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File: 180 KB, 1227x943, 83B62272-0EA6-4833-9C0E-056D8692EB07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8080707 No.8080707 [Reply] [Original]

Picture this: Norman Normanson is buying nootropics on Amazon. He gets to the payment page and is presented with three choices:

1. Pay with credit card
2. Pay with PayPal
3. Pay with Request

Norman Normanson, not knowing what a block chain, a cryptocurrency, or a REQ token is, sees “pay with request” and thinks it means “pay by requesting someone else I know pay for this for me, like a gift or something”. That’s it, Norman Normanson never does any further investigation into what pay with request means, he literally thinks it means put out a request to someone else to have them pay for your amazon package.

Do you understand how badly this shitcoin needs a rebrand if it’s going to succeed? I know you’ll think I’m trolling, but I’m fucking telling you, Norman’s WILL go through that exact thought process when they see a “pay with request button”, and they will never, EVER take the time to read about what that button means. Fucking Christ. At least PayFair has a decent name despite being a pile of shit, “Pay with PayFair” would get Normans interest, like it actually sounds like a payment platform and not a weird thing where you ask someone else to pay for you.

And no I didn’t take the time to make this into a Stacey/Chad story, they’ve been getting a lot of negative attention lately.

>> No.8080726
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You... may actually have a point.

>> No.8080754

This is some of the weakest FUD I’ve ever seen. REQ and YCombinator will make sure people know how to use it as soon as it’s ready. Try harder.

>> No.8080788

Could could have said the same thing about Paypal when it first came out

>> No.8080814

Norman Normanson is pretty good.

It’s a valid criticism OP, but it’s not like they can’t just call it something else, or make it the R logo (people catch on quick - do you need to see PayPal or Venmo spelled out to know it’s a payment option?)

>> No.8080825

Who the fuck is YCombinator and why are they always mentioned as if they’re some all knowing all powerful group? Look buddy, I want REQ to succeed, and I interact with Norman’s unlike many on this board. If N.J. this thought process is unfathkmable or there’s going to be some massive PR campaign that makes it go away, you’re sorely mistaken.

Normans DO NOT think, they simply react.
Normans DO NOT investigate, if they don’t understand something the first time on their own, they never will.

If you ignore these two facts when making a product, YOU WILL fail.

>> No.8080892

uh oh

>> No.8080911

>Who the fuck is YCombinator and why are they always mentioned as if they’re some all knowing all powerful group?

Holy shit, you’re a brainlet! Go ahead and sell your REQ if you have any, you’re not needed on the moon mission.

>Normans DO NOT think

I’ll give you that, since you already provided proof.

>> No.8080922

Fud = buy. Thanks faggit

>> No.8080986

>who is YCombinator
This is how I know you're a moron and I can ignore anything you say

>> No.8080997

What are the girls saying anons?

>> No.8081006

Not touching REQ because they said they were working with Link and chained themselves to a sinking ship. Req, link and JNT are dead coins walking. That said, if you wanted to rebrand then you would changed request to required, companies notify you that a payment for a product or service is required. Took me 0.5 calories to think that up.

>> No.8081030

Seems like 0.5 is your IQ.

>> No.8081053

>Link and chained

>> No.8081071

Also, Require is a chad name for a coin

>> No.8081207

Of course... I can see the normies in telegram right now.... "Req is required for a good portfolio" "Moon REQUIRED!" " Oh guy's 2000 sats I'd REQUIRED right now" easy home run

>> No.8081332


by OP's goofed logic, PayPal would mean "pay by requesting my pal to pay this for me, like gift or something".

>> No.8081483

Holy shit, you interact with Norman’s so much you yourself have become one. How the fuck do you now know what Y combinator is? Please sell any and all REQ immediately

>> No.8081515

Normans don't give a shit what YCombinator is or says.

"Request" is a retarded sounding name and OP is correct.

>> No.8081959
File: 121 KB, 1600x942, 1_cSfWEzYYb2uVUPDZ7OA8Rw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this
This is the weakest req fud ive ever seen and ive seen some shit fud on here
Chances are people who are overwhelmed by the name “request network“ dont have a lot of money and should be euthanized
The saddest part is i actually believe that this is what you think

>> No.8081996

I think the buttons look real smooth desu...chad would luv

>> No.8082040

i still have no fucking clue what the purpose of this shitcoin is

>> No.8082071
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>> No.8082072

no, their service is your pal
your pay pal

>> No.8082529

Weak FUD. What is "Amazon"? Is it a website for the rainforest? Maybe they should rebrand to "WeSellStuff".

>> No.8082538

Now we should only appeal to people that only have a lot of money? LNAO. Sorry son, this coin needs a rebrand, very, very fucking soon.

>> No.8082923

I agree, and to add to all that, this "request" thing is just creepy..

>> No.8083165

Request is going to be clearly branded. Have you seen the buttons?

>> No.8083233

Or why Apple? Do they sell apples? Electronic apples?

>> No.8083344

Okay but the name implies something that it doesn't do and is just confusing

>> No.8083409
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"I have to request a payment? What the fuck do you mean? How long will this take? Who am i requesting this to?"

>> No.8083419

It implies that you fucking send a request to the merchant you're shopping at to pay in your crypto or fiat of choice, which they would auto-accept if it's a merchant, or manually accept if it's an individual.

You're the only brainlet here that sees any confusion at all in this. As you've been shown in this thread multiple times, you can twist any brand name around to the retarded, face-value definition of their name. It's up to the company to market it properly so that people associate the name with what their intended usage of it is.

>> No.8083515


Forst issue with your FUD: despite what all the retards holding XLM say, the initial “moon mission” aka “normie money” we all talk avout wont be from truck drivers in the midwest. The initial burst of money will come from people who *think* they are early adopters, aka the hipster/yuppie types who are giant consumers and made craft beer a booming industry. Then you get the “technocratic” suburban boomers, then MAYBE the normiest of normies.

Why does this matter? Because the demographics i listed may be braindead but theyre also hypersensitive to advertising and brands and aervices. At one point no one knew what instagram or venmo or uber did, now they all do. Request will have an aggressive marketing campaign and then the buttons will show up, and theyll probably be slick with just a Pay using R (logo), even if they say Pay using Request everyone will know by then. This is how marketing works. Even if it doesnt work afer the 10 or 100th time chad or stacy see the button theyll ask their “nerdy” friend who will explain it.

I use quotation marks around words like nerdy and technocrat to emphasise that this is how those people see thenselves. Ie the “cryptonerd” who probably learned what ethereum was last month.

>> No.8083532
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>> No.8083543
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>lmao I found a typo I'm going to ignore everything else because everything else he said is invalidated, the people with the best grammar automatically win anything that's how the world works

>> No.8083573
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>> No.8083613
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>> No.8083692
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>> No.8083721
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>> No.8083789
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>> No.8084400

My IQ is tested at 155

>> No.8084853
File: 550 KB, 1080x3738, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet investing is investing in shit just because it made money before.

Pic related is dead Ysoyboinator projects. Req is still above ICO and it's being worked on so it's not dead yet but not a big success. The Ysoybois have invested in a lot of shit that no one cares about but ain't "dead".

>> No.8085500

Still you’re too dumb to understand the name Request.

Yeah, I’m sure the currently best project for Crypto payments, auditing, invoicing and accounting with, to this date, 42 projects in development by the community, soon having a working product, will totally fail. It’s okay, you can FOMO in a few months and brag about your 60% gains you made.

>> No.8086339

>Western order