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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8083405 No.8083405 [Reply] [Original]

Go google systematic and non-systematic risk. Decentralized currencies that are open source and supported solely by volunteer devs, miners, and the general community are almost entirely spared from non-systematic / idiosyncratic risk. Why? Because there is no company/corporation to fuck anything up. There is no executive to get wrapped up in a scandal, there are no EPS estimates missed, there are no defaults on debt.

Let me give you an example. Imagine Bill Gates makes it publicly known today that he just sold off all of his shares of MSFT, and then later tweets how impressed he is by Apple. Gates isn't even an acting official in the company, and it would still kill Microsoft. Meanwhile, the creator of LTC just sold all of his holdings of LTC, publicly praised a competitor (NANO), and guess? LTC's price barely budged. Why? Because it's near perfectly decentralized and not tied to idiosyncratic risk like a rogue creator.

Want an opposite example? Look at the recent Walton fiasco. WTC isn't just a coin -- it's a stock in a company, just like any token issued for largely centralized products like Ripple, VeChain, and Iota. Partnerships are cancer. Trying to research NON-PUBLIC companies to decipher which has the best chance of succeeding is insane. When a company like Walton ties itself inexorably to its coin, its made itself the centralized figure that can and will impact that coin's price. Also, most of these corporate tokens have their supply controlled directly by the companies, which likely means a bunch of autistic and economically-braindead programmers are acting as the Federal Reserve of whatever token you're holding.


>> No.8083408

This is the basic litmus test: if the creator of the coin can die or be accused of sexual assault without the coin's price tanking, it is well decentralized and a worthy investment, as the coin will be immune to everything but systematic risk. If a token fails this test, it's just a glorified stock with even more risk and absolutely zero protections for you, the shareholder.

>> No.8083437

Here's a short list of coins that are far too centralized and dependent on the success of a company's ability to procure business:

>> No.8083489

Where does SKY land on this scale?

I feel like if synth died the price might go up

>> No.8083519

Many early stage tokens fall in the corporate side due to the fact that they lack working products. If I killed the lead devs on EOS, it's over, because they still need to make the actual product, much like SKY's team.

The decentralized and trustless nature of cryptoassets is what makes them such attractive investments. Launching too early when the token is still reliant on the core team defeats the purpose.

>> No.8083589

>no LINK

>> No.8083661

Didn't even remember that shitcoin desu

>> No.8083738

but a lot of the coins you listed have already made people 10x if not 30x on their initial investment. if you think the majority of people are in crypto for anything other than a quick buck, i've got some news for you

>> No.8083772

this is the most retarded opinion i've read today

>> No.8083773

Yeah, in the massive bull run that saw every coin do 10-100x. It should be obvious I'm talking about long-term prospects and not swing trading. I'm sure some of the coins I listed will do 100x, but good fucking luck figuring out which of them can succeed without knowing basically anything about the companies' internal financials and ability to procure long-term and meaningful partnerships.

>> No.8083781
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>he thinks logic applies to speculative assets
wew lad

>> No.8083790

Form a coherent thought and counter it then.

>> No.8083792
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Gee you don't say.
Might as well buy WoW gold as that shit actually holds its worth better than average corporate token.

>> No.8083793
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talk to me once crypto has bankers backing it

>> No.8083804

As time goes on, speculation makes up less and less of an asset's value. If you're speculating on billion dollar tokens that have been in the market for over a year, just start burning your fiat. It's the same effect.

>> No.8083830
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Pretty sure they are behind most of those scam coins.

>> No.8083837

Oh man, imagine not riding the bull wave once banks start conducting ICOs. It'll be open season, and I'll gladly benefit off the speculation on these shitcoins. But long-term, many of them will fail, and it's neigh impossible to tell which will succeed due to the lack of transparency. Decentralized coins don't face this issue.

>> No.8083884
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you can make a quick buck in crypto, but you can't take over the world in crypto

>> No.8083914
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>> No.8083937

Dream bigger. Digital currencies like BTC with their diminishing returns on supply and intrinsic worth as distributed ledgers of information will almost all be seen as digital commodities. BTC is gold, LTC silver, XMR fucking cotton or some shit, etc. ETH will be the metal that both trades as a commodity and is used as a necessary resource in building the industry.

>> No.8083941
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>s-s-s-s-top making money with your coins and buy my coins

>> No.8083964

Anon I rode the bull wave with you and probably made more because I did my own research and didn't listen to /biz/'s godawful corporate shill picks.

>> No.8083966
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>bitcoin is le digital gold ;^)

>> No.8083990
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commodities nonetheless. Quant hedge's will never look at it as anything else

>> No.8084062
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>buy BCash please

>> No.8084169

Do you get this autistic about non-serious analogies in public too?

>> No.8084190
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>"<turing incomplete blockchain> is le future

>> No.8084446

this guy looks like my supervisor from my old job

he's kinda a dick

>> No.8084522
File: 76 KB, 654x673, 67558271-14BA-4B8D-A347-B54C0162BD87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were no peach, you fucking flake.

Calling sick couple times a month, always tardy, unmotivated and then I caught you stealing food and didn’t even report you!

You’re a r8 prick m8