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7865054 No.7865054 [Reply] [Original]

When you become rich, what next? Being poor is vile, but it's also a potent motivator and gives you a sense of hope which is no longer necessary if you're rolling in cash. So when you're bored of the lambos, the vaginas and the big house... then what?

>> No.7865119
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You kill yourself anyway.

You know, there's no nobility in poverty but there's not even real happiness in richness.

>> No.7865152
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>So when you're bored of the lambos, the vaginas and the big house... then what?
who said i wanted any of that shit
i just want to be comfy, and not have to work. literally all i need to be content with life

>> No.7865158

happiness is the illusion money CAN buy

>> No.7865173

And at the moment you have that to work towards, to hope for, to look forward to. Are you ready to lose all hope, all motivation, to have nothing but... well, nothing frankly, just to sit around being comfy like a bored pensioner forever?

>> No.7865201
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>2001 They have released one of the greatest alt rock albums of the decade. ATH
>2017 He kills him self ATL

>> No.7865208

It can't. It can buy you a yacht to suffer on, it's A LOT better than the hell of being poor, but it's also pretty fucking bleak and dull most of the time too. Look at all the mega rich celebs who live in mansions, drive ferraris, are swimming in endless 10/10 vaginas, but have to drink/snort themselves happy every day. You totally lose the... passion, the drive, that you had before. Life is slow-paced and fucking tedious.

>> No.7865210

I would probably still work but there's power in not having to do so if you don't want to.

>> No.7865244

Fuck i want to be comfy so bad. Make 18 dollars an hour with bonuses n benifits plus i live at home with my parents, and it still feels like im poor as fuck

>> No.7865254
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its all in your head
matter of perspective
you could be the poorest cunt out there but if you remove desire, expectation, entitlement, then you are free to count your blessings

>> No.7865263

>Are you ready to lose all hope, all motivation, to have nothing but... well, nothing frankly, just to sit around being comfy like a bored pensioner forever?
did it for 4 years already before i got into crypto and started wagecucking to fund myself. although i will admit the isolation and sporadic sleep schedule had me go a bit deranged, i never saw it as a problem and im eager to go back to those days

>> No.7865282

lots of false dichotomy here. you're assuming there's nothing left to do after you get rich. however, getting rich is just one step after being poor or middle class. when you're rich you simply have more resources to do more things, whether it be buying land and building a house in which to establish your family's estate, or whatever the fuck you want to do. money is just a tool, a resource. and resources need to be deployed for other means. do whatever the fuck you want to do after you get rich, that's the whole point. start a business. invest and get passive income, invent something, rent or buy an art studio and start painting or sculpting. do you have absolutely NO creative hobbies outside of making $hekels? if so, you might be a hedonist who will just end up necking himself because he thinks that's all he can do.

this guy killed himself because he's a pathetic, weak loser who couldn't find the strength to confront his past and he had perpetual PTSD victim mentality from being "molested" by his "older friend" who was most likely podesta anyway. how weak do you have to be to kill yourself even though everything is going fine in your life. this guy was married and everything. was his wife so boring that he didn't want to continue banging her. or was there more to the story. hmmm. who knows. who cares. a weak guy who offs himself is just doing what nature was commanding him internally. and he listened.

>> No.7865297

drugs, degeneracy, and violence

>> No.7865305

There is a war to win for the survival of my people and civilization. Wagecucking is just a retarded distraction. Once we win if I haven't found something else to live for, I'll die.

>> No.7865334

thats cos you dobt have enough money to live out your delusions

>> No.7865377

We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Right now I can't possibly imagine getting bored of vaginas so I won't even try

>> No.7865383

Meteora is better

>> No.7865408
File: 568 KB, 4815x3816, william pierce arrives in your thread to remind you to repeal the 1965 immigration act and remove traitors NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once we win

>> No.7865468

Gross look at that clitoris on her arm-pit

>> No.7865500

then culture

>> No.7865506
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you may never have been close enough to another person to notice anon, but skin folds like that around joints if you're above like 10% body fat

>> No.7865552
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The worst thing is that he had many children. If you kill yourself and you had six kids you are truly pathetic.

>> No.7865667
File: 293 KB, 1920x1200, tLbcRIF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money cant do jack shit against clinical depression.
I don't want any of that, I don't need it. I'd be more than satisfied with pic related

I'll set a long term fund and put a baby factory. I want my own army of little anons shitposting in here 24/7. No but seriously, kids look like the only thing that can fill those voids, sadly you have to deal with women to get them, zero sum games anon.

>> No.7866345

thats some tacky hood tbqh
i hope it is there for mechanical reasons

>> No.7866396

>will never have thin squarebutt Asian gf
No amount of money will ever make me not black

>> No.7866397

You're just whining about not having the drive to do things. You lack desire so you don't find meaning. There are things that prevent you to be happy, probably things from your past, suffering, try to identify what that is and fix it and then you'll be able to live for real.

>> No.7866399

>Are you ready to lose all hope, all motivation, to have nothing but... well, nothing frankly, just to sit around being comfy like a bored pensioner forever?

You need a reasonable degree of introspection whether you are poor or rich. Otherwise you end up jaded and cynical like all the other normies once the "thrill" of life wears off. Once you comprehend that you can't rely on the external to make you happy or content and live in the moment life gets that shine back even if it takes some degree of effort to maintain. One of the best times of my life was when I was inbetween jobs for a few months with enough money saved up to enjoy my time, I never ran out of things to do because I have an open mind to trying different things.

>> No.7866410

When you become rich, your only goal is to not become poor.

>> No.7866450

Is that a lady boy?

>> No.7866487

>then what?

Then I become next Musk or Shuttleworth

>> No.7866498

unironically this

>> No.7866521

always hated that self hating propaganda called linkin park. No suprise a guy like that would have ISSUES. he was a Victim complex little bitch

>> No.7866575
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>no happiness in richness

People who say this shit, never been poor.

Fuck everyone who says this. Seriously, take a large 40 inch dildo and fuck yourselves to death with it.


>> No.7866588

There's a few things I want to do before I kill myself. Money will help with that

>> No.7866668

Yeah. It looks cool. Pleb.

>> No.7867387

If your plan is to kill yourself, just take out loans max out credit cards, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7867439

Being relieved of the pain of being poor does not mean you are given happiness. Happiness requires more than that.

>> No.7867517

I can't imagine a time or place in my life where I'm bored of vaginas anon.

>> No.7867538

Its part of human greed to never «make it». When you have a mill you grind for two. When 100 mill you want 200.

>> No.7867658

find a hobby, some kind of competition you can pour all of your money and time in, doesn't matter if it's sports, creative or e-sports

don't be a NEET after you make it otherwise depression is sure to kick in somewhere down the road

>> No.7867690

It's alright friend, you can just go to africa and dominate with your money as you will be accepted there unlike whitey

>> No.7868256

whatg the fuck is wrong with her lips did she just get done doing the kylie jenner lip challenge

>> No.7868278

If you have a shitty mindset it doesn't matter what kind of money you have. You will fuck it up.

>> No.7868282

Stop posting pics of my wife you nigger.

>> No.7868288
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>10% body fat

>> No.7868295

fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.7868572


>Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' (what?)
Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' (come on)
Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' (yeah)
Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'

rip lil wigger

>> No.7868757


IIRC this pic was around the time his pregnant girlfriend was killed.

He buys firearms from our shop. He is one of the most sincerely nice guys I've ever met, he's into BTC

>> No.7868841

I was actually rich once (inheritance) and it pretty much stalled all my personal development.

Now that I go to a uni and have to work as a telemarketer at the same time, I'm actually happier. Life is fucking hard but it's rewarding to overcome those daily obstacles.
When I was financially free for a while I just got fat. I was seriously fat and hated it.

>> No.7868942

>Life is fucking hard but it's rewarding to overcome those daily obstacles.
This is what (((they))) want you to think.

>> No.7868988

> not have to work
you will drown in emptiness of your being, then kys because nobody will need you anyways

>> No.7869008

People like that never had any inner drive to begin with. Some of us see the working life as an obstacle to greater things.

>> No.7869042

Damn. When I blew my inheritance, I worked out, ate, made art all day and befriended a handful of actually worthwhile people. You fucked up bro.

>> No.7869341

Sure, people who wagecuck for others are already dead.

I'm talking about self-employed people who actually make things happen, earn big bucks and the "work" is more fun than playing videogames. That is the peak of being a human. Being rich should never ever be the single goal in life. It's the road to being rich, which actually never ends because you always want more, and how much fun you have in life. Best scenario is if you already feel somehow rich at some point, continue the "work" that you love and overall enjoy the life. It is the absolute freedom while still maintaining the social life and being needed.

If you are doing completely nothing and nobody needs you, that's the end for you psychologicaly. The jar of your soul will empty fast even if you buy things or travel.

>> No.7869486

I was dirt poor. Now I'm rich af.

Happiness is more or less the same.

The pursuit of money used to motivate me. Now I have unlimited free time but no drive to do anything. It's like playing an MMORPG. It's fun grinding the low levels, upgrading your gear, saving your gold. You fantasize about maxing your character out, buying all the best gear, completing the hardest quests, killing the toughest bosses. Then you finally max out and the game becomes dull.

Poverty sucks and I especially feel bad for those stuck wage slaving. But beyond $70k/year your overall happiness really isn't going to change all that much. All the things you fantasize about being able to do at $100k, $250k, $500k, etc. will eventually become commonplace. You'll re-adjust to this new norm and become bored again.

>> No.7869522

>Thinks money is gonna solve all his problems
Money is just a tool you faggot. It's very useful but it's just a tool.

>> No.7870104

This sums it up:

I learned that money can't buy happiness but I decided I'd rather do all my cryin' in the Corvette

Sorcery: Rich niggers

>> No.7870175

You simple bastard you haven't even tried to live. Imagine your stupid mmporg without any barriers. That is your apparent life. You can literally choose a goal and go for it, regardless of what it is.
Fund a revolutionist uprising, start an environmentalist movement, fund interplanetary travel.
Have fun with it. Choose sides in an African loose/loose race for some water rights ect. by arming the crazier side.
Man how could you not have fun with financial independence?

>> No.7870297

already have all the things that count.. easy crypto gets are merely the icing on the cake.. take it or leave it.
yes I currently still work for a company, in engineering military aircraft, which is absolutely no chore for me whatsoever and pays well.
the bonus of not having to work for someone would just allow me to travel the world and see/experience cool things..
try not to get wrapped up in stufffff, lambos etc cos thats not where you'll find what counts.

>> No.7870552

LOL a 60k car. YOU MADE IT MAN!!!!

>> No.7871354
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>> No.7871498

>When you become rich, what next?

>> No.7871531

>poorfags think you can get an amg gt for 60k

>> No.7871560



>> No.7871567

get out of my shithole of a town
find a bf
thats literally it, don't need no lambos or anything

>> No.7871599
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>clinical depression
Yes, keep taking those ssris goy, you might feel better after 20 or 40 years

>> No.7871659
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>> No.7871766
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I truly cannot see myself contributing anything of value to the world.

>> No.7871809

You become poor again, duh.

>> No.7871906
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>be burger
>can't design an engine that fits the engine bay
>make bulge on hood

>> No.7871946

Unironically the reasonable answer in this entire thread.

>> No.7871995

People who say shit like this have never made the transition to having money. Trust me my dude, I was a broke joke from 18-26, and then I caught a couple breaks and landed a $200k+ job.

I'm honestly about as happy as I was being a broke faggot in college who could barely afford ramen.

The only nice thing about money is it doesn't ruin your week if you get a parking ticket. And also you can buy as many drugs as you want.

>> No.7872002

he buys a little numale clown car like that
Thats so typical chester

>> No.7872046


so give the money to me then? oh you wont? fucking faggot

you love money and you know it makes you happy.

>> No.7872059
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>Being poor is vile, but it's also a potent motivator

>> No.7872111

>not always coming up with new ways to prevent my money from ever being lost

>> No.7872154
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>10% body fat

>> No.7872182

Find a virgin teen waifu and keep her permanently pregnant.

>> No.7872216
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Everybody knows what to do afterwards you just have to reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight after that you will make ecven more money whick will distrack you from your lonliness