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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 81 KB, 424x358, Screen Shot 2018-03-23 at 20.22.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8537264 No.8537264 [Reply] [Original]

why do I see so many threads asking "hurr what's the next ethereum/bitcoin?"

The answer has been spelled out to you over and over. It's Chainlink. No, it's not a meme. It is really the next ethereum, growth wise.

Here's a little spoiler. Chainlink has more FUD than any other coin on /biz/. That is for the simple reason that people who want to buy more chainlink are frantically trying to keep the price down.

>> No.8537308

Stop wasting your energy they dont get it. Just accumulate in silence and let them fomo in at 2 dollars

>> No.8537336

STFU faggot and go kill yourself

>> No.8537337

Thinking that /biz moves the price

>> No.8537405
File: 45 KB, 343x480, ahead-of-its-time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ChainLink is years ahead of the competition
sergey foresaw and publicly discussed the oracle problem over 4 years ago
probably the single most qualified person to solve it
best part is, the world doesn't even know it needs this yet, so by buying LINK, you're getting into the next new paradigm (think BTC, ETH, ...) on the ground fucking floor

>> No.8537430
File: 486 KB, 1052x1370, A60F3971-7D04-4A88-BEC3-054DD6A12EFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.8537801

These NoLink faggots don't even deserve this comment. Fuck them.

>> No.8537834

what does this mean??
t. brainlet

>> No.8537852

>That is for the simple reason that people who want to buy more chainlink are frantically trying to keep the price down.
honestly I think people are just too dumb to understand it. it's not some kind of devilish master plan to keep the price down, it just has a high barrier of entry

>> No.8537873

It’s bad FUD. Popularity does not equal superiority.

>> No.8537953

There was a lot of FUD today regarding that LINK is more of a JSON parser than anything else. What thoughts if any

>> No.8538034

ChainLink is not a JSON parser. I think I was in the thread where that stupid meme started.
It's basically gibberish - it doesn't relate even slightly to what ChainLink does.
Granted, ChainLink might INCLUDE a JSON parser as a negligibly small part, in the same way that every single website you visit online has a JSON parser built into your browser...
Honestly I never expected that FUD to catch on - The fact that it has is scary because it means /biz/ has people who understand computers at the level of grandmothers, who don't understand that Google isn't INSIDE the little icon they click to open it.

>> No.8538050

It's a good project but It will not make serious gains.
It'll get to at least $1 for sure unless Sergey dies of burger overdose.
$10 is a maybe because crypto is retarded. And btw $10 would involve a mcap of 10 fucking billion dollars. Literally a top 5 coin. You don't think there are 5 more coins in the entire world that would do more business than link? You don't think all those coins that have marketing campaigns and hundreds of employees will get more exposure? Yes it could start the smart contract revolution. So fucking what you retard? That means that the platforms that do the actual heavy lifting, like ETH will still be the big dogs.
$100 literally impossible and $1000 is obviously a joke.

>> No.8538066

You are a complete newfag considering that fud is from last year and spawned all the ebin Jason Parser memes.

>> No.8538100

Link won't pass 3 dollars end of year if market does good. Listen brainlets just because Link is a good project doesn't mean it just continues to grow with out dumps. What btc and eth has were something different. The chances of link ever being 100 dollars are less than a percent. If you brainlets are okay with that then so be it. But if you think there is like a 75 percent chance it'll be 100 dollars or more you're so fucking delusional I feel bad

>> No.8538128

And you won The Sherlock Holmes Award. But thanks for the added insight

>> No.8538186

To be fair, I could probably find an identical statement someone made over a year ago about ETH. You just can't tell with crypto. And yes, ChainLink aims to solve the problem that absolutely would make it the new paradigm if solved. And the token will be the reward in the incentivization mechanics that accomplish trustless consensus between oracles, which will make it valuable.
Again, all of this is IF ChainLink succeeds - I'm just saying it's on that trajectory currently, and it is aiming at the right target.

>> No.8538190

Looking at it from a legal perspective. ChainLink has the possibility to overrun the transactional law industry

>> No.8538258

Years away, when we have AGI and the oracle problem has long been solved, the amount of shit we could automate about our society is fucking scary, and exciting.
Automated legal proceedings is fucking huge, but also just a drop in the bucket at that point.

>> No.8538365

Yeah I can’t imagine the scenarios. I’ve been reading mostly from an angle on how it’s gonna impact my line of (legal) work.

Screen-cap. I’ll be sure to give you credit a few years down the line as other anons FUD for their dear lives.