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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7878363 No.7878363 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I am tired of the fact, that all the great ideas and work that people have put into altcoins are tied to the success of Bitcoin.
It's without a doubt killing business. Is there a way to work around that? I guess, every coin would have to be paired like COIN/USD oder COIN/EUR to solve that.
But are there any other solutions?!!!

>> No.7878416

Not yet, but QASH could be the big player for liquidity and decouplement (is this an existing word?) soon

>> No.7878531
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>> No.7878539

Coin pairings will explode this year with the advent of next gen exchanges like Next exchange, and Blockport. Just wait it out, it's actually a good thing this hasn't happened yet, it shows that despite recent opinion we are still early adopters afterall and we're here before the real explosion.

>> No.7878540

can you shill me some quick benefits of QASH?

>> No.7878557
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kill yourself urgently

>> No.7878585

Realistically coins would have no where near the Mcap if it wasn't for btc. You think some random coin on testnet would be worth billions if not for the satoshi link?

>> No.7878608

Coin pairing with USD or any other currency is not going to do shit, just look at ETH and LTC following the same steps as BTC.

>> No.7878626

Right now it's about establishing belief. Value increases as trust and belief in the most general idea increases.
See: internet and normie ISP's, online shopping and paypal/ebay, internet search and google (lol remember dogpile?), smartphones and iPhone etc.

>> No.7878867
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By this point, I wish that at least ETH would decouple from BTC and actually act independent. Hell, I would be even happy for XRP despite his reputation.

>> No.7878914

Huge backing, huge team, extremely well connected in the world of finance. Regarding to risk/reward I couldn't find a better coin than this in all the time I'm cracking around in shitsubs like this.

>> No.7878954

Doesn't matter how much it's repeated

/biz/ is filled with genuine brainlets so this thread is just gonna get posted again and again without the OP researching why it fucking happens

>> No.7879445


i haven't bought into it yet but hot damn this is some serious technology I'm looking at

sometimes it pays to be a wagecuck who works for a proper company

>> No.7879569

Been seeing some subtle shilling of quash popping up this week. Gonna have a look but makes me suspicious when it's so quiet. Normally it's FUD or completely blatant 50 threads a day shilling with /biz/.

>> No.7879625

Do you honestly believe that BTC pair is what drags down alt coins?

No it is general market sentiment that brings down coin prices.

>> No.7880075

It can't act independently.
There'd be literally no place to spend it therefore fucking worthless due to no one wanting it.
It'd be/biz/ and reddit selling it to each other convincing themselves they're smart.

>> No.7880172


I would agree with you, but all crypto literally follows btc candle for candle