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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8031765 No.8031765 [Reply] [Original]

I just watched The Big Short

We're not gonna fucking make it /biz/, the West will collapse in our lifetime.

Our whole economy is based off of literally printing fake money to fund corrupt institutions who use this money for government takeover, while the government never intends to pay any of this money back. Everyone keeps borrowing more and more debt and also never wants to pay it back. I work in the banks and I see the shit mortgages everywhere, no one has funds in their account to last them more than 2 weeks. I am so fucking livid how stupid can people be?

Someone please prove me wrong and tell me it'll all be ok, because I feel fucking hopeless for our future.

>> No.8031793

What is tether

>> No.8031834

its been over since the 70s mate. we are fucked. boomers and their parents sold us out to the communists and arabs are mortgaged the future of their children's generation. tool up, cunts. its going to get ugly.

>> No.8031880
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I would sacrifice democracy if it meant a JUST society where these corrupt pigs who have robbed an entire planet would pay with their life. I want to see people locked up for life for stealing millions. I want them in gulags.

I'm so fucking angry, we're never going to make it. Our societies are just vehicles for corruption now. Our laws systems were designed to suppress violence in medieval societies and a far too primitive to curb financial crime. We are going to lose everything eventually and we're powerless to stop it.

>> No.8031884

If Fiat is gonna collapse then everyone in crypto is gonna make it

>> No.8031908

if you actually understood how money supply work you'd see how all """"tethers"""" have a breaking point.

A tether works until it snaps then it's useless. It's right there in the name.

>> No.8031915

>I work in the banks

>> No.8031922
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Train MMA, work on your charisma and learn how to carry yourself. Learn other languages. Big crashed need men to lead. If you prepare yourself accordingly, you have nothing to fear and everything to gain. Be an opportunist.

>> No.8031967

we already killed all life on the planet with our plastics industries so just do whatever the hell you want until somebody shoots you dead

>> No.8031994

We're the stupid ones. Everyone has been making big bucks and livin large leveraging themselves

>> No.8032013

decentralised crypto is preferable to chinese yuan.

The only problem is who ever controls the middle east controls the world if crypto replaces petro dollar

wwIII is inevitable

>> No.8032030

It's nice to say that but we could be planning a bright future for a brilliant society that would utilize blockchain to curb corruption and bring a fair, trustless society. Blockchain could be used to make elections 100% provably corruption free, law systems could maybe even operate on a blockchain, it's not just money, and not just about blockchain either.

We have totally stagnated culturally and technologically. It's just about improving things, there's no innovation. We have all the tech to make a perfect society but the will just isn't there. The Romans had a similar fate..... they just didn't get how to move past where they were and it stagnated until the sky basically fell on them. They knew about steam power but just couldn't use it. Why would they? They had slaves after all. They just didn't get it.

We are the same. Using antiquated solutions to modern problems, it's just OVER.

>> No.8032047


>> No.8032066

I don't want to rule an empire of dust

>> No.8032097

i studied this in uni too, it's just the Big Short really fucking pissed me off on how bad we really are. Please explain if I'm wrong.

>> No.8032109

I will gladly take your spoils of war.

>> No.8032120

>who ever controls the middle east controls the world if crypto replaces petro dollar
so if crypto replaces pd then why is ME important?

>> No.8032150

you are weak and will build nothing in your lifetime

>> No.8032157


>> No.8032166

nice just raped a small chinese girl

>> No.8032172

> I just watched the big short
> followed by lobotomized ramblings of a fucking brainlet
the state of it all man fuck

>> No.8032188

I actually do speak 3 colonial languages and I'm building up a huge cash pile. Also pretty fit and have been practicing combat and public speaking for half a decade, so yes I'm sort of preparing for it in the back of my mind.

>> No.8032206

the big short is great but ultimately propaganda designed to make you blame wall st and capitalism for the problems that were caused by the BIS basal II

reminder basal III is in march 2019

>> No.8032217

on top of that I have an autistic obsession with history and warfare and have read extensively about leadership and building economies from the ground up, etc.

>> No.8032277

any reading material that you suggest?

>> No.8032307

lol, if all of that is true, the fuck are you complaining about? I'm in the same boat, minus the cash pile (working on that), and I can't fucking wait to see everything fall apart. As a young man of 21 years of age, this will be my time to shine. Bring it.

>> No.8032355

You mean modern society? All the lovely luxuries we enjoy now?
Yeah, when the mushrooms drop that goes away. DONT WORRY ANON!
The rich have brighter future, UNDERGROUND.
sponsored by vault tec.

>> No.8032375
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the more you know the more you wish you could go back

>> No.8032382

Meh, not really you're just angry, and I know that feel
However, when one is either angry or sad (or other of sundry negative emotions) everything seems more important than it is
If crypto goes through, and becomes a force in the real world/is taken up widely by the broader population, individuals will essentially be canny to doing things formerly only available to large corporations or extremely rich individuals
Things like easy and safe tax evasion, as if by cash but with the power of the internet, and then governments will have to figure out how to deal with these new "superpowers" the a regular man has gained
Namely, more or less voluntary participation in a given society, a REAL social contract

>> No.8032422

the more i know the more I'm ready to move forward

>> No.8032689

yeah I can't exactly go to a psychologist and explain that I'm worried about the financial markets. It's a problem I don,t know how to confront. Good points tho.. hope it all happens in my lifetime.

>> No.8033171


>> No.8033429
File: 1016 KB, 3264x2448, FEFDF1FA-CF7D-4A4A-A4EB-CB092D25CAAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love it.

>> No.8033485

Till you die of course but you got the right idea.

>> No.8033592

of course. but I'm ready to conquer this fucking planet. have some fun with my time here. i want to lie on my deathbed and be 100% confident and comfortable in saying i fucking killed it in this life.

>> No.8033748

if it feels hopeless, start preparing