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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.7915500

Is this a buy signal?

>> No.7915530

If you enjoy losing money.

>> No.7915583

just bought 5600 more, thanks m8 always do the opposite of what this retarted site does

>> No.7915629

most transparent fud campaign ive ever seen

you're literally not even trying

>> No.7915680


>pointing out a lack of a working alpha, or even github commits is "fud"

No, that's called a red flag.

>> No.7915809
File: 78 KB, 625x773, 1518978302651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most transparent fud campaign ive ever seen

>> No.7916019

Hey niggermanlet your sanjeev medium article got suspended

>> No.7916368

Last round of fud ended with the Thailand mou, guessing it'll be the sdk release this time.

>> No.7916396

thanks just bought 4000

>> No.7916418

plasma mvp

>> No.7916436

Youve almost convinced me to go all in. go on...

>> No.7916492
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FUD this obvious? Pretty much - it's actually been a pattern I've noticed with some of the nice prospects for this year - still, if it succeeds you just buy it cheaper - who cares...

>> No.7916518

>if it succeeds
Its not going to succeed

>> No.7916572

I can't take that 'oh my god' coin seriously.

>> No.7916680

ITT, a small black man has realised the potential of omisego and FUD's in a vain attempt to suppress the price until his next paycheck.

>> No.7916813

>have vitalik and poon on board, the supposed leaders of plasma development
>bankex has functional prototype of plasma before omisego has anything at all
ok mr skateboard
considering the shady type of marketing they used to do, this really makes me think

>> No.7916873

yea it's a buy signal, it's classic /biz/

>> No.7916895

Honestly the best part about this is that we have a month to get all our investments into Omise go, it goes FUD first then the price follows after a month+.

>> No.7916925

FUD is so obvious. No one on /biz/ is here to help anyone out. Why would you waste your time trying to convince an image board not to buy something that you're not invested in?

>> No.7916965
File: 50 KB, 1828x305, omisegofudd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this from another thread, OP is probably a bot bc I saw this exact thread posted 5 times

>> No.7917021

Please explain what you think shady marketing is?
If you mention the apple meme I'm just going to ignore you. I dont listen to brainlets who take /biz/ memes seriously.

>> No.7917035

A bot for sure. Anytime a thread mentioning OMG is posted the bot replies within minutes.

>> No.7917054
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>A bot

>> No.7917063

Lmfao your faggot little attached post admits this is a overvalued piece of shit vaporware with no product. Can't wait till this piece of shit and that commie queer Vitalik get fucking REQT.

>> No.7917065

I dont care about your shitty sites and shitty medium links. I've only made money on OMG and will continue to do so. Stay mad nigger.

>> No.7917127

There is a special place in Hell for retards who say "retarted".

>> No.7917138
File: 625 KB, 3000x2961, 1519199907963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some subtle Skycoin FUD. Use OMG's name to bait people and then include a Skycoin FUD article. KYS op. Skycoin will be a top 10 coin.

>> No.7917191

Stop lying to yourself, skycoin isn't going anywhere near the top 10.

>> No.7917201
File: 1.49 MB, 1080x1860, 20180224_004254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with OP. You 4chan idiots are all stupid as fuck for buying OMG. It's a literal vaporware scam and the ex CPO has no employment history. Shame you are all so deluded since there's no github.

Im getting angry with all of you omg shills coming on my biz. My name is James Edwards and Ill fuck any of you pussies up

>> No.7917215

Youve used that image before

>> No.7917373

Unironically just bought 20k OMG because of this post. Desperate FUD looks desperate.

>> No.7917463

go back to watching nugget porn OP, you're stinking up the place

>> No.7917685

thinking about cashing in some of my conpany stock options for another 1200 omg. ahhhh idk

>> No.7917978


Yeah by omg. We need more dumb money in the market and white slaves for our new rich black empire

>> No.7918067


You will be a royal black foot scrub in my caliphate empire

>> No.7918068

Any omiseGODS remember watching the Apple keynote and waiting for Jun to come out and do a kickflip on stage? Where does the time go..

>> No.7918077

Are you a midget? I'm not trying to be offensive, just asking because it's hard to judge from the pic

>> No.7918080


You will also be a servant of blacks in my nonomise empire. I need a good ball sac cleaner

>> No.7918113


No bitch but you will be wiping my ass in 6 months when im rich and hire you as my personal ass wiping slave.

>> No.7918450
File: 815 KB, 1236x660, Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 9.55.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Migger! Glad to see your back.

>> No.7918589


>bankex has functioning plasma prototype before omg

<Plasma is being made by omisego


>> No.7918649

It's so hilarious though to watch.

>> No.7918700
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>> No.7918734
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Oh yes. I do enjoy "losing" money

>> No.7918774

stop trying so hard and take a break from the internet for a bit yikes im literally cringing right now

>> No.7918863

Everyone who is involved in ETH know that ICOs arnt here to stay.
Like all others is OMG a promised shit that had a big hype after its launch and since then its terrible coin because the hype train broke, an everyone noticed that - all they can do is promising smth great without delivering it.

OMG is based on ETH, ETH is getting plasma, thats why also OMG and every other ICO will have access to nearly unlimited tx per second. This is not chieved developed by OMG.
OMG keep talkin about there own blockchain since one year now, - they didnt even created a github repo to audit and review there code, because they lied again...

I am so sick of this wrong informations that are sold to people that fuckin dumb.

>> No.7918958

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.7919047


Then tell me about what I lied?

*) Plasma is developed for ETH
*) Plasma will be implemented in ETH
*) OMG is a ERC20 Token
*) OMG operates on the ETH blockchain
*) Omise didnt have a github repo about there own blockchain project.

>> No.7919080
File: 244 KB, 748x1045, 9370D2B0-0929-4AF6-A175-92B28C893D5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) 2) true - img


>> No.7919127
File: 192 KB, 750x680, 1F689987-E200-4625-97A4-10E7D957170E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4) true

Unbank the banked with ethereum for sure, buy a erc20 token to use ethereum to unbank the banked.

I just shit in my pants

>> No.7919168
File: 264 KB, 750x1062, 5458A590-43A2-412E-8094-B2C4F493C25E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3) true img

Ethereum vased ERC20 token -
did you know the i dnot give a fuck token - same shit as OMG

>> No.7919219
File: 318 KB, 750x1144, 861F51E4-70C9-4884-813F-33C8825A815B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no github blockchain repo.

image related there only thing thats published is there omg go api.

Read the Warning !!!
you get linked to the site with OMg unbank the banked with ethereum.

This shit is a fuckin joke as it already was in september

>> No.7919322
File: 350 KB, 2048x1462, 749CA63C-1AE8-4A68-B6CB-283CE7611CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u talkin shit right....
Whats the actual usecase then?

I bougth in because of the great scaling solution and thougth that only OMG will get it, but why the fuck i shouldnt go with ETH then?

>> No.7919762

