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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8257284 No.8257284 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about doing some mercenary work after I get out of the military, but I'm uncertain as to how to raise the money to do this. Where do PMCs get startup capital from?

>> No.8257330

You need to pay PMCs to fight for them?

>> No.8257343


I mean if I start up a PMC where can I find creditors/investors?

>> No.8257414

I think you would want what is called an angel investor.

Basically you go around arranging meetings with people, explain your business model and how you believe it will bring then a return, and they give you money.

How you would find them I don't know. I sure as hell wouldn't invest in a PMC if I was rich. Pretty sure there's already a lot of them out there firstly. Aside from that though there's basically no oversight over these PMCs as I understand, a lot of them are called 'cowboy outfits' because they're reckless. Also everybody hates mercenaries regardless. Then again, the conflict in the ME will probably never end in my lifetime so maybe it could be a profitable venture with constant need for new cannon fodder.

>> No.8257442


>canon fodder

Nah. I'm in a somewhat unique position to take, hold, and facilitate the extraction of conflict minerals from Africa.

>> No.8257623

Well, find an angel investor and tell him that. Good luck honestly not sure anyone would be enthusiastic about being involved with that.

>> No.8257685


How much you lookin for lad?

>> No.8257744


Depends on what I can put together. I'd probably need at least a handful of small planes, which don't come cheap.

>> No.8257769


All I got is 300k

>> No.8257835


A single engine cessna is on the cheap end and one still runs about 75k. Then there's the cost of rifles, ammunition, crew served guns, parachutes, insurance policies, fuel, rations etc. It's going to eat that up pretty damned quickly.

>> No.8257887
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whats going on in this thread

>> No.8257914

We'd have to buy food and guns on the cheap then, and we'd prolly need another investor with similar capital to even do that.

What's the pay off here? Also what's my assurance I don't get shot somewhere out in Africa because you don't feel like honoring your debts anymore?

>> No.8257969

dubai will be your best bet for capital and talent on the business side as there are actually PMC trade shows to network and poach expertise. attend a few of those before you put all your eggs in this basket.

>> No.8258028




>he knows

The payoff would be subcontracting for a company looking to extract cobalt, lithium, and gold from conflict areas.


Might have to check that out.

>> No.8258180

the gulf arabs are the market with the demand and the ability to pay. i'd ask around /k/ if you're serious.

>> No.8258195
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Talk to Roger Ver, he will need to hire a private army when he gets his libertarian utopia started up.

>> No.8258204


I'll invest so long as you wear an explosive collar that is rigged to go off if my heart stops working.

>> No.8258340

like the nanobots banks will implant in the future to ensure timely payment for those with subprime credit, turning you into swiss cheese after the 2nd collection attempt.
it's already in ripple's code.

>> No.8258400


Mate there's no way that's coded ANYwhere.

>> No.8258554

only neal stephenson books.

>> No.8259920
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start a kickstarter. "hi, i wanna shoot africans whilst getting big corporations to extract their natural resources!"

I think you would make the money in no time.

>> No.8260607
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There is a bounty for someone's head in Japan, start there.

>> No.8260833

Sweet choose your own adventure style larp bros

>> No.8260864

YOU IMAGINE: you will become a /biz/nessman and be honoured by all

YOU WILL GET: fucked in the ass by a congolese militiaman as you blubber and wave your passport before your horrific execution is put on liveleak

>> No.8260897

make an ico
one token = one assassination contract

>> No.8260916

>I'm in a somewhat unique position to take, hold, and facilitate the extraction of conflict minerals from Africa.
Yeah lets rope some 4chan bizfags into some international law criminality, good idea anon

>> No.8261588
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I spend a surprising amount of time on /k/.


Believe it or not a staggering amount of this shit is perfectly legal under international law.

>> No.8261789

>Believe it or not a staggering amount of this shit is perfectly legal under international law.
Oh really? Do you need somebody to make things go boom? Mining, shaped charges, general demolition and what not

>> No.8261829

lol as if anyone will give capital to a PMC started by someone who isn't a retired army general or delta team operator

>> No.8261840
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My specialty is explosions, but it could be that the more the merrier.


>delta team operator
>implying I'm Army

>> No.8261863


point is they wont give money to someone who isn't super prestigious in the armed forces

>> No.8261876
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, megumin on winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sweating that.

>> No.8261916

Megumin best girl. They're realesing season 3 now

>> No.8262084



>> No.8262810

how much do you need to shoot yourself in the fucking head?