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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8518382 No.8518382 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this? Neither group is a hivemind obviously, but if you were objectively looking at the consensus you'd have to agree that /biz/ largely favors LINK while reddit is betting hard on NANO.

It's not like these are two sides of the same coin, these are both doing very different things and claiming to solve very different problems. What's the philosophy behind these differing views of the future of crypto?

>> No.8518430

The difference is

4chan always believed in LINK because of the tech.

Reddit just started believing in NANO because it had massive green bars.

>> No.8518456

you know nothing about tech or massive gains newfag.


>> No.8518464

Biz shilled XRB way before reddit believed in NANO. Reddit's just holding Biz's bags now, same thing will happen with LINK a year from now

>> No.8518469

4chan = Intelligent people acting stupid
Reddit = Reddit trying to act intelligent

>> No.8518484

>4chan = Intelligent


>> No.8518507


>> No.8518511

smart people enjoy to act stupid, 4chan is a stress reliever, you think we are kids in here? most are over 30 here, with wifes and kids, and a career

>> No.8518539

>The Power of Weaponized Autism
Most 4channers have so much autism and time on their hands that they do stupid amounts of research and post their research here. Then other autists here fud that research and if there's no valid fud it always turns out to be a good buy similar to ETH/ANS/LINK.

>> No.8518545

Anon, I...

>> No.8518550


4chan is full of high iq people with mental illness

reddit is full of normies who think they have high iqs because they are 1 standard deviation higher than the people you would see at walmart

>> No.8518605

Let us pray
>Our Lord who art in heaven
>Sergey be thy name
>Thy stinkies come
>Thy link become
>1k EOY

>Give us today our daily thread
>And forgive the weak hands
>As we forgive those who dump bags on us

>And lead us not unto JUSTing
>But deliver us from Jewery
>For thine is the link, the stink, and the big mac forever

>> No.8518614

I don't think chainlink have that much following there, more likely it's just a bunch of kids online 24h/24 spamming the same threads

>> No.8518625


>> No.8518657

exactly this...The only people that don't believe in LINK haven't read the whitepaper.

Nano is a fairy tale coin that over-promises but will under-deliver.

>> No.8518663

Speaking as a teacher who has to listen to endless rambling about COD and Fortnight and Memes, you have no idea how young the people you're arguing with on the internet really are lmao

>> No.8518693
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What do you mean lmao. 4chan has been shown time and time again that objectively it compiles a group of above average iq individuals.

>> No.8518756

4chan is the creator of weaponized autism.

>> No.8518801

You think those frequent /biz/ and then very specifically participate in discussion about LINK? Young shitheads are easy to spot. Most (relevant) LINK discussions have been conducted by adults with a firm grasp on technology.
The meme shitpost threads, sure you can have that.

>> No.8518813

4chan is a safe space to say any shit you want. so fuckity fuck fuck.

>> No.8518837

1 standard deviation. Kek

>> No.8518887

People who are betting BIG on nano I'm afraid aren't looking at the bigger picture. Currency boom was yesterday and the smart contract boom is tomorrow. Get fucking ready or get BTFO.

>> No.8518907
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You idiot. The Reddit coin is vechain

>> No.8518918

95% of the link threads since december have been pointless shitposts by underaged kids. It's pretty stupid.

>> No.8518935

Fpbp as usual

>> No.8518966

or maybe it's just intelligent people acting like a man-child so people stay away from link

>> No.8518972

pretty accurate. For some reason 4chan seems to have many more pajeets than reddit.
Maybe once the hordes of 3rd world shitskins start using reddit, the site will finally die

>> No.8519052

>smart people enjoy to act stupid, 4chan is a stress reliever

Can confirm. I don't typically participate in the stupid shit though, but I enjoy watching you guys do it and having a laugh.

>> No.8519067

Yeah right underage kids can invest 20k$ in link for memes...lets be srs for a second sirs

>> No.8519096

funny thread

>> No.8519114


>> No.8519141
File: 36 KB, 720x707, 9B51F5E1-D24F-4EDC-BF20-82773F23D921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are the intelligent ones

>> No.8519163

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
Link $1000 EOY.

>> No.8519182
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>> No.8519186

U-under aged baby desu, my networth is 568k.

>> No.8519199

I never really believed in Link, people were shilling it last year saying it'll go to 2 dollars, i knew it wont, and it never will.

>> No.8519203

Why not own both? Some of the best 2 cryptos you can own for the long term right now.

>> No.8519278

There's not much to discuss. Details are known, researchable and FUD is easily dispelled. All that's left is mainnet and customer / partnership announcement and there is not much point in discussing those.

>> No.8519294

Kek, reported

>> No.8519322

I hodl both with a side of Req as a contigency plan and so that I can swing trade em.

>> No.8519360
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Spot on except for wife kids and career

>> No.8519456

Reddit is still fixated on cryptocurrency as a currency. NANO come closest to fulfilling the promises of cryptocurrency, being fast and free.

/biz/ is ahead of the curve in realizing that cryptocurrency is just one application of DLT, and honestly one of the most boring / facile. This is why /biz/ has a hardon for projects like LINK and JNT, which are creating something genuinely new and interesting with decentralized ledgers. Not just internet moneys, but whole new ways of conducting business, creating records, moving assets, etc.

>> No.8519602

your so fucking dumb you actually believe your own made up fantasy, holy shit, biz is full of fucking retards.

>> No.8519641

Meh gatwkeeping. No true believers.

>> No.8519651


>> No.8519672

and some of us have realized the next step: that companies won't buy and use meme tokens. Every single article you see about real companies interested in blockchains is using Hyperledger or other permissioned blockchains. Even the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is only interested in permissioned versions of ethereum... No decentralization doesn't permissioned blockchains are just databases. There are degrees of decentralization and hyperldeger-level decentralization is more than enough for 99% of purposes.

Ironically crypto as a p2p payment method may end up being the only tokens we're trading today that have any value in the future because that's where you need true trustlessness. Rebbit's right on the money, but unintentionally.

>> No.8519713

Xrb was shilled heavily befor the moonshot to 30$
I would have made 500k if i had invested but i didn't listen

>> No.8519717

NANO faced the largest FUD campaign of all time on biz, and it was all bullshit "double kernal leak attack" FUD.

NANO will turn out to be THE good buy of 2018.

>> No.8519800

Hyperledger is not a blockchain you fucking retard.

>> No.8519821

Because they actually believe adoption will be crypto replacing fiat. They can’t see past this very simplistic view of crypto as a CURRENCY when really we should be thinking about cryptoassets and cryptotechnology. Real widespread adoption will not look like grandma with a Nano wallet on her iPhone. It will be look corporate. It will look like boring as fuck DLT and it will look like smart contracts. /biz/ realises this because we aren’t Reddit soyboys. We’re autistic tech freaks. Reddit soyboys only claim to be “geeks” who are interested in socially acceptable “geek” tech like the internet of things. This is pleb tier. Smart contracts are god tier.

You can test my analysis by looking through the number of upvotes on reddit posts relating to mass adoption of currency cryptos versus anything to do with smart contracts. They are behind. They don’t understand.

>> No.8519825

LINK is vapoware

>> No.8519873


>> No.8520030

>you'd have to agree that /biz/ largely favors LINK
fuck off linkshit, most of /biz/ sees the shitcoin that is LINK right through the endless spam

>> No.8520238

Yeah, I don't even bother with pure currency cryptos anymore, that's boring. Plus people don't even realize low fees are a BAD THING for the value of a coin.

I'm all about smart contracts, dApps and platforms, currencies are old news.

>> No.8520281

Do a Google search for "MSNBC smart contracts" ZERO relevant results yet "MSNBC cryptocurrency" brings up a bunch. Smart contracts will be the next big buzzword in a year just like blockchain/cryptocurrency is now.

>> No.8520903

Nolinker spotted

>> No.8521148

I really don't think there's as many people favoring link as you seem to think here. I suspect most of the posts are made by a dozen of people max.

>> No.8521456
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Niggress/nigger lmao fuck you

>> No.8521472

Plush pepe is the best meme of 2018

>> No.8521579
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All shitcoins are memes but LINK is the king shit memecoin since /biz/ caught the stink during ICO hype.

Some may not remember but raiblocks was also low-key shilled here late last year when the subreddit had just a few hundred users. Reddit is totally to blame for the reprehensible NANO "community," though. That alone may have poisoned the well permanently.

Both are worthless but for different reasons

>> No.8521663

We used meme magic to put the absolute madman into office. Pretty smart if you ask me.

>> No.8521722

Both groups clearly have hive mind elements IMO.