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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 244 KB, 1600x900, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7813860 No.7813860 [Reply] [Original]

XRP Process

XRP Compared to other Crypto

Companies Using XRP:

XRP is not centralized, anyone can run validator server.
XRP price is not fixed by anyone not even banks or Ripple Co.
XRP is a coin used to transport value over the Internet, specifically over the blockchain network, same as any other coin.
There is a limited amount of XRP amount premined around 100B.
In order for the banks to use XRP, fast payments with literary 0 costs they will need to purchase XRP for their reserves from Ripple Co at market price.

XRP Process explained:
The orange box is a xRapid software that automates exchange of fiat to XRP a current exchange rate.
Wheneven customer wants to send fiat, bank takes this fiat and exchanges it for XRP at current exchange rate,
XRP is sent over the blockchain to destination, at destination XRP amount is converted back to fiat.
All of this takes less than 3 seconds.

But muh jew coin:
Remember you are here to make money not for the moral that banks are evil.
If you think banks will go away anytime soon you are delusional retard.

This is the only coin that's changing the industry right now,
all others live on hype.

>> No.7813897

even though I have XRP, your first fact is already false.. "XRP is not centralized, anyone can run validator server"
Only Ripple approved intsitutions can run a validator server..

>> No.7813901

EOY price?

>> No.7813925

OP quit lying to us, how much jew dick do you suck?
Fuck of shill, go to /reddit/

>> No.7813962



>> No.7813968

Just bought in and gonna HODL, don't give a fuck.

>> No.7813973

lying in what way, retarded?

>> No.7814086

thanks, just bought 80k

>> No.7814126

Best investment

>> No.7814271
File: 549 KB, 853x484, malta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predictions vary from 5 EOY to 589+ EOY.

589+ is from a ripple insider jester who posted pic related with ripple logo over Malta country.

>> No.7814293

I hold some ripple but if your gonna shill it don't be dumb enough to samefag as obviously as that on the thread

>> No.7814362

I'm shilling it to prove I hold XRP, not trying to scam anyone, I believe in it and there is a lot of miss-information about XRP, that's all, take it or leave it.

>> No.7814372
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>Ripple can close your account at any time
>XRP is not meant to use as a currency or store of value like other cryptos. So all the normies buying it because it's a "better" Bitcoin, are fooled.
>These reasons make the good transfer fees/speeds irrelevant, you might as well use visa

>> No.7814391
File: 28 KB, 600x600, butthatswrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember you are here to make money not for the moral that banks are evil
You're dead wrong you fucking idiot, the only reason crypto is valuable is because it might disrupt the banking jew

>> No.7814433

This. Ripple is a turd of misery that doesn't even qualify as a good Trojan Horse.

>> No.7814439

>Ripple can close your account at any time
got any proofs for this?

>> No.7814471

I dismiss this as a pure speculation.

BTC / ETH is unusable for the real world application.

If you know any other coin / networks that has 3 secs TX and virtually 0 costs TX
I will gladly invest in it.

>> No.7814473
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, 1514557459754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in cryptocurrencies for over two years now, and, especially around forums like these, it is becoming extremely evident that none of you actually understand these coins.

Prime example. Ripple's XRP. This is in fact an amazing product. Here's some actual facts to counter the lies you hear on a daily basis.

- Ripple is centralized!!
No, it is not. Especially since latest release of 0.81 https://ripple.com/dev-blog/rippled-version-0-81-0/ Ripple works day and night to make XRP more decentralized.

- Ripple can just flow the market with all XRP! Exit scam!
No, they can not you dumb asshole. XRP is locked in escrow (a crypto vault) and will be released steadily over years.

- Banks will never use XRP.
They already are. Alongside their xCurrent and xVia software. XRP aids in reducing costs even further, which is why it is intresting for them.*3 out of 5 biggest payment providers in the world are going to use XRP in 2018*

- You can't mine Ripple.
This is true, it is relatively energy-neutral and pre-mined. A bitcoin, by nature, is also just a certificate that some chink's GPU solved a riddle. .

Ripple is the market leader in regulatory means and in an event of a ban likely the only survivor besides privacy coins.

Ripple has always been a top coin, and likely always will be, even if it is difficult to understand for forum dwellers like you.

Please present your FUD/questions so that others can learn from the answers and actual facts.

>> No.7814475

fuck off faggot

>> No.7814481

How is it not meant to be used as a currency? It works perfectly

>> No.7814504

>3 secs TX and virtually 0 costs TX

>> No.7814510

kys unless you present any arguments or proofs

>> No.7814533

thanks will look into it

>> No.7814548

this, thanks

>> No.7814565

So why is this shit not moving. Seriously, BTC and most alts have been mooning since last week and Ripple has just sat there doing nothing. When will this shitcoin actually go up in value? What's the point of investing in something that doesn't go up?

>> No.7814580



>> No.7814588

You're a retard, there's only been like four alts that had really tiny moons

>> No.7814597

look at the chart of any other coin, give it a time there is a lot of FUD surrounding XRP, this is along time hodl, me personally I'm giving it till the end of 2018.

>> No.7814609

The whole point of crypto is to be decentralized and that brings scaling issues. Speculation is about which of the cryptos solves that issue while keeping decentralization. If you want fast transfer, just stick to VISA

>> No.7814634

The point here is that the banks want fast transfers and close to 0 cost transactions.

>> No.7814641

Read on ripple website what it is

>> No.7814667

XRP has gone up 30,000% last year, what do you mean is is not moving?!

>> No.7814672

I don't care about what banks want, I want no banks

>> No.7814690

No, VISA is slow. If I pay you with Visa then you won't receive the funds for at least 3 days. With XRP you will receive the funds in 3 seconds.

>> No.7814726

In the past seven days, the coins below are all up by between 30% and 60%. Ripple is up 10%. WTF? It's a dead coin.

Vechain VEN
Neblio NEBL
Litecoin LTC
Raiden Network RDN
Verge XVG
MonaCoin MONA
ReddCoin RDD
OmiseGo OMG
ChainLink LINK
Monero XMR
ByteCoin BCN
aelf ELF
Bitcoin BTC
Cryptonex CNX
BlockNet BLOCK


>> No.7814732

This won't happen anytime soon, the networks that loose hype and have no real use will die off.

I'm in this for the investment.

>> No.7814739

So you mean if I wanted to transfer money from let's say Germany bank account to a US bank account?

>> No.7814745

> No, Ripple cannot close your account at any time. No-one can.
> It works perfectly well as a currency (better than Bitcoin) or a store of value
> No, Visa is painfully slow. Takes at least 3 days to settle funds.

>> No.7814753

What's more dead. XRP or FUN?

>> No.7814771

Thanks didn't know about this, but maybe it's a good thing.

>> No.7814772

And Ripple went up 30,000% last year. What is your point?

>> No.7814794

and why would Ripple Co. freeze my investments? kek

>> No.7814801

Yes. That transfer using Ripple's technology would take 3 seconds.

>> No.7814815

these 4chan traders and investors, geezus f. christ

>> No.7814821

Well BTC has been useless for a while now, but it still has the highest market cap. So it seems that the market cares more about store of value/speculation than actual performance.

>> No.7814828

normans are just getting to know BTC because Stacy and Chad told them to buy some BTC

>> No.7814835

Well clearly it has reached its maximum and isn't going up any more. Why would it go up anyway... any value much higher than a dollar defeats the purpose of the coin, and it needs to sty stable, so the current price is what they're going to peg it at. No point investing in something that's never going up again.

>> No.7814845

Bitcoin has first mover advantage so will always have an advantage. Not only that, but in order to buy many of the other currencies, you need to buy BTC first and then trade.

>> No.7814870

Considering it is down from it's maximum just a month ago, why do you say it is at it's maximum now? And why don't you think it would not go up any more? Adoption and institutional usage of XRP is only just beginning. It is going to need to go much higher if it is going to service the market that Ripple are after.

>> No.7814886

Read >>7814580

Also read what XRP is and what is it's specific use case on ripple website.

For Bank to bank transfer between different currencies ripple is good, but it's not fair to compare it with cryptos which solve other problems.

>> No.7814894

XRP is the fake crypto that has only moved down and sideways since January and is inexplicably still the third largest market cap despite being hated and avoided by anyone except Korean hodlers, correct?

>> No.7814914

really? this is your argument brainlet?

>> No.7814930

Well for example if you take out too much profit apparently.
I'm in for crypto because I don't want ANYONE telling me what I can or can't do with MY money

>> No.7814934

Pump & dump a month ago. Now it's going nowhere despite daily announcements abour partnerships with big financial institutions. If those announcements don't get the price moving back up then what will?

>> No.7814952

I don't want Ripple to replace all other decentralized networks, it's not meant for that.

Remember you are on BIZ not on POL, you want to make money.

>> No.7814959

Good for you. No-one can freeze your XRP. Just like no-one can freeze your BTC.

>> No.7814978

To be fair most partnerships with major banks are just pilot. Doesn't necessarily mean XRP will be used by said banks.

>> No.7814988

Apparently that applies to IOUs issues by gateways. A gateway that issues you an IOU can freeze the trust of that IOU. No-one can freeze XRP as there is no counterparty to do so.

>> No.7815000

XRP can be frozen, read the article

>> No.7815013


>> No.7815054

Like BTC you mean? Both XRP and BTC have gone up and down over the past month. But depends on your timeframe. BTC is 40% higher than it was 3 months ago. XRP is 400% higher than it was 3 months ago. I know where I'm glad I put my investment 3 months ago.

>> No.7815063

Why the fuck brainlets get into the fallacy that XRP is here to potentially replace any distributed network?
And get into argumentation why they can't accept it for personal dogmas, YOU ARE ON A /BIZ/ you fucktards.

>> No.7815075

No. It can't. No-one, not even Ripple, can freeze your XRP. Simple as.

>> No.7815096

Indeed. People don't understand that the XRP Ledger *is* a distributed network and looking to replaced centralised systems like SWIFT.

>> No.7815097

>here to I want to make money
>XRP thread

Pick one

>> No.7815118

I’ve doubled my money with BTC in the past month alone. XRP is a turd

>> No.7815119

The most important information you guys are missing is that ripple the company is becoming for friendlier to XRP holder officially by having XRP fans Friday blog posts.

>> No.7815174

Sorry to hear you are late to the party. I too wish I was into crypto earlier, but as I said, XRP has gone up 400% in 3 months, way more then BTC has. So, I'm happy.

>> No.7815175

thanks for the blog post, now lets us debunk any other FUD regarding XRP.

>> No.7815189

>its going nowhere despite all this stuff
>newfags think this is bad

>> No.7815207

I am, thanks for the go ahead :)

>> No.7815218

It is still up 400% in the last 3 months, compared to BTC's 40% increase in that time. That is not a P&D. That is longer term growth.

>> No.7815285

how heavy is your bag that you feel the need to shill this shit coin on /biz/ at butthole o’clock in the morning?

>> No.7815362

pls. present arguments and or FUD or fuck off

>> No.7815452

Please stop shitting up the board with your transparent XRP commercials and kys.

>> No.7815500

I see. So if you have a hardware wallet with XRP and have unchecked the freeze function, you should be fine holding it.
BUT with the McCalebs case, I can't see any IOUs involved. So if you want to take a huge profit and ripple says no to the exchange, you're unable to trade it? Can ripple be traded on decentralized exchanges?

>> No.7815517


>> No.7815597
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>> No.7815768

I hate to break it to you, but the world is round. And the earth spins on it's axis. So that big yellow ball in the sky you see? The sun... well it shines on different parts of the world at different times. So when it is 'butthole o'clock' in the morning in one country, it is 'Time for a coffee and piece of cake' time in another country. and... get... this... this will REALLY blow you mind.... it is 'time for a beer and chill' time in other countries. I know! Right?! Amaaaaaaaaazing!

>> No.7815797

Yes, just like Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other crypto-currency. If you hold the keys then the crypto is yours and no-one can freeze it. And just like Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other crypto, if you put it on an exchange you are handing over your crypto in return for an IOU. And the exchange can choose to sieze that IOU or not honour it. Ripple has a decentralised exchange built right into the network.

>> No.7815927
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This is the exact reason why you should go into XRP.

/biz hates it.

Biz loves a deserted basement project with no product (ChainLink) over an actual active product, with a company and active customers.

Do you think this board matters?

1. Detect what /biz loves and hates
2. Invest in what /biz hates
3. Disregard what /biz likes.


>> No.7816257

Daily reminder that if you trade precious LIMITED BTC or ETH for a shitcoin that can be printed at will then you are a brainlet. (yes ripple Corp can choose to print more despite what they have said publicly)

This is the banks' attempt to buy your BTC and ETH from you for cheap.

>> No.7816331
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mfw I hold both

>> No.7816432

No they can't. Ripple can not 'print more' XRP. The hard cap of 100B XRP is just as hard as the 21M hard cap on BTC. And if banks want XRP, then they won't be buying BTC or ETH off you will they?

>> No.7816449

Daily reminder that some people on here do not know what they are talking about.

>> No.7816478

Only if 80% of validators agree. Anyone can be a validator. Bitcoin can be taken over with only 51% but ripple is much more secure at 80% needed.

>> No.7816756

i normally dont care too much about morals of company for short term profit but in this case i agree and sold my xrp while back at $2. I dont want to make money with the very people we are trying to get rid of.

>> No.7816937

You don't want to make money with the very people that are trying to open up the cross-border payment industry and get ride of the stranglehold that banks have on it? So that money and value can move about the world as freely and quickly as information can? So that those that are unbanked have more ability to move money about?

Fair enough. But I think that is a pretty good thing to be investing in personally, so I'm in.

>> No.7817068
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Moved like 20000% in a year and you say it doesnt move.. Fucktard tyrone

>> No.7817131

>validators can be censored
>no incentive system to counter censorship attacks like there is in bitcoin

Mfw you have traded your BTC for a chuck e cheese token


>> No.7817193

>Daily reminder that some people on here do not know what they are talking about

>> No.7817277

Banks know full well that xrp is a shitcoin so I will explain what is going on for a brainlet like you.

>Bank wants to acquire BTC and ETH but doesn't want to pay current prices
>buy xrp and run up the price relative to BTC through controlling supply of xrp whilst promoting xrp in the media while simultaneously fudding BTC
>retards like you trade their BTC to xrp at very favourable exchange rates for the xrp holders
>banks have acquired cheap BTC and you are left holding xrp bags

>> No.7817320
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Try harder shill.

>> No.7817395
File: 80 KB, 640x1136, E5DB16B7-7144-47BB-AC4C-F74EF92B5EA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gonna make it brother

>> No.7817455

>buttcoin is literally useless and lost 70% of its value in the space of weeks and has barely rebounded
>bitcoin is a good investment
Brainlets will never not make laugh

>> No.7817460

>You don't want to make money with the very people that are trying to open up the cross-border payment industry and get ride of the stranglehold that banks have on it? So that money and value can move about the world as freely and quickly as information can? So that those that are unbanked have more ability to move money about?
im sure the banks are totally getting into xrp for this very reason. banks truly wish to help people.

>> No.7817461

Banks don't want your fucking 6 hour transaction shitcoin. They already tried using btc and eth in transfers and Were losing too much in slippage. Fucking spoiler you mouth breathing mong: banks don't want to hold any crypto for more then a few seconds.

>> No.7817545
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>banks don't want to hold crypto more than a few seconds

Kek, see you in 2020 when Banks start disclosing their large BTC reserves while you're still shilling xrp on here at $0.002 per XRP

>> No.7817564

>banks don't want to hold any crypto for more then a few seconds.
good then stop caring what banks want. credit is an unchristian value anyway.

>> No.7817631

the amount of retardation itt

>> No.7817926

No, banks want to make money. And if Ripple manage to succeed in opening up the cross-border payment industry so that other players can move in (hint: look at the money transfer businesses all trialing Ripple tech) then the banks are going to have to move to stay relevant.

>> No.7817981

Nice conspiracy theory bro.

Got anything besides the voices in your head to back that up?

Hint: how exactly do you think the banks will control the supply of XRP?

>> No.7818271
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XRP CAN'T BE FROZEN BY ANYONE. Only IOUs/tokens can be frozen by the issuer.


>> No.7818334
File: 46 KB, 375x259, 2017-12-01-12-01-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.) The opening blocks are missing! 0 -32K (The transactions are still there, the ledger headers are missing)
2.) Ripple Network is Centralized! (No it isnt. Those people dont know how Nodes/Validators Work. Hint: Ripple 0.81)
3.) XRP Coin is Centralized! (Sort of, but ripple keeps it in escrow and its really no more centralized than BTC)
4.) Its not a real crypto! (Its premined and doesnt use POW/POS it uses a concensus algorithm, just as real as BTC/ETH)
5.) Its vulnerable to a 51% attack! (Yeah, so is democracy. The difference is that at 51% attack, the ledger would pause till validators/nodes chose other trusted nodes, BTC frex would just be f--ked)
6.) Its a Bank-sters coin! (Partly but generally we're more for large Financial institutions, including banks and multinational corps, trying to settle cross border payments)
7.) Banks will NEVER use XRP (They already use Ripple's services in which XRP aids in reducing costs even further, something some already do today)
8.) Whales control XRP (No, they dont. We've seen the ledger and who owns what)
9.) XRP will never be over $X because ther are too many coins/marketcap (XRP is trying to solve a Quadrillion $ (yearly) problem. the value of XRP can litterally be anything, no limits)

>> No.7818458


>> No.7818483

>How will banks control the supply

They already own it, unlike BTC where anyone can mine it and sell it on the open market.

It is no coincidence that most ICO scams use a premined supply with a large amount starting in the hands of the scammers... Sound familiar?

>> No.7818556

>muh morals
Have fun staying poor faggot

>> No.7818559
File: 237 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

>> No.7818626

it looks like some are verified and some are not, what I if I decide to run a server. How would I get verified?

>> No.7818634

But they don't already own it. At least not in any significant volume. Most is still owned by Ripple and in escrow. And the reality is not just 'anyone' can mine Bitcoin. Only those who have an electricity supply cheaper than the sale price of BTC. Or buy capacity off someone who does. Hence why 3 chinese mining co's hold over 50% of the hashrate

>> No.7818662

You just need to send your details to Ripple to be added to the list. That list is just for informational purposes and regardless of if you are on or off that list anyone can add you to their validators list on their node.

>> No.7818775

>the value of XRP can litterally be anything, no limits)
I highly doubt that, The market cap for Ripple would have to be insanely high compared to what it is today.

>> No.7818851

Western Union moved 80B USD of customer fiat in 2017, if this amount going to be transferred using XRP the value of XRP needs to go up dramatically.

>> No.7818900

ALL ripple nodes validate (they check whether the transaction is valid or not before accepting them)
the special role of the validators on the UNL is to simply agree on an order for the new transactions, that's it, a supermajority of 80% is required to agree on the order.

their power is very limited, unlike the miners, who can double spend (produce a longer blockchain with double spend transactions). In Ripple, it's not possible to double spend. Once a valid ledger is agreed upon by the supermajority, it can't be reversed.

>> No.7819034

This is actually a key point. Ripple is deterministic. Once a ledger has been closed and validated a few seconds later, that is it. The transaction is valid. No if's no but's. It is valid. With PoW systems like Bitcoin you have to wait a certain number of confirmations until you can be sure that the transaction is actually final. Depending on the coin this can be hours.

>> No.7819325

Being in ripples escrow account doesn't mean it can't be pre sold directly to banks... Who can then flip it for BTC they actually want

>> No.7819423
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> With PoW systems like Bitcoin you have to wait a certain number of confirmations until you can be sure that the transaction is actually final. Depending on the coin this can be hours.

Yeah and the network becomes insecure if the miners leaves, which can happen if profitability drops relatively because of a price crash or a competing coin/fork.

Anyone who thinks big institutions and normal people will trust their life saving with such system are delusional. People want certainty now and in the future.

>> No.7819460

Well no, not really. As it can't be transferred out of escrow. So the only thing they could do is pre-sell some kind of IOU for the XRP. And I don't see any reason why Ripple would bother doing that. 1B XRP is released from escrow each month. Last month they returned 90% of that (900M) back to escrow to be released in 5 year's time.

>> No.7820072

Most of the trade on the ripple network is IOUs not xrps

>> No.7820293

now is actually a good time to buy, it’s times like these that you enter if you believe in the long term viability and adoption

>> No.7820459


No, not really. In the last 24 hours for example, 80% of the volume of trade has been XRP. But that is not the point, you are suggesting that Ripple Inc could sell an IOU of sorts to the XRP they hold in escrow. I say 'of sorts' as of course it couldn't be an actual IOU on the ledger as those fund are in escrow. So it would have to be some kind of legal contract in which they would promise to pay the bank *actual* XRP once it comes out of escrow. Problem is how do you think the bank would flip that to BTC? Are you suggesting that someone holding BTC would then accept that contract for the future XRP? No. Ain't going to happen. Why would someone holding actual Bitcoin give up their bitcoin in exchange for some kind of contract IOU for XRP? Unless Bitcoin holders really are that stupid.

>> No.7820464
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ffs have some patience. Interledger and Codius are coming soon and they are not priced in (few people know what the fuck they are).

now the price is stable, a strong support has been established, it's the perfect time to buy. First demo of Interleger is coming out soon, if you wait you will have to buy at a higher price.

and don't trade more than 50% of your XRP bags. XRP is a solid 1 year hodl.