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8282367 No.8282367 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ how edgy is it to be religious in 2018?


>> No.8282433

Nobody on biz can handle this discussion?

>> No.8282698

Not edgy. Fucking pajeetism all of it.

>> No.8282718

I will Larp any narrative to make you more of a scrub don’t test me OP

>> No.8282726

anything other than orthodox christianity can't be considered religion

>> No.8282739

you can be whatever you want, your life is yours to live and believe

>> No.8282750

What is this metrosexual bullshit?

>> No.8282762

Not edgy unless it is your identity.

>> No.8282764

bitcoin is kinda like religion, people think they know whats going to happen, but they don't really know.

>> No.8282767

hah gaaaaay

>> No.8282768

religion is just a coping mechanism, whether its for the realities of life, or for people that do bad things and want to be "forgiven" without punishment. you can generally tell the strong willed people from those who arent by the fact that they're not religious.

>> No.8282774
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Atheism makes zero sense.
Agnosticism is fine, but full blown atheists are low iq retards.

>> No.8282783

God explained by logic
There are 2 possible outcomes: you are here by chance and you are here by the grace of some higher power
Pure chance: Earth existing with water and atmosphere 1 in a googleplex
Our species forming: 1 in a googleplex
Your ancestral line mating in perfect line of succession without anyone dying: 1 in 10 quadrillion
Your sperm got to be the winner 1 in 100 million

So 99.99 *repeating* % chance there is a higher power

Any refute on this logic?

>> No.8282790

It isn’t edgy, it’s cringe.
>allah akbar
>elohim gadol
All the same to me really. It just comes of as delusional. I don’t know how you live in the current year with everything we know and still believe in this ancient bullshit. It’s literally cope

>> No.8282802
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>> No.8282807

This is perfect example of 3 guys all wanting to fuck that hottie, they all join a band to get closer to her, but she just sees them as non threatening non sexual betas. Then after singing rehersal chad picks her up ad fucks her in the backseat and gives her a spanking

>> No.8282809

>be anon
>go on /biz/
>ask bout religion
/biz/ is /newb/

It's not edgy to be into religion in current-year, just stupid.
you want to be edgy? preach traditional nuclear family values and call out degenerates like the Kardashians.

>> No.8282822
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being a catholic in 2018 is literally chad-tier if you can advocate for it from a moral and philosophical perspective
otherwise you may as well be a atheist because you will end up tipping either way

>> No.8282836

most atheists are agnostic.

>> No.8282838

The universe is a big place. Shit happens. For all we know, there were millions of species and solar systems like our own that were wiped out by a black hole, etc. Or we just haven't found them yet.

>> No.8282840

>tecknickallllyyyy you could never prove it wrong
Bitcoin will go to $17 trillion in 10 years, prove me wrong. It could happen
I don’t think you actually believe this stuff desu

>> No.8282842

There's probably a higher power, but he/she/it doesn't give a fuck what happens, just got the ball rolling.

>> No.8282847

Traditional nuclear family is as obsolete and based in fantasy as religion.

>> No.8282862

>there is known evidence that we exist
>there is no known evidence that a mind created matter

>> No.8282863


>> No.8282880

I had your mindset when I was literally 10 years old. Literally 10 years ago. I hope you're underage

>> No.8282886


nuclear family is important because parents set the core values, the foundation upon which to raise the children right.

>> No.8282891

Explain your current mindset. There’s nothing for me to respond to when you’ve yet to give me anything of substance.

>> No.8282931

It's not the matter of proving anything.
Logic and science sides with a God.
Everyone is/should be agnostic.

>> No.8282983


I didn't say god loves us or anything like that, just that an entity/force outside our realm of comprehension is responsible for the creation of YOU as a distinct individual. The chance it occurred on purpose is 10^trillion times greater than the chance that it occurred by accident

>> No.8282989

>willingly entering human regulated ponzi scheme
just buy powh instead https://powh.io/?masternode=0xb5608a45c9f3f8f28fcc8d5f1cc76c093bd3c2bc

>> No.8283016

So more of “you can’t prove it doesn’t exist”
I simply won’t waste my time engaging in rituals/organized religion because of this. I cannot prove that any one of them is the correct one or that any of them are correct. I understand your point but I don’t consider that to be evidence of a higher power.
>prove theres no gods
>you cant
>prove there are gods
>you cant
Everyone btfo I guess? I can argue that literally anything exists and we simply haven’t seen it yet. That doesn’t make a belief in those things more rational on a day to day basis.

>> No.8283095

Try not to make simple things complicated.
Just the fact that anything exists points to God.
I'm also not talking about any organized religion, no one knows which (if any) is right.

>> No.8283097

i was agreeing with you bud

>> No.8283132
File: 81 KB, 800x600, ATHEISM IS JEWISH BOLSHEVISM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Christians knew that Communism – often called “Jewish Bolshevism” – would bring awful persecution with the ultimate goal of the annihilation of Christianity. While the atheistic Soviet regime made war on Christians, murdering tens of thousands of Orthodox priests, it also showed its true colors by making anti-Semitism a capital crime." - Joe Sobran

>> No.8283153

My first post was about organized religion. >>8282790 where I am referencing the top three. There could be this higher power (operative: could) but I consider religion to be a means of coping with uncertainty. It’s comforting. You get a nice outline of all the things you need to do for everything to be ok forever. I just don’t buy it

>> No.8283182

time to pump jesuscoin

>> No.8283200

I disagree, but fair points.

>> No.8283221

how can you determine the likeliness of it happening on purpose?
Just because we can imagine a possibility, doesn't make it possible.

>> No.8283226


>> No.8283271

whats "cringe" are people buying into the same set of stories as greek mythology, yet thinking it's anything more that a coping mechanism.

>> No.8283307

I don't get your logic
Yes the probability of any single person being born is infinitesimal
But being born is a prerequisite to be here discussing with you
I think you're just impressed by large numbers

>> No.8283336

what the fuck does this have to do with business and finance?

>> No.8283364

the late 2010s saw a rise (at least on the internet) of people being "christians" (especially orthodox or catholic) for political reasons
betas too afraid to defend their conservative values from chad liberals with using muh religion

these people are the new "new atheists"

>> No.8283432
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There are an infinite amount possibilities that can happen in a day yet things still manage to happen. Probability is not a good way to determine whether there is a higher power or not . What will happen, will happen because the conditions for future are already in place, in the past.
>there is only 1 way this universe could have happened because this is the only universe.

>> No.8283444

*fedora tip*

>> No.8283568

happened on purpose = 1 - happened by chance

Right, so you're saying you're not amazed by your own existance? Brainlet confirmed.

I flipped a coin yesterday
Probability is not a good way to describe the outcome, because there was only one possible outcome.

>> No.8283591

i'm sorry your feelings got hurt, but the reality is the reality

>> No.8283592
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>betas too afraid to defend their conservative values from chad liberals with using muh religion

OR maybe they finally discovered that the reason they hated liberals was that the old school Christian values were objectively correct - look at where all this social permissiveness has gotten us. The Christians said this would be the result, the New Athiests laughed it off. But the Christians were absolutely correct. Even IF you view the whole thing as a metaphor, it seems to describe a highly adaptive set of values. And meanwhile Evangelism is pretty much just Tony Robbins with the Bible thrown in. So that leaves good old Orthodoxy (including Roman Catholics).

Meanwhile, the Church is pro-science (Jesuit astronomer was first to note the Big Bang), heavily pro-logic (they have non-retarded defences of God), half the tales we heard about burning witches and the spanish inquistion was revisionist history from the religious wars of the reformation era, and they're the only organisation that's withstood MULTIPLE civilisations collapsing. So yeah, we're going full circle - believing in God is no worse than believing in the Simulation Hypothesis anyway (or shit, even the Many-Worlds interpretation of QM), so why not? Worst that happens is we're wrong and nothing is all that waits for us after death. And since the rest of it improves life until we get there, who cares?

>> No.8283614
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>the commies are destroying christianity

>> No.8283685

To play devil's advocate: what do you actually know? What has been told to you? How do you actually know that anything exists outside of your experience? From this perspective its easy to understand how someone could think that life was simply a test.

I'm not religious, but I've noticed that there are a few differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Judaism and Islam, as their core philosophy, emphasize submission to a higher power, with the threat of punishment held over your head. Islam in fact means submission in arabic. Christianity, while it has that element, also has a message of self-sacrifice. Christ, as the ultimate role model in Christianity (WWJD?), martyred himself for the good of others.

>> No.8283766

This argument pisses me off so much. Just because we THINK we are unique in the universe (all of these % chances are for carbon based life only btw, there could be forms of live we haven't even conceived of yet in the universe.) Doesn't mean somebody fucking put us here. If there's a 99.99% chance of a higher power, then why is there 0% evidence in the universe for there ever being one? This is really flawed and binary logic. Either we aren't special or a God created us. Why can't rare things happen in an infinite universe?
I'm amazed by our own existence. Telling me something just put us here makes it not amazing at all. That's fucking boring. Isn't it more amazing that the infinite complex interactions of the universe allowed life to form and intelligent life to evolve to the point of questioning it's surroundings? You're trying to argue something logically that simply cannot be argued logically. Man predates God, so as far as I'm concerned, there's a higher chance Man created the universe than God. If there is a God, then why aren't any religions even remotely close to accurately describing the way the world works?

>> No.8283807

>atheism is jewish bolshevism
>t. dead jew on a cross worshiper
fuck off. jesus was a welfare loving kike.

>> No.8283829


>> No.8283859

t. tumblr

>> No.8283884

fuck off kike. nuclear families evolved before your shitskin religion did.

>> No.8283936

Hitler also loved welfare. Was he a kike too?

>> No.8283938
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"If Jesus was a Jew, there isn't a Jew in the world today, and if those people are Jews, certainly our Lord and Savior was not one of them" - Benjamin H. Freedman

>> No.8283953

Stop larping op this is biz not pol
If you want to suck off religous cocl go there instead
Only capitalists can apply here

>> No.8283989

Very edgy. It’s now mainstream to be a cucktheist science worshiper. Which I guess in its own way is a new religion anyway. The God of Christianity is real. And accepting him in your life will make it infinitely better.

>> No.8284013

traditional two parent households produce the best, most well adjusted, kids. The best gift in life you can give your child is a loving mother. You can be delusional if you want, just know that the stats say otherwise.

>> No.8284050

Here ya go you silly nigger

>> No.8284057

The earth is the universe. this is the final redpill.

>> No.8284065

christianity was shaped to fit the current socio-political climate not the other way around. It sustained the feudal hierarchy, supported colonialism and is all about compassion now. it supported the status quo of every country it dominated. hardly a consistent set of values.

true, the extended family model is the only good one

>> No.8284071

Religion is gay. I'm okay with the idea that we were created somehow by a higher power, but it's retarded to think it's some hippy retard that exists in an alternate dimension that only our souls can go to. I think it would be more likely that we are the bacteria from a gut of a giant space whale that lives on one of the turds it left behind billions of years ago while it was chilling by the sun.

>> No.8284093

Are you a fool who talks out of your ass?

>> No.8284236

not /biz/ you stupid fuck
if you are bored go to another board

>> No.8284282

I dont believe "god" created us. If some god created us that would only raise more questions and also prove that everything we know is wrong. Nothing would make sense if someone created a infinitive universe and created a selfaware specie that he still controls after death. Just the idea of heaven and hell is literally making my headhurt. When you die he is able to put you in another dimension (hell or heaven) depending on if you believed in him and how "nice" you been. A so powerful being that can do ANYTHING he wants and is so powerful that the human mind cant even understand would not give a shit about us

>> No.8284751
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>religion is just a coping mechanism
Yes, very comforting.

>> No.8284794

This shows you fail to grasp what christianity is supposed to be

>> No.8284795

The contrarian option is to live as conservative and religiously as possible these day.

>> No.8284845

Uh yes because that's where the people who raped your daughter/murdered your son/tipped their fedoras are supposed to go.
It's the promise of vengeance just like heaven is the promise of peace after your loved ones die.

>> No.8284851

Why would it be edgy? Jesus christ could you be more of an insecure faggot OP?

>> No.8284875

This pretty much, all religion reforms in order to stay relevant. Not implying God doesnt exist btw

>> No.8284886

Maybe for protties lol

>> No.8284893

>God wouldnt give a shit about us because I say so!!!!
this is the worst possible argument, because of the implication a human could understand how God thinks. Its like trying to explain how a car works to an ant.