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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8149560 No.8149560 [Reply] [Original]

Hit them with that shill

>> No.8149615

Follow this link https://coinmetro.site/?c=4ch and you'll get +2.5%

>> No.8149733

100x easy

>> No.8149794
File: 998 B, 144x27, coinmetro-referral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First off, let me get this out of the way: use my ref link to get 2.5% (pic related link that re-directs to it)

Okay. So the gist of this exchange is that Assblaster shilled it in february and if you're not buying in on the ICO of the next potential coinbase you're an utter fucking retard. The reason it's not sold out yet is because the CEO has a firm rule of only selling it to the public and not private investors who want deep discounts for full ICO buyouts. They haven't had any pre-sales at all.

AKA you can't get dumped on by faggot 8 figure net worth whales after the exchange comes out.

DYOR on everything else. Seriously, READ the fucking whitepaper and how their token economics works. It's fucking insanely cool and it's not a tough read at all if you have at least 100 IQ. If you're sold on the exchange, make sure to fucking sign up with a referral code or else you'll miss out on the extra 2.5% tokens you can get for free. I'm a retard and didn't do that. They've set aside 7.5% of all tokens for the referral program so that they niggers (figuratively) like me shill and market it.

>> No.8150002

fxpig is tiny and has a bad reputation
outsourced their art.
no blockchain credentials.
might have even outsourced their white paper

>> No.8150006


I can see a 100x, but it will take until at least next january or february IMO.

>> No.8150804

Outsourced their art.

Who gives a fuck

>> No.8150843

Is doing all the work they want to do but with fiat enabled from day one.

>> No.8150943

That's a weak fuckin excuse for there being little demand for the ICO, and obviously false. If people wanted it, they would get it, just like other token sales. I'm sorry for those that invested, but with no demand the price is sure to fall.

>> No.8151159

If I want to order a pizza pepperoni from their CTO I have to do it from their platform and buy XCM and then see them burn!! Plus there is a high chance that the lead developer who is a russian scam artist os going to steal my order and eat my pizza!!! Literal shitcoin...
>mfw there are retards putting money into this

>> No.8151202
File: 36 KB, 600x885, 1477734879606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy icos that /biz/ shills non-stop
>they fall below ico price
>ignore icos that get fudded to death
>they go x10

i fuckin hate this board

>> No.8151212
File: 1.40 MB, 1592x2060, 4EC7C2BF-E390-4996-9FC0-396CEC597842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down and wash the feet of your new saviour

>> No.8151219

You've got to take into account the current crypto crash and all the fear that came with it. If this ico opened in December 17, it would have probably sold out already. People are not exactly keen on putting their money into an ico, when they don't even know what btc will do in the next month

>> No.8151234

please stop shilling this coin its actually good. anything that /biz/ touches turns to shit

>> No.8151254

I got into this ICO before biz even started shilling it... How fucked am I?

>> No.8151283

wow. less than a year to become absolute millionare. How will you ever wait so long?

>> No.8151310

Assblaster shilled an exchange that sounded like an old phone company. How did you reach Coinmetro from that? Thought he was refering to Tokia exchange

>> No.8151335

google translate whitepapaer

>> No.8151340

This doesn't even need a crazy volume for us to get a good rate of return. Just look at Coss, it's 5x from Dec 10 and has barely a million in volume.

I kinda regret getting in now cause it might dip when the exchange launches but in even in the mid term, us the ico buyers should be looking at a decent ROI

>> No.8151343


>> No.8151348

>fxpig is tiny and has a bad reputation
You are an absolute retard and spread false information. It is small, that's true, but they have stellar reputation. If you'd ever do forex in your life, you'd know. But you're just a curry nigger.

>> No.8151370


He said 50% of the name. MetroPCS.

Also he talked about it again in a later thread and explicitly confirmed CoinMetro.

>> No.8151379

That's great but their ICO already finished and it's probably controlled by bunch of presale whales. Both CM and this exchange can co exist.

>> No.8151405

I unironically believe Tokia is a scam

>> No.8151420

Just look at how many shitty exchanges there are out there and you tell me that CM won't be able to pull in even some of that volume. Coinbase also getting hit with two lawsuits

>> No.8151450

>tfw not concerned with people dumping as soon as they can because I might actually use this exchange in the long term

>> No.8151471

I want to purchase some of this. how would I go about doing that?

>> No.8151486
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1516275898067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to idex and search for LGO
thank me later

>> No.8151492

FxPig actually has the best reputation you absolute Pajeet nigger.

>> No.8151503


Follow my post. >>8149794
Use a referral link (to get extra tokens) and register an account. You can then purchase tokens with ETH, BTC or LTC.

>> No.8151505


>> No.8151528

Looked into Globitex, the people behind it seems to be really shit at marketing

>> No.8151539

>outsourced their art.

>> No.8151557

follow this link, make an account, you can buy tokens with btc, eth, ltc, bch. you'll have to transfer it from a non-exchange wallet though, i did it from My ether wallet.

https://go.coinmetro.com/? re fId =5a63adbc589c124f7b19a1be
(delete three spaces)

>> No.8151595

The nice thing is that this ICO doesn't care about BTC price, as opposed to other shitcoins. Your price gets locked in in ifat when you buy in, and whether BTC price goes 10x or 0.1x, if they deliver a quality product, they will grab market share, and fees are fees.

Also, use my ref 5a8d82f7e81027571d7181c8

>> No.8151774

I'm a bit confused how this works, it appears that there is going to be a crypto exchange with their token being a "standard" to be traded between. But what sets the price of their XCM? can it even be mined?
If you answer this Ill use your ref link.

>> No.8151775
File: 18 KB, 801x145, biz in charge or marketcaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average hodler of coinmetro

>> No.8151830

Xcm price is determined by supply and demand, the same way binance BNB token is
Aren't you the brainlet who couldn't understand that they allocated 7.5 percent of the tokens for the referall bonuses and started calling this a ponzi because you thought they were giving 2.5 percent returns daily

>> No.8151864
File: 37 KB, 800x450, 1513111607562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referall bonuses and started calling this a ponzi because you thought they were giving 2.5 percent returns daily
this is literally you right now, you're absolutely sure you're smart one but you spout shit like "MORE TOKENS MEANS HIGHER MCAP" and don't even understand how fucking stupid that is

>> No.8151897

I don't get it? He's right. Company A mints 3 million tokens, & sells them for $1 each @ ICO. Proceeds go to team, traditional marketing and buyers. Market cap is 3 million.

Company B uses the exact same structure, but mints an extra 25% of tokens to be used in their referral system.

So they mint 4 million tokens, and sell them at $1 each. Market cap is 4 million.

What am I missing?

>> No.8151898

>Xcm price is determined by supply and demand
It seems to me that the coin is being sold by the developer at a set price, and there is no way to mine it. almost like a centralized crypto.

>> No.8151938

You're missing demand.
Why would company B with same structure sell more tokens than company A at the same price that company A sells. No seriously how hard is this?

>> No.8152029

What the fuck? They do it to pay for the referral system that company A wasn't using just like I said.

Do you not understand that companies print their own tokens to pay for the shit they want to get done? Which, assuming a stable price raises the market cap and potentially overvalues the company when done excessively?

>> No.8152085

They plan on xcm pairings but not for everything, same with fiat if I recall correctly from one of Kevin's interviews. They have quite a few good mechanisms to stabilize the xcm price as well. From token buy back. To having a reserve fund to play market maker, which will probably start 6 months out. Token burning in xcm for free and also that you don't need to hold xcm, fees will go in as a market order automatically but you will get a discount for holding xcm.

>> No.8152093

So they are not the same structure, right? Why would you pay 7.5% tax for nothing that company A can't offer?

>> No.8152118

KEK, so this is who's fudding coin metro?

Market cap is *literally* the last unit price sold multiplied by the units in circulation you absolute brainlet.

>> No.8152145

>market cap is based on ammount of tokens currency has
holy shit please stop i literally can't take this stupidity any longer

>> No.8152158

lol because it's a hypothetical example. They may use similar structures, but if I think Company A is only worth $500k, but Company B is likely to be worth 1 billion, I'm going to invest in Company B.

tl/dr I don't give a fuck if CoinMetro uses a tiny amount (7.5%) of their tokens for promotional purposes. It hardly affects the overall value of the company I'm buying and means especially fuck all when this is the easiest x10 of the year.

>> No.8152204

How do you calculate it?

>> No.8152311

It doesn't matter, your token price is built on amount of securities put into tokens not on abstract token ammount x imaginary ICO price. Otherwise you could mint 100 trillion btc and say each worth 11k like it was before you mint them inflating mcap beyond total world wealth. This is literally what happened to monero gold exitscam yet people still can't understand how mcap works for some bizzare reason claiming shit like more tokens means higher mcap.

>> No.8152336

I think what he's getting at is if you had two companies exactly the same and one had 100 million supply verses one facing 10 million the market worth would be the same only the dollar value per token would change. So the amount of tokens is irrelevant in all but he mathematical calculation.

>> No.8152390

>auto market buy xcm
This is so awesome for liquidity
Whether I use btc or eth to buy something and don't have any xcm for fees they subtract the proper btc/eth amount for fees which shows up as a buy order for xcm at market price.

>> No.8152399

You're a dumbass m8. Market cap *is* an abstract amount. It doesn't mean there's *actually* that much money in there. Like the other guy said, it's literally unit price multiplied by tokens in circulation.

Yeah, you could mint 100 trillion BTC. And guess what? If the price stayed at 11300, the market cap would be insane. But guess what? People would realize that, and sell off.

Based on the market cap today, if there were suddenly 100 trillion BTC put into circulation like you're saying, BTC would plummet and become worth approx 0.002 per unit ($200 billion market cap).

This is simple stuff. If you don't understand it how the fuck are you in here giving advice on ICO's lmao.

>> No.8152436

Nobody is ever gonna use this exchange, it has a stupid name. Plus it is associated with pigs, muslims and jews wont touch this and white and pajeet money wont be enough to prevente THE DUMP, Inc.
Moreover, there are 100s of cryptos who are integrating fiat, crypto ETFs exist already and Pizza Hut is gonna drive CoinMetro's CTO to bankrupty.
Get rekt faggots

>> No.8152455

>he manages to understand that more tokens means less token price
>he manages to understand that each token will go lower if you print more tokens
>he manages to understand that mcap would stay the same no matter how many tokens are there
>he reaches conclusion of MCAP IS HIGHER IF THERE ARE MORE TOKENS

>> No.8152553

Fuck me, you're still one step behind.

Your points are correct- but if you're buying into an ICO, how does the free market adjust the unit price if more tokens are printed when they're locked and not being traded?

Yeah, it can't. So the more tokens printed in the ICO phase, the higher the (projected) market cap is.

>> No.8152618

When the token sale will be over and the other left will be burned?

>> No.8152672

> Yeah, it can't
It can, it drops the second it hits exchange as it always does to its real value fucking everyone over who bought at disadvantage, especially now when they have stupid promotion sales at 25% yet still promissing 5x return on initial investement. They are either full of shit or have massive whales dumping on everyone first day.

>> No.8152729

Only if the ICO price was significantly overvalued (again, something which we measure via ICO price x units in circulation, despite your protests- lol). The tiny amount Coin Metro uses for promotion does not overvalue the project. End of story.

>> No.8152832

presale was 3 cents, there will be a big dump if it hits the market

>buy on market

>> No.8152849

So why would anyone use someone else ref link when they could just make two accounts and reap the rewards? are they just brainlets?

>> No.8152901

.03 .05 locked for 6 months. Only .07+ can dump but I think most people will hold this till eoy at least

>> No.8152917

As long as you have someone else's passport you can borrow for the kyc to unlock later yeah you are good.

>> No.8152919

>fxpig has a bad reputation

Nice try


>> No.8152945

why not just make two passports?

>> No.8152946

Dumb pajeet

>> No.8152998

Two government issued passports? If you mean submit it twice, that would probably be against some terms of service, maybe they wouldn't catch it but it wouldn't be hard to either. I would just borrow my gfs or something

>inb4 no gf

>> No.8153138

Wait, you need give them an actual photo ID to get this shitcoin? I guess I cant do this anonymously then. kind of kills everything.

>> No.8153315

I'm gonna dump them at 15 bucks a piece. If KCS managed to hit 18 bucks so can this.

>> No.8153409

So the whole referral thing says when someone you refer makes a purchase, you get 5% of the total coins. Does that mean that the person who actually bought it only gets 95%

>> No.8153553

Not sure if trolling or just retarded. But the person who is buying gets 102,5%

>> No.8154394

Got some copypasta ready,

Quick infodump:
Fiat-Alts, instant crypto-fiat access via debit card, lending, leveraging, ETFs, TAM (tokenized asset management), ICO launching
Permanent founders discounts on both CM and FXPig for buying into the ICO with the minimum 0.1ETH, bonus 2.5% for using my ref.
Common FUD: Constant shilling, yeah, guilty, but this is a great ICO; coming at a time where actually successful, non-shady alternatives to Coinbase are sadly needed, and it’s by an experienced team
No, they didn't steal art from distric0x, they hired the same artist/web developer since they liked the style.

use my ref for a nice 2.5% bonus. Their telegram will answer most other questions not on their site. They also have a beta app out, mostly just a concept

>> No.8154619

I bought some tokens and didnt have to fill the photo part. Not american though.

>> No.8154716
File: 5 KB, 207x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outsourced their art
that has to be the most nigger tier pajeet fud that i've ever heard. congrats you sub 60 IQ ape...

>> No.8154743

Why? It looks like a generic exchange to me. Why would they scam? I don't doubt ICO investors will make a massive loss but that doesn't make it a scam, just a shit investment.

>> No.8154806


If you actually read about what experts have been saying, the vast majority of ICOs are literally handfuls of chink miners buying 90% of the supply, and then people fomoing 10%.

Case in point, Legolas “sold out” its 30 million ICO, but private whales bought 60% of the supply. Take away 20% for the team, that means only 20% was publicly sold. So they tactually raised like 6 million USD.

>> No.8154968


Because marketing is a valuable asset in its own right. You evaluate the loss of potential upside caused by the increased initial market cap. So lets say 1 million tokens sold at 1 usd, thats a 1 mm mcap, which has more upside than if 1 bn tokens were sold at 1 usd.

Other anon is correct, marketcap is a (arguably) useful metric for upside potential, a high market cap is less upside. In this case the market cap will be 7.5% higher (since ICO prices are fixed) because of the extra tokens, however its your job as an investor to decide if the momentum gained from marketing offsets the decreased upside.

Only brainlet here is you my man.

>> No.8155129

afaik KYC comes after the main ICO. Americans who buy-in right now will be able to keep their coins later as they'll be accepted.

>> No.8155365

What if I dont have a passport

>> No.8155411

Ain't no body got time to play with ICOs when bears are around y'all dumb pajets

>> No.8155530

Hit em
The hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine

>> No.8155663

Is that even English?

>> No.8156562

It blocks you if you tell them you’re an american who isnt accredited through thr SEC

Should I just say I’m accredited and bank on them getting the go ahead later on?

>> No.8156688

Right, sorry. What I meant is that if you fake an account and say you're not from the U.S., they've stated you'll still keep your coins later but will have to fix some of the info is all.
Personally, I can't tell you much for being accredited. That might be a bigger issue than just lying about your country. You could try asking them on the telegram, they're usually very helpful. I imagine they'd be able to offer at least a bit of insight.

>> No.8157254

>Outsourced their art
>This is somehow bad
Pls kys

>> No.8157444

They're saying you get a 5x bonus if it hits the hard cap you fucking brainlet. They aren't promising 5x returns just saying if it hits the hard cap then you're 5x from the presale