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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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857712 No.857712 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else really fucking tired of this "university isn't worth it" meme? Nevermind the racism, sexism, trolling, anything on 4chan, I don't give a shit. What will make me leave is the realisation that people on 4chan are dumber than average and low class.

If you have the grades for Oxbridge / Imperial / UCL / Durham / Ivy League / famous state school* then why the fuck would you NOT go? I chose to go to a less famous university in my home town and I still get lots of job hunting success with companies that everyone wants to work for. Most graduate jobs don't even require specific degrees. This "u need 5 years experience" meme needs to die right fucking now, it's such bullshit. Literally google "[famous big company] graduate job [your country]" and you'll see their site literally telling you this ffs.

And even when you do hear about people doing degrees on 4chan, it's always some mickey mouse shit like a finance / IT / business degree (talking about UK / USA system, I know somewhere like Germany is different)! Why would you pick something so non-academic?! That's usually not a good signal to employees.

It seems like 90 % of 4chan fundamentally doesn't grok the system.

Also one final note: LOL at going in to trades / working manual labour in whatever meme industry people worship in a topic (canadian oil sands / offshore / construction / who cares). Why the FUCK would I want to drop out of the fucking middle classes? WHAT SENSE DOES THAT SHIT MAKE? WHAT SORT OF JEWS RECOMMEND THIS SHIT WHILE A FUCKING MATHS DEGREE FROM OHIO STATE / THOSE 9001 WORLD CLASS TEXAS AND CALIFORNIA STATE SCHOOLS PUTS YOU ABOVE 99 % OF THE POPULATION? This is like the maymay that refuses to go away.

*ironically murrikans** whine the most while having shitloads of famous state schools

**and this is while 40 % of their country is jamal or pedro, effectively zero competition

>> No.857717

>yfw I'm a successful uni STEM graduate who nearly paid off the entire loan in the first two years in the industry
>yfw I tell people STEM is overrated, doesn't pay and is full of Indians so I would have less competition later on.
Just doing my part.

>> No.857741

>And even when you do hear about people doing degrees on 4chan, it's always some mickey mouse shit like a finance / IT / business degree (talking about UK / USA system, I know somewhere like Germany is different)! Why would you pick something so non-academic?! That's usually not a good signal to employees.
>Also one final note: LOL at going in to trades / working manual labour in whatever meme industry people worship in a topic (canadian oil sands / offshore / construction / who cares).

You dont see a point in going to college for something practical, and you also dont see a reason to go to a trade school for a simple job? So if you arent an award winning stem major you dont deserve to live?

>> No.857751

Lol based anon.
Don't go in the trades? You see the thing about having a skilled trade is that you will never go hungry or not have money.

>> No.857753
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>it's always some mickey mouse shit like a finance / IT / business degree
This is the only bit I disagree with you on. I know lots of people who did finance / business degrees and they all have very good jobs (better than mine). Because they're pushy types who played sports and were popular at school so they don't really need to be that academic.

Obviously economics is the "academic" choice in that field, but even if you do "Business Management and Marketing", you will definitely get a job (if you're the right kind of person).

>LOL at going in to trades / working manual labour in whatever meme industry people worship in a topic
Obviously there are working class people on 4chan too anon, don't get your panties in a twist about it. Moot still says most of us have gone or do go to university, pic related.

>> No.857754

And if you stay in the middle classes and get some swanky well-paid desk job in the city, you will never go hungry either. You didn't really think that through did you?

>> No.857758

There are a fair few engineering grads on here from what i recall, although they are probs just students stuck in second year because they are shit

>> No.857760


Lol, I will only give bad advice from now on.

>> No.857771

Yeah if sitting at a desk all day everyday is your thing. I can go anywhere in America walk onto a construction site and get a job. You however have to go through all that hr bullshit and work with women and chucks everyday.
Also, my opinion is biased because I like to travel and don't stay in one spot too long.

>> No.857775
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Nice bait OP

But you've activated my trap

>> No.857781


I'll be honest, sometimes I dream of that sort of world... working physically, instead of cooped up at a desk every. single. day. Away from all the bullshit, working with your hands and getting real things done.

But I was born to two lawyers. I went to a private school from the age of 4. I went to university. I'm not really built for the blue collar world, and I'd have to let down a lot of expectations (although you could say why do I care about that).

>> No.857798


The problem is... (now more than ever) 50% of people that go to college don't need to go to college.

They study something useless
They study something saturated
They end up changing their minds afterward

In my entire life I've only known a handful of people who went to college, studied something, then spent their life doing that thing.

>> No.857813

What job are you doing and how much do you get paid? Let's all point at OP and laugh.

>> No.857896



>> No.857897
File: 16 KB, 696x304, 2015-07-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

college dropout here

it's not hard to make good money if you work hard

>> No.857928

What is your profession anon?

>> No.857932

I run a hotel (Marriott)

>> No.857936


Is that fun?

>> No.857939

eh, it's alright. it's a 120 room property and i have around 80 employees.

summertime when it's busy it's pretty stressful and i work long hours but i get better hours in the winter.

>> No.857952
File: 579 KB, 500x369, YF2XFw3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovin you Anon

>> No.857958

>Is anyone else really fucking tired of this "university isn't worth it" meme?
Yes! I got an EE degree and it was the best decision of my life. The trust they put in you to work with crazy equipment is huge. Any time you want to reach out and take more responsibility, there's someone willing to give you that opportunity. School was fucking great.

There are famous examples of startup founders who dropped out of school because the perfect opportunity came along and there was no way they could do school and pursue the opportunity at the same time.
The problem: These self-help junkie fucks hear that and go "Yeah, school is a sham. I'm not going."
They completely ignore the fact that these famous dropouts usually planned to "take a break" to start their business, and when it took off just didn't go back to school. They didn't say "That's it, I'm never going to school ever again" and THEN decided to start a business.

Now that's another meme I'm sick of

>> No.857973

>If you have the grades for Oxbridge / Imperial / UCL / Durham / Ivy League / famous state school* then why the fuck would you NOT go?

You would go. The idea that university isn't worth it is meant for a chunk of the population. 100% are told to go to college, maybe 60% see a positive return in the modern age. Almost none of those people qualify for decent funding at good schools, however.

>> No.858249

LOL .. you are on 4chan.

>> No.858258

TL;DR of op
>Go to a private university for engineering or die

I'd say the "meme", as you referred to it, is alive and self-evident in your post.

(select all the images with pancakes)

>> No.858259

I see this meme far more on le redditz than on here.

>> No.858261

He's from reddit! Fucking get him!

>> No.858281


Not sure where you are but the go-to universities where I am all have their head stuck so far up their asses that they're blind to the question of their relevance outside of technical fields. You could argue that university itself is becoming a meme with all the "accessible" (Arts & Humanities) degrees that are out there now.

Saying that, I would be willing to bet money that you'll work for someone or know someone more successful in life than you who has less academic education.

>> No.858282

The meme is truly "college ain't worth full price." Sure if you can get a great degree for free or discounted its worth it but if you pay 50k its just not for getting the 30k yearly jobs we wait an average of 15 months to get and maybe never do then live in our parents basements.

>> No.858589

this this this

most people end up in careers absolutely unrelated to their majors, STEM or not. this generation more than any is catching on to how insanely overpriced degrees are for their value. its really hard to justify 100K in debt when, if youre truly smart and search enough, you can just build experience with distant related fields that don't require much experience, and climb the ladder like everybody else. only you have a 4 year head start.

and 100k is not that uncommon. i know people with 200k debt from college loans. that is absolute insanity.

>> No.858591


>> No.858600

>the trades are worthless
You do understand there are serveral trades that pay way more than the average college level job? Elevator repairman and installers make 80k. Most trades are dying for young people these days, while white collar jobs are flooded with retards like you and chick, allah akbars, and curry fags. Also you can work in any state, heck any country with those skills. You on the otherhand have to go back to school. You have a semi-skilled career that's deprecates each day, until you're worthless to the company. Which should be around your early 30s by the way.
Kek, you're an asshole. But you're trying to prevent more people to go into a flooded field. Engineering isn't exactly hurting for new blood. I know this because I work in the electrical trade. As a matter of fact they're trying to laid off a sizable portion of the engineering workforce.

>> No.858606

>200k debt from college loans
Those are your doctors and lawyers. Which by the way it takes decades to pay off. Doctors have a hard time keeping up with loan payments when they're in their residency. I think it takes the average doctor, 15 years to pay off their loans in total. Law school, well that's your stupid fault for not going into a top 25 school.

>> No.858972

Glad I studied animation at uni after starting my own little co-op.

>> No.858997

She acknowledged a reddit poster! Fucking burn the witch!

>> No.859101


>> No.859115

The real problem problem with trade jobs though is while starting salary is great there's no room for career growth. 80k is phenomenal in your mid-20s but not once you're 40-50 years old it's pretty terrible and you have literally no skills besides repairing elevators or welding metal bars together or whatever stupid thing you spent your life doing.

>> No.859220

The truth is in the middle. Most trades start at around the $10-15/hour mark and actually involve hard labor. Then you end up capping out around $25-40/hour mid career and without a marked shift in your career (e.g. opening up your own shop, which has its own risks and rewards) then that is where you will stay until your body quits on you at age 50.

It's also not as easy to get into trades as this board makes it out to be. There is a lot of 'grass is always greener' syndrome going on with young 20-somethings who are frustrated at the fact that the 6-figure job they were promised for majoring in underwater basket weaving isn't there.

"Oh if I'm going to make $30k to sit in front of a computer why didn't I go into plumbing, by now I'd be a master plumber making $50k." Maybe you would, maybe not.

/biz/ needs to hang around more shady bars serving cheap beer and talk to the grizzly old people sipping on dollar bud lights. Then you will see the real life outlook of an average tradesmen.

>> No.859222

You do realize that doctors are some of the most retarded people financially?

> Be newly crowned MD
> Just finished residency, have $200k in loans. Wut do?
> I know, I'll get a mortgage on a $750,000 home and buy a mercedes, because fuck it I worked hard for this shit.
> Then I'll whine about how I can't pay my bills on a goddamn $250,000 net salary.

>> No.859227

>saying "maymay"

>> No.859257

>runs a marriott
>without a hospitality degree

>> No.859266

>. 80k is phenomenal in your mid-20s but not once you're 40-50 years
So once you max that at 25 out you go to uni?

>> No.859272

The are masters at whining though, even before they're out of med school.

>> No.859286 [DELETED] 

let's a go

>> No.859288 [DELETED] 

let's a go

>> No.859289

let's a go

>> No.859479

Since skill trades was mentioned in this thread, i have a quick off-topic question (didnt see a QTDDTOT in the catalog).

My brother works as a laborer for an independant framing crew, and they frame Pulte Homes for the most part, sometimes they do side jobs involving more technical work. He is passivly persuing a career in healthcare, but he says he enjoys construction and wants to spend time learning and improving his skillsets as much as he can. He started out at 9 dollars and hour and now makes 13, expecting to be up to 15 (almost garaunteed) by the end of the summer. Thanks to his dad he has an untouchable work ethic, and his crew likes having him on board and genuinely respects him because of how hard he works even though he has only been doing it for a little over 2 years, and not even consistantly due to classes he was taking during the school seasons. Anyways, my question is what can he do to make himself more valuable in his field? Are there any certificates or programs anybody can reccomend pursuing? Not only to increase his hourly wage but to make him more valuable over the plethora of laborers in the field, especially during harder economic times? Is there anything he can do to speed up his way to higher paying positions other than just climbing the latter through years work experience? Any advice for somebody in the construction trade would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.859503

how did I not see this?

>> No.860036

I'm currently looking into engineering, but I'm not sure anons. Are any engineers lurking?

>> No.860141



I know 4 doctors. They are all fucking like this.

Also they make sure to marry some trophy wife cunt who ends up fucking the tennis instructor, then taking half their money.

>> No.860153

Holy shit, this. This post should be highlighted.
> grass is always greener syndrome
Damn. I suffered from this. Even now, I still have bouts of it.

>> No.860414

As long as you are physically able.

>> No.860433


>> No.860469

>Engineering isnt exactly hurting for new blood

I would disagree, in Germany and the Netherlands Engineers are badly needed, same goes at least for Cisco in the US (even if their need for Engineers is more like a need of salesmen with some sort of technical understanding).

>> No.860476

because when everyone has a degree.. nobody has a degree..

>> No.860505

>80k is shit at 40-50 years old
You do know most people never make that much dosh by that age? Not to mention most office workers are fucked out of hte market by 45.

>> No.860506

Europe is very different. Some countries need more engineers than others. While in the US they don't need more engineer. There are a lot, which engineers have already complained about. Also technical sales is what most engineering majors work in these days.

>> No.861039

Incredibly based

>> No.861052

If you learn how to take care of yourself and your joints and entire body in general, you can do construction into a very old age.

>> No.861056

>Im so retarded: the post

Jesus christ, fuck off back to gayddit already