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8102435 No.8102435 [Reply] [Original]

ICO is still at 12 cents, don't miss out /biz/

>exchange beta launches in march
>fiat support
>XCM token is used to pay transaction fees kind of like Binance but it's mandatory and if you don’t buy it manually it buys it automatically for you, part of the token gets burned with every buy/sell
>debit card
>in-house developed ICO platform (they use it themselves for their own ICO even)
>payment service provider
>tokenized asset management (invest in pro investors, or become one for commission)
>Coinmetro is a new fiat-crypto trading platform based in Europe that will use its own XCM coin for trading.
>Experienced company that has been running a forex platform for 8 years fxpig.com
>lifetime discounts at both CoinMetro and FXPIG
>Follows all regulations and has all proper trading licences

Detailed interview that answers questions about the platform by the CEO of fxpig and Coinmetro
youtube.com/watch?v=zgNHBl9_iyg [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Review: https://hackernoon.com/coinmetro-the-next-gen-crypto-platform-to-rule-them-all-8b9aafbee3

Binance coin did 200x has same functionality. Coinmetro is going to be even bigger.

A lot of people on /biz/ come here because were risk SEEKERS. We understand you dont make 10-20x by looking at proven products with proven teams. Im investing in XCM for one reason: game theory. All functional exchange tokens have a pumping period, simply because it is advantageous to even a few people to move their money from BNB where the token is already at like a billion onto the coinmetro platform, where the token mcap will be like 20-30 mill, this increases trading volume etc which has a knock on effect.

I hate to post this like a pajeet, but we'll both get a 2.5% bonus if using a referral code before purchasing

>> No.8102449

Shit company.
I don't trust the competence of these wannabe jews.

>> No.8102496

All their reviews seemed pretty good, even if they are small fish.

>> No.8102523

Better than chinks or coinbase. Chinese people are turbojews and scam artists.

>> No.8102528

>Trusts Binance, but not CoinMetro.

You like tiny chink dicks?

>> No.8102683

This and COSS are going to be huge in 2018


>> No.8102721
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CoinMetro looks really promising.

>slick website, normie friendly
>freshly released app, slick as fuck too
>dedicated ceo that gives updates on a daily basis on telegram through voice messages
>fxpig, his other project, is an extremely solid forex broker with great ratings
>fiat to alt, debit cards and more stuff that can make normies invest easily in the market
>solid fee model that can make XCM rocket, even better than Binance (which is my main exchange)
>they are extremely dedicated to make everything solid regulation wise
>burgers still not in, and as soon as they will be able to grab coins the ICO will go even better
>and if it doesn't, the token burn will increase the value

I feel bullish on this tbqh fampais. I really hope it will help me making it cause wageslaving is sucking the life out of me. The competition will be strong and that's the main risk, but this dude here looks like it's gonna be a big one.

Shameless referral shilling if you want to help this poorfag out:

DYOR and good luck brehs

>> No.8102761

I don't trust binance.
There are more trustworthy exchanges than coinmetro coming out though, including semidexes where ethereum and token trading is trustless, with ledger integration.

>> No.8102837

Can US citizens do this one?

>> No.8102842

can burgers buy?

>> No.8102861

not yet but the CEO is working on regulations right now. should happen quickly.

>> No.8102873

That's nice, but CoinMetro is about liquidity and normies. I'm looking to get into the NEX ico as well, but they definitely aren't competing exchanges.

Not yet, but soon. All they ask right now is your location, and if you say United States then you can't participate yet. They've said the burgers that lied about their location will be able to keep their coins, they just have to clear up some legalities regarding it first. I'm a burger, and I'll be using my fiance's canadian passport once they ask for the KYC documents.

>> No.8102876

Not yet but soon, as soon as they can we will let everyone know

Kevin said any day now, he just needs legal approval

>> No.8102891

I know I can fake it..but I rather not. I have pledged $1000 to gab's legit ICO, but i want in some of this shady shit.

>> No.8103172

As early investors we also get to participate in the ico's hosted on their platform earlier than anyone else. Even if it's only .1 eth that you're putting in, it will definitely be worth it as this will be the best platform for fiat and daytrading with lifetime discounts to the token sale participants. Even ignoring the value of the XCM token itself, I see this as an amazing opportunity and think CoinMetro will easily compete with Coinbase.

>> No.8103180

Good luck leverage trading on a DEX. No professional trader (and there are a lot of professional traders coming into crypto, including a lot of boomers), is going to use a DEX.

>> No.8103279

If you think Binance BNB is even close to done you're crazy. See you at $100

>> No.8103387

If you’re US citizen just say you’re an accredited investor and boom you can participate

>> No.8103438

No thanks, Pajeet

>> No.8103461
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Burgers will be allowed soon anyway, no worries. Check out their beta app in the meantime
I just want to point out; I'm shilling this hard, this is getting shilled hard in general, but that shouldn't mean you should just write it off as many are doing. The referral bonus is a huge proponent in getting people to spread the word and it's working, it's a good plan on their part and shouldn't automatically mean it's shit. Hope some of you give it a shot, if at least for the permanent founders discounts.

>> No.8103498

Ref is the pic in the link. Woops. JfFrRA

>> No.8103574

this this ponzi scheme ico.. ppl who got in early paud 3 cents. the fuck am i paying 12 cents when others paid 3 cents. fuck off

>> No.8103629
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Their tokens are locked up for 6 months, and we get bonuses with every tier we hit. They have measures against dumping already in place. By your logic, every crypto is a ponzi scheme. Remember and regret this day when you see us 10x in a month. SAD!

>> No.8103697

Every Ico has crazy discounts for early investors. Most of them don't show them to the public.

>> No.8103728

Such a shitty way to look at it, though. Do you not buy literally any coins now because you missed them at ICO price? gtfo

>> No.8103756

if they were a legit project, they wouldnt need to do a ponzi scheme ico

>> No.8103813

Binance was a ico

>> No.8103947


Brainlet detected

>> No.8104011



>> No.8104099
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>Let's buy an ico at 7 cents and dump for 8 cents

>> No.8104241

it's waiting that's killing me

>> No.8104413

Were not buying to speculate on the first day and if you are dumping on the first day then you are a pajeet. Most people won't dump because they'll recieve bonuses.

>> No.8104613


If you buy into the ICO at this point you are a dumbass of the highest degree when you could literally just wait until it starts dumping on the exchange to pick it up for cheap

>> No.8104642

who gets bonuses?
which tiers? 0.12 has been on forever
which measures?

>> No.8104771

So people were able to buy this at like .3 cents and then at .9 cents.
Doesn't that mean I can just throw 0.1 ETH at this now to get the early investors advantage and then buy at a discount when it hits exchanges and early investors drop their bags?

>> No.8104806

exactly what i did

>> No.8105015

exept it won't hit any exchange other than coinmetro you brainlet
are you retarded?

>> No.8105362
File: 25 KB, 629x223, CoinMetro ICO perk tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8105433

Even if coinmetro is the only exchange, why wouldn't people be able to dump their bags on there?

>> No.8105475

i don't get any of this
what's TBPR?
why do later investors get FXPIG discount and the early ones don't?
how big is the lifetime discount and are we still there yet?

>> No.8105523

Token buyback program. Everyone investor gets the rewards if we get to the said tier, think of it as an unlock.

>> No.8105579

tell me more about the CM discount

>> No.8105667

They can but why would somone that bought at .07 dump at .15 when this will probably make a dollar easy. It has a lot of future things to prop it up in 6 months time. They are going to play market maker with it,along with token buyback. all fees go in as a market order if you own no xcm and they have token burn. Let alone holding xcm will also give further discounts when using the exchange.

>> No.8105720

If anyone has actual questions and concerns, come on the telegram. Kevin is sometimes on there and he will answer your question with a voice message,pretty neat.