in the west
or could be an error

his crypto predictions have been much more reliable because crypto language is less ambiguous, and mostly new names, words that are used only in cryptos
sometimes the data changes suddenly, I remember there was a brief price dip last year that he tweeted out with about 4 days notice, but was a few hundred off

I dont cling to his every word, and he tells you not to do that either

>> No.8645223

I linked a video explaining exactly what they are
they started showing up only in the past few years, they are a new weather phenomena
rain clouds filled with so much water they are like rivers in the sky

did you even know about cryptos in 2013?

>> No.8645263

all new science starts out as 'crackpot theories'

>> No.8645320

Yes, sorry my post wasn't directed to you. Your posts are actually good and make sense

The 13.8k prediction hit, it was just off by a few months, people keep forgetting that cliff always says that his predictions are subject to an error range

In one of his latest interviews he said that we should see the start of the next bullrun after April, perhaps in May. Let's watch and see.

>> No.8645387

seeing how quickly it took for btc to go from 2-20k in a few months, I think it can redo that easily, especially now more people know about it than last year, and have wallets ready, clifs 38k prediction does not sound far fetched, will we get to 100k this year? lets see, maybe the usd starts dying in the next few months because of the petroyuan so people pile into btc to preserve their wealth? it's possible

I think when crypto tax rules start getting laid out, then it will be the all clear signal for everyone to rush in, that will definitely respark interest again, and then the price will take it from there

all my hypothetical opinion though, I dont have a webbot to draw upon, though maybe I should code one

>> No.8645403

He was dead wrong about his btc predictions. He's irrelevant.

>> No.8645410


>> No.8645456

HAHAHAHAH, I'm sorry, but what a load of shit. I feel like I'm one of the few sane people in this post.

>> No.8645465

This is a different problem, he gets words and looks for relations but translating that into any real world meaning is hard as fuck. For example, he says there's been a rise in the use of the word space in recent years. I believe this has been the case. But this doesn't necessarily translate to anything happening outside of Earth. Maybe the language has changed and constructions like "business space" have become more common for other reasons. Even if what he has built gives him the right data, you must expect most of his interpretations to be wrong. The words that are being connected can still be worth following.

>> No.8645486

You really ought to research what OMG is.

Clif has no idea what it is either, he's just going by his data.

If he actually studied what OMG is he'd quickly understand why his data is telling him that OMG will be massive.
>OMG is NOT just another DEX shitcoin. It has an extremely unique and crucial position on the entire Ethereum ecosystem and will almost certainly be one of the most mainstream crypto projects ever made

>> No.8645492

sarcasm doesn't work well on the internet

im just criticising that guys expectation that hard work should be automatically be free

he has described how the algos work, but you can't stuff them up as easily as you can if you knew what values were assigned to words
you could totally skew the data by flooding language with certain words, it will create a fake trend and make the webbot less useful in this current form

>> No.8645579

he wrote it in his reports ages ago, if its still for sale you can check yourself
he's been doing this stuff for nearly 20 years now

>> No.8645872


Let me just ask you a question, because just by the sheer volume of defensive posts you have made in this thread, I'm pretty much going to assume that you are buying his reports.

What tangible proof do you have, that Clif High doesen't just scribble down some stuff every month, just to smack it into a PDF and then send it to you for a hundred bucks?

Have you ever actually seen proof of the fact, that he supposedly has this lexicon of emotional linguistic indicators? That he has a huge server somewhere? Where are the raw condensed data sheets (that he claims to analyze himself) for people themselves to dig into?

To be honest, If I had spent such a huge part of my life trying to create something like this, I would want it to be recognized as a potentially important tool/applied method. I would get funding (which would be easy to get, if you could prove that you had predicted significant events) and actually have people involved to expand, improve and grow this.

This is not the reality of "Web Bot", the end result is instead monetized monthly reports. Are you kidding me?

>> No.8646016

>What tangible proof do you have, that Clif High doesen't just scribble down some stuff every month, just to smack it into a PDF
no proof, nor do I care if he uses a bot or not, he can use tea leaves if it gives me a look at the future

HOWEVER, he's described how the bot works in general many times and it sounds plausible to me

>then send it to you for a hundred bucks?
the ALTA reports were several thousand dollars at first in the early 2000s, but that was a whole set or something, I did not buy those
then they were $10 for a loooong time
the crypto focused reports in the past year have been $100

don't like the price?
dont buy, no problem
he's even honest enough to say he cannot guarantee he'll be able to write a report each month, which is why he doesn't charge subscriptions

>> No.8646169
File: 46 KB, 236x125, sanguinepill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight Anon, every month you are paying the equivalent of:

Two console games.
Eight or ten movie tickets.
10 months of Netflix.
Four or five new movies on DVD
Fifteen used DVDs at a yard sale.
Lunch for four at a fairly nice restaurant.
40 cheap burgers.
90 candy bars.
200 packages of ramen.
Two or three tanks of gas (petrol). (Enough to travel roughly 800 miles or 1,000 kilometers.)
Two or three oil changes.
Pillows, blankets, and sheets for a bed.
A card table and with four folding chairs.
A taxi from L.A.'s Botanical Gardens to Disneyland (excluding tip).
One poor quality car tire.
1/3rd of a ticket for a hot air balloon ride.
One night at a crappy motel, single occupancy.
A tent and sleeping bag.
A nice pair of new jeans.
Four new hats.
Two or three complete outfits at a thrift store.
Four or five cheap haircuts.
A mani-pedi. Probably. I don't really know.
Six tickets for laser tag.
One fairly nice paintball gun.
A cheap cell phone, MP3 player, or digital camera.
Five disposable cameras.
400 .22 cartridges (cheap bullets).
200 shotgun shells.
A really cheap gun from a pawn shop (if you can pass a background check, and after a waiting period).
150 cheap paper targets or clay pigeons to shoot.
A pair of cheap prescription glasses.
A pair of expensive sunglasses.
A trip to a day spa.
A cordless drill with battery, charger, and drill bit set.
A set of dishes, glasses, and silverware.
A cheap recliner (comfy chair).
A low-end smartphone.
Three months of cheap cell phone service.

For a PDF document of alleged future-telling, where the specific means of how the conclusion was reached, is unavailable to you?

>> No.8646233

I care about the results, and ive been following it long enough to think the results are worth the price

some people have gotten really rich using the advice in his reports
I missed out on $4 eth cause I was too lazy, I could have retired
oh well

>> No.8646252

also why would I want all that crap?
I can get all that stuff on the moon later

>> No.8646275

There is no fucking bot retards. You're being had by a charlatan.

>> No.8646295

how the fuck is he vague? He gives actual price predictions unlike most of the wall street bulls

>> No.8646352

I think thats in regard to non crypto predictions
some have been vague in the past, but he can only try to infer what the data actually means

it's not like he looks at a videotape of the future and can say exactly whats going to happen

you get a bunch of words/phrases and a timeframe for when these words start to appear, and try to figure out what it is describing

>> No.8646464

And his actual prices are off the walls half the time as well. According to him, Litecoin should be exploding already and worth 20k by year end, and Bitcoin should be headed to $100,000 instead of 7k. Face it, he makes random predictions, people stick on the ones he happens to get right and forget about all the ones he fucks up.

>> No.8646520

yeah I definitely agree that people choose selectively and conveniently what they remember from his predictions. But last I recall he said BTC would reach $60k at some point later in 2018

>> No.8646631

litecoin has been exploding since december
he was talking about christmas surprise for litecoin for like 2 months before it happened
go look at the chart, go read his twitter

last year it seemed like btc may be stuck at 2k before the fork, and then it went to 20k
maybe your expectations are unrealistic

it would be perfect for trading if he could tell us when it dips, how much and for how long, but that is not conveyed by the data
the only indications of price are when they pop out in the data as text, he disregards numbers because the web is full of numbers

>> No.8646683

>Litecoin has been exploding since December

Where the fuck have you been? You might want to check the price

>> No.8646770

'christmas surprise' correctly predicted by clif

now we are retracing, but you know what will happen to all cryptos when bulls return

>> No.8647086

>data that he is SUPPOSEDLY collecting
He has absolutely no data. It's all shit he makes up.

>> No.8647290

I don't pay much attention to his targets or dates. The error range for what he calls immediate predictions is longer than the range. I don't remember the numbers, but what I mean is that if he says something is going to happen in less than 4 weeks and it happens in 12 he counts that as a win. Again, I don't remember the numbers, but that's the idea.

>> No.8647318

What is the point of this comment? If anything, you could argue that this video proves that Clif didn't want to meet anywhere close to where he lives or close to wherever he is conducting this project from..

>> No.8647347

Not sure if you're a shill or just that deluded that you don't realize when you're being taken for a ride. Making a bunch of wild predictions and then a couple turning out okay doesn't make you a genius. Where was Clifs prediction on the drop of Litecoin to less than half of its value? It didn't exist, because he just says everything is going to be a moonshot, then takes credit when something moonshots, and pretends like he never said anything when it doesn't or that it's still going to happen. Silver should have been $600 an ounce years ago according to him. Still says it every year, on the off chance that it does jump, so he can say "See, I said it."

>> No.8647730

Best advice so far