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8241388 No.8241388 [Reply] [Original]

Does having money actually make you appear more attractive to females? I have seen some rich yet downright hideous people who are for some reason perceived as attractive.

Is there something behind this, psychologically speaking? As in, does the simple knowledge that a man has a lot of money cause their brains to interpret this person as being more physically attractive somehow, or is it a form of self-imposed brainwashing on the part of the woman since she just wants his money?

>> No.8241405

rich = successful

>> No.8241442

>rich = successful
Yes, but I'm talking about physical looks. It seems like women are able to convince themselves that someone who has objectively sub-par looks is chad-level attractive.

>> No.8241470

why don't you ask bezos

>> No.8241485

the rich man carries himself differently than he would were he poor. women pick up on this.

>> No.8241509

well no they are not gonna think you look like a model lol

but money can get you everything you want

>> No.8241512
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Fuck yes bitchz love money

>> No.8241525

I've seen plenty of poor but confident normies who don't get women. So is that because being poor and confident makes people think you're untrustworthy or something?

>> No.8241610


Wealth doesn't attract anyone in the long-term. I mean, if you're looking for someone to like YOU, the piles of money you make aren't going to make a difference, anon.

You have to provide social value in some way that your desired SO can't easily find in her day to day. She can earn her own money without you.

>> No.8241933

The reality is that the higher status the woman, the less she cares about money.

Women these days have money. They no longer need men to be the provider. Unless you're bringing something else to the table like looks, charm or a big dick, women won't care about your wealth.

You can still fuck escorts though.

>> No.8242051


US household income averages about $50,000. If you look at this by $5000 increments, the number of households who earn that much keeps going down as you add another $5000.

I'm not sure what the individual income rate is, but if you're in your early 20's, each 5 grand you make in income above what is average for a guy in his early 20's puts you in more and more exclusive territory. So "wealth" is not important insomuch as being above average. If you make $15k a year more than your average peer, THAT is effectively wealthy. If you are a broke NEET then...that is not attractive.

>> No.8242072

Depends on location

Wealthy country = more attractive to used up women (post 30) who want marriage and/or children.

Poor/Average country: more attractive to every age, but mostly post-university girls.

And it does not make you more attractive per se, it just makes girls lower their ridiculous looks standards when they see you have money.

>> No.8242102

Being good looking makes you look rich. Being rich makes you (obviously) look rich. Women like financial security and material shit. Men envy you.

>> No.8242150

you can also get surgery to make you look good

>> No.8242172

Rarely helps for men and the potential wrongness is high. For women there are known and agreed on standards for beauty, for men no t so much and the cuck doctors can't tell (mostly women can tell if men look good or not, few men can)

>> No.8242857

ask elliot rodger

>> No.8242877
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If you cant be attractive and rich better to be moderately attractive and perceived as rich