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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 359 KB, 2874x1581, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8154197 No.8154197 [Reply] [Original]

There's no reason for another bull market. The masses came in December, they got fucking burned in January, and that is it. Unless we wipe the memory of every single person that ever heard about crypto, that was it. It's over.

I know you can't sell bc of greed. you think it will recover. Just one more pump you say to yourself and you will sell. That pump will NEVER come. Someone screenshot this please.

>> No.8154221
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>> No.8154233

>just one more pump
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.8154238

god. you must be a linkie. only a linkie could be this deluded.

>> No.8154240

I will sell when it goes up - said everyone

>> No.8154255

masses aren't burned, masses literally put in 50 bucks to 'see what happens' and are still constantly refreshing cuckfolio

>> No.8154270
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>> No.8154272

the Market hasn’t crashed because hardly any people have been completely JUSTed. We’re still in a bull market. Don’t let the fud fool you. We’ll be in a bull market for the next 30 years all the way up to 20 trillion market cap. This is the birth of a new economy. The cycles will be generational scale not something apparent on weekly candles.

>> No.8154283

What caused the last bull run to start

What was the trigger

>> No.8154286

the masses are burned my dad who is 72 bought some etherum women at work has bought bitcoin. I knew it was over as soon as I heard random people in the street talking about it. Now not as many people are talking about it. The fad is fading. Sure it will always being around and the tech is solid but the driving force of the market was normies buying in. and now the general public has lost interest for the time being.

>> No.8154288

>next 30 years all the way up to 20 trillion market cap.
At the current rate of inflation that won't be much money. 20 trillion by 2025.

>> No.8154293

my coworker literally built up months of courage to buy €50 worth of bitcoin at almost ATH.

>> No.8154296

Do you know what happens if we go up and masses see their investments finally breaking even? They invest more coz they know this shit will recover no matter what. You're deluded OP

>> No.8154307

Pains me to say this but BCH fork

>> No.8154309

The fact that these posts are so consistent and similar in nature is evidence of paid shills

>> No.8154330

My friends dad bought ETH at 350 and was underwater a year until it went to 1400 the noobs are the bagholders. Eventually the boomers will spread it amongst themselves. And that’s when the wealth transfer happens

>> No.8154332
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>Thinking in terms of "news", "events", etc.

Wrong. You'll never make it.

>> No.8154334

ive been here on biz for over 3 year new fag. I was the original one to leak the PBR on stellar lumens and anyone that listened to me made 50-300x returns. It's over now.

the only coin i'm still holding is TRTL which will 50x in the next 6 months

>> No.8154340

paid shills? maybe, but its more likely to be just extremely bitter anons who missed the previous bull runs(and will also miss the next)

>> No.8154343
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Its happening

>> No.8154363

OP is a faggot but he has a point, I'm not expecting a sudden moon out of the blue.

>> No.8154364

>Hur dur I'm the only one who knows what inflation is

>> No.8154379

Institutional money and regulated money is still not able to invest.

Normies don't got the right purchasing power.

>> No.8154407

You just total discredited yourself when you mentioned holding trtl

>> No.8154417

Why would they buy crypto tokens? That's just delusion. The tokens aren't a valuable resource in the conventional sense, forcing companies to buy them at high prices to operate on distributed ledgers wouldn't make sense. The movement has to happen starting with the people. At best we'll see more crypto funds, and those are a thing already.

>> No.8154421

this. posts like this are bonafide buy signals. Especially with newfag tripfags

>> No.8154422

Lazy and boring fud desu

Also normies will never put a single cent on internet monopoly coins

>> No.8154436

What I'm saying that if Ether was priced at 1M$, it would not make sense to keep the network fees artificially high by refusing to reduce the amount of ETH required to use the network

>> No.8154458

i've been here for 3 years shit head and made over 2,000,000 USD off various crypto investments. I only have 300,000 USD in TRTL and the rest is being mailed to me in gold bars from JMbullion

>> No.8154466


>> No.8154524

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.8154530
File: 65 KB, 900x900, kslfalksfas111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trip with a fucking website in the name
Impossible to be more triggered than me mow

>> No.8154538

The masses are stupid fucking sheep who will follow blindly whatever yahoo news tells them to.

> bit coin at all time low time to buy goy

Masses rush like the sheep they are

Plus a fucking sucker is born literally every day, just cuss your baby boomer cuck dad got fucked by the hype doesn't mean shit a new hype is just around the corner now excuse me, I need to check how low this dip is about you go

>> No.8154556

im not gonna make a new thread cause i dont care if you nigs know about this or not but does anyone here know what a darkpool is or what the real volume of btc trading has been for the past week or so compared with retail charts
if so say something in here and we can have a lil chat

>> No.8154573


>> No.8154582

>Pains me to say this but BCH fork
More like Roger Verr's crazyass market manipulation/Coinbase manipulation

AKA insider trading, as is tradition

>> No.8154614
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>> No.8154632

Why the fuck would I waste space screen capping this retarded reverse shill

>BTC 100K confirmed

>> No.8154637

Well fuck, you taught me a new word today.

>> No.8154658
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>> No.8154681

Also explains why I've heard "retail investors" get thrown around more lately. Do you know of an index of the volume figures for these dark pools?

>> No.8154700

What type of retarded inaccurate troll bait is this? Stop larping.

There has never a period in time where throughout the duration of an entire year the price of Ethereum was both $350 and $1400.

Le brainlet larp

>> No.8154719

Bitcoin recovered after the late 2013-2015 bear market. I don't think there will be another bull market for awhile though.

>> No.8154720

kek this has to be a joke

>> No.8154733

because like anything else, institutional money is speculation. no one has any clue what big money is doing.
the only reason for them to buy is if people in power have massive individual holdings and have enough sway to control institutions so that they can dump on the public. fleecing the public and schemes like this has happened before.

>> No.8154737
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it's not even a reverse shill. I'm still saying buy TRTL but that is more of a ironic nostalgic reference to biz culture of shilling shitcoins. I have always been open and honest with the community here. Those that have listen have profited massively those that have ignored me have missed opportunities or lost money.

>> No.8154767

Why will it take 10 years for crypto to recover? Things are moving faster nowadays, we may just have a brief bear market and resume the bull in 2019. If the dollar crashes won’t that be a plus for crypto?

>> No.8154780

I would give you advice but I am in the game now and want your money

>> No.8154787
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refractory period. aka basic psychology. society has reacted to the stimulus now they need time to forget about it before we can spike again. that time is roughly ten years. If you can wait that long ig it's fine to continue holding.

>> No.8154813

it's like when you watch porn. and after you nut do you want to continue to watch porn? no. you need time before you can get sexually excited again. The concept holds true to massive psychological exposure to new tech and ideas

>> No.8154842

yeah its bullshit
people who claim that masses bought crypto already, let alone with serious money, are retards. Currently the fuckin Nvidia stock has a market cap comparable with bitcoin..... You have to be retarded to think this was the bubble

>> No.8154865

Well, that's not exactly helpful in the sense that most people probably think. But in the long term I think we can pretty much count on increased market cap just thanks to the sheer deflationary nature of crypto, regardless of who it is buying

>> No.8154882
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>it will follow this pattern until 1 million

>> No.8154905

Cool nice larp kys

>> No.8154940
File: 1.99 MB, 4581x2980, 1518971277925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the masses got burned in January

>> No.8154956


Exactly. Tards overestimate how much normies lost. Woe they lost 30 bucks. Its not that bad. They will buy again but only at ATH. We need to get the ball running and it will take a migration of money from alts to fo it

>> No.8154964

How many normies were really burned during this crash? Not a huge amount I think. However bitcoin has a bad rep, I’m just wondering if there might be one more pump and dump to really kill the market and fleece a larger group. Eg like the 1998 crash before the 2000 peak.

It seems people will be looking for crazy yield now after they have tasted 10x or 100x gains in just a few months. A dangerous situation since there are so many scammers around.

>> No.8155024


>> No.8155036

Lol ya dumb fuck a dark pool is just an exchange that is not public. You can't get volume though some api because it not available to you small players.

>> No.8155049

are you retarded

>> No.8155069
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>using linear scale

>> No.8155097

stop lying to people. zoom out entirely like i did to show them the truth moron

>> No.8155127

Are you blind? It is zoomed out dickhead. 2013-2018.

>> No.8155145
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Also market cap without Bitcoin. Even healthier.

BTC needs to die.

>> No.8155191
File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, 4713EF3E77A646CA9859E12B8D1EC919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is with all these newfag tripniggers? Is this the next level of reddit invasion?

>> No.8155199

>measures psychological factors in voltage

Do you even know what this graph represents?

>> No.8155234
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>Bidgoyn will nebber go tuh 1k!

>> No.8155236
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a cells electrical gradient

you like this one better?

sorry wrong thread that was supposed to respond to someone in a diff thread

>> No.8155253

hilarious. never change 4chan

>> No.8155274

>what people call inflation is not inflation, its the consequence of inflation
wow that jew is a bright one isnt he

>> No.8155284
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 150224259235789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcorn will rise forever there is no limit!!

>> No.8155285

>bitcoin will behave like a male orgasm
Bro you never double pumped?

>> No.8155292
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>> No.8155320
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>We didn't just have a 65% correction

>> No.8155336

This just happens every January

>> No.8155353
File: 63 KB, 784x610, AE53F16D-0960-4248-BD00-47C9F900F1A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did. Then they learned about what they lost money on. People who fancy themselves as brave and intelligent buy crypto. They don’t plan on being burned again, so they will learn to win.

The crypto infrastructure of 2018 is incredible and the tech arms race created by alt spring 2017 will trigger the golden bull run unless governments drop insane bans.


>> No.8155356
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>btc didnt go up 3000% in a year
>its still undervalued

>> No.8155397

LOL at retards still buying into ICOs expecting instant 10x or 20x. Hahaha. So many have actually gone below the ICO price that it gives me great joy knowing this shitcoin mania will end soon. "Muh X but on Blockchain" I'd say about 80-90% of ICOs don't need blockchain, its just a moneygrab.

>> No.8155441

> All ICOs are the same

Look for ethical hard caps and good ideas.

>> No.8155450

100% are money grab at this point

>> No.8155487

>good ideas
Name one recent or upcoming ico that is a good idea and can’t be done without blockchain?

>> No.8155499

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.8155503

NOW is the time to buy

>> No.8155517
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>> No.8155519

you might be right but eaven if we go into a full on bear market....we weil start recovering in 2020 because of the block halvening (just like in 2016)

>> No.8155542

Two words: Bitcoin ETFs.

>> No.8155563


>> No.8155846

It has reached bottom cause it can not get lower that one sat kek

>> No.8156035

>do you want to continue to watch porn? no. you need time before you can get sexually excited again. The concept holds true to massive psychological exposure to new tech and ideas

and Tokyo Summer Olympic. Tickets will be sold in Bitcoin

>> No.8156130

So explain what happened last April/May where the first alt bull run began.
All crypto needs is a little push and everyone will FOMO back in, no matter what happened before.
Same thing with people buying high selling low, they know they lose money but they still make the same mistakes.

>> No.8156295
File: 37 KB, 706x256, kraken 50k a day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who claim that masses bought crypto already, let alone with serious money, are retards.
But even smaller sums add up when you have tens of thousands of new people daily. Now consider that for ten normies with a small contribution there's a gambler who took a loan.

>> No.8156338

If he bought in Junr he would’ve been in the red until like December

>> No.8156398

It’s over now, there were so many fucking regards rushing into 20 different ICOs thinking they’d do a NEO but almost all of them have dumped under their ICO price. Look at all the retards on here that bought Axpire lmao.

>> No.8156402

So you're implying they didn't panic sell at the first hint of a loss?
>wew lad