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File: 34 KB, 900x500, python-Programming-Language-Software.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8421128 No.8421128 [Reply] [Original]

Hi all,

I'm not very smart and I struggle to sit for long periods of time studying, however, I would like to learn python and online resources e.g. codeacademy haven't been amazing imo. Is there a book that I can use to learn python in a more efficient manner?

Thank You

>> No.8421143

Try >>>/g/

>> No.8421175


best book on python. short introduction to a topic, and a semi-difficult task to code. much more coding than reading. Challenging to boot

>> No.8421225

don't listen to this OP, it's one of the worst python books ever that for some unexplained reason gained a bit of popularity, literally the whole python dev community hates it so the poster is trolling you, if you wonder why it's because it doesn't teach you anything, doesn't explain anything, it's just write it down and wonder you did
try python cookbook or learning python by o'reilly instead

>> No.8421246

Automate the boring stuff with Python. So much better than learn the hard way.

>> No.8421248

you need to learn general programming principles first

>> No.8421253

why buy books... this language being kind of an entry-drug to coding, the internet is plastered with free, high quality tutorials and whole lexica of shit...

just google, frien. you won't be disappoint.

>> No.8421257

>because it doesn't teach you anything, doesn't explain anything
it gives you a straight-up task and a couple of hints as to how to perform it. the difficulty at performing the task and the necessity to look for information on how to accomplish it is a preferred mode of learning for a lot of people.

>> No.8421264

Where to learn them, any books?

>> No.8421278


fuck python learn Node.js

>> No.8421284

>OP has difficulty seating through an Udemy course.
>tell him to read an udemy course in book form

>> No.8421312


Where can I learn Node.js? I want to get good at making ethereum contracts and making blockchain websites.

>> No.8421337

Coding thread?
>Middle management
>Introvert who larps as a normie for business purposes
>Just want to be left alone to read books about the Roman Empire and lift weights

I've been thinking about learning Java and working on projects remotely. I just want to be able to detach from normieland without being a degenerate waste of life.

>> No.8421355

that's the same method our P.E teacher in high school used when "teaching" us pascal, he didn't understand the language nor programming at all, not sure how he got to teach this subject, he printed the code from somewhere, told us to write it down and compile and that was everything
the fact that the author insisted on staying with python 2 up until 2017 when everyone shat on him and finally admitted how much of a dumbass he is, or the fact that he says "don't try to understand that, just remember it" when "teaching" boolean logic should be enough to realize how bad the quality of the book is, there's a reason why it's widely regaded as one of the worst books by the community

>> No.8421372

Best way to learn is probably youtube tutorials imo.

I first learnt java at uni, then python. Since java is more difficult, python was quite easy to pick up.

>stackoverflow is your friend
>Installing packages on python is total aids

>> No.8421380

what's so bad about pip?

>> No.8421385

I mean you could buy a book, but you know there's a whole bunch of useful resources available for free.

Here's how I learned Python: https://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/

>> No.8421387



also the solidity smart contract language used in Ethereum is much more similar to Javascript

>> No.8421395

also head first python is pretty good for quick and practical introduction

>> No.8421437

I don't remember the exact package, but it took me a couple of hours to install. Had to download certain programs and downgrade certain packages.

I thought it was PulP, a linear optimization package, but i'm not sure.

>> No.8421439

Is there practical tutorials and courses? I'm a bit of a dumb dumb. Will this and learning solidity give me enough knowledge to make a blockchain game? It's less about making the money but the cool aspect of using Ethereum to run the backend of my games.

>> No.8421454

>> 8421385
pajeet tier book
explained here >>8421355

>> No.8421481

>he printed the code from somewhere, told us to write it down and compile and that was everything
did you actually browsed through the book? Its much more than that.

>that's the same method our P.E teacher in high school...
That comment just sounds resentful with little backing for that. personally, I fund copying swathes of code on paper to be a good drill to memorize syntax.

Python2 people had good reasons to stick to the language for longer, as that's where all the supplementary tooling was. Perhaps this isn't the case now, and the author gives a good explanation in the book as to why he choose python2 in a fair and transparent way.

You sound salty of the guys success.

>> No.8421554

Why do people unironically use python for algorithmic trading rather than something more performant like C++ or D?

>> No.8421596

because unless you are doing hft none of this shit matters

>> No.8421646

people use FPGAs if speed is of the essence

>> No.8421795

But lets say you can do more with less hardware so lower costs reduces expense ratios meaning better profit margin and you keep more of your management fees. Why is this not a popularly used strategy instead of using Python?

>> No.8421809
File: 15 KB, 456x320, 1515643137630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you
>alive while rate of human communication and ease of access to information has accelerated to levels never even conceived of before
>literal life times of information just a few clicks away at any given moment
>god like ability to find answers to all of your questions
>too retarded to use google correctly
>want book instead
>post on a business image board about it
>probably going to drive 30 minutes to a barns & nobel to find out its not in stock
I'm sorry OP you're not going to make it.

>> No.8421855

>do more with less hardware
what is the difference in those scenarios? is that value in any way significant comparing to the end result of your trading?

If yes, you're doing something very wrong.

>> No.8421888
File: 36 KB, 604x453, 1oyfyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus christ, I've been bitching about life lately, I'm gonna screen cap this and read it through every morning to remind myself how lucky I am.

fuck sake, no amount of motivational videos and answers to sophisticated questions about life have ever summed this up in such a short and elegant answer.

thank you faggot, you just made my life better

>> No.8422403

Honestly, just start building something. You'll figure out what you need to learn along the way, and can research it. It's much better to have an actual reason to apply something you learn than to do it purely for academic purposes.

>> No.8422537


>> No.8422973

Learn Python the Hard Way is Pajeet-tier.

Take a look at Think Python and Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. You can then move on to Intermediate Python. You can then move on to the Intermediate Python nanodegree on Udacity (great resource btw).

Then find what you want to do with Python. If you have a goal in mind for the skill then so much the better.

>> No.8423089

LPTHW fucking blows. Here's a critique of that faggot book on C:


zeddie shaw sucks massive nigger cock

>> No.8423127

That's fucking retarded. You learn the fundamentals by learning the fundamentals, not by tripping through some shit program trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

>> No.8423476

Why would you do this instead of just buying a book that has all the necessary information in front of you.

Learning online is fucking useless because its an abysmal way to learn. That's why 72% of codecademy users never finish. That's less than a 30% success rate. Furthermore, I wouldn't trust someone who learned to code from there.

Sure its just one example and I'm sure there are other factors, but it speaks to a larger systemic issue with online learning. Mainly that its garbage for learning the fundamentals.

>inb4 I learned online

good for you faggot, bet you don't know shit.

>> No.8423510

Then you don't know how to program lol

>> No.8423517

start with algebra

>> No.8423543
File: 202 KB, 1911x1920, 1511716209261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do Codecademy python course

>> No.8423745

Do CS50, learn the fundamentals of programming and CS and also learn python. It will take longer but will benefit you much more in the long term.

>> No.8424029

>Roman Empire and lift weights

A true renaissance man, that's what I aspire towards too.

>> No.8424083

>basics algebra, algorithms, big O, proof of logic, state machines (in that order)
>Fizzbuzz in any language
>projects of nand2tetris (The Elements of Computing Systems)

>> No.8424171

>accuse something of being pajeet tier
>not being able to focus enough to read the OP
OP said he can't do Udacity courses dunce

>> No.8424235

So you can't make legitimate critique of the book yourself?

I see a pattern in people throwing shit at this book. the pattern is strong butthurt with very facietous argumentation, if any. referals to other authorities, sometimes unnamed - a supposed consensus for example.

on that virtue alone, it "learn python the hard way" is worthy of exploring.

>> No.8424442

I learned by copying code out of a magazine in the 80s. I played around with it and experimented until I understood what was going on. LPTHW takes a similar approach which is totally valid.