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File: 10 KB, 400x400, telcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8322595 No.8322595 [Reply] [Original]

Hello all. I'm the same guy who made the telcoin thread from last night. I'm not doing this to shill or fud, just want general discussion of the coin. Obviously this is an inefficient way of surveying interest in the coin, but the it seemed the general consensus last night was 75% negative and 25% positive for the coin. I myself will have 1.5 million come this weekend. Currently holding 500k. Honestly on the fence to wait it out and see if my money can go further with what seems to be a strong likelihood of this coin dipping lower. The most prominent event in the near future is its release on another exchange. Although thats progress I still feel it wont have much effect without more of a proof of concept. The telcoin team seems to be out there networking but as we all know the crypto market is a lot of promise and not a lot of proof. What do you guys think?

>> No.8322623

I always comment on these threads and think I commented last night. I increased my stack to 3 million. Not a short term hold in my opinion. I'm hoping for .05-.1 eoy. maybe ,2+ in two

>> No.8322708


Welcome back then. I (or anyone else) could start doing these more regularly. I feel there are a lot us us holding but no one is really communicating with each other about it. Hopefully this will bridge our gap some...I agree not a short term hold at all. I'm in for at least a year or two....Ive heard everything from .05-.5 eoy. So I'm frankly not even sure anymore of the price specifically. I am sure however that we will at least see something.

>> No.8322735


"something" implying it wont die, but its success is anyone's guess

>> No.8323039

I agree. I didn't talk about it for awhile as I wanted it low to accumulate. Don't really worry about that now lol. I think .5 is the lottery win. .05-.12 would make sense if they met goals and we had a bearish-decent market

>> No.8323053


>> No.8323070

it's already dead. the price literally cant get any lower on kuckcoin exchange. that's actuallly the only thing keeping it from absolute zero

>> No.8323148

good talk
thats just false. Like.....thats totally fucking wrong. Can't tell if trolling, FUD, or straight up retarded

>> No.8323189
File: 46 KB, 400x600, yes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep holing them bags kiddo

>> No.8323205

Bro, this is literally the worst project to put your money into. There are so many coins out there with actual use cases that aren't dead.

I'm guessing you haven't been in crypto long, right?

>> No.8323222

>what do you think?
After years of making money with crypto and discussing coins on here I thought I'd buy a coin purely because biz told me without doing any research yet.
Directions from the original OP was to buy early and sell at the end of February for a cool 5-10cents each.
Well... where'd it all get me? Lol
Luckily I only chucked 0.02BTC at this coin. But yeah... I'm never "purely" listening to biz ever again.

>> No.8323224

Gladly. Got in cheap as fuck.

>> No.8323225

Bro can u shill me on jibrel? I sqw your thread last night and was thinking of putting in 2 eth thoughts?

>> No.8323328

Depends on what you mean by long. Been about a year. I don't know what people mean by "dead" its practically brand new, the team is updating and is on track so far. Its not a short term investment its a long term hold. I have no doubt there are other coins with a working product that have been around (I'm not all in on this thing) that will yield well in a month to 6 months while tel stagnates. I simply think the team and idea are worth tossing a few eth into and holding for a year+

>> No.8323393

There is literally no way that you are in the black on this coin. Meanwhile 50 other projects have given 2-5x returns in the same timeframe. Everyone who bought in after the ICO is holding bags on this piece of shit.

If you buy this now, you're going to get dumped on HARD. Look at the fucking sell wall you idiots. This coin has a shit team and a shit business model. Everyone who bought it is like >>8323222 and they will all dump on you the second the break even. This coin is never coin up.

>> No.8323458

I'm slightly in the red cause I didn't buy everything at once. It's literally been around for like 2 months and is still on track according to their road map. If they weren't I would say you have a point. Also 50 projects out of literally 1k+? Damn. You got me.

>> No.8323459

Oh no I'm not dumping hahaha...
I'm keeping it there as a reminder. I want to punish myself, I want it to sit there and watch it as the value vanishes to zero.
I'm teaching myself a lesson: Always do your own research.

>> No.8323517

i realized tel was a joke after the miami conference video; i was even shilling it b4 then and i actually feel bad for doing so now:


>> No.8323569

they even apologized for this vid actually lmao.

>> No.8323639

Does anyone have tangible evidence as to why this is a bad project besides

>> No.8323660

I understand where people are coming from with it underperforming. To its credit it is a new project. Many of the coins I see shilled have been around for a while. I’m sure there are better performers in the short term but I do not have to capital to fight that many battles on that many fronts. I want to throw some money in and forget about it. I think this coin is the trick. I don’t want to be day trading as I’m way too busy with my job to be hovering over the exchange all day.

>> No.8323709

It's not the worst of ideas.
Apparently even starving niggers have seventeen smartphones to a family these days. So instead of fucking around in VooDoo with dark magic and constantly dealing with switching currencies, these Jenkem enthusiasts can pay each other in telcoin. Cross boarders currency and remittances all avoided etc etc etc

>> No.8323722

Like I told you last night there are plenty of coins that do what telcoin is planning to do better than telcoin does and work right now.

You'll be super lucky to get 2x out of this piece of shit in year, but I doubt that'll happen. Everyone with telcoin is holding bags. As soon as the price moves you're gonna get dumped on.

Be smart and put all your money in JNT or find another project. I personally bought some Tel around 35 sats and just sold it at 23 to move it into a real project with real potential.

>> No.8323749


I’ve got 1.5k JNT. Could you shill me on something else? What are you holding if you don’t mind sharing?

>> No.8323751

Post proof you sold it. Let's see the transaction on kucoin.
I don't like the project either, but I just want to know you're for real.

>> No.8323828
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, neverbuytelcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped it for bbn. I bought in bbn when it first hit bibox and am already up 3x, I think it'll hit a 50 million marketcap easily within a few weeks. Probably 500 mil within 2 months.

here you go, I'm ashamed to admit it but I've bought it more than once actually and sold at a loss every single time.

>> No.8323961
File: 68 KB, 768x960, asdasfsafsafsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST moon already piece of shit, i bought for 90 satoshis FFS

>> No.8323968

yeah but, africans have no money to actually send to each other, and even if they did why would they "send it to their phones"?!?

tel is a total scam. seriosuly, pls do not put your money in it. i'm not fuddinf cos the price literally - literally - cant go any lower. it;s as low as the only exchange that hosts it will allow it to go!!!

>> No.8323996

Yeah wow you actually sold lol

>> No.8324015

Yeah I put $50 bucks of dust in hoping for a moonshot but eventually just got pissed off because it kept tanking while the $100 i put into bbn turned to .5eth in a few days.

>> No.8324059

I've got a cool 20k cuz I see the potential, but I dont want to go too hard on it cuz it'll prolly flop

>> No.8324112

Because these niggers are all on their phones right now. To send some telcoin to each other all they just need to do is scan their wallet address using the camera and fly it over the internet.
Look man telcoin is shit for heaps of other reasons. But paying on your phone would be a major convenience, sort of like using your card to just scan shit all over the world. So much easier than cash desu.

>> No.8324150

I like the project FUN, and I know heaps of others out there that really like the project too. All the time you've got these brain deas losers saying they bought at ath in December and just sold ot because it's a shit coin. No reasoning, just "I sold cause it's shit"
When I can be bothered, I ask them to provide proof that they sold, and they just leave the thread lol

>> No.8324179

1) you are objectively wrong about the price. Go look at it right now.
2) Afirca is looking at a population boom soon and there is 500billion dollars worth of remittances transacted each year. Just cause each family is poor as shit doesn't mean it wont add up

>> No.8324217


they live in the middle of fucking no where with shit roads and hardly any fucking landmarks or towns you dumbass. it's such a shit hole there are no banks and they do pay on their phones. they can pay for groceries, pay bills, phone bills, send money. it's how they do it in shit hole countries. wake the fuck up and do some research. sorry your 100 dollar investment came back down to earth. how about waiting a few weeks to get a feel for where it will trade sat wise before you buy. Jesus.

>> No.8324239

>Afirca is looking at a population boom soon
>population boom soon
Mate, every dumb black cunt is popping out 8 kids. The population boon is NOW. Some flee to the west and continue in the genocide of the European peoples, most of them just live in their own filth and continue to pop out more kids.

>> No.8324522

Bruh what we are seeing now is nothing to what is coming.

>> No.8324532

Thank you for not being autistic/retarded

>> No.8325155

the shit I read on here makes my head spin. people can't see past their fucking noses.

>> No.8325521

I bought high but I am not selling. Potential of this coin is unbeliveble.

>> No.8325538
File: 772 KB, 615x622, TELetubbies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
