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8323017 No.8323017 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ I turn 24 in an hour. I've done absolutely NOTHING with my life. No job history. Couple classes away from my fucking Associates in Computer Science. Shit programmer because I have a porn addiction and can't concentrate and get anything done. Always tired. Please help me break out of this shit and get a fucking job.

>> No.8323044

buy link

>> No.8323048

Same as me anon. Turn 24 next month. No achievements to my name. Spent 5 years obtaining AA in engineering science. Just rotting at home like a NEET. The internet ruined my ability to focus / delay gratification. Only plus side is that I made 6 figures with crypto last year

>> No.8323049

Don't worry faggot, I'm 43 and still live with my mom and play WOW all day... and my mom pays for the sub

>> No.8323067


I give you a job.

Buy rope.
Google how to tie nose
Hang from secure point.
Tie round neck and kick over chair

>> No.8323076
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no way proof it

>> No.8323084

Do you have any money at all, that you can spare until the summer? RIOT stock is going to 20x when they open their crypto exchange in the summer. They're going to be literally the only publicly tradable company with a cryptocurrency exchange. It's not going to get you out of your funk, but it'll give you the means to do so. Just make sure you have iron hands, because it's going to be a bump ride up until then.

>> No.8323094

Buy LINK or kys.

>> No.8323105
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Yea internet/vidya/porn has seriously fucked me and my reward system up. I just feel so fucking hopeless and can never get anything done. Atleast you got money. I put 1k in crypto during the bull run and stuck bag holding now.
No offense anon but I don't wanna end up like you.

>> No.8323129

Will probably do it one day.
I'll look into it anon. I got a couple hundred bucks.
When I get more money.

>> No.8323560

Unironically start testosterone replacement therapy. It'll fix every problem you listed. Even the porn addiction because you'll be addicted to actually fucking. Your motivation will go through the fucking roof. Trust me.

>> No.8323706

I've thought about this. Do I have to go for a doctor for this?

>> No.8323726

Exercsise dude. Don't try TRT right away, you're tired because you fucking sit around all day. You need to force yourself to exercise, then your body will start craving it. Once you have that energy you won't want to sit around on your computer all the time.

>> No.8323741


I have a BSCS. I have made decent money (if you consider $90k a year decent money), have had side businesses that have done OK (projects that have made tens of thousands over the years) and worked on projects for fun that I liked.

Not sure what to say for motivation. MY problem is not being distracted by the net and my own impulses, but being distracted by interruptions, noises etc. I rent space at a coworking space and go there late, but even at 9:30PM there are often people there talking loud. Even on Sunday sometimes (Sunday afternoon/night is a good time to go there).

I have taken classes with some younger kids at college, so I see what attitudes are. Some of it is strange because some of them do no programming or anything outside of what is required in class. I don't think they will be successful in their careers.

Maybe I just have a huge internal motivation to succeed and manifest my creations that others don't. Usually my main frustration are people and developments blocking me from doing so, not my own laziness.

>> No.8323756

Sup brah. Chad here. Try learning some skills and shit, or just lift heavy and tack on mass and then become a wrestler or gym trainer and make bank and fuck ho'z. Also throw a few stackeroonis on LINK and/or GVT and maybe toss a few dollars on XMR to top off that Chad salad and then let that shit marinate for 3-4 months and check back with your Chad muscles and bad bitch and you'll notice you're also a millionaire. Thank me later brah.

>> No.8323808

Meditate three hours a day.

>> No.8323813


One problem is with a two year associates degree, the things you can do are limited. It's a catch-22 - if you knew a lot and were experienced, you could do a lot with little effort. You're in a situation where with a lot of effort you can do a little.

But sometimes not much has to be done. People catch fire in a bottle.

I think Github is an example. They had the right idea at the right time. The people who founded Github were NOT geniuses. But they started the right tool at the right time, and attracted the right people, and now they're very successful.

Usually things I do kill several birds with one stone. I am learning something, and making an app which may have financial success, and I am making a portfolio piece for company's I interview at. Maybe a lot of my apps might revolve around graphics, or AI, or some other subfield. So that even if I move on to some new language or platform, I know what rendering is, or what a Z-buffer is, and so on.

>> No.8323827

I’m 28. I had your realization when I was 24. You have a degree. If you build a portfolio and bust your ass you will be able to get a job at a gay hipster startup making at least $14/hour and from there it’s only up. Just do it.

>> No.8323834


Also I agree with the guys who say go jog around the park or something.

Plan out what to do. Some programming task you'll enjoy, which you can accomplish and is not too hard, but maybe pushes your skills out a little bit.

Then go jog around the park for an hour.

Then come back, relax a little. Then start your task. If you sit around all winter you can get lethargic.

>> No.8323835


>> No.8323847

But his job is sitting at a computer lmao

>> No.8323849

>anon asks for legitimate life advice
>cryptofags and shills literally can’t contain their autism for one thread

No one wants your bags, fucking link niggers

>> No.8323866

This is definitely what I need to do. I've tried lifting before a few times and running but again, I eventually stop and my motivation goes out the fucking window. I actually read something yesterday that it was possible that people that don't succeed in exercise is because their dopamine receptors are fucked up and they don't release much when exercising. Don't know how true it is but would make sense since I'm pretty much a chronic fapper.
I know I should be programming and working on projects. I know the right things to do but I just have absolutely no motivation. It's like my body just won't fucking move.
Fuck you Chad

>> No.8323869

Goddamn, just join the Army or something.

>> No.8323892

at 24 i was practically homeless....took years but i now im successful at 33 thanks to persistence

>> No.8323924

That might be real, I honestly don't know, but I will say when you get really exhausted from exercising there's a different sort of enjoyment/high from that than the little dopamine rushes we get from staring at screens all day or refreshing message boards. IMO they're not comparable but maybe you jus don't get that feel from exercising.

And I don't want to discourage you from getting your blood and hormone levels checked, I just think you're probably not low T, you're just a victim of our modern lifestyle.

>> No.8323927

I almost have my associates. I really do need to get working on a portfolio.

>> No.8323928

That'd be the safest way, but some doctors are pussies and give you this testosterone gel you rub on yourself, and that shit is weak shit. Maybe try doctor first, and if he's a pussy, just buy it on darknet markets or whatever. Read testimonies and shit. Almost always changes people's lives.

>> No.8323936
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See if you qualify for ADHD meds. No larp. Stimulants can improve quality of life for everyone, not only true ADHD people.

>> No.8323946

People always say this shit burn invariably they also had a degree paid for by their parents and they were only “homeless” because daddy didn’t like finding a joint in he drwer or something

>> No.8323951

become a professional school shooter

>> No.8323955

im 21 and only 1 semester into my associates in comp sci. tried to learn how to code/lose weight for like 2 years and always stopped once i made a little progress. in the middle of another attempt, been learning python for like 2 weeks. honestly don't know if this attempt will work out. but i at least know that even if i fail i will try again. whats keeps me going is the fact that i don't want to turn out like >>8323049

>> No.8323957


sell your boipussi

>> No.8323960


I turn 30 on the 24th. No job history. But I have a hot girlfriend and have been building businesses in the mean time. 24 is young af. No one expects you to be doing shit desu. Stop jerking it though. No 4chan either or any other social sites with hot chicks/etc.

>> No.8323962

get some entry level minimum wage shitjob at a temp agency at a factory or something

pick and packing fruit or whatever other bullshit

itll get you into a routine and the physical labour will be good for you

also stop jerking off immediately and dont ejaculate until you have your shit sorted out, in a real woman

>> No.8323980

>tfw got a job but nothing has changed...

Pretty much just going to go all in on stocks soon. I've saved like 30k from my job.

>> No.8323984

Bro, only YOU can turn your life around. Start learning a trade or something. Improve yourself. Apply yourself.

>> No.8323994

Hey, you and I are similar
Want to be internet friends? I’m getting pretty lonely desu

>> No.8323997
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I always thought I was low T because I have a serious baby face. But yea I think I'm gonna try to start out with pushups/situps/pullups and running to start shredding off some fat and start lifting.
Will look into it anons.

>> No.8324018

>I have a porn addiction
Deal with that cut it off completely. Only jerk off to your imagination.

>Always tired.
Go on keto diet and exercise regularly. This actually cured my constant tiredness.

>> No.8324030

you're depressed and your depression is chronic

>> No.8324032

Recommending these 2 things. High protein/fat diet made me feel amazing.

>> No.8324039

That's good, I'd also suggest cardio. It was a serious mood booster for me. If you get into the swing of things and want to stop so you can focus on gains, so be it, but sustained cardio or sprints until you're sweating like crazy was one of the key things in lifting my depressive/apathetic state.

IMO it's always best to try and make lifestyle changes before trying drugs, if you seriously can't handle changing things and you hate how your life is maybe try the drugs, but I'd always suggest seeing if you can do things without them first. Being dependent on stimulants or TRT for the rest of your life certainly is not ideal.

>> No.8324047

Birthday is March 20th, almost 22 boys, I have my AAS in Comp Sci. Graduated in the summer, its now spring. I don't have really any real job experience since High School. Pretty depressed and have become really disconnected/detached from reality, I just smoke weed all day and numb myself. I don't know where to begin I have my degree and don't even enjoy the field. "Making it" for me would be getting the motivation and over my anxiety to at least get a dish washing or stocking shelves kind of job at this point but its hard for me to even leave the house.

best of luck

>> No.8324058
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>Yea internet/vidya/porn has seriously fucked me and my reward system

oh god what kind of bro scienec bullshit have you been reading. you are not addicted to porn any more than 99% of male population. if you're tired always go get a bloodwork done asap, fasting glucose and cholesterols. fix your diet.

>> No.8324071

>Blah blah blah nofap diet gym blahblahblah

>> No.8324072

You’re not even 22 you stupid faggot, nobody expects you to have any experience. If you try hard you’ll be set by 23

>> No.8324075
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>Settling for dish washing

LMAO wtf what did you even go to university for then

gay retard

>> No.8324078

consider looking into online jobs op

I heard good things about upwork, I've never used it myself because I don't think I have any skills I could use there but maybe you might

>> No.8324141

>Keto Diet
Shit man.....I really like to eat GOOD. Making a diet change is gonna be seriously tough but I'll def start researching it.
I don't even have health insurance. I'm gonna try to make some lifestyle changes first like the other anons suggested.
I don't just fap every once in a while. I fap compulsively. When's the last time you failed a class because you literally spend your days fapping/looking at porn instead of studying? Yeah I thought so. I have a fucking problem and it's seriously fucking up my life.
We're gonna make it bro.
Need to get better at web dev first.

>> No.8324168

I am a porn addict too, dude trust me stop masturbating

go on yourbrainonporn.com and read the reboot accounts

>> No.8324169

Nigga you have a degree. Or almost. You're doing better than most.
Stop smoking now. Your life is on pause right now until you stop.

>> No.8324184

I'm on the ultimate ADD med... it's called meth
That is horrible advice, you know what happens when i don't have my medicine now? I am dead tired, and have -0 motivation to do things. I will want to take random naps all day

Short term... go for it adderall will help. But i'm telling you now , any pharma drug that fucks with dopamine will always make you more depressed, lazy, and fucked when addicted.

Although not taking my own advice, OP keep fapping for maybe once a week max. Exercise is good advice as well, it changes a lot of things in your body and brain to make you feel better.

>> No.8324187

I already know all about nofap and yourbrainonporn. I still can't stop this shit.

>> No.8324227

what's wrong with you man, i'm tweaking which makes you 100x horny all the time. And i still skip days of fapping sometimes.....
Thank god you've never done an upper, DO NOT ever try. You will be staring at porn for days in a row

>> No.8324243

I've done weed and porn. Which was like heroin to me. That really fucked me up.

>> No.8324296

This. Adderall makes me rock hard for like 24 hours.
Also quick question, because I know a lot of us are around the same age and in similar situations. Do we find our way to 4chan because our lives are fucked or are our lives fucked because we browse 4chan? Been here for around 6 years and I have to wonder...

>> No.8324304

If you live in Sydney - I'll give you a job

>> No.8324334

We find our way BECAUSE our life is fucking. I'm in the exact situation as you guys.

>> No.8324352

I think we find our way. I wouldn't have found about 4chan if I was a normie with a healthy social life.
I'm a burger but thanks anyway

>> No.8324425


Sure man

>> No.8324706

>I know I should be programming and working on projects. I know the right things to do but I just have absolutely no motivation. It's like my body just won't fucking move.

One thing to do is just do what you want to do. I have a lot of drudgery work that I "need to do" before me. There are also a lot of things that I want to do but "don't have time for".

In terms of drudgery, something is broken right now, it will take a few days to fix, it will be boring and frustrating and I will learn nothing, and no one will care all that much (although they'll be a little happy).

On the other hand I bought a VR headset last year and like writing programs for it but "don't have time for it".

So one thing to do is just program whatever the hell you want to program instead of what you have to program.

One program I wrote - the stores around here run out of stuff and restock it, and I forgot where I went and when, so I made an app of when I went to which store, whether things were in stock etc. I even plugged it into Google Maps with where the stores are, and if I click a pin, a little popup of the last time I visited. I can make the pins different colors depending on various things, make pins appear and disappear. Bottom line is it was useful for me.

Also, work on projects you can get done. Working on something too above your head can be frustrating.

Also - work with other people. Kids in your town. Handle issues on Github with pull requests. That can be motivating. Plus getting exercise as well.

There's no mental mystery, there are reasons people don't do the work...they haven't exercised and are lethargic...they're working on their own too much...the projects are above their head...all their projects are drudge work, nothing fun.

Sometimes I get a lot done working with others on a project, it is all done but I am so revved up on getting programs done that I go tackle all the drudge work I have been putting off. Because getting a lot done motivates me.

>> No.8325165


>> No.8325187

Happy birthday OP.

>> No.8325256

>the sideways wojak
it was a matter of time

>> No.8325268

Yeah I have a few projects in mind. One of them is like a satoshidice clone. Seems like a fun idea. And would love to have someone that I can code with and just talk tech but none of my friends/family are into it and I'm pretty antisocial in class. Thanks for the advice. >>8325187
Thank you anon.

>> No.8325279

>fucking Associates in Computer Science
go for your phd, no need to learn how to program then

>> No.8325311


>> No.8325669

Snake Diet. With Borax

Dont be a retard look into it

>> No.8325710

33. I wasted my 20's. I honestly couldn't care less. I absolutely detest work. I'll probably end up in a small apartment soon with a job I don't care about but that pays for everything.

I never dreamed of money, so this is fine with me. If your goal is financial success OP then get to working. If you want to live your life, then work the bare minimum.

Work ethic is just another word for slavery without compensation.

My time on this earth is limited and important to me. If you want to slave away 20 to 30 years of your maybe 40 to 60 year adult life then go ahead.

>> No.8325777

I just looked into Borax and it seems like people only use it as a laundry detergent

>> No.8325818

What have you done for work in the past?

>> No.8325842

>It increases low testosterone levels in men
What did they mean by this?

>> No.8325859
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would you like us to wipe your ass too?

>> No.8325929

Yeah porn addiction here too. Always tired, can’t focus on shit and could give a fuck about most things, people included

>> No.8325941
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Hi, Jordan Peterson here.
My advice? Simple:
1. Clean your room
2. Sort yourself out.
3. Stop browsing 4chan, this is an Anti-Semitical website. Stop blaming the Jews, they are God's Chosen people and victims of the horrific Holocaust.
4. Get a job.
5. Find a nice girl. Date her. When it's appropriate, get on one bent knee, and ask her to marry you. Make sure the ring is a real diamond, and that the diamond is from a Conflict-Free source.
6. Have an expensive wedding to prove your status and your wife's value.
7. Impregnate your wife.
8. Continue going to work. Pay your taxes
9. Whilst your wife is at home "taking care of the kids" make sure you leave her alone. If she decides to call Jamal over for a cup of tea and friendly chat, she is perfectly free to do so. Just because she's your wife, doesn't mean you own her body. She is still the boss of her life and the home. If she wants to drop off the kids at a babysitter and go see Jamal at a "gloryhole" then you should be absolutely OK with that, bucko.
10. Continue working until you either die of illness, or you retire at age 72 with a social security pension that won't be enough to support you during old age.
11. Die.
12. Oh by the way, your daughter will fuck niggers, and your wife will get impregnated by Jamal and then divorce you, but you'll have to pay spousal and child support anyway.

Enjoy your life, kiddo. Remember to thank me by watching my videos!

>> No.8326022

This. A heavy Combination of these two for 5 years, smoking a bowl every hour and watching porn several times a day, really fucking ruined me. 5 years later I have cut back extremely but still am trying to break the habit.

It’s crazy bc I thought it was the weed so I quit that and nothing changed and then realized yourbrainonporn and made a connection. Over the years my mindstate has gotten much better, it still slips in to the deeps when I go on heavy binges.

I honestly think it takes a few years to recover your brain from heavy P use. If you stop cold turkey then it will be quicker.

I was depressed, suicidal, you fucking name it. Never told anyone but one good friend and he was silently going through the same exact shit.

>> No.8326057

the noporn and nofap meme is true last time I quit both of it for 32 days and literally got a gf

then i relasped and cant stop but im thinking about selling my desktop pc and getting a dumb phone so I have literally no way to look at it

>> No.8326105


If you want to stop, think about how much better life is, being that you already know it gets better. Plus keep in mind that you’re stroking a dick. Isn’t that kinda fucking gay desu

>> No.8326705
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Fuck dude I can relate to you so much it's scary. How do we break out of this shit?