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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8346785 No.8346785 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to be an office drone guys. College seems pointless, and some of my friends back home are making 100k already at age 20 becuase they had connections through their dad. I don't know the first thing about finance or business, and I don't know where to start. I believe I am semi-intelligent, at least smarter than average. I don't know how to get my foot in the door or create shit. I have the drive, I'm just lost on how to get involved in this world. I know you fags probably hate posts like this becuase I would too, but please can you give me some advice?

>> No.8346850

Breed hornets and sell hornet nests

>> No.8346896


>> No.8347350

The first thing about being a man or so I'm told is taking a decision and sticking with it. So before you can take that decision you have to try a few jobs and develop some insight on what you're good at, what makes you happy and so on. Work inevitably takes up a good a,out of our lives so don't do something you don't like.

Im not a big Jordan Peterson fan but one thing he said that stuck with me was, in order to be happy with our work, our work should sustain himself and his family, and further the interests of society as he understands it. How does working in a cubicle really help society? The past 2 years if you look through all the political scandals and open hypocrisy could teach you a lot about how the world works, dirty politics and what people and groups say they are doing, vs what they're doing.

Google finance stock market lessons if you want. Fidelity has lessons on it. Learn about crypto and invest what you can once you understand it.

The get a job all you have to do is put your resume together print a lot of them and give them out, meet the manager or owner of hethe kind of business you want to be involved in and show him your serious.

Lmk what kind of advice you want and I'll try. Do you want ideas for jobs to try out? What are your strengths and weakness? Are you social, are you fit/strong, are you disciplined, do you learn fast (honestly), etc.

>> No.8347667


Thanks for what you've already said.
Sure give me job ideas. I don't think I have any strengths. I can't code, my math is average, my social skills are not the greatest. Not terrible, but I'm just a little awkward. I'm not fat but I'm not strong either. I'm not ugly. I am somewhat disciplined, working more on that every day. I can learn fast, I guess it depends on what. I'm not dull. My one strength I guess would be if I am motivated in something I will go all out on it. I want to be proud of what I'm doing.

I just don't want to be another person sitting in a fucking cubicle for the next 40 years. I'd rather be jobless. I just don't know where to start.