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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7814729 No.7814729 [Reply] [Original]

WHERE IS THE BOTTOM????????????????????????

>> No.7814740


>> No.7814764

so edgy

>> No.7814857

I just bought. Bottom a fair way off.

>> No.7815020

i wish
i bought at an average of 53k gwei during the crash and i thought i was buying the dip

>> No.7815073

Accumulate before KRW listing or be sorry for the rest of your life and try explaining to your grand children in 40 years how you could have been so stupid not to set up your whole family for generations to come.

>> No.7815251

go up you piece of shit

>> No.7815263

Thanks to the rumours, CanYa really blame it for tanking?

>> No.7815305

Wow, don't tell me anybody still holding this? Most chads moved into VEN, we're hitting $7 right now and still week until rebrand. Shit's SO cash!

>> No.7815321

We're currently in a trend where the closer something is to having a real-world use, the lower it goes.

>> No.7815332

Fuck off chink

>> No.7815344


tfw swapped my 1k ICX to 1k VEN when they both were $4.

Now ICX is $4.5 and VEN is $7 with more mooning incoming thanks to rebranding.

Feels good.

>> No.7815577

>tfw did the opposite

>> No.7815661

always do the opposite of what these smug fucks here does
bought at 4000

>> No.7815691

Im planning to sell all of my ven before rebranding and put it all into cheap icx.

>> No.7815701

Yeah, /biz/ is getting pretty bad lately. On the positive side, it's making it a lot easier for those of us who used to be addicted to the board to move away.

>> No.7815830

> wait for mainnet
> wait for krw listing
> wait for summit
> wait for my ass

Nothing ever happens. Just the price dropping more.

Could it be that too many people figured it is almost guaranteed to drop with 20% new tokens per year and no need for communities on the Icon republik to even use it. Also bancor protocol.

>> No.7815871

me too
i can't believe how much ven pumped for some parternships announcement holy shit

>> No.7815891

This is going sub $2

>> No.7815896

>literally happened to 99% of altcoins
>literally happens every year or every time bitcoin does a nosedive
>what literally always happens after btc recovers is alts booming, but it always takes "a while"

who knows when, but this shit'll be up just like the other alts, my bet is top5-8 pretty fast

>> No.7815943

The Pulas are dumping it.

>> No.7815960

>bought low
>sold lower
Hopeless piece of shit.

>> No.7815982

some big buy walls just appeared on binance
i hope this is the absolute bottom

>> No.7815997

In every thread there's one of you stinky Ven shills. Shoo shoo, pajeet.

>> No.7816084

it's already recovering faggots

>> No.7816165
File: 20 KB, 281x320, icx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Sminem for listening to our prayers.

>> No.7816180

>that fucking sudden green dildo after dump
gotta love this coin

>> No.7816216

Stop using Bollinger Bands. It's the #1 indicator that whales use to screw you over.

>> No.7816262

what do you use?

>> No.7816292

Price action. Google it. It's the best, since it doesn't rely on lagging indicators.

>> No.7816806
File: 25 KB, 279x268, 72A51E3E-CC19-495B-8BAB-B52D56483E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to $10 this week. I feels it.