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File: 546 KB, 648x1297, truth is hard to swallow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8521332 No.8521332 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8521369

I wonder who knows more about money. The greatest investor ever, or children.

>> No.8521377
File: 243 KB, 382x417, 1521040961787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, two of them got rich from crypto?

>> No.8521389

but all three statements are in agreement dumbass
jesus christ what's the average iq in this place when reading comprehension is this bad

>> No.8521392
File: 241 KB, 344x451, 1511264171054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna hodl

>> No.8521407


>> No.8521426
File: 13 KB, 207x268, 4B484A93-8F32-4388-999F-298B5F6209E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this decrepit old fart knows anything about crypto

>> No.8521465

Just because they all agree doesn't actually mean anything because they are all for different reasons.

Vitalik is an autistic genius and communist programmer. He thinks the entire market is overvalued and ETH should be $5 along with a bunch of other dumb ideas.

Charlie Lee got into crypto early and knows LTC is a shitcoin that won't survive in the current market.

Warren Buffet is a fucking old man that said the internet would never catch on and that Amazon and Google were bad investments. He is fucking horrible when dealing with new technology and thinks it will all fail until it doesn't and this particular technology is knocking on his door and threatening to undermine him.

Shock and awe he has bad things to say about it.

>> No.8521558


Warren Buffett Fudding again... Typical

>> No.8521577

You're stil deluded, the truth looked you right in the eyes, you ignored it, you still deny it.

>> No.8521604

The "he's an old man" argument isn't even necessary to explain the Warren Buffet fud. He's incredibly good at having a public opinion and a private opinion. Why anyone would take anything he says seriously is beyond me.

>> No.8521709

First two statements:volatility in crypto
Buffett: crypto is shit

Check your own IQ, Buffett himself said "if you can't handle a market correction, you should not invest"
He also said crypto is pure shit, in other words.

Enjoy poverty

>> No.8521721

>Why anyone would take anything he says seriously is beyond me.
Because he's an expert, and you live in a basement

>> No.8521727

>Warren Buffet is a fucking old man that said the internet would never catch on and that Amazon and Google were bad investments.
Show me where, shitposter.
Enjoy the bubble while it lasts.

>> No.8521784
File: 71 KB, 347x382, Byrne-Patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he's alluding to Buffet being known to spread FUD with purpose. His fucking protege (Patrick Byrne of Overstock) launched an ICO earlier this year.

>> No.8521799


>> No.8521807

Show me buffet FUD

>> No.8521835

>Show me where, shitposter.


>> No.8521848

Uh, I live upstairs bud


>> No.8521890


He shit on crypto and then admitted not knowing much about it. How fucking new are you?

>> No.8522038
File: 116 KB, 645x729, 1507618049948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this dumb
this anon doesn't have to

>> No.8522170

Expert in what?

He's was dead wrong about Amazon and Google, started investing in Chinese firms decades after it was already flooded with investment, spreads FUD on any new tech, and is economically illiterate. Not to mention he's full of shit!
>muh tax rate is too low, I should be paying more in taxes then muh secretary.
>only 1% of his income is earned as an individual.
>purposely pays himself a lower salary so he doesn't have to pay income taxes.
>owns 1/3 of Berkshire Hathaway.
>conveniently leaves out the billions of dollars BH pays in taxes each year.
>currently in two lawsuits with the IRS where he neglected to pay over 2 billion total in taxes.
>I'm a humble man, I have a modest home and drive an old truck.
>Flys around the world in a private jet, staying in 5 star hotels.

He's no different than any other sjw. He's of shit and half of what he says is dead wrong or reeks of something only a horribly uninformed person would say. The only reason he gets a pass is cause he's a liberal. Don't fall for anything this charlatan says.

>> No.8522371

He never said it was a bad investment or that internet would not catch on. You fucking illiterate Kenyan.

He invests in what he understands. He never said they were bad, or would not catch on.

Keep buying crypto, time will show who the better investor is.

>> No.8522430

Rich as fuck, humble, meanwhile at your house, crypto trading and cheeto fingers. Keep crying, your millennial tears power his investments.

>> No.8522496

>The only reason he gets a pass is cause he's a liberal.

This is the problem with this board, 'redpilled' teenagers saying retarded shit like this without any sort of self-awareness

>> No.8522707

Rich get richer. You give me a dollar I make 3. You give me 1 billion I make 30 billion.

>> No.8522755

>lumps all crypto into one brain cell compartment

Good luck with the critical thinking, boomerfag

>> No.8522816

>He invests in what he understands

He sure as hell didn't research into crypto.

>> No.8522838

Steve ballmer laughed at the iphone.

Let that sink in

>> No.8522844

He’s not wrong tho