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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7973581 No.7973581 [Reply] [Original]

How's monday, waggies?

>> No.7973608

>RPing as a crypto bigshot
>Buys a 435i and tries to make it look like an M4

>> No.7973636

Enjoy getting robbed

>> No.7973649

Nice, my day at work was pretty great and now I'm going home.

>> No.7973653
File: 3.20 MB, 2121x3771, 2018-02-26 08.47.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilling, drinking coffee and browsing /biz/ in my comfy 6 figure government job. This is how I make money to buy more crypto :)

>> No.7973672

Barly rolling out of bed now about to hit my home gym then maybe the park to chat up some babes

>> No.7973791

Pretty good, beaches all day. Having a few beverages then heading to bed.

>> No.7974085

Lmao what is this
Some old used beamer for 20 grand lmfao the usual wannabe rich guys car.
This old shit will break down every week and you couldnt even get something nice like m4 or m6 no you had to get a regular old model of shitty beamer.
Lmfao didnt even try hard enough to get a benz.
Fucking pajeet.

>> No.7974121


yellow sheet says request...

REQ partnership with FDA confirmed.

$100 EOY

>> No.7974153

to women actually hang out in parks?

>> No.7974177

Can tell its government... using overpriced IP phone :D

>> No.7974221

I do hodl a nice chunk of REQ. But no, that's a purchase request for some new servers. Hopefully I'll be able to purchase hardware using crypto before I retire. It's government tho, so I doubt it. We run minimum 10 years behind everyone else.

>> No.7974231

We used these phones at a private call center... Though our contract was with the government

>> No.7974270

1k$/phone on ebay, my sides

>> No.7974302

god if that is your car, you are a MASSIVE faggot

>taking donations cuz u cant afford ur montly payment on your 20% APR 60 Month loan that costs double the value of your entry level BMW

>> No.7974319

Pretty good. Getting paid to sit at home and do jack shit right now.

>> No.7974376

LOL this broke pajeet has to lie on biz to make himself feel better how sad

>> No.7974385

feels good knowing your salary paid by me goes actually somewhere productive like cryptos

>> No.7974396

lel rekt in the first post

>> No.7974440

>Americans LITERALLY needing a sticker to remind them what 9-1-1's number is

>> No.7974472
File: 21 KB, 500x405, B9_utrGCAAEhGYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shiettier dumb europoor nigger can't even read it's not 911 but 9911
>who breed this eurotrash on here ?

>> No.7974482

It's 9-911, dingus. Because you have to dial 9 first for all non-internal calls. People panic and dial 911 and it goes nowhere, hence, the sticker to remind them to dial 9 first.

>> No.7974561

>People panic
>But they'll stop and consider the wisdom of the sticker
>being this defensive about their mongrel fellow citizens
My sides! You fuckers should be away from wet string never mind allowed guns

>> No.7974584


Haven't done shit fuck all since I got in at 8:00 AM. Will probably leave at 1:30 since I feel kind of bad billing the office for nothing of value.

>> No.7974613
File: 40 KB, 600x600, elrisitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your brains made of shit ?

>> No.7974802

Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.