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832061 No.832061 [Reply] [Original]

How do i save money more efficiently?

>> No.832063

Budget better? Spend less money? What seems to be your problem?

>> No.832066

Don't spend it.

>> No.832071

>finance works
>every dollar

pick one if you can't do it yourself

>> No.832073

Quit spending so goddamned much of it you fucking shithead.

>> No.832085


More seriously, learn to love thrift shops and used good stores. Some thrift stores actually have really nice items - a good way to tell if it's worth your time to browse is the smell. If it doesn't smell funky, you're probably in a good store. Go to a charity one and not Goodwill or Value Village - not for moral reasons, but because charity stores have to work harder to compete and will often have a higher quality of product at a lower price.

If you're job hunting, an expensive watch is more impressive than an expensive suit. It's the rich man's status symbol. You can look put-together with those thrift shop clothes if you know what to look for.

Cancel cable. If you really feel you need a paid TV service, get Netflix instead. Consider reading for pleasure instead - used book stores and thrift stores have a boundless supply of very cheap reading material.

If you live in a beautiful area, hike or bike instead of going to the gym.

Look on the bottom self for food at the grocery store. That's where the cheapest stuff is, and store brand is often the exact same food as the name brand stuff, just in a different label. Don't be afraid of bargain stores like Wal-Mart. You probably won't be seen by anyone who would judge you for shopping there. Buy foods in bulk as often as possible, and buy small amounts of perishable produce more often if you can so it doesn't rot. If you're super desperate, ramen, eggs, and a few veggies will suffice.

Cook a week's worth of home-made meals and freeze them in tupperware. Take these and a microwavable container to work instead of microwave meals.

Volunteer at a charity - they often give you freebies and more time spent volunteering is less time spent being tempted to shop. If you're not so altruistic, start playing WoW. You'll get hooked and your entertainment budget will be reduced to $15/mo.

>> No.832091

Sell extra cars/keep them off insurance until u need them.
Dump gf.
Cook your own meals bought from Mexican grocery stores
Drop unnecessary bills. Cable, land line, new clothes.
Pay off credit cards. Any debt for that matter.
Count calories and be healthy
Downgrade your phone plan
Buy generic medicine
Invest in a water filtering system and a stainless steel bottle.
Go out more for no cost activities, walking in a park, biking chilling at the mall, etc

>> No.832103



You don't need to go drinking every weekend. If it's your go-to plan with friends, then start suggesting things like free concerts or going to the beach. Look up free events in your area. That, or buy some bottles of booze and have a party. Pot lucks are good for saving on food.

The cheap theatre is marginally less comfortable seating-wise, but shows the same movies a little while after release. If you are female or have a female friend to go with, get her to bring a big purse and hide some snacks in it.

If you need furniture and the need is not immediate, look in alleyways near the local college. If your need is immediate, again, thrift shops or Ikea. Thrift shops will have nicer furniture than Ikea.

There is no shame in a part-time job on top of your full-time one.

If you live close to work, walk or bike instead of driving. Walk or bike to other places nearby that you would normally drive to if you don't already.

Learn to fix broken things yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it.

Keep a bin of scrap paper to jot notes down on or print drafts of things instead of using new paper.

Get your newspaper at a local cheap café instead of buying one.

Cancel all your magazine subscriptions if you have any.

Sell your useless shit or if you need to give a gift, see if you already have something nice that you never use.

Beat vidya before buying new games. If you have kids, make this a rule. Also if you have kids, get them into arts and crafts - more time spent on this = less spent on TV and new toys and it's better for them.

Turn off lights and electronics when you're done. Take faster showers. Put a bucket in the shower and use that to water your lawn instead of sprinklers.

For long-term saving, replace your front lawn/a significant portion of it with a rock garden to save on water.

Literally freeze credit cards in a block of ice.

Rent out your spare room.

Wear as little clothing in a day as you can get away with to save on laundry.

>> No.832126

"Pay yourself first".
Google it

>> No.832133

Do the envelope method.

>> No.833217

Anyone have a simple but well thought out article or anything to read up on how to budget? etc.