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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8540939 No.8540939 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that nocoiners and the people who make money in crypto have a lot in common.

Both believe Crypto is a ponzi scheme.
The no coiners believe this for a different reason to the people who make money i ncrypto. No coiners believe this because they mistrust it, or because they are salty. The gainers believe this because it is simply true, but they are in a unique position where they understand WHY and HOW it is manipulated as a zero sum game. this knowledge allows them to make profit. This is the stage where you go from refusing to hold obvious shit coins, to trading them actively becase nothing matters. Just the fundamentals of how the market is manipulated.

What stage are you at anon?

>> No.8540962
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> manipulated zero sum game so trade but I'm dumb and suck at it

>> No.8540968

as a no coiner that doesn't hate crypto I just don't feel like fucking around with it I am too lazy and poor

>> No.8541027


both acceptable.

Its those fucking reddit faggots which are the ones who refuse to understand and will be JUSTed for all eternity. Wont surprise me at all if next time we break ath when the market makers want it, and all normies flood in, they still hold and dont cash out anything before a crash again.