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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8031995 No.8031995 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, time for a MEGA thread.
Which of these three should I go all in on for the year
-Coiin Meetro

This isn't about what will be best, but what will offer the greatest returns. Right now I'm leaning towards COSS because of the fee splits.
However I can easily see coimetro becoming something like the next coin base if all goes well.
Then we got legolas... I shouldn't even have to explain why this might be all that matters eoy 2018.

>> No.8032009
File: 59 KB, 512x512, 1516160241967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://coinmetro.info for 2.5% bonus (redirects to reflink)

or enter this ref code: 5a4ddb8bd65dee51251ca2b8

https://xcmprice.com for price projections

>> No.8032094

coinmetro will go 50x

>> No.8032095

kek. COSS is a guaranteed LOSS

>> No.8032099

Coss or metro, not legolas, look at how many were sold and at which price on a private sale.
Between coss and metro I'd wait till 23 of march then depending on the outcome of that day choose, DYOR.

>> No.8032159

everything about COSS sucks. only bagholder cucks are trying to convince themselves otherwise.

>> No.8032181

Coss will make you x5 max.
Metro is a dark horse and I don't really understand where the project is heading, but it can be dynamite.
I suggest you to go both ways.

>> No.8032189

I would choose CM over coss.

If it's true that CM own FXPig, that site actually runs.. and runs well.

Coss.. hmm it's just getting too ahead of itself too quickly.

Competition is good.. hold both?

>> No.8032216

COSS is the worst piece of shit I've ever seen. Once CM comes out it's done.

>> No.8032222


>> No.8032224

>trusting chinks


>> No.8032247


WTF is with that price projection?? This is total bullshit. By that projection, even if it coinmetro will be on the 100th place behind all the obscure exchanges, it will still x10. That's just plain retarded.

>> No.8032258

UNUSABLE. only coss bagholders use it as evidenced by the fact that 99% of it's volume comes from speculating on the COSS token and nothing else.

>> No.8032309

Shut up and use his referral code. Don't question anything.

>> No.8032316


read the whitepaper

>> No.8032345

I think it comes from the fact that

>BNB peaked at $24 before the crash and CoinMetro would work in a slightly different way than Binance does.

>You're FORCED to use XCM for all platform fees (every fee is automatically converted to xcm) which means a stronger correlation between rising trade volumes on the exchange and rising prices due to increased demand for XCM.

>You also get discounts based on the amount of XCM you hold, meaning you are incentivized to hold larger amounts of XCM, further increasing demand and restricting the circulating supply.

>> No.8032346

they will try to implement fiat to crypto and need to allow bots on their exchange. that would make it moon

>> No.8032368

You didn't mention tokens.net, a decentra exchange by the guys who built bitstamp.

>> No.8032390
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great. so you'll now have only bots on top of coss cucks using it.

>> No.8032440

>ignoring the fiat -> crypto part
>not getting the increase in volume from the bots

>> No.8032458

I have read the whitepaper and have invested something, but I just think they are doing too many things at the same time when they should focus on one thing and do it good. Will wait for exchange to go live and buy more tokens at a discoint.

>> No.8032500


>> No.8032505

CM will have fiat->crypto, crypto->fiat + instant withdrawals in a month. COSS won't ever fix their turd UI. Also they got caught overcharging fees.

>> No.8032508

But that's what coinmetro will do... on the same month?
I mean the CEO already has a forex broker online.

>> No.8032544


>> No.8032581

what is the minimum in the ICO?

>> No.8032587

0.1 eth or equivalent

>> No.8032626

You will also get a 25% lifetime discount to trading fees if you put at least 0.1 ETH into the ICO.

>> No.8032674

what coins are they going to support?

>> No.8032708

Starting with top 5 and then top 20 shortly after and then it will be community voting.

>> No.8032710


Coss has the greatest potential, for sure. Their ambitions are very high and the fee split is locked forever. The problem is that so far the devs have shown that they don't have the ability to pull it off. Supposedly they're hiring a bunch more, so the next month or two will be very telling. Could go either way.

>> No.8032723

CM seems to appeal to normies more than the others so I think it stands a pretty good chance

>> No.8032743

top 5 at what point in time though? And do you know when they're doing that (expanding what coins)

also, will all the coins be crypto -> fiat?

>> No.8032747

Great argument you have there.

>> No.8032756 [DELETED] 
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use my ref pajeets

>> No.8032758

tokens that give dividends are considered securities and will get BTFO once regulations start cracking down

>> No.8032802

"Once the exchange opens, somewhere between day 1 and day 30 we will have the top 10, and then the top 20 coins by market cap. Once we get to the top 20 we will open up vetting and a voting mechanism. People will be able to vote, and people will be able to come in and ask for their token to be listed and we will vet these."

and yes, there will be fiat support + instant crypto-fiat deposits/withdrawals

>> No.8032811

You can enter their telegram and get all those answered in a second.

>> No.8032850

true, they have the best support out there. go on telegram they will answer literally everything

>> No.8032864

telegram is full of retarded indians

can I buy if im a burger?

>> No.8032905

not yet, but burgers will be allowed very soon, most likely this week. btw, burgers that participated in the pre-sale will get to keep their tokens.

>> No.8032939

>telegram is full of retarded indians
true, but in the case of CM, the fucking CEO is answering questions from time to time.
You'll also get to laugh. He btfo this nog that was insulting him the other day, and the nog ended up praising him afterward

>> No.8032949

their telegram is unlike anyone else's. I highly recommend to go there

>> No.8033178

Yea that's what worries me about COSS and KCS

>> No.8033250

it's a matter of time, get out while you can

>> No.8033296


It's complete bullshit. He's just trying to get you sign up with his referral code so that he makes money off you

>> No.8033851

CM is Russian
>get rekt

>> No.8033954

No it's not. They have headquarters in Hong Kong, Estonia and Georgia. The CEO is american.

>> No.8034261

Holding both COSS and CM

>> No.8034765
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>> No.8034789

Coss already has more volume than fxpig, which is the exchange the Coinmetro folks wrote before getting into crypto.

Crypto coins have all done VERY well in the past (BNB, KuCoin, Coss, etc.) so I think throwing money into them makes a lot of sense. However, Legolas seems like a scam.

I am personally invested into Coss and thinking about buying some coinmetro.

>> No.8034838

FXPIG has "less volume" because it's a niche market and those invested in Forex are not investing small quantities they have over 10-100k into the game.

>> No.8035387

but what about regulation on security tokens. wouldn't kucoin and coss get rekt?

>> No.8035800
File: 1.40 MB, 1592x2060, F08DD1A0-79C7-4EBB-9A58-94135E9B3697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kevin is literally the second coming of Jesus. If you’re not on the Chad train or about to jump on you actually don’t deserve to make it.

>> No.8035954
File: 122 KB, 1357x815, cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, if you want to invest in CoinMetro I'd be so happy if you used my referral code. please sir go.coinmetro.com/?

>> No.8035974

Whats the exchange going to look like

>> No.8035986

I hope nobody uses your referral cunt.

>> No.8036126

Coss doesn't actually give dividends, it is a fee split. It is not a security. The team also has a very large number of compliance lawyers, and commitment to doing things legally. I am not worried about legal issues.

What has me worried, however, is that XCM is required for every single trade. This adds a needless intermediary in the exchange. It just doesn't seem very well thought out.

>> No.8036153

sir why are you mad. my family needs to eat

>> No.8036155

*worried about Coinmetro

>> No.8036194


Dude you don't have to buy the XCM to make trades, the XCM is bought automatically by the exchange via market buy orders for the fees. It happens completely obliviously to the user.

>> No.8036199

>What has me worried, however, is that XCM is required for every single trade.

they said they will automatically convert your fees into XCM so it's not like you'll have to buy XCM if you want to be able to trade

>> No.8036218
File: 1.18 MB, 941x739, 1519237038451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what you have to keep in mind is that the price prediction is very optimistic b/c it does not include sale pressure, nor fee discount. but no token burn as well.

anyway, i'm in, you can get +2.5% here if you want to:

refID: 5a603a5eda66970cda5fee9a

>> No.8036267

One issue I have with coin metro is it seems as if its ICO has stalled. If they don't raise enough money they aren't going anywhere.

>> No.8036303

People who aren’t brainlets are waiting for eth’s inevitable growth over the next few weeks.
Burgers are waiting for confirmation.

>> No.8036341

Why is it a guaranteed thing that eth is going up, we're in a bear market atm

>> No.8036346

coin metro
normies will eat it up
bigger than coinbase
2.5% bonus to use my ref id

>> No.8036456

Then what is the point of the coin?

It doesn't reduce fees like BNB, doesn't give a fee split like Coss, doesn't do dividends like Kucoin, and it apparently isn't even needed to trade.

>> No.8036467
File: 761 B, 98x25, MetroRef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi again OP. Seems the discussion isn't quite as intelligent this time. Also, thanks to the other Anon who used my ref last time, it's been a big help!

They already hit their soft cap. Of course, making more is best for them, but they'll still be able to roll out just fine.
If anyone here wants to look, they have a beta app up.

Ref shill if anyone wants to get on CoinMetro. Just fyi, if you invest the minimum 0.1 ETH, you get permanent founders discounts even if you sell all of your XCM, so it's worth investing a bit anyway.
ref ID is 5a760e9511275e36a0faaed8
Or use the link in the pic.

>> No.8036475

>People who aren’t brainlets are waiting for eth’s inevitable growth over the next few weeks.
lay off the coke

>> No.8036499

It is mandatory for trades and is used every time; the difference is that unlike BNB and because XCM is mandatory, if you have 0 XCM during a trade it will automatically purchase and use XCM for you. It will be used for literally every trade on the platform, you just don't need to buy it directly.

>> No.8036629

they already raised over 13M USD and like the other dude said most people are waiting for the current market to go up before investing

by comparison kucoin raised around 25M in ICO and COSS only raised around 3M

and as others have said you're delusional if you think COSS/Kucoin will be able to have fiat pairs other than gookcoins due to regulations

coinmetro may not have USD pairings but they'll for sure have EUR pairings

>> No.8036634

Let me repeat:

>Then what is the point of the coin?

Clearly it doesn't do anything useful. People can already trade just fine without any extra intermediary, and it doesn't offer any benefits to their customer.

Any project without a clear cut purpose is junk.

>> No.8036656


Holy shit you're a brainlet and you should legit not be allowed to buy or sell crypto.

Against my better judgement I'm going to explain something to you:

Not every coin in existence has to fucking DO something in and of itself, coins originally existed to secure networks and incentivises desired behaviour (e.g. mining) but then people realised coins could be used for crowdfunding and directly compete with venture capitalism. 99% of business, like 99% of homes, are started with borrowed money and with investors (called venture capitalists) who due to there investment get to own most of the profits. This is why even though Zuckerberg made facebook, he only has like 15% of the shares, from day 1 the venture capitalist investors had the most.

Ok so how does an exchange, which has employees and servers and marketing to maintain, how is it meant to be a profitable business? Through fees! Ok so now we've established the exchange generates 0.1% in fees, now normally this would then get divided between the shareholders! Except now due to crowdsourcing it should be divided between the token holders! But theres a problem, if you actually GIVE OUT DIVIDENDS you're breaking several laws because you are treating these tokens as securities. So a convenient loophole is to BUY and BURN the tokens at market price, do you see how the effect of doing this is the same as giving out a dividend? So whenever someone pays coinmetro 0.1% in fees, instead of that lining the pockets of some VC firm on wallstreet, it is used to instantly buy and burn the XCM tokens. This rewards investors, while securing the networks value. This will in turn draw in MORE investors, who will increase the volume of the exchange generating...more fees! And since the salaries are paid out in XCM as well, it benefits the dev team as well! Please in future try to understand basic finance before investing.

>> No.8036700

hey, man, it's brainlets like him that are going to make our XCM bags worth millions since they'll invest into coinmetro's ETCF

>> No.8036708

Coss and Kucoin are planning fiat pairs for Eth, BTC, etc. All the top valued coins.

EUR pairing is something Coss is quite literally getting next month, along with SGD and USD.

I am just not seeing how Coinmetro competes. There are plenty of good exchanges for high volume coins and fiat pairs.

>> No.8036747

>look at how many were sold and at which price on a private sale.
You never mention the price and you write this in every thread. The price was just 30% lower than in the public sale. What the fuck is your agenda here? There was only a bit more LGO allocated for the private sale than there was for the public sale. Somewhere around 5% more.

>> No.8036840

>Coss and Kucoin are planning fiat pairs for
yes, I didn't say they aren't dumbass

>EUR pairing is something Coss is quite literally getting next month, along with SGD and USD.
I'm sure they will get SGD but EUR and USD are basically impossible for them due to regulations and if they try to go around those regulations they will get fucked

>> No.8036851

Now I am certain this project is going to fail.

You have just proven there is no point to the coin. If is just there to scam investors into giving them money. IE, the very reason ICOs were banned in the US.

It was just a tactic to raise money, and as >>8036267 pointed out, it has stalled.

Going to avoid this project with a 10 foot pole. Good luck holding those bags.

>> No.8036908

EUR and USD are already confirmed.

What is not, however, is direct bank transfers. Only credit cards.

>> No.8036936

>EUR and USD are already confirmed.
>gooks said it so it must be true
prepare your anus

>Only credit cards.

*breaths in*

>> No.8036957

>what is the point of the coin?
>Clearly it doesn't do anything useful

they don't run the exchange for charity, they do it for fees. the coin is an appeal to invest in this business, an opportunity to become a shareholder. pretty basic.

>> No.8036976

Time will tell I guess. The team behind CM is very experienced knowledgeable and driven, I have no doubt they will succeed. Even something as simple as the web design will attract a lot of new/normie money, then there will also be advanced trading features. Along with a planned debit card. Can’t wait to see how it unfolds, this is the project I’m most excited about at the moment.

>> No.8037135
File: 7 KB, 366x402, 9928BC5B-C25E-4EEA-B44E-379EDA4DB723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there’s no point to the coin

>> No.8037138

You get fee discounts based on how much XCM you hold, retard.

>> No.8037143

Paying money to become a 'shareholder' without getting any shares is the definition of a scam.

I wish the team best of luck. I just feel they need to uniquely position their coin to do something other than just be an intermediary. Otherwise, it feels pointless.

Fee split, fee reduction, merchant gateway, etc. Any of these would actually inspire confidence for someone like me to invest. It's on my watchlist, but will not touch it until I see a clear purpose for it.

>> No.8037156


>> No.8037158


But what is the point of KCS? You do realise a token buyback achieves the exact same thing as a dividend right?

>> No.8037184

also the fact that every single transaction uses XCM for fees pushes the demand up constantly

>> No.8037191

Overall Id predict COSS moons first.
Big updates & fiat for March\April should get this coin above $2-3 assuming the overall cryto market cap doesn't crater.

Coinmetro on the otherhand I can see doing much better, but personally I think it will stay under the .20-.30 range until May.

Coss until April then metro

>> No.8037199

>9 Posts by this ID

I understand that you want to see tokens get burned and FUD the shit out of it, but you overestimate the power of biz.

>> No.8037223


No this guy is actually so retarded at finance he's literally elevating my blood pressure. He needs pointless gimmicks that are all round about ways of the same thing. Every exchange, whether it's COSS or BNB or fucking CEFS, the only reason the token has VALUE is because FEES ARE DISTRIBUTED TO THE HOLDERS.


>> No.8037247

nah, with shit like this

I think he's just a coss/kcs bagholder shilling his bags

>> No.8037250

There is a fee reduction. Off the top of my head anyone who spends 0.1 eth or more (ICO minimum) gets 25% fee discount for life. Also the way that the company is setup with token buybacks will push the price of XCM up over time due to a diminishing circulating supply. Read the white paper, you can only be spoon fed so much on biz until it becomes pointless us trying to shill this to you.

>> No.8037272

you also get different fee discounts based on the amount of XCM you hold ON TOP of the fee discount for participating in the ICO.

>> No.8037278


Even their faq admits there is no point to the coin.

>> No.8037324

ask amazon what their shares are doing for you, it doesn't even deliver packages, amazon shares are useless.

>> No.8037326

"We intend that holders of COIN tokens will be offered discounts on fees based on their overall COIN holdings. The more COIN they own, the higher the discount will be. This will likely incentivize clients to buy and hold COIN, further reducing the available supply."

from the whitepaper.

>> No.8037354

those kcs and coss bags getting heavy huh rakesh

>> No.8037409

Startling to think this is actually an XCM holder trying to get more coins burned, nobody is actually this retarded and able to use the internet.

>> No.8037424

Essentially this >>8032345
+ burn program
+ buyback program

>> No.8037708

OMG ignore the retard, lets talk about the potential of COSS over the next two months

>> No.8037808


>> No.8037952

I hold 100k of both COSS and Coinmetro.

COSS is a fucking joke and won't even hire real devs to build their exchange. UI is from 2008 and volume is pitiful, good luck getting any solid dividends from the fee splits.

Since I'm still 3x with my holdings, I'll just ride it in case these fuckups manage to pull out a win against all odds.

>> No.8037981

>Can this shit please just crash. I'm so fucking tired of crypto faggots. I'm so tired of these pointless meme currencies that contribute literally nothing to the world except eating up energy, wasting time on solving pointless algorithms that do nothing to advance humanity, and in general cause more harm than good.
> I cannot wait for this shit to crash and hit rock bottom, and all of the shit-eating grin cunts that bought up all the GPU supply are BTFO forever.
> lol @ all the faggots on this board with your "portfolios" of useless meme currencies that you can do nothing with and you treat it as a legitimate investment.

>> No.8038290

I was thinking they might limp their way towards becoming a niche Singapore focused exchange.

I mean it cant get any worse from here, they'll end up at 20mil plus volume min by summer.