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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8094912 No.8094912 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell happened here? Before this mining explosion /biz/ used to be a swell place to discuss actual business and finance not shitty crypto memes. This board has become /b/ with /b/itcoins discussion.

Which board should I go to to discuss proper business and finance without all this crap?

>> No.8094930

you're not funny op

>> No.8094957

The unironic answer is /pol/ sadly.

>> No.8094975

you're not funny either
please kindly fuck off

>> No.8094989

I don't think he was trying to be, fag.
Seconding OP.

>> No.8095001

>not knowing that this is a containment board

>> No.8095002

>/biz/ used to be a swell place to discuss actual business and finance
>hurr durr how do i scam people
>hurr durr how do i dropship
>pls gib moneys
>what should i study
>post your dream car lol

>> No.8095015
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What the hell hath happened h're? bef're this mining explosion /biz/ hath used to beest a swelleth lodging to break with actual business and financeth not shitty tulip memes. This board hast becometh /b/ with /t/upils discussion.

which board shouldst i wend to to break with prop'r business and financeth without all this alas?

i imagine if we lived in medieval times this would be posted

>> No.8095028

then you all need to go back to r*ddit
/biz/ was made to move crypto discussion away from /g/
just because you're all 20 years olds who discovered 4chan in 2015 because of muh trump and thought you were in good company when the crypto lull made stockcucks invade the board doesn't mean you belong here

>> No.8095057

>swell place to discuss actual business and finance
Now we make just money. I'm up 30x since last year.

Why the fuck would you flip houses, for example, when you can just buy and hold ETH for a couple of months, and probably make more than you would without any of the effort involved in fixing shit around the house.

>> No.8095146

That seems like a retarded windmill argument, throwing everything in the air because I called you a fag, which you are. You are part of the problem and would rather shitpost than come up with something insightful and helpful.

>> No.8095422
File: 58 KB, 600x600, Smug Pepe Ripple Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're alright... make sure you're all-in XRP on Tuesday.

>> No.8095505

it's helpful for you to fuck off back to r*ddit so we can have serious crypto discussions and you can have the social validation you crave
there's literally no reason to discuss business and finance here when there's limitless wealth of knowledge everywhere else on the internet, all the questions are answered and available. no reason, except one: to feel superior to other people based on partaking in "serious" activities
this is the kind of shit social media was made for and it's retarded to try to replicate this dynamic on chans

>> No.8095530

Crypto is good.

We all made money through crypto, and still making crazy money.

>> No.8095616

No coiner detected

>> No.8095727

Do you even hear yourself you retarded autist?
>"this place is for srs discussion"
>while not even attempting to discuss anything seriously
This thread has actual discussion in it:

And you're not on that level.

>> No.8096029
File: 90 KB, 800x750, 346A6344-378F-4EDC-AC62-932FEE0FF640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has become a haven for Pajeet and Chink pump and dump scams, they’re probably making millions of dollars by taking a gullible 19 year olds money so the possibility of this board reverting back to its old self is unlikely.

>> No.8096094

Okay what are some swell business opportunities for us swell /biz/nessmen with a swell portfolio of liquid cash? Swell.

>> No.8096590


>> No.8096633

for a far more constructive conversation go to /gif/ OP.

>> No.8096661

/biz/ existed long before crypto was mainstream you fucking twink. In the early /biz/ days, every single thread was about dropshipping or resales. Then you'd have your stock market threads, job bragging threads, and then a sole Bitcoin thread. Kill yourself.

>> No.8097323
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>> No.8097537

/biz/ was literally created to contain the perpetual bitcoin and dogecoin threads on /g/'s page 0

>> No.8098194

just post your fucking business thread you abysmal whining faggot, god i can't stan you pieces of shit whining bitches.

as if you couldn't just google the fuck you needed to know, cock sucker.

i've seen tons of threads get made without a crpyto leaning, some of them fail and some of them succeed. that's due to the quality of the thread. you are just a salty faggot because you posted a shitty business thread and no one cared.


>> No.8098375

/cry/pto board is needed is obvious

>> No.8098409

I concur that this anon is a fag

>> No.8098458

no, this place was a containment board to try and save /g/

>> No.8098484
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>> No.8098516

>Hurr-durr real biznez
You want money or you want to look smarter than other people?

>> No.8098594

very heavy burtations to thou sire