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8252742 No.8252742 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be an ugly 27 year old ugly nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever
>have full time job which requires me to do almost nothing
>wake up at noon
>spend two hours browsing internet on my phone and wondering whether to get a weekend part time job or move in to a flatshare to save money
>so tired of saving no money
>decide to go through engineering mathematics textbook but get bored after 5 minutes- not sure whether my boredom is warranted or not
>go to gym at 3 pm then eat
>get email saying I have a job interview for a weekend job at burger king
>suddenly imagine how horrific it would be to actually work there
>it's near a football stadium and I imagine drunk fans trashing the place as I clean the toilet
>reject the interview
>also decide not to leave my tiny flat because I don't want to deal with inconveniences, even if it lets me save over £200 a month
>feel like a supreme cuck for not being rich as 22 year old chads at investment banks and teenage bitcoin investors live the life
>leave flat at 6 pm to go in to central London to drink coffee (the last one ever, hopefully, though I've said that many times) and feel sad about life
>have no time to walk around or do anything, obviously
>tube is filling up with normies getting ready for their fuckfests

This isn't one of those "isn't it so great to be in your 20s and uncertain" feelposts. This is one of those "I have no passions, dread the upcoming years of wagecucking (in my "prestigious" job which I will start soon), know I'll never save up meaningful amounts of money or be really well off. I'm indecisive about everything and don't have the balls to follow my own intuitions (see the bit about the maths textbook earlier). And I'm ugly and socially doomed"

I was going to phone my parents to send a cheeky £100 my way but doing it this close to mother's Day would be taking the piss too much.

>> No.8252824

oh look it's this dude again
where in london are you? why can't you drink coffee without going to central london? i would buy you a coffee if you weren't so fucking negative about things

>> No.8252858

Srsly OP just get a french press it will solve all your coffee mediated depression

>> No.8252873

owww, let me send you some TRTL, post your address.

>> No.8252875

>it the coffee fag again
Just fucking stop drinking coffee , get tea or some fucking milkshake

>> No.8252895

Why do you want female attention

>> No.8252909
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same, op. all i want is some great cause to die for. this sleepwalking existence is destroying me slowly, day by day

>> No.8252936
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, bbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wanting female attention

>> No.8253016

So what do you actually enjoy doing? It seems like you hate everything and you would be a pain to be around. Why don't you pick up a hobby or an activity?

>> No.8253028

do something about it or you're going to regret your choices till you die alone and miserable
making friends isn't so hard for fuck sake, get out of your shell and stop shitposting

>> No.8253153


>> No.8253253

Be happy you even get to play the game bro. It's better than non-existance. Look up some Alan Watts lectures on youtube. It may give you a bit of a different perspective on it.

>> No.8253302

double kek

>> No.8253481


>> No.8253527

sounds like you got it made. friends are over rated anyway. no one is truly ever your friend. people will always look out for themselves. extroverts can fuck of for all i care. not enough room for anything but their huge egos anyway.

>> No.8253714

You need to break out of the Matrix. You're the only thing that exists in this world. The rest of us are all illusions. If you meditate enough you can access the source code of humans.exe and rewrite it to make you successful.

>> No.8254249

I get the feeling bro. I am 28 also friend and girl less and i just live through the day. I have no interest in anything. I see people being passionate about the most stupid shit but i envy them so much that the can have the drive to follow a hobby. I wish i had motivation. I wish i was a billionaire too but i can live without being one but if i just had motivation to get up and start being productive. I could achive so much. I am not stupid but my lack of drive fucks everything in my life.