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7973981 No.7973981 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a VEN threas that isn't filled with copy paste fud.

So the event was better than I expected.

VeChain announced that BitOcean will be launching a token on VeChain Thor

DNV GL CEO announced that VeChain and DNV GL will be attending Asias #1 professional trade show for food and beverages next week in Tokyo and will be highlighting a specific use case which will most likely come with a partnership announcement

Announced a partnership with the University of Oxford, the number one ranked university in the WORLD, like it was nothing

They dropped an entirely new website that looks pretty damn amazing and is filled with information. (they should probably add BMW and University of Oxford as partners too)

AND dropped a BMW partnership announcement

Overall, im feeling more bullish than ever.
Don't care much about the price but I don't thibk VEN will bleed out like ICX as they have more partnerships to announce/form on the way.

In Sunny we trust.

>> No.7974014

I'm balls deep in VEN, but the event was the cringiest piece of crap shitfest I have seen in a long time. Yes, worse than bitconnect. I'm super disappointed.

BMW we knew beforehand, so meh. Getting tired of CCK, I think by now he's doing more harm than good. Gonna sell the rumor buy the news next time.

>> No.7974066

Love u Sunny xx

>> No.7974102

It wasn't that bad, the hammer thing was cheesy but stil lbetter than some somber presentation

>> No.7974175

Dunno I'm not really a fan of the whole norse mythology shit. But then again apparently a lot of people like it, so who cares. I just don't get why they do it. Pretty sure Breyer et al aren't in it because they dig cheesy wallpapers with Thor's hammer forging shitcoins, and the average NEET isn't really their target demographic either.

>> No.7974317

They lied about Vitalik being an advisor, i don't trust them.

>> No.7974367

Why do they try to pump the token price so much?
Why sell it to NEETs before they sell it to big enterprises? Are they trying to make NEETs rich or save big enterprises money?

>> No.7974410

Personally, the BMW thing doesn't really interest me that much as it's just one car company among many. But announcing their first ICO is a huge step. I wasn't entirely clear if the platform was going to host ICOs as well as DApps but having that confirmed adds a massive additional dimension to the project, especially as the company doing the ICO is an already established business.

>> No.7974439

Yeah the bitocean is amazing news, centralized exchanges with proper licenses will flourish this year.

>> No.7974453

you want to see where ven is going in the next weeks?
straigh to fucking 2$, look at ICX after the mainnet
good luck hodlers

>> No.7974569

Walton already has 6 child chains in development.

>> No.7974603

No whitepaper and a $500 nfc sticker printer...vecuck

>> No.7974609

>straigh to fucking 2$, look at ICX after the mainnet

Fucking hope so. If it ever goes back to $2 I'll be happy as a pig in shit filling up my pockets with every single coin I can lay my hand on, even if it means mortgaging my house, selling my children and renting out my organs to the highest bidder.

>> No.7974631

Each Walton customer goes on a child chain. That means Walton has six customers. VeChain is in talks with 180 and has already announced more than three times as many as Walton has in total.

>> No.7974675

nobody cares about walton
this, Ven is guaranteed to moon by mainnet anyways since half the supply will be locked up.

>> No.7974703
File: 37 KB, 600x400, Hehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so-called competing projects

>> No.7974727

Are you buying now or waiting for it to dip further?

>> No.7974799

WTC is pure cancer, why even talk about it? I dumped that shit at 180 sats months ago KEK.

>> No.7974823
File: 155 KB, 750x1294, 240DCB10-CC61-4936-8B9D-440E6B89D0BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baseless claims

Just because they said they have partnerships doesn’t make it so, until bmw themself say yes, their partnerships mean jackshit, this shitcoin has never mooned once, the only reason it gained value in the first place is because of the bull market back in 2017

All other shitcoins are doing 20-30% today even in bear markets and this shitcoin can’t

They have already been exposed for lying about ethereum leader vitalik supporting them, they started damage control by deleting tweets and posts pertaining to vitalik and their gig about China suppsorting them with futian prOject is up also after China released statements reported all over Hong Kong China Beijing newspapers that its a full ban

>> No.7974833

I'm not saving anything for a further dip. I just put my last 10% of my stack into it, bringing it up to 60% of my holdings. But, like I say, if it does ever drop down to 2 I'm liquidating everything I own to buy in.

>> No.7974867

So you're telling me DNV GL and Jim Breyer are working with Sunny Lu to scam us?

>> No.7974881

Money skelly was a general partner at Fenbushi Capital until recently and they had a big fat VeChain logo on their website. I really don't get how the fuck Vitalik hasn't heard about it, but that whole fiasco was no one's fault except his

>> No.7974906
File: 1.02 MB, 1189x665, 1517122334985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.

This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).

But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.

>> No.7974925

Oh man ... when peddling this FUD it's best not to link that pic because that is what ruins your narrative. If you are trying to tell the lie that VeChain claimed Vitalik as an advisor, don't then show that the claim was made in a post by a random redditor who has nothing to do with the company.

>All other shitcoins are doing 20-30% today even in bear markets and this shitcoin can’t

Literally one coin is in that range. You really must work harder on your bullshit if you want the FUD to stick.

>and their gig about China suppsorting them with futian prOject is up also after China released statements reported all over Hong Kong China Beijing newspapers that its a full ban

That isn't even English. Overall I'm going to have to give this 1 out of 10.

>> No.7974985

So you’re saying a wine plastic bottle scanner whose product wasn’t even working back in December(and still isn’t)got contracts from China aka the country with the GDP of 11.2trillion USD

They just handed it out to an obscure company? You’re fucking stupid.

Their partnerships got exposed as a big fucking lie when china released these statements

It’s only a matter of time before more and more so called prtnerships disappear


>To prevent financial risks, China will step up measures to remove any onshore or offshore platforms related to virtual currency trading or ICOs,” said an article published on Sunday night by Financial News, a publication affiliated to the People’s Bank of China (PBOC).

Quote from article

Inbe4 you come up with some dumb retarded reply but muh so and so and muh whales accumulating since November

>> No.7974989

Stop replying to these copy pasters, it's just bunch of ven holders LE FUDDING FOR FUN XDDDD

Stop giving these kids free (you)'s and they'll stop copy pasting

>> No.7975034

someone might believe you but I can tell this is ironic.

>> No.7975036

One coin today but multiple coins over the last few days like BCPT GTO LUN etc etc

Ven cant even do that lmaooo and their eventdoesn’t mean shit, bitconnect did a giant expo to make themself look legit and what happened later

>> No.7975106

Get some!

>> No.7975576

Call me naive but I feel like this dump is just setting up for a monster run. There's too much manipulation going on... and I think whales will push prices up soon

>> No.7975756

Whales aren’t doing this. At the end of the day you need new money and demand to push prices up. And VEN is in short supply of both. Investors want to see working technology, not hyped partnerships and a questionable “rebrand” event. I think a lot of people got turned off by VEN’s underwhelming tech demo video as well as the CCK tweets and shilling. VeChain has set huge expectations for itself and right now it’s failing to live up to its hype. This downturn has nothing to do with whales suppressing the price.

>> No.7975786

vet is going to Poloniex so better buy back

>> No.7975935

>Let's have a VEN threas that isn't filled with copy paste fud.

>> No.7976261

Holy fuck guys just sell already. I'm gonna pick all of it up and laugh at you next week

>> No.7976448

What makes you think VEN will make any positive moves next week? It used to be you could buy the dips and dump whenever CCK tweets out his riddle shills. As you can see from his ineffective tweet last night, that game is played out and he can’t move the market like he used to. People will have plenty of time to accumulate VEN at low prices because it’s not mooning any time soon.

>> No.7976975

anything could happen desu

>> No.7977360

>talks with
Ill take 6 actual customers

>> No.7978300

>Ill take 6 actual customers

You'd take six customers over more than triple that number plus talks with another 180? You're definitely not going to make it anon ...

>> No.7978412

BMW Headquarter being raided by police right as we speak. They got caught with faux software on at least 5 and 7 model. It's prolly bigger than the VW Scandal. Guess their Blockchain plans gotta wait.

>> No.7978537

So you assume Walton is not in talk with anyone ?

"In talk with 180+ companies" buzz words, again and again

I will take the 6 actual customers too, with an undervalued cap compared to VEN

>> No.7978575

And Sunny Lu has six childs chained up in his basement.

Nobody cares about these details. Nothing compares to VeChain’s partnerships and whatever advantages WTC might have are irrelevant.

>> No.7978600

>whats the point of blockchain

>> No.7978746

I dint get why that guy on here market ordered 500 eth worth last night pushing it from 58k to 61k in a minute?

Was he just a whale that got it wrong tkk? Not all of them are gonna be correct constantly...


>> No.7978770

that was a fucken cringy event. they didn't really give too much new information. bmw could have done with some more time spent elaborating the extent of their partnership and where they are at. i wanted to at least find out more about estimated transaction volume on main net launch. that hammer thing was fucked though.