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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 458 KB, 220x268, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8530208 No.8530208 [Reply] [Original]

Go ahead...

>> No.8530216


>> No.8530219

fuck off nigger

>> No.8530227

The only hype this piece of shit got was pajeets on biz. If you bought this you should take a hard look at kys coin

>> No.8530260


>> No.8530267



>> No.8530287


>> No.8530305


>> No.8530331

Not normie friendly and will never catch on...dafuq are microkernel and functional modules. they claim they are fixing the blockchain with buzzwords. it was a good pump and dump coin and thats it...not worth my review.

>> No.8530336


>> No.8530337


>> No.8530341

ok supply chain coins are the stupidest thing..if a company wants to verify supply chain they will just create their own chain on hyperledger or something similar. no need for your stupid ass devery or devery coins...

>> No.8530352


>> No.8530358

Honestly hard to talk shit about the most promising project in crypto...the biggest reason it is shit is chainlink does not know how to communicate with investors.

>> No.8530364


>> No.8530370
File: 25 KB, 300x231, 3D89E0EE-32B0-4698-9466-CA1A42C0A273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toppest of keks

>> No.8530373

a erc token that claims to have an ecosystem and hardware.....but utilizes a fucking erc token. Over promise under deliver will be eos tagline.

>> No.8530386


>> No.8530389

once again..i like trac but its just a supply chain token...the easiest token to create and duplicate. Blockchain will be very important for supply chain but these big companies are not going to go with your oregon trail bullshit token over something like running their own blockchain or hyperledger etc..

Look at maersk and hyperledger to see how supply chain blockchain will go

>> No.8530396

dinosaur that doesn't work. Once other coins don't rely on it for a trading pair its rip..there is no use for btc...and muh store of value is bs

>> No.8530397

Unironically, ADA

>> No.8530404


>> No.8530412

untraceable - this is the stupid shit that will hurt blockchain due to coins like this supporting criminals. When regulation comes...which it is you better be out of these "privacy" coins because these will get hit the hardest

>> No.8530420

garbage...see above

>> No.8530435

hmmm a lot of buzzwords. shit exchanges...trying to take the best from other projects and making a chain w/o solving any new issues

>> No.8530440



>> No.8530441

god why the fuck is this piece of shit have such a high market cap...not saying there is potential in 3 years but this shit should not be in top 30. What more do you want...ada currently offers nothing

>> No.8530450


>> No.8530453

"next generation blockchain" - already losing points.

made for enterprise...just because you say its for enterprise or what...just another coin offering the same shit hoping to take a piece of the pie...it will eventually fail like many others like it

>> No.8530455


>> No.8530461


>> No.8530478

a data exchange...ok now you guys are just fucking trolling me. the website looks like it was created by my nephew who's 9. own your data kek

im scared to look at the market cap because it should be $0

>> No.8530491

since when did automation need a token? ffs.

I need a tax and audit guy let me go buy some tokens from this shit looking website and use the blockchain so i can focus on my business.kek how bout no...

>> No.8530497


>> No.8530505

fiat good to go in and out of other currencies/assets...fiat is shit compared to silver/gold though

>> No.8530507


>> No.8530512

man of course the chinese needed to try and make their own eth. of course it is centralized but people seem to forget. This one going to backfire bigger than people realize.

>> No.8530515


I loves my nt's

>> No.8530518

Have you ever found a high quality icx logo in .png or vector format? They can't even make/provide a descent logo let alone a project of this scale.

>> No.8530535
File: 9 KB, 346x146, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8530539

One of the worst names in crypto. jibrel..dafuq.

another useless erc token just trying to take a piece of the pie..

it says it provides assets and currencies as erc tokens...so what the fuck is it needed for?

>> No.8530543

so whos a winner then?

>> No.8530546


>> No.8530550

Honestly not even going to this pajeet tier level shit right here...If you got bitcoin in our name you're dead to me.

>> No.8530558

shit bitcoin fork "blockchain made for business" ok and the others arent you piece of shit..can't make a descent website but I expect my business to use their shit blockchain okkkkkk

>> No.8530563


>> No.8530574

There will be some good utility tokens that will be winners and a very very very few platforms. These supply chain and business blockchains are all rip...

If I am a business and I want to run blockchain i will fork or use hyperledger etc. No need to jump on one of these many projects that pop every day.

>> No.8530587

im not even looking that one up senpai. is that for real? hope not

>> No.8530591
File: 194 KB, 480x640, Bitcoinplus is XBC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love staking coins what are your bitchy feelings toward bitbean?

>> No.8530593


>> No.8530597


>> No.8530598


>> No.8530603

honestly you guys are all pajeets shilling shit projects. IF you are not 100% in link you can go fuck yourself...I'm out

>> No.8530609


>> No.8530627

WTF answer me you fucking faggot

>> No.8530632

I bet you will

>> No.8530647


Why is shit

>> No.8530650

What the fuck?
Nobody asked what u think about websites

>> No.8530651
File: 676 KB, 626x1000, XBC will make you rich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a deluded linkie senpai he's dead to us but sia looks like a nice buy at around 137 sats glad I got out at 320

>> No.8530655

After mainnet desu

>> No.8530675


>> No.8530725


>> No.8530761

ETH, REQ, KNC, Coinmetro token

>> No.8530770

These morons can't even make a 32-bit wallet. Like fucking 80% of personal computers are 32-bit. How are normies going to use it if it won't even run on their computers.

>> No.8530785


>> No.8530838

Tell me why UPFIRING is bad... YOU LITERALLY CAN'T! SAD!

>> No.8530852


>> No.8530866

You are an idiot, the erc token is just for the token distribution and taking down ETH price with it.

>> No.8531451


>> No.8531461


>> No.8531468


>> No.8531471


>> No.8531487

skycoin, go ahead, you can't find a single fault

>> No.8531492


>> No.8531534


>> No.8531670
File: 63 KB, 512x512, GRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8531684


Is there a more secure way to raise $1.5B than a token sale on Ethereum?

The SDK works with the testnet, and the mainnet launches in a couple months.

Everipedia is switching over to EOS to save on upkeep, and several other blockchain startups are integrating it because it's free to use, just like Steem.

Eat shit.

>> No.8531964


>> No.8531977


>> No.8531989

No one can say anything bad about this. Lol

>> No.8531998



>> No.8532012

Does icos count? Sharpay

>> No.8532230

Your answers simply reflect your holdings, prob eth and link. Link the most promising project lol. Btc not valid as a store of value lol. All coins are litetally tied to everything btc does. And most are scams to get more btc.

>> No.8532244

Devery. Your response to the first guy was autistic.

>> No.8533092
File: 1.02 MB, 1138x640, 9F9AA9F2-80A4-47B3-BAB5-AA5083842D7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8533716
