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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8404217 No.8404217 [Reply] [Original]

When's the Bittrex/Binance listing guys?

>> No.8404237

THIS is by far my largest position, that being said you adhd fucks can fuck off with your stupid ask questions about when this or that is happening. Like holy fuck are you 16?

>> No.8404424


>> No.8404502

OK seriously, why the FUCK hasn't this mooned yet? everybody said it was a moon mission with crazy backing and crazy tokenomics and blh blah lbha. Here we are, two months later after EARTH SHATTERING announcements, and this piece of shit is still bleeding and dying. THIS PROEJCT IS COMPLETE FUCKING SHIT. I took out a $40,000 personal loan at fucking 11% because you fucking idiots were saying it was gonna double by now. WHAT THE ATUAL FUCK??? This shit has not only not gone up in value, it's actually gone down in value. this is the worst project in all of crypto and you fucking idito shills should be ashame of yourselves. I'm going to dump these bags at the first opportunity. This coin is fucking pathertic and all you stupid fanboys that suck all over Talaal's dick are gonna ride this piece of shit all the way down to 0.


>> No.8404523

sell now anon, bad news is coming. insiders already know hence nomoon

>> No.8404525

What's with all the JNT shilling today? Are some linkies diversifying?

>> No.8404540


lol if this nigger is serious


fuck off with your bullshit nigger

>> No.8404542

I heard all listings are held up because jibrel got hired to put finishing touches on vechain whitepaper

>> No.8404545



sell already

>> No.8404567

No joke, I will buy your bags off you.

>> No.8404568


Not even shilling, unless you consider fud a reverse psychology shill, which maybe it is, but fuck man, the coins already cheap as fuck, I don't know why they think they can drive the price down more.

>> No.8404670


You got cucked by #RetardCoin

>> No.8404687

No time soon I hope

I wouldn't mind if the price drops to 10 cents because I'll just buy more, my only regret is that I bought in too soon but I'm still mostly in fiat

>> No.8404690
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Believing arabs. That's what you get.

>> No.8404723

Jibrel's own whitepaper isn't even finished. There's no mention of the "proof-of-solvency" bullshit

>> No.8404872

Why do the bots on bibox fk off, I like when theyre running more price fluctuation so i can swing

>> No.8405546

Bots run to make a profit. If there isn't enough volume your swinging undercuts them too much.

>> No.8405723

the telegram retards ruined jibrel

>> No.8405969
File: 148 KB, 433x539, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scooped up some more JNT and sent everything to cold storage. I'm done for the time being.

See you in a few years, Jib cowboys.

>> No.8406054

motorcycle anon here. 25K JNT in my possession as of last night. thanks for the constant fud bros, i fucking won life. never been comfier. still have 4 eth to buy hopefully 10K more, ideally eth will bounce back but this will continue to bleed out since not much action til Q3.

i've got a nice collection of caps going, fudders please talk more shit about this coin so you can get btfo in a couple years

>> No.8406069

>This shit has not only not gone up in value, it's actually gone down in value.
Very accurate, desu

>> No.8406085

Anon you should've put the ETH on an exchange and converted to USDT what are you doing?

Did you lose like 20% on ETH?

>> No.8406118

I mean Gate literally has a JNT/USDT pair...

>> No.8406149

why the fuck do you keep posting in jnt threads about yourself being the motorcycle anon without the background about the fucking "motorcycle anon" origin when you're asked anout it?

what do you mean by motorcycle anon?

>> No.8406177

He got hit by a motorcycle and received gibs money. Then he spent it on JNT.

>> No.8406245


>> No.8406387
File: 1.74 MB, 1300x957, motorcycleanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tru but i'm a brainlet and didn't think about it until eth had already gotten fucked today, kek. it'll bounce back it's eth. plus i can wait man i have 25K which was well past my target minimum. i might just keep the rest in eth long term honestly, probably wise to have some diversity even though i'm confident as fuck in jnt.

who asked? i always explain

not quite, i'm a lawyerfag. my client got hit while on his motorcycle in 2016. multi-million dollar case that has been caught up in federal court as insurance companies bitch about who's paying. meanwhile i'm going broke and have been panicking about getting in before this fucker takes off. bear market literally saved my ass in a major way, just got some money and bought in.

if this fails i'm still getting about 700K in tort fees but this was my andromeda mission punt for crypto

>> No.8406779

coz hes fuckin motorcycle anon

what's your problem nigger?

congrats on the 25k stack, motorbro

>> No.8406861


>> No.8407051

thanks anon, we're all gonna make it

>> No.8407694

if someone could marketsell 100k jnt on bibox for me that'd be great

>> No.8407804

The volume is total garbage. Not even a million over the past 24 hours. I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing because it seems like nobody is really buying or selling. The orderbook is pretty sparse on both sides.

>> No.8407877

Neither the bitcoin fags nor altfags want to touch it because nobody read the RUNDOWN.


(op was trolling)

>> No.8407953

My feeling about this coin is the less speculation it gets from the crypto crowd the better. This project is targeting institutional money, and an overly inflated valuation will only serve to destabilize the project during the initial adoption phase.

Keep up the fud JNTnlment.

>> No.8408061

Interesting thing though.

This as far as I can tell is the Bibox ETH wallet. It only has 230K JNT in it. it had millions previously. I think the volume is shit because people bought and sent that shit off exchange. Now it's just bots going back and forth.

>> No.8408116

It's a long term hold for sure. Anyone who bought into this coin hoping for a quick profit doesn't understand the project.

>> No.8408385

Dude do you see the general conditions around the market? It's actually held it's price in BTC and ETH pretty well but they're all tanking.

If you're taking out loans to invest in crypto at least understand how fiat price is derived. You stupid fuck. I'll buy your bags though.

>> No.8408427

I can see why people would think it would be good for short term gains
projects that are good usually have a lot of demand but this one is harder to understand than the average project plus we're in the middle of a bear market

personally I don't care about short term gains, even if it went to $5 tomorrow I wouldn't be too happy partially because I want to accumulate more and partially because I want better gains before I even consider selling. I think a lot of people just want to look at their blockfolio and see green

>> No.8408537

nah i was just funposting m8

i uniroincally bought 5k with fiat and am agonna buy more until it hits $1