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7921233 No.7921233 [Reply] [Original]

>be wagecuck
>have to get up early every weekday
>deal with grueling commute there and back
>go home
>kiss wife
>hug children
>enjoy evenings and weekends with them
>be crypto trader
>have to stay awake 24/7 watching the exchanges otherwise you'll miss a flash crash and get rekt
>can't take a shower because there might be a flash crash
>have to live in your mom's basement subsisting on a diet of hot pockets (that she microwaves for you) and shitting in an adult diaper that you don't have time to change otherwise you might miss a flash crash
>/nogf/ because you smell really bad
Hmmm... tough choice...

>> No.7921281

you dont have to stay 24/7, unless you are some shitty trader

>> No.7921294

>user missed a flash crash making this post.

>> No.7921371

it came back to that same bottom it did a flash? what are you waiting for?

>> No.7922180

have you heard of a stop loss?
if its a 'flash crash' it goes right back up

>> No.7922244

Yeah but how can you afford the tendies if you don't buy the dip?