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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7905609 No.7905609 [Reply] [Original]

>14 hours

>> No.7906595

Futures contract to expire?

>> No.7906613

is it really you?

>> No.7906637

Oh fuck, you're talking about Wall Street aren't you.

>> No.7906665

oh fuck not you, what happens??????? give us a CLUE

>> No.7906688

thing is wall street and London banks won't execute trades on a Saturday so not sure what he thinks is going to happen

>> No.7906709

if it's the same guy this man knows shit. something is happening.

>> No.7906731
File: 27 KB, 220x293, B50E0CD8-5B5A-42DF-BADF-20D1E388F25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He is our god now

>> No.7906742

We ready sir.

>> No.7906760
File: 439 KB, 910x898, hahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gecko is that you?

>> No.7906791

yes that guy appeared to call the January selloff.
If this is that same guy (which I give about a 10% chance of it being), and that guy wasn't just randomly larping and actually had insider info (which I give closer to a 50-50 shot of being), then we have about a 20% chance of there being either the start of a massive sellloff back into the 5Ks or the start of the 2018 bullrun tomorrow.

>> No.7906929

they don't execute normal markettrades because the markets are closed over the weekend you fucking imbecile
are you 12?
cryptofunnymarket is 24/7 worldwide

>> No.7906997

The futures expire on exact date/time or just date?

>> No.7907017

What do you think it's more likely?
You guessed it.

>> No.7907036
File: 98 KB, 1280x709, IMG_20180116_084242_519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sir dont let us in the dark. Thank you.

>> No.7907050

probably bullrun

>> No.7907062

No they don't execute trades because trading desks aren't open weekends and funds flows don't run on weekends. It would be an extraordinary event for them to do this on a Saturday instead of Monday. It will not happen on a Saturday. It will also not happen on a Monday because whatever may or may not happen will not involve wallstreet or city banks which are not involved/ going to get involved in holding actual crypto on their balance sheet any time in the near future.

>> No.7907076
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>> No.7907103

It's time for bed Nigel

>> No.7907107

well we already had a selloff AM I RIGHT?!@@?@!!!!

>> No.7907110


>> No.7907154

Yes, you are right.

>> No.7907159


You think in this market are only biz people?

This market is already controlled by wall street

You think theyre gonna let an opportunity pass where normal people can make millions with a few k?

Imagine what money there generating

>> No.7907160

he talking about this, btw, its already started...

>> No.7907188


>> No.7907235

i got fucking absoltely rekt on the chinese crack down on btc exchanges. feb. 6 and rekt again on the run up the next day.
trully does make you want to kill yourself

>> No.7907440

they expire at 4pm GMT, which was 5am this morning New York time. So they the Feb BTC contract should already be expired.

>> No.7907489
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>> No.7907495

That's a 5% chance not 20% you idiot

>> No.7908330

It's not him.
>1 post by this id
And that guy always stayed in the thread to discuss

>> No.7909042

>initiating sudden btc spike