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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7923355 No.7923355 [Reply] [Original]

Invest in a shitcoin = either u lose or win
Invest in EthPhoenix = u decide if u win or lose. Strong hands always win!!!!

>> No.7923383


>> No.7923408

>is it time to buy Ponzi schemes
Always a great time to gamble

>> No.7923435

I'm not usually a gambler but I don't think you can really classify this as gambling. It's like a weird mix!

>> No.7923449

Where's the website, I have $5000 ready to dump on a shitcoin

>> No.7923485

there's no gambling in a smart contract with open source code and available stats
you compile the data, you run your simulations and you determine the probability for a given expected return
ethphoenix is legitimately a less risky investment than most altcoins, top10 included

>> No.7923488

www.ethphoenix.io u dumb fuck dont do it

>> No.7923507

ethphoenix.io, but don't dump $5000 in it like that
take a look at the smart contract (or the faq if you're not computer literate) and make sure you understand how it works

>> No.7923514

wow I 10xed my net worth with one weird trick :D

>> No.7923516

i wanna fuck the phoenix

>> No.7923520

>whales are accumulating

>> No.7923531

If I put in $5000 I'll get more dividends right?

>> No.7923535


>> No.7923553

u get more tokens, so u own a bigger part of the cake, so yeah if volume keeps going up ur gonna make the insane CASH,

>> No.7923583

div me harder daddy let them dribble all over my wallet mmmmmmm

>> No.7923607

$5k at current price gets you about 50 tokens. That's 1% of the current supply, so you'd get 1% of dividends. You can look up the stats for an idea of current dividends payouts, generally it's 1 to 2 eth a day.

>> No.7923663
File: 18 KB, 325x412, Walter-White-funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when u first enter the phoenix

>> No.7923684
File: 35 KB, 540x720, BB-S5B-Walt-590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when u earned first million by holding

>> No.7923734

>warned you at 130 eth
>Issa scam
>warned you at 200 eth
>muh volume not good enough
>warned you at 250 eth
>it’s too late
>warned you at 265 eth
>your rebrand won’t do anything
>300 eth

>> No.7923784

poor fags will doubt it forever.

>> No.7923790
File: 141 KB, 1910x1000, warrenbuffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even buffett is in on this

>> No.7923817
File: 18 KB, 320x320, carlosmatos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face every morning when i wake up to dividends.

>> No.7923836

>500 eth
>u won’t get enough dividends
>800 eth
>u reached powh og congrats
>1500 eth
>reaches mainstream media
>this is the peak anons
>10500 eth
>treated as a defacto crypto bank
>it’s doomed to fail!!!!

>> No.7923926


"/biz/ hates them for not telling them!"

>> No.7924017

its your fault for not posting about it faggot how could you fucking do this im 32 years old and this was my one chance to make it and you didnt fucking tell me about ethphoenix u fucking cunt how could u not tell me about ethphoenix i could have fucking MADE IT without having to lift a fucking finger how he fuck could you fucking BETRAY ME like this you fucking asshole im tying the noose right now u never told

>> No.7924044

How much you getting in dividens and from who?

>> No.7924086

Where do I sign up

>> No.7924214

ethphoenix.io the name is in the fucking op are u the smart money everyones warning me about

>> No.7924375

all dividends are all based on how much EPX you hold, so everyone earns the same % of dividends depending how many tokens they have. All dividends come from new buyers and holders who want to sell.

>> No.7924394


kys niggers

>> No.7924413 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 240x207, TRUMPCARD_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hasn't gone wrong for me so far

stay salty wagecuck, im living off ETH neetbux :)

>> No.7924464
File: 12 KB, 240x207, TRUMPCARD_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay salty wagecuck. im living off eth neetbux now and dont have to do a thing.

>> No.7924793

there is a risk, and this risk trends downwards as new users are acquired
putting money in ethphoenix one month ago was a gamble. now, i'd say if you have an eth position at all and you don't put between 0.1% and 1% of it in ethphoenix, your risk allocation is likely erroneous

>> No.7924963

Should surely be a part of your portfolio.

>> No.7925394

Thanks brah man

>> No.7925884

This is fun game. Every day i win and put back in. To smart bois make this game.

>> No.7926909

Reinvesting the dividends is the way to go.

Keep building up the ownership

>> No.7927399

Yeah there’s a huge amount of people out there that don’t know about any of the shit biz posts, a fuckload of ETH holders that would kill for dividends on their holdings