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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8345255 No.8345255 [Reply] [Original]

> 100k+ in debt from crypto and general gambling
> 30yo balding
> Wife left me
> Parents don't speak to me
> No job, useless humanities degree
> No friends, only calls I get is collection agencies
> Live in a moldy student building, roommate with chad who has loud sex every day

That's it /biz/, crypto was my last chance at this life. Quads get to decide my execution method (as long as it doesn't involve harming other people)

>> No.8345303


>> No.8345309

you gotta tell me how, default is pain meds + antidepressants overdose

>> No.8345311

How exactly did you get someone to actually lend you 100k OP??

>> No.8345329

Why neck yourself when you can escape to some paradise where they haven't invested money yet?

>> No.8345349

just buy shipchain and wait 1 year
youre suffering will turn into blessing.

>> No.8345365


dancing til exhaustion

>> No.8345367

This!!! Just go someplace warm in Asia and they’ll surely have a high demand for English teachers, do it OP!!!

>> No.8345387

how would you even go anywhere if you're that fucked and deep in debt

>> No.8345392

Don't quit now. End it faggot.

>> No.8345394

Seems reasonable with student loans + credit cards
Rolling for seppuku

>> No.8345402

Heroin overdose. You feel great then just kinda fall asleep and never wake up.

>> No.8345414

Allah snackbar into a building

>> No.8345422

Quads is too much, what do we get for trips?

>> No.8345446

buy a cheap motorcycle and ramp it off a cliff

>> No.8345454

asphyxiation masturbation death

>> No.8345459

Tide pod challenge

>> No.8345460

He already borrowed 100k, he can figure out a way to a get a couple hundred just to fly himself to Thailand or something.

>> No.8345474

Just posting so we can get closer to ****5555

>> No.8345478

Drink gasoline

>> No.8345487


>> No.8345495

Drink drain cleaner and then swallow a bunch of tinfoil

>> No.8345505

kys faggot

>> No.8345509
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Seppuku reroll

>> No.8345514

Quads roll

>> No.8345533

All in link

>> No.8345538


>> No.8345540

Don't do it

>> No.8345554

Thaf’s it

>> No.8345558


Of old age, with your children and grandchildren by your side

>> No.8345559


>> No.8345570


>> No.8345571

So close fuck

>> No.8345576

Check em

>> No.8345602


>> No.8345619

Singles or pink id and I kys myself

>> No.8345643
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Default on debts, move to thailand or cambodza

>> No.8345647

jump off a building in the most populated area wherever you live

>> No.8345670

Just declare bankruptcy and develop a marketable skill. Go full recluse and learn some programming if you're too proud to subsist on minimum wage.

>> No.8345739

guys we missed 5555, and 6666 won't happen for hours

>> No.8345753

hey work out. you got the time. this will change everything.

>> No.8345794

bud, stop fishing for attention. you';re a fag if you want (you)'s from random guys on 4chan. if you were serious aboot necking yourself you would've done it already. faggot.

>useless humanities degree

what a huge excuse... look up the founder of Alibaba, that chink also did only a humanities degree. being able to master WORDS is a huge skill. you're just too weak to figure out how to do it. look up any screenwriter, those fuckers make $millions$ of shekels from selling words. you stupid faggot. get the fuck off /biz/ with these types of pointless threads. you nigger.

>> No.8345814

don't kill urself yet anon, take some people with you first

>> No.8345861 [DELETED] 

Decapitation using train. If you do it at night and wear dark clothes, the engineer probably won't notice you, so not "harmful" to them. That's what I'm planning to do.

>> No.8345870

op is a lying, larping faggot.


>> No.8345936

Quads says you don't and start working everyday towards turning life aound

>> No.8345965


>> No.8346017

drop 1500ug lsd, i fucking beg you

>> No.8346373

You had ONE job.

>> No.8346409


>> No.8346454

Set your room on fire and climb in bed.

>> No.8346494


>> No.8346503


>> No.8346518

omly 100k in debt lol im 400k in debt and my life still rocks

>> No.8346532

Nigger faggot don't do it

>> No.8346542


my friend gave me 100ug AL-LAD except he did the math wrong and it was 1000ug

I've never been the same

>> No.8346556

assasinate as much jews as you can and if you get caught kill yourself on the spot

>> No.8346604


>> No.8346632

>Quads get to decide my execution method
Old Age

>> No.8346636

what is different? is that a megadose? how does AL-LAD compare to LSD? do you see permanent trails or have trouble with bright lights?

>> No.8346655

of old age

>> No.8346664


>> No.8346666
File: 58 KB, 679x769, pkhhhh pkhhhhhhhhh thub thub sluuuuuurp phob pkhhhhhh pkhhhhhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slit your own throat, OP

It's your penance for your poor life decisions to suffer in your final moments

>> No.8346668


>> No.8346673

Old age. Don’t do it anon. Jesus loves you

>> No.8346684

make it painful, and leave a mess.

>> No.8346687


AL-LAD is a close analogue of LSD. Supposedly more visual and less mind fucky, but I lost all sense of self, forgot who I was, walked around my neighborhood naked, smashed a wine bottle to test if I existed, and for a long time was convinced I was trapped in Infinite Jest.

I just feel different. I know what it's like to not be me, or anyone. Whenever I look in shadows I see fractals, and if I stare for ~30 seconds, I see the faces again.

>> No.8346707

Not the oh no

>> No.8346708

Let's fucking go.

>> No.8346710

What the fuck is wrong with you ?

>> No.8346712


>> No.8346716

Damn, OP was so close to getting old age and instead he gets throat slitting, brutal.

>> No.8346724


>> No.8346757

Yikes I bet your dumbass won’t do that again

>> No.8346767


Also, I "get" Dark Side of the Moon.

>> No.8346783

ah, ok. you'll slowly return to baseline, i promise. i've known a few guys with similar stories and they all got better, including a symptom similar to your fractals. one guy was carrying blotter against his skin and got soaking wet. that was bad.

>> No.8346793
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jk OP, pls don't kill yourself

It was just a prank xD

You have too much to live for still

>> No.8346800


I'm happy it happened. I learned a lot. I'd also never do it again, and have since quit all drugs.

>> No.8346837


It's been a few years anon, I've made my peace with it. Thank you.

>> No.8346853

Get professional help. Life can be good again !

>> No.8346869

Dude this is on you

>> No.8346921

How does it compare to DMT though? I know DMT makes acid look like water.

>> No.8346947


No idea, I've never done DMT. In comparison to mushrooms it felt more "electric" and "cerebral" if that makes sense. It's a hard state of mind to pin to language. Feel free to do some googling though anon, I've had enough of the elves.

>> No.8347037

Fuck, sorry OP; it doesn't need to end this way

I-I'm s-sure we can all profit in the next great ponzi s-soon enough...

Please don't actually deliver

>> No.8347042

I thought I could handle myself until I tried DMT. Had done a fair bit acid previously. As far as I know, nothing compares to DMT except some military grade hallucinogen I've heard about that may not actually even exist

>> No.8347092
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How does it feel to kill a man? Enjoy prison.

>> No.8347119

Kill self from old age plus smoking two packs of cigs a day

>> No.8347125
File: 166 KB, 645x1024, 3BC3E37A-9427-46B9-B289-49646D059B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop doing drugs

>> No.8347132

Ah shit OP don’t do it that’s gonna be rough

>> No.8347139

Will OP deliver?

>> No.8347140

don't be a fucking pussy OP

>> No.8347156

You're safe, the Bogs will just activate quantum immortality.

>> No.8347171
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>> No.8347195


>> No.8347215

Haven't done DMT in years. Have also cut out pretty much everything but pot. But I rarely ever drink and don't often smoke cigarettes, so take that how you will.

>> No.8347221

>exact same life only i live with mother and no debt
>ive never been happier in my life
Damn. Sucks OP

>> No.8347225

Actually OP, I agree with the other anons. Don't do it. Get a passport. Declare bankruptcy, then go teach English in Asia for 7 years. You'll make livable money, you'll work on your tan in the tropics, maybe meet a nice mongoloid qt and settle down while you're at it.

>> No.8347254

Don't do it

>> No.8347269
File: 1013 KB, 2416x1064, nigardly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide from gay nigger dick

>> No.8347331
File: 118 KB, 1280x519, 15210742988920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reroll. In all seriousness, just get some low-end job. You 1st worlders have it so easy, desu senpai.

>> No.8347528

Don't kill yourself.

Life is just one, it will finished whatever we do. ¿Why would you hurry up? Suicide is just a way to end up the endfull life.

>> No.8347549

yeah i make 60k €/year and hardly do any work at all. easy life in my 1st world country.

>> No.8347565

i b ur frend op

>> No.8347714

Damn Im kinda in the same boat. Can't stare at grass anymore.

>> No.8347762

suicide by old age

>> No.8347839

7777 pls

>> No.8347867


>> No.8348003


>> No.8348085

hey good job man, I did some research and doesn't seem too bad, will just make a fucking mess for the person who cleans up but idgaf

out to buy an xacto for the deed, i'll post a thread with livecam


>> No.8348138

jokes I'm larping, don't come mr police

>> No.8348139

OP for real don't do this
message me if you need a fake ID and need to leave US/CAN but don't end it
money isn't everything
pls don't
I'm drunk as well and I lost over 150k so I feel your pain

>> No.8348325

"professional help" is a scam

>> No.8348393

Sell you ass and sperm for $ 3k.
Grow mushrooms for $500. Sell on darkweb. Take mushrooms to end your depression. Rich and happy. Wife comes bavk when youre successful, they always do.

>> No.8348445

Sorry bro. At least your life was worse than mine. I’ll go with you buying a bottle of liquor and a shot to the brain

>> No.8348617
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Okay I hope so, y-you t-t-too, heheheh...


>> No.8348630

Holy shit fucking do it OP

>> No.8348663

Don't do it

>> No.8348708

Add this to your list OP:
Too pussy to slit my throat

>> No.8348791

Take that jew Sherman with you.

>> No.8348874

Why don't your parents talk to you?
If quads, go for the helium method or turned on car in the garage. No pain at all, just a light snooze.

>> No.8348921

sniff the wrong brapp

>> No.8348952

The worst part of all this is because the chad fucking erryday. Stop comparing yourself

>> No.8348963
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>> No.8349001

South America is a great place too. Colombia, Peru and Chile need english teachers and any woman will want to breed with you as long as you are white.

>> No.8349072

10 mg dose of LSD That is 100 hits of acid at once. If you live this, go join and live the rest of your days as a Buddhist monk.

>> No.8349120
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hahaha, u do know asians and africans exist right??? welcome to the 2nd & 3rd world. also, did you know that asians on avg have a 3-4 inch erect penis??? try that if u wana feel pitty for urself.

>> No.8349183

Rolling for death by excessive masturbation

>> No.8349212

anon you fucked up.

>> No.8349216

Fucking this.
Its not the end of the world. Go anywhere that is not a 1st world country and get a fucking job.
Survive eating oats+milk and working for about 5 years.
You'll make enough money and live a good life and if you want, you may go back to your country.

>> No.8349229
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o snap

>> No.8349360

Too late OP either deliver the 6666 quads or livestream the cops knocking down your down

>> No.8349422

even in the first world, potato and rice is a thing. here in canada, you can buy a bag of 10-20lb potato for under 5 bucks.. the irish did this for idk how the fuck long. rice and bread is dirt cheap so idk what this nigger be complaining about

>> No.8349524


>> No.8349807
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>> No.8350267

wheres OP at

>> No.8350470

Hang yourself on camera

>> No.8350543

still writing the faggot letters, hang in there

>> No.8351125
