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8218854 No.8218854 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here genuinely still holding? If so, why haven't you sold off by now?

>> No.8218885

because these types of posts signal near bottom?

>> No.8218899

Because I'm not a retard

>> No.8218907


Because I'm not autistic

>> No.8218906

Because I'm busy shitposting here and it's only a few k.

>> No.8218917

BUY HIGH, SELL LOW, biz. I’m trying to turn money into no money.

>> No.8218922

I'm still holding. Not selling because it would be a loss. I'll ride this to zero

>> No.8218932

I'm a masochist

>> No.8218966

I can afford to lose what I put in faggot.

>> No.8218969
File: 152 KB, 1440x923, Screenshot_20180308-232403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the memes, i believe in these projects. Literally all in. I've been from 6k initial investment to 28k down to just above 7.1k. wew lad

>> No.8218971

Don't really care. Will wait for complete confirmation. From what I've gathered globalists want to curb stomp disruptive technologies. But in btcs case you would think they wouldn't allow it to integrate with conventional markets yet that's entirely where it's headed. Which can only means they want the supply alongside development which they've already done through blockstream.

>> No.8218993

Honestly I just cant be bothered. If I didnt sold in january at ath I wont sell now. I am confident in my investments and it feels liberating not worrying about it and all the stress when to rebuy and shit. And if it goes to 0 I didnt lose that much initial investment and I wont blame myself for not trying.

>> No.8219018

decided I suck at trading in August and taxes are going to fuck me short-term anyway. been holding OMG for 7 months now. not so bad honestly.

>> No.8219049
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because i can't short btc without having btc

>> No.8219066
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Didn't d/l blockfolio till a few weeks after my new years purchase.

>> No.8219325

Don't wanna pay taxes

>> No.8219387

I just feel like shits gonna hit the fan when we near all 21 million mined, so I'm holding until then

>> No.8219405
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>Is anyone here genuinely still holding? If so, why haven't you sold off by now?
Huh? Oh...you must be new.
No one is actually selling this happens all the time.

>> No.8219432

I sold 0.5 btc for 1.5k usd told myself to never sell again until 95k

>> No.8219456

I'm all-in on LINK and am hopeful for SXSW. I tethered the last dip perfectly though so I'm not too worried if I miss this one.

>> No.8219458


I don't have any Bitcoin and I don't want to lose my VET node

>> No.8219461

You planning on staying alive til 2140?

>> No.8219465
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Going down with the ship.

>> No.8219475

All the coins I’m invested in were sub $1 when i bought them and I’m very confident all of them will be over a dollar in the near future. Except XRP, not very confident in that piece of shit but I don’t have a lot anyway.

>> No.8219485

Small position around $11K, will only be adding from here.

>> No.8219490


Government is crypto friendly at the end of the day.

They're simply getting it setup so boomers can buy in with their 401k. Well their portfolio managers can that is.

Just think that the dot com bubble was 2 trillion and only about a few million people we're playing that game. Now you have 4 billion people that can play this game with only a few chips on the table, but only 1% of the US population is playing.

We've only just begun.

>> No.8219503

Because I'm trading the peaks and valleys on the way down. Only down 5%ish from the last high, with no risk of missing the bottom.
I believe we'll be heading back up to at least 10k soon, so the goal here is accumulating as much btc as I can, while minimizing risk of missing the bottom. Once that happens I should be at a new USD ATH.

>> No.8219518

I'm lazy and affraid of doing something wrong and I bought the dip so I don't bleed as hard as the others.
Just going to keep on buying.

>> No.8219786

I have a substantial amount of money but it's not the end of the day. I was extremely early so I'm still up by quite a lot. If I lose everything then I will just claim losses for years to come and not have to pay taxes for a while

>> No.8219862

Ya'll need a ride or die bitch, yuh not supposed tah marry ya coins

>> No.8219902

Absolutely holding, since end of Dec.

Down like a motherfucker but never even considered selling and can't say I even regret not selling.

Why? Dunno.

>> No.8219969

I've already lost nearly all of it, it's too late now.

>> No.8219976

I just got an advertisement in the mail from my bank today
I've been a good customer and I have great credit so they are offering me a loan up to $35k with a 4% interest rate
I can have it in 24 hours
And this is such a great time to double down on crypto
any money you put in on any of the top 10 coins would be a 40% return easy within a few days/couple weeks tops
it's free money
I'm so tempted to do it

>> No.8220003

Because why the fuck would I sell on a day my portfolio is down 15%?

>> No.8220011


Because I’m so far below initial investment that I can’t do worse than just to walk way until like 2019 and just see what happens.

>> No.8220017

Do not buy crypto with borrowed money.

>> No.8220503

this. as more money enters the market, it becomes more stable.

>> No.8220530

if you can afford to pay the monthly payments should crypto enter a bear market and hover at 4-5k for a year, i'd say go for it.

>> No.8220561

Holding? Shit nigga I'm buying peoples bags! This discount is awesome, I love it when the market turns down like this.

>> No.8220613

Jesus dude wake up. if you can't see that xrp can make you money you have no hope. it's surging while the rest of the market shits. quit reading shit on here and realize your a fucking pleb and you better learn to fucking ride the waves of big money. you think these little chink coins with unrealistic dreams will survive in a market when the US gov wants to come put it's big dick down it's throat. xrp is ahead of the game. screen cap this. prove me wrong fucking please.

>> No.8220616

too busy contemplating suicide
sweating profusely

>> No.8220986

I am down about 15% overall but I don't need the money so it is going to sit in the market forever.