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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8391313 No.8391313 [Reply] [Original]

The market isn’t bottoming out. The stock market has been at all-time highs, and still is. The crypto market, on the other hand, is bottoming out because everyone is realizing that every cryptocurrency is more useless than the next. FOMO was the only thing that soared the prices, but that’s gone now. People realized that they weren’t missing out on anything. If you’re planning on making money in the crypto world, good luck! You’re going to need it.

>> No.8391379


It's real time hasn't come. if bitcoin dips, and then moves sideways for a few years, that honestly the best thing that could ever happen to it, and to the faithful Hodlers. the point is to demonstrate the viability of all this meme shit as an alternative to currency, at which point mass adoption actually begins to mean something. that takes something resembling the stability of a fiat currency. the hyperpump and shit dump this year damaged that perception, as weak as it was, more than anything else. what we need right now is a bit of time to recover in public perception, allow media FUD to die down, and then have it be discussed in slightly more serious terms in truly public spaces.

Just don't invest anything you aren't willing to lose and wait it out. this tech will have it's day, that day just isn't now, and honestly, anybody that really expected it to be was a hyped retard.