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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8546378 No.8546378 [Reply] [Original]

Why does no one talk about Link outside of 4chan?

>> No.8546384

cause its a worthless token no one takes seriously?

>> No.8546404

Why do you care? You fell for it lmao??

>> No.8546414

Even normies think it’s a shitcoin

>> No.8546424

I have read the whitepaper, watched every Chainlink video on youtube, and search "Chainlink" and "Sergey" on biz everyday. Link is my only reason to live.

>> No.8546429

Too complicated. Doesn't have a pithy one liner use case that people can spout of. 95% of crypto investors can't even be bothered reading a whitepaper, let alone getting a background understanding of smart contracts and oracles.
In 2020 when "smart contracts" are a worldwide buzzword/meme, redditors will be buying LINK off /biz/tards for $50+. In the meantime just let them wallow in it and keep accumulating.

>> No.8546432

>why didn't anyone outside of 4chan talk about btc before 2011
>why didn't anyone outside of 4chan talk about neo when it was still called antshares
>why is op always a faggot

>> No.8546486


people in the know understand the importance of oracles/smart contracts. conditional payment execution is a snappy term

>> No.8546586

Because they're plebs whose jobs will always be things like cleaning toilets or making tendies for their linkyboverlords.

>> No.8546785

We are living the same life

>> No.8546823

Unironically this

>> No.8547020

Because nobody is that stupid outside of biz

>> No.8547093

>Only normies think it's a shitcoin.

>> No.8547119

I'm in a biz shitposting discord with something like 75 active members. There isn't anyone there that liked or even though it was a good investment. Except this one guy that we kicked out months ago called "Masharza".

>> No.8547152

Is this supposed to be what, fud? You expect us to think "oh wow, 75 discord pageets from biz couldn't be wrong I better stay away"?

>> No.8547182

the guy we banned was indian, thats the only type of people that would be into "chainlink"
lol do you really think people are actually interested in that shitcoin? get a grip

>> No.8547243

pajeet is not necesserarily being a shitskin shitting on the streets, it's a state of mind. your discord group is exactly this.

>> No.8547249

except some of the coins we shilled got 11x post ICO.

chainlink isnt going anywhere but down

>> No.8547258

please tell me more about ur discord group... or maybe even better, kys.

>> No.8547339

First rule of Link never talk about Link.

>> No.8547353 [DELETED] 

>no p3d

>> No.8547401
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Disregard the fud anon.
You didn't find people talking about the A-Bomb while being developed back in the day. Same now.
It is a new concept and talking to brainlets is not good b/c of the fud.
even Ethereum had tonnes of fud while at 2-3$.
Also (((they))) are still in shock over the crypto market and applications.
Link $100 eoy !

>> No.8547405

ground floor baby

>> No.8547406

Because we are unique in that there is a free flow of ideas here which are not upvoted or downvoted to control the narrative.

This is combined with the fact that a we have a high population of autistic NEETs who have unlimited free time to dedicate to research.

It is true that the free flow of ideas also comes with shillers, shitposters and FUD but you soon learn how to filter through the shit.

Reddit is encumbered by revolving around groupthink which stifles any gems rising to the surface. The only time when things gain momentum on Reddit is when the majority already agree that a certain topic is worthy of rising to the surface. Hence the FOMO is much stronger there and their community is much more prone to buying bags.

>> No.8547647

fuck this piece of shit i bought this and now it turns out it s a fucking Litecoin fork piece of shit scam coin
Fuck my life why do I always buy scams

>> No.8547721

nobody talks about link b/c it's a fairly sophisticated piece of technology that doesnt make for easy conversation for those not technically minded.

and that is the beauty of the memes that a technically-minded group of people - 4chan biz/raelis - have crrated. it helps gets through to people that here is a great project, oh and here is a picture of sergey as a space marine.

>> No.8547904

20 dollars E oy

>> No.8548107

hmmmm good question OP

>> No.8548541
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This could explain it.

>> No.8548563

>they do not want a bunch of memes

>> No.8548579

Because nobody cares! What the fuck. Why is Bitcoin valued at 9 000 fucking dollars when its technlogy is obsolete and fucking useless compared to literally any other coin? Look at XRP, such bs jewish scam but managed to push the marketing to the normies so it moons now. Its all about brand! The name, the marketing. The fuck is Link? People want Bitcoin, Ripple, Dash, Stellar... retards.

>> No.8548583


>> No.8548593

Same here sirs, i am living the dream sirs

>> No.8548601

>technically minded
there's like 5 people that program here and 2 of them are pajeets

>> No.8548615

Just look at the "83%" threads. Not many people with even a basic understanding here. Nice time digits BTW.

>> No.8548636

I agree, and I think ChainLink should start addressing that by changing its name

>> No.8548651

Its developed by some soyboy in the basement. Normies and are not interrested. - normie here

>> No.8548681
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chain link is no more a meme than eth is, read the white paper

>> No.8548729

Delusion kek

>> No.8548735

I could literally program an oracle like chainlink myself in a few days time and have it running. This whole thing is a scam

>> No.8548761

that's the whole point isn't it, you'll become a part of chainlink network and you'll need LINK for stake collateral in order to compete for smart contract triggering jobs.

>> No.8548781

>Developed by some soyboy
>Normie's not interested

You can only choose one

>> No.8548887

no lol
chainlink has been copied allready
go lookup ducatur
theyre going to be better and MUCH cheaper. Its more realistic anyway than this bullshit. Their main net is ready by september as well. Thats how easy chainlink is to copy.

They also have a much more qualified team and a better website with marketing already.

>> No.8548918

no marketing

>> No.8548928

Someone post the We are all in this together pasta

>> No.8549097

Oh wow a random discord full of meme posting /biz/tards think it's a bad investment because they fell for the FUD on /biz/. I should sell now while I still can!

>> No.8549843
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Chainlink is a cult.

>> No.8549942

DO you honestly think LINK is on the same level as btc/ans/eth in terms of moon potential?

>> No.8549954

link has the potential to dwarf them all

>> No.8549982

How could a utility project dwarf the platform it's running on?

>> No.8549999
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>some idiot actually put 20k USD into this meme topkek
Because nobody actually owns any.

>> No.8550032

link is preparing for mainnet launch..? link will be larger in scope than the platform used to launch it. what you said is like asking how a website can grow larger than the hosting service it was created on

>> No.8550059

I see your point.

>> No.8550064


ChainLink is the /biz/ equivalent of 2011 pony shitposting. A bunch of newfags thought ironic LINK shitposting was real, fomo'd into it, and here we are.

>> No.8550119

Because only /biz/ and a small number of shadowy elites are smart enough to see its value

>> No.8550191

A better question is why are so many people talking about it here? Why can’t people just stfu and accumulate?

>> No.8550293
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Because we are the chosen ones.

>> No.8550369
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Let us pray
>Our Father who art in heaven
>Sergey be thy name
>Thy stinkies come
>Thy link become
>1k EOY

>Give us today our daily thread
>And forgive the weak hands
>As we forgive those who dump bags on us

>And lead us not unto JUSTing
>But deliver us from Jewery
>For thine is the link, the stink, and the big mac forever

>> No.8550429
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Fixed it.

>> No.8550638

KYS Pajeet

>> No.8550654

Rationale conversation in a LINK thread from /biz/?

>> No.8550867

This is true. Ducatur is the Swiss knife of oracles. They’re literally making blockchain great again. I’m super bullish on George Bell’s vision (despite his lazy eye).

>> No.8550884


Ari Paul's tweet lmao these guys try too hard.

>> No.8551105
File: 54 KB, 662x686, 1521408159582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sir we were called and told a retard is on the loose
sorry sir but you'll have to come with us.

>> No.8551127

Because only the higher intelligence of autists can know it's real worth.

>> No.8551140

Swiss knives are shit though

>> No.8552088

We're going to the moon, he told me on youtube.

>> No.8552540

idk i have 23k link though for whatever its worth in 2 years idk that either

>> No.8552861
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>> No.8552906

its just a meme

>> No.8553396

it's an inside joke of this board to give bad investment advice- it helps to organically generate fresh pink wojack content

>> No.8554038

thats pretty accurate if you think about it..

>> No.8554080
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But it's got dope gifs, like this

>> No.8554147
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>> No.8554161
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>> No.8554170

There is no reason you can’t have a 100% ETH based decentralized solution, you can pay the decentralized nodes via ETH fees for their data transfer (a simple Ethereum based side-chain). So in it’s current iteration ChainLink as a token for me, doesn’t have a great value proposition. With just Ethereum support, I find it very annoying that you have to own ETH (to trigger the log event) and ChainLink (to pay for the data request) to receive a simple HTTP request

>> No.8554184
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